• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인장 변형성능

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A Study on Seismic Performance for CFT Square Column-to-Beam Connections Reinforced with Asymmetric Lower Diaphragms (이형 하부다이아프램으로 보강된 각형 CFT 기둥-보 접합부의 내진성능에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung Mo;Yun, Yeo Sang;Kim, Yo Suk;Kim, Jin Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.15 no.5 s.66
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    • pp.579-589
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    • 2003
  • Most beam-to-column connections are symmetrically reinforced because of the reverse action caused by earthquakes. However, in weak-earthquake regions like Korea, asymmetrically reinforced connections could be used. In particular, the connections between concrete-filled tube (CFT) column and H-shape beam could be applied using a simplified lower diaphragm. The tensile capacity or Combined Cross Diaphragm for upper reinforcing was tested using a simple tension test. Four types for lower reinforcing combined Cross, none, horizontal T-bar, and vertical plate were tested using the ANSI/AISC SSPEC 2002 loading program. Horizontal T-bar and stud bolts in vertical flat, bar transmit tensile stress from the beam's bottom flange to filled concrete. All test specimens satisfied 0.01 radian inelastic rotational requirement in ordinary moment frame of AISC seismic provision. According to the results of the parametric studies simplified lower diaphragms demonstrated outstanding strength, stiffness, and plastic deformation capacity which could lead to more sufficient seismic performance in the field.

Anchorage efficiency of mold-type anchorage for CFRP plates (CFRP판 긴장재를 위한 부착형 정착장치의 정착성능)

  • Park, Jong-Sup;Park, Young-Hwan;Jung, Woo-Tai
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.169-172
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    • 2008
  • Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates can be used more efficiently in strengthening applications by applying prestress to the CFRP laminates. A key problem for prestressing with CFRP laminates is anchoring the laminates. These may include fracture to the CFRP laminates due to excessive gripping force or slippage of the CFRP laminates out of the anchorage zone caused by low friction between the anchor device and the lamiantes. The main objective of this study is the development of an applicative mold-type anchorage system for prestressed CFRP laminates through experimental study. The experimental parameters were the type of anchorage detail and the effect of surface treatment. The test results showed that the developed anchor assures 100% CFRP laminate strength.

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Evaluation on the Mechanical Properties of Strain Hardening Cement Composite by Mixing Method for Application at Building Construction Site (건축시공 현장적용을 위한 비빔방법에 따른 SHCC의 역학적 성능 평가)

  • Jeon, Young-Seok;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Nam, Jeong-Soo;Kim, Young-Deok;Jeong, Jae-Hong;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.530-537
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine material performance of fiber reinforced cement composite for mass production. It is necessary to manufacture SHCC(Strain Hardening Cement Composite) by batch plant for field application and mass production. For the study, a mock-up test of SHCC manufactured in the batch plant was conducted, and the performance was compared with SHCC manufactured in the laboratory. Assessment items were freshness and hardening properties. Specifically, direct tensile test machine was used for performance verification of SHCC. As a result, there was a tendency of less satisfactory fiber dispersion and performance of strain hardening compared with the performance of SHCC manufactured in the laboratory. To address this, dry mixing and mortar mixing time should be increased compared to laboratory mixing, and injection time of an agent such as a water reducing agent should be properly controlled according to mixing combination, or the capacity to secure dispersion and homogeneity of material.

고무소재의 열응력

  • Gang, Sin-Yeong;Hong, Chang-Guk
    • Rubber Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.12-26
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    • 2010
  • 각종 산업제품의 주요 부품으로 사용되고 있는 고무재료는 사용 중 온도변화에 의해 체적 또는 길이 변화를 수반할 수 있어 결과적으로 고무제품의 성능이나 효율이 영향을 받게 된다. 특히 고온에서 고무제품의 치수변화를 제한하거나 일정치수를 강제할 경우 열수축이나 열팽창에 의해 응력이 발생하게 된다. 따라서 온도 변화에 따른 열응력의 측정은 고무제품의 정밀성과 성능을 평가하는 중요한 수단을 제공한다. 본 연구에서는 고무소재의 열응력 측정을 위한 새로운 측정방법을 개발하였고 이와 관련 새로운 시험장치를 설계, 제작하였다. 고무시편에 일정 변형의 인장을 준 상태에서 가열하면 열응력이 발생한다. 이 때의 열응력은 고무분자 사슬들의 운동성에 기인하며 배향된 고무분자 사슬들이 열역학적으로 랜덤 사슬형태로 돌아가려는 엔트로피적 힘이다. 따라서 온도가 높을수록 그 수축력은 증가하게 된다. 또한 고무분자 사슬의 사전 변형이 증가하면 그 열응력은 증가한다. 이때 열응력은 측정시간이 지남에 따라 최대치에 도달한 후 완화되며 그 완화속도는 설정온도에 의해 영향을 받는다. 여기서는 온도변화에 따른 고무시편의 열응력 측정결과를 소개하고, 고무분자 사슬의 엔트로피 변화와 점탄성적 흐름, 그리고 가열에 따른 고무 시편의 팽창 또는 수축이 열응력에 미치는 영향 등을 논의하였다. 특히 천연고무와 SBR 고무시편의 열응력 차이를 분자사슬의 운동과 연관하여 검토하였고, 가교밀도와 가교시스템이 각각 다른 고무시편에 대해 열응력 발생과에 따른 상관관계를 고찰하였다. 또한 시편의 형태와 두께가 열응력 발생에 미치는 영향도 검토하였다. 충전 배합고무의 경우 열응력에 영향을 미치는 인자로 고무분자 사슬의 운동성과 가교밀도 외에 고무재료와 충전제 사이의 물리 화학적 상호작용도 매우 중요한 요소가 된다. 배합고무에서 충전제의 영향을 검토하기 위해 실리카와 카본블랙을 선택하였고 배합고무의 열응력을 각각 측정하여 이들의 보강효과가 열응력에 미치는 영향에 대해 논하였다.

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An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties and Long-Term Deformations of High-Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (고강도 강섬유보강 콘크리트의 역학적 특성 및 장기변형 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoon, Eui-Sik;Park, Seung-Bum
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.2A
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2006
  • This study presents basic information on the mechanical properties and long-term deformations of high-strength steel fiber reinforced concrete(HSFRC). The Influence of steel fiber on modulus of elasticity, compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength, and drying shrinkage and creep of HSFRC are investigated, and flexural fracture toughness is evaluated. Test results show that Test results show that the effect of steel fibers on the compressive strength is negligible, and the modulus of elasticity of HSFRC increased with the increase of fiber volume fraction. And the effect of fiber volume fraction($V_f$) and aspect ratio($l_f/d_f$) on tensile strength, flexural strength and toughness is extremely prominent. It is observed that the flexural deflection corresponded to ultimate load increased with the increase of $V_f$ and $l_f/d_f$, and due to fiber arresting cracking, the shape of the descending branch of load-deflection tends towards gently. Also, the effect of addition of various amounts of fiber on the creep and shrinkage is obvious. Especially, the effect of adding fibers to high-strength concrete is more pronounced in reducing the drying shrinkage than the creep.

Measurement of Physical Properties of Pepper for Particle Behavior analysis of sorting system for Pepper Harvester (고추수확기용 선별장치의 입자 거동 해석을 위한 고추 물성측정)

  • Byun, Jun Hee;Kim, Su Bin;Kim, Myoung Ho;Kim, Dae Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.9-9
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    • 2017
  • 입자거동해석소프트웨어(EDEM)은 DEM(Discrete Element Method)기법을 이용한 입자 거동 전용 해석툴로 입자 유입량, 위치 등을 조절하여 입자거동과 관련된 제품 개발, 프로세스 최적화를 위한 비용 및 시간 절감에 활용도가 뛰어난 소프트웨어이다. EDEM을 활용하기 위해선 적용대상에 대한 물성치를 적용하여야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 EDEM를 이용하여 현재 연구개발 중인 카드클리너 방식의 고추 선별기의 성능을 분석을 수행하기 위해 고추 물성측정 실험을 수행 하였다. EDEM을 이용한 입자거동해석에 필요한 개인 물성치에는 포아송비, 전단탄성계수, 밀도가 있다. 또한 입자-입자, 입자-Geometry 간의 상호관계를 위한 물성치인 반발계수, 정지마찰계수, 구름마찰계수가 필요하다. 공시 시료인 고추는 광주광역시 남구 승촌동 소재의 개인농가 Plastic 온실로 재배된 '천상'품종을 사용하였다. 푸아송 비와, 전단 탄성계수를 측정하기 위한 인장시험기기로는 만능인장시험기(TA-XT2, Stable Micro, 영국)를 이용하였으며, 인장에 의한 고추의 변형량 축정은 초고속카메라(NX4-SI, IDT, 미국)을 이용하였다. 밀도는 비중병법에 기초하여 질량과 부피를 측정하여 밀도를 계산하였다. 반발계수는 고추의 충돌 실험을 통해 변화한 높이를 이용하여 계산하였고, 충동 실험을 통해 변화한 높이는 초고속카메라를 이용하여 측정하였다. 정지마찰계수와 구름마찰계수는 고추의 미끄러짐이 시작하는 각도와 등속도 운동으로 구르는 각도를 초고속카메라를 이용하여 측정 후 계산하였다. 모든 실험은 3번 반복을 통해 평균값을 시험 결과 값으로 이용하였다. 고추의 대한 물성치 실험결과 고추의 푸아송 비는 0.294(std : 0.2), 전단탄성계수 4.624E+06 Pa, 밀도 $600kg/m^3$로 나타났다. 또한 입자-입자 간의 물성치인 반발계수는 0.383, 정지마찰계수는 0.455, 구름마찰 계수는 0.043로 나타났다. 추후 본 연구에서 측정한 고추의 물성치를 적용한 EDEM 입자거동해석 시뮬레이션을 통해 카드클리너 방식의 고추 선별기의 성능에 대한 분석을 하고자 한다.

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Effects of Fiber Blending Condition and Expansive Admixture Replacement on Tensile Performance of Rebar Lap Splice in Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCCs) (섬유혼입조건 및 팽창재 대체에 따른 변형 경화형 시멘트 복합체 내의 철근 겹침이음 성능)

  • Ryu, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Young-Oh;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2012
  • This paper is a report about lap splice performance of rebar embedded in the strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCCs) under monotonic and repeated tension loading. Ten mix proportions of cement-based composites such as SHCCs and normal concrete were investigated. The study parameters are comprised of (1) types of reinforcing fibers (polyethylene and steel fiber), (2) replacement levels of expansive admixture (EXA, 0% and 10%), and (3) compressive strength (30 and 100 MPa) of cement-based composites. Lap splice lengths (ld) of rebars in SHCC materials and normal concrete were 60% and 100% of splice length calculated by code requirements for structural concrete, respectively. Test results indicated that SHCCs materials can lead to enhancements in the lap splice performance of embedded rebar. All of the fiber reinforcement conditions (PE-SHCC and PESF-SHCC) considered in this study produced considerable improvements in the tensile strength, cracking behavior, and bond strength of lap-spliced rebar. Furthermore, adding EXA to SHCC matrix improved the tensile lap splice performance of rebar in SHCC materials. However, for controlling crack behavior, the performance of PE-SHCC was better than that of PESF-SHCC due to its mechanical properties. This study demonstrated an effective approach for reducing required development length of lap spliced rebar by using SHCC materials.

The study on structural performance of fiber metal laminates (섬유금속 적층판의 구조적 성능 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Kim, Tae-Uk;Kim, Seungho
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, yield stress, tangent modulus and failure strain were varied to ascertain the influence of impact response such as impact force histories and residual energy. And the buckling behavior of FML(Fiber Metal Laminates) were analyzed using numerical method. A number of analyses on FML and aluminum panel were conducted for shear and compression loading to compare the capability of stability. And to evaluate the static performance, static analysis has performed for box beam structure. Low-velocity impact analysis has performed on FML made of aluminum 2024 sheet and glass/epoxy prepreg layers. And the buckling and static performance of FML have been compared to aluminum using the analysis results. For the comparison of structural performance, similar analyses have been carried out on monolithic aluminum 2024 sheets of equivalent weight.

Geomechanical Stability of Underground Lined Rock Caverns (LRC) for Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) using Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Analysis (열-수리-역학적 연계해석을 이용한 복공식 지하 압축공기에너지 저장공동의 역학적 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rutqvist, Jonny;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Synn, Joong-Ho;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.394-405
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we applied coupled non-isothermal, multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical numerical modeling using TOUGH-FLAC coupled analysis to study the complex thermodynamic and geomechanical performance of underground lined rock caverns (LRC) for compressed air energy storage (CAES). Mechanical stress in concrete linings as well as pressure and temperature within a storage cavern were examined during initial and long-term operation of the storage cavern for CAES. Our geomechanical analysis showed that effective stresses could decrease due to air penetration pressure, and tangential tensile stress could develop in the linings as a result of the air pressure exerted on the inner surface of the lining, which would result in tensile fracturing. According to the simulation in which the tensile tangential stresses resulted in radial cracks, increment of linings' permeability and air leakage though the linings, tensile fracturing occurred at the top and at the side wall of the cavern, and the permeability could increase to $5.0{\times}10^{-13}m^2$ from initially prescribed $10{\times}10^{-20}m^2$. However, this air leakage was minor (about 0.02% of the daily air injection rate) and did not significantly impact the overall storage pressure that was kept constant thanks to sufficiently air tight surrounding rocks, which supports the validity of the concrete-lined underground caverns for CAES.

Moment Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Members Strengthened with FRP (FRP 보강 철근콘크리트 부재의 휨모멘트)

  • Cho, Baik-Soon;Kim, Seong-Do;Back, Sung-Yong;Choi, Eun-Soo;Choi, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2010
  • Five concrete compressive stress-strain models have been analyzed to check the validity of the strength method for determining the nominal moment of strengthened members using commercially available computer language. The results show that the concrete stress-strain models do not influence on the flexural analysis. The moment of a strengthened member obtained from the flexural analysis at concrete compressive strain reaching 0.003 is well agreed with nominal moment using the strength method. The flexural analysis results show that when the steel reinforcement, FRP ratio, FRP failure strain, and concrete failure compressive strain are relatively lower, the strength method overestimates the flexural capacity of the strengthened members.