• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구감소지역

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Characteristics of Industrial Growth in the Peripheral Areas Based on Low-density Economics (저밀도 경제 논의와 주변부 지역 산업 성장의 특성)

  • Dochai Chung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.583-599
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    • 2022
  • According to the discussion on the low-density economy in OECD industrial growth in remote area has played a central role in the members'economic recovery from the financial crisis in the mid-2000s. Based on the OECD's low-density economy this study examines the phenomena and spatial characteristics of industrial growth in peripheral areas of Korea. The growth of industries in the peripheral areas shows a similar growth characteristics as cases in the OECD members. Various manufacturing and service sectors as well as traditional sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fishing have grown in the peripheral areas since the mid-2000s. Firms in the peripheral areas form various cooperative networks to overcome the unfavorable regional conditions. The growth of new industries shows the possibility of path-dependent development in the periphery. Based on the results, implications on the policies for supporting the diversification of regional industries, setting flexible regional boundaries for policies, and linking policy sectors are derived.

The Vicious Cycle of Regional Exodus: Examining the Economic Environment of Birthplace and the Out-migration of Young Individuals (지역이탈의 악순환: 출생지의 경제 환경과 청년 취업자의 지역이탈)

  • Wonchang Hur;Song Hyun Seo;Bogang Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2024
  • Regional migration is a problem faced by all non-metropolitan areas in Korea, but the extent of migration varies depending on regional economic conditions. This study examines how the extent of youth migration varies depending on the economic conditions of their birthplaces. The results showed that youth migration was more severe in areas suffering from population decline and aging problems. The smaller the economy and the weaker the financial independence of the region, the more severe the youth migration. In particular, commercial, educational, and cultural facilities, except for medical facilities, were not able to curb youth migration. In addition, there was a significant wage gap between those employed in the metropolitan area and those employed in the regions, regardless of their origin. This suggests that non-metropolitan areas are caught in a vicious cycle of regional economic deterioration and youth migration.

The implication of capital restructuring on urban development : Chicago politics as the local contingent facter for urban restructuring (자본재구조화가 도시발달에 미치 는 영향:시카고 정치와 재개발사업을 사례로)

  • Koh, Tae Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.420-437
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    • 1994
  • The starting point of the research is the relation between capital restructuring and urban restructuring. The economic restructuring, which has been caused by the economic crisis in the early 1970s in the United States has brought a spatial restructuring at different geographic scales. The degree of the success of urban restructuring is contingent to the local economic and political environments. The local contingent factor such as local politics should not be neglected for investigating the restructuring process. Through the case study of Chicago, the research provides two inconsistencies in applying the structural approach to the local level: first, the lack of the theoretical link between crisis and restructuring; and second, the crucial importance of local politics in shaping urban development.

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A Study on the Application of Closed School through Regional Analysis: Focused on the Gyeonggi-do Office of Education (지역분석을 통한 폐교 활용 방안: 경기도교육청을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Mi-young;Kang, Myung-gu;Choi, Jun-yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2021
  • The closure of education office is due to a decrease in the number of students, but it is necessary to look at various causes of this decrease. In particular, unlike other regions, Gyeonggi Province has a large number of students due to redevelopment, relocation of businesses, and changes in school districts. In addition, it is necessary to set the overall direction for the use of closed schools and seek ways to establish an efficient operation and management system in preparation for the changing future of the educational environment. Through this study, the closure of schools in Gyeonggi-do is different from that of local schools. The measures to utilize closed schools in Gyeonggi-do Province should be different and contribute to realizing the utilization of closed schools.

Analysis of public library book loan demand according to weather conditions using machine learning (머신러닝을 활용한 기상조건에 따른 공공도서관 도서대출 수요분석)

  • Oh, Min-Ki;Kim, Keun-Wook;Shin, Se-Young;Lee, Jin-Myeong;Jang, Won-Jun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2022
  • Although domestic public libraries achieved quantitative growth based on the 1st and 2nd comprehensive library development plans, there were some qualitative shortcomings, and various studies have been conducted to improve them. Most of the preceding studies have limitations in that they are limited to social and economic factors and statistical analysis. Therefore, in this study, by applying the spatiotemporal concept to quantitatively calculate the decrease in public library loan demand due to rainfall and heatwave, by clustering areas with high demand for book loan due to weather changes and areas where it is not, factors inside and outside public libraries and After the combination, changes in public library loan demand according to weather changes were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, there was a difference in the decrease due to the weather for each public library, and it was found that there were some differences depending on the characteristics and spatial location of the public library. Also, when the temperature was over 35℃, the decrease in book loan demand increased significantly. As internal factors, the number of seats, the number of books, and area were derived. As external factors, the public library access ramp, cafe, reading room, floating population in their teens, and floating population of women in their 30s/40s were analyzed as important variables. The results of this analysis are judged to contribute to the establishment of policies to promote the use of public libraries in consideration of the weather in a specific season, and also suggested limitations of the study.

Analysis on the Characteristics of Urban Decline Using GIS and Spatial Statistical Method : The Case of Gwangju Metropolitan City (GIS와 공간통계기법을 활용한 도시쇠퇴 특성 분석 - 광주광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.424-438
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    • 2016
  • In an effort to prevent urban decline and hollowing-out phenomenon and to vitalize stagnant local economy, a new urban regeneration paradigm is on the rise. This study aims to analyze urban decline characteristics using the spatial statistical method and GIS on the basis of decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act, and spatial autocorrelation technique. The Gwangju Metropolitan City was set as a research target, and the decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act - population reduction, business declines, and outworn buildings - were applied as the indicator to secure the objectivity. In particular, this study has a distinctive feature from the other existing ones, as applying GIS and the spatial statistical technique, in a sense to make urban decline characteristics analysis by the spatial autocorrelation technique. The overall analysis procedure was carried out by applying the standards of designating urban regeneration regions, and following the spatial exploratory procedure step by step. Therefore, the spatial statistical method procedure and the urban decline characteristics analysis data being presented in this study, as the results, are expected to contribute to the urban decline diagnosis at the level of metropolitan city, as well as to provide useful information for spatial decision making in accordance with urban regeneration.

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Analysis on Building Flood Damage of Pump Installation on Dorim Stream (펌프시설 설치유무에 따른 도림천유역 건물 피해액 분석)

  • Tak, Yong Hun;Park, Mun;Kim, Young;Kang, Boosik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2017
  • 현재 도시지역의 침수피해는 매우 복잡한 형태로 발생하고 있으며, 침수 발생으로 사유재산 및 사회적 피해가 증대되고 있다. 불투수면이 높은 도시의 침수현상은 지표수의 이동, 매설된 관거의 형상과 통수능에 의한 월류가 주된 원인으로 작용한다. 인구와 건물 및 기반시설이 밀집한 도시지역은 침수피해 발생시 막대한 피해를 입을 수 있으며, 발생한 강우와 설치된 우수저감시설 및 내수배제시설에 따라 침수현상이 다르게 나타난다. 이러한 피해를 줄이고 재산을 보호하기 위해 적절한 치수사업이 필요하며, 시설의 도입에 따른 피해액 감소 및 경제성 분석이 우선시 되어 효율성과 타당성을 판단할 수 있어야 한다. 침수에 의한 피해액을 산정하기 위해 정확한 침수예측이 필요하며, 지형, 건물, 도시의 복잡한 도로 등을 잘 반영한 유출해석이 선행되어야 한다. 정밀한 침수해석이 수반되지 않을 경우, 침수예상지역을 다소 과소, 과대하게 나타낼 수 있다. 홍수피해의 경제성을 분석하기 위한 방법에는 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법이 있으며, 경제성 분석은 하천의 정비상태, 하도 및 관거, 제방 및 유수지 등 홍수 방지시설 등 구조적, 비구조적 대책을 모두 대상으로 하여야 하며, 인명과 재산이 집중된 도시의 경우 보다 정확한 피해액을 산정할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 과거 침수피해가 있었던 도림천 유역을 대상으로 펌프시설의 도입에 따른 건물 피해액 분석을 실시하였다. 우수관망과 도시지역의 유출모의에 적합하다고 알려진 SWMM 모형을 활용하여 침수현상을 분석하였으며, 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법을 활용하여 건물 피해와 건물 내용물 자산피해액을 분석하여 시설 도입에 따른 피해액 감소와 경제성을 분석하였다.

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The Process of Changes and Challenges of Regional Science & Technology Policy in Korea (한국 지역과학기술정책의 변화와 발전 방향)

  • Ho Kim;Dongbok Kim;Yoonsik Chae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.29-63
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of changes in regional science and technology policies in Korea and to seek future development directions. In Korea, regional science and technology policies have been implemented since the introduction of the local autonomy system. Since then, it has been implemented in earnest with the establishment of a central government-level plan. The regional science and technology policies have been developed to this day by interacting with national science and technology policies and regional development policies. Nevertheless, due to the path dependence and lock-in effect in the accumulated process, the regional science and technology policies are still subordinate to central government policies. Thus, the establishment of an independent ecosystem for local science and technology is still insufficient. Furthermore, the gap between regions is deepening, such as the growing of aging population, population decline due to low birth rates, job losses due to the recession of local key industry, and the concentration of the youth population in the metropolitan area. The transformation path such as digital transformation and carbon neutrality paradigm is expected to further widen regional disparities. In order to address a comprehensive problem, the implementing system of regional science and technology policies need to be newly established. A framework for reinvention of regional science and technology policy needed in the era of grand societal challenges have to be developed.

Estimation of Flood Damage Considering Land Use in Urban Area (도시지역 토지이용을 고려한 침수피해액 산정)

  • Tak, Yong Hun;Lee, Jae Kwang;Kim, Young Do;Kang, Boosik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.4-4
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    • 2018
  • 도시의 발전으로 인해 시 도를 비롯한 시가 및 건조지역의 토지이용은 매우 복잡하게 변화되었다. 과거 농경이 주된 경제활동인 경우 주거지역은 매우 단순한 형태로 구성되었고 논, 밭, 산림 지역 등이 주를 이루었지만, 도시로 산업이 집중, 발달하고 인구가 밀집되며 주거지역, 상업, 공업, 교통지역 등 시가지역은 매우 다양하고 복잡하게 변화되었다. 도시가 발달하며 주거지의 건물가치와 상업 및 공업지역의 자산, 교통 및 공공시설의 공공적 가치가 상승하였고, 침수 발생시 사유재산 및 사회적 피해가 증대되고 있다. 시가 및 건조지역은 대부분 불투수율이 높은 지역으로 구성되어있으며, 이러한 도시에서 침수가 발생할 경우 지표수의 이동, 매설된 관거의 형상과 통수능에 의한 월류가 주된 원인으로 작용하여, 도로 및 건물의 형태에 의해 매우 복잡한 형태로 침수현상이 나타난다. 이러한 도시의 침수피해를 분석하기 위해 복잡하고 고 가치화된 도시의 토지이용 특성을 잘 반영한 침수 피해분석이 필요하고, 피해를 줄이고 재산을 보호하기 위한 치수시설의 도입에 따른 피해액 감소 및 경제성 분석이 우선시 되어 효율성과 타당성을 판단할 수 있어야 한다. 토지이용 특성이 반영되지 않을 경우 피해액을 다소 과소, 과대하게 산정할 수 있다. 홍수피해의 경제성을 분석하기 위한 방법에는 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법이 있으며, 경제성 분석은 하천의 정비상태, 하도 및 관거, 제방 및 유수지 등 홍수 방지시설 등 구조적, 비구조적 대책을 모두 대상으로 하여야 하며, 인명과 재산이 집중된 도시의 경우 보다 정확한 피해액을 산정할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 과거 침수피해가 있었던 도림천 유역을 대상으로 도시지역의 유출모의에 적합하다고 알려진 SWMM 모형을 활용하여 도시유출 해석 및 침수현상을 분석하였으며, 다차원 홍수피해 산정방법을 활용하여 주거, 상업 및 공업자산을 반영하기 우해 토지이용 특성에 따른 침수피해액을 분석하였다.

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Using IoT and Apache Spark Analysis Technique to Monitoring Architecture Model for Fruit Harvest Region (IoT 기반 Apache Spark 분석기법을 이용한 과수 수확 불량 영역 모니터링 아키텍처 모델)

  • Oh, Jung Won;Kim, Hangkon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2017
  • Modern society is characterized by rapid increase in world population, aging of the rural population, decrease of cultivation area due to industrialization. The food problem is becoming an important issue with the farmers and becomes rural. Recently, the researches about the field of the smart farm are actively carried out to increase the profit of the rural area. The existing smart farm researches mainly monitor the cultivation environment of the crops in the greenhouse, another way like in the case of poor quality t is being studied that the system to control cultivation environmental factors is automatically activated to keep the cultivation environment of crops in optimum conditions. The researches focus on the crops cultivated indoors, and there are not many studies applied to the cultivation environment of crops grown outside. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the harvestability of poor areas by monitoring the areas with bad harvests by using big data analysis, by precisely predicting the harvest timing of fruit trees growing in orchards. Factors besides for harvesting include fruit color information and fruit weight information We suggest that a harvest correlation factor data collected in real time. It is analyzed using the Apache Spark engine. The Apache Spark engine has excellent performance in real-time data analysis as well as high capacity batch data analysis. User device receiving service supports PC user and smartphone users. A sensing data receiving device purpose Arduino, because it requires only simple processing to receive a sensed data and transmit it to the server. It regulates a harvest time of fruit which produces a good quality fruit, it is needful to determine a poor harvest area or concentrate a bad area. In this paper, we also present an architectural model to determine the bad areas of fruit harvest using strong data analysis.