• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이식 전이

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Induction of Twin Pregnancy Using Frozen-Thawed Embroy Transfer in Cattle (동결 우수정란의 융해후 쌍태유기)

  • 김정익;고과두;이상영;정희태;양부근
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1988
  • 공란우 89두와 수라우 94두를 사용하여 호르몬 투여에 대한 난소반응, glycerol의 평형과 제거방법에 따른 융해란자의 형태적 정상성과 동결 융해란의 이식후 임신율과 쌍태유기율을 조사하였다. 1. 호르몬처리에 대한 난소반응 :1) 과배란 처리후 배란된 난자수는 A.B.C군에서 각각 8.3, 7.8, 9.5개로서 C군이 전체 평균의 8.3개보다 증가되었다. 2) 난자의 회수율은 42.1%, 두당회수된 난자수는 3.5개였으며, 회수란자중 정상발육한 상실배와 배반포기의 난자는 63.3%, 36.7%(114/311)가 형태적 이상란자로 확인되었다. 2. 수정란의 동결 융해후 형태적 정상성 :1) 동결융해후 회수된 난자중 정상 난자의 비율은 60.4%였으며, 배반포(62.3%)가 상실배(58.3) 보다 우수하였다. 2) 1단계 glycerol의 제거시에는 동결전 glycerol의 평형을 3단계로 실시한 군(C.G)이 1단계 평형군 (A.E)보다 우수하였다. 3. 동결융해란의 이식후 쌍태유기 :1) 수정란의 이식후 임신율은 단태(대조)구에서 30.0%, 쌍태유기군인 A(AI+단태), B(편각쌍태) 및 C(쌍각쌍태)구에서 각각 55.6, 44.4, 37.5%로서 대조구보다 증가되었다. 2) 쌍태유기에 공용된 26두의 수란우에 착상된 수정란수는 17(65.4%)개로서 딘태구(30.0%) 보다 배가되었다.

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The Levels of Anxiety and Depression according tn the Stages of Autologous and Allogeneic Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (자가 및 동종 조혈모세포이식환자의 이식단계에 따른 불안과 우울)

  • Choi, So-Eun;Lee, So-Young;Park, Hae-Ryung;Park, Ho-Ran
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Objectives of this study was to investigate the level of anxiety and depression according to the stages of autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). It would be provide the basis for effective psycho-emotional nursing intervention. Methods: We report on 52 patients, including 19 with autologous HSCT, and 33 with allogeneic HSCT from August 2002 to August 2003, at a university hospital. Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Jung's Depression Inventory were used to measure levels of anxiety and depression, respectively, at admission time, the day before HSCT, and discharge time. Data was analyzed using SAS program that included Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, repeated measures ANOVA and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: In all stages of HSCT, the level of anxiety of patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT was significantly higher than that of autologous HSCT (P=0.047). The depression at the day before HSCT was significantly higher than that at admission. The major variable affecting anxiety in autologous HSCT was depression. Specially depression and gender were significant predictors to explain anxiety in allogeneic HSCT at admission time (61%). Experience of relapse and gender were significant predictors to explain anxiety in allogeneic HSCT at discharge time (36%). Conclusion: We recommend that the anxiety and depression be researched during the stages of allogeneic HSCT, specifically in the day before HSCT. It is necessary to develop an effective psycho-emotional nursing intervention according to the stages of HSCT.

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A Case of Hemolysis after Minor ABO Mismatched Kidney Transplantation (ABO 부적합 신이식 후 발생한 용혈 1례)

  • Hahn HyeWon;Ha Il Soo;Cheong Hae Il;Choi Yong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.120-122
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    • 2002
  • A 9-year-old boy of B blood group with end-stage renal disease due to IgA nephropathy received group O kidney transplantation from his father On day 9, he developed intravascular hemolysis, and anti-B autoantibody formation was confirmed. We diagnosed as immune hemolytic anemia due to passenger lymphocyte from donor, and cyclosporine withdrawl was done. Anemia resolved spontaneously, but on day 18, graft dysfunction developed, and graft biopsy revealed acute allograft rejection. Although hemolysis due to autoantibody is very rare and often mild, and the role of hemoglobinuria on acute rejection in this case is not certain, we recommend consideration of aggressive management on severe hemolysis after minor mismatched kidney transplantation. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2002 ; 6 : 120-2)

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Serum Lmmunoglobulin G and M Level after Xenograft Valve or Valved Conduit Implantation (이종 조직판막 도관 혹은 판막 이식술 직후 면역 글로불린 항체 G, M의 혈중 농도 변화)

  • Kwak, Jae-Gun;Yoo, Jae-Suk;Yoon, Sun-Hee;Kim, Woong-Han;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2008
  • Background: The aim of this study is to confirm that peripheral blood sampling for measuring of serum immunoglobulin can predict immunological changes after xenograft implantation. Material and Method: Between March 2006 and January 2007, 19 patients were enrolled (10 xenograft implantation group, 9 control group). Through 3 peripheral blood samples, we measured changes in serum immunoglobulin G and M levels preoperatively, and 2 and 10 days postoperatively. Result: In both groups, serum immunoglobulin levels showed similar changes-they decreased 2 days postoperatively, then increased up to the baseline levels 10 days postoperatively. However, this postoperative change of immunoglobulin G and M was not significantly different in absolute value or pattern between the 2 groups (Ig G; p-value=0.393, Ig M; p-value=0.193). Conclusion: We could not predict immunological changes after xenograft implantation by measuring serum immunoglobulin levels by simple blood sampling. Direct checking of ${\alpha}$-Galactose antibody may confirm an immunological reaction after xenograft implantation.

Analysis of Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Patients with Stem Cell Transplantation (소아에서 조혈모세포이식 후 급성 신질환의 분석)

  • Kim, Sae-Yoon;Choi, Jung-Youn;Ha, Jeong-Ok;Park, Yong-Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : Stem cell transplantation (SCT) has gained worldwide acceptance as a treatment for hematologic disorders. This study was performed to evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of the acute kidney injury after SCT in children. Methods : The records of 53 patients who were treated with SCT at the pediatric department of Yeungnam University Hospital between January, 1996 and April, 2009 were used as subjects. Their were divided into two groups ; 'Early renal insufficiency' (ERI, n=18) and 'Non-early renal insufficiency' (NERI, n=35). ERI had greater than 25% of drop in GFR after SCT. Results: Total 53 patients were analyzed. In cord blood SCT (n=11), ERI was 4 (36.4%) and NERI was 7 (63.6%). In bone marrow SCT (n=16), ERI was 8 (50.0%) and NERI was 8 (50.5%). In autologous peripheral blood SCT (n=26), ERI was 6 (23.1%) and NERI was 20 (76.9%). There is no difference in both groups according to kinds of SCT. GVHD was developed in 22 patients, and there is no difference in each group. Twenty two of 53 patients died. ERI was 12 (66.7%) and NERI was 10 (28.6%). Acute renal failure is most important cause of the deaths. Conclusion : Out of 53 pediatric patients who were treated with SCT, 18 patients had greater than 25% of drop in GFR. There is no difference in both groups according to kinds of SCT. GVHD was found in 22 patients and there is no relation between GVHD development and acute kideney injury.

특집 : 올바른 신장합병증 관리를 위해 - 전문의 인터뷰 "신장 나쁘면 미리 준비해야 합니다" - 중앙대학교병원 신장내과 유석희 교수

  • Kim, Min-Gyeong
    • The Monthly Diabetes
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    • s.261
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 2011
  • 만성신부전증 환자 절반가량에서 당뇨병이 원인인 것으로 드러나면서 당뇨병성 신증에 대한 심각성이 제기되고 있다. 당뇨병에 의한 말기신부전은 생명을 이어가려면 투석과 신장이식이 불가피한 질병으로 일상에 불편을 가져오는 것은 물론 결국 사망에 이르게 하는 치명적인 질환이다. 중앙대학교 병원 신장내과 유석희 교수는 "당뇨로 인한 반성신부전은 다른 원인으로 인해 발생하는 신부전보다 생존율이 낮다"며 "당뇨병이 오래된 환자일수록 신장합병증이 발병률이 높아지는데, 당뇨병환자가 늘 혈당관리에만 매달리다보면 신장기능이 나빠지는 신호를 놓칠 수 있다"고 전했다.

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Arterial Switch Operation: The Technical Modification of Coronary Reimplantation and Risk Factors for Operative Death (동맥전환술: 판상돔맥이식 수기변형과 수술사망의 위험인자)

  • 성시찬;이형두;김시호;조광조;우종수;이영석
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2004
  • Anatomic correction of the transposition of the great arteries (TGA) or Taussig-Bing anomaly by means of the arterial switch operation is now accepted as the therapeutic method of choice. This retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the risk factors for operative deaths and the efficacy of technical modification of the coronary transfer. 85 arterial switch operations for TGA or Taussig-Bing anomaly which were performed by one surgeon from 1994 to July 2002 at Dong-A university hospital were included in this retrospective study Multivariate analysis of perioperative variables for operative mortality including technical modification of the coronary transfer was peformed. Overall postoperative hospital mortality was 20.0% (17/85). The mortality before 1998 was 31.0% (13/42), but reduced to 9.3% (4/43) from 1998. The mortality in the patients with arch anomaly was 61.5% (8/13), but 12.5% (9/72) in those without arch anomaly. In patients who underwent an open coronary reimplantation technique, the operative mortality was 28.1% (18/64), but 4.8% (1/21) in patients undergoing a technique of reimplantation coronary buttons after neoarotic reconstruction. Risk factors for operative death from multivariated analysis were cardiopulmonary bypass time ($\geq$ 250 minutes), aortic cross-clamping time ($\geq$ 150 minutes), aortic arch anomaly, preoperative event, and open coronary reimplantation technique. Operative mortality has been reduced with time. Aortic arch anomaly and preoperative events were important risk factors for postoperative mortality. However atypical coronary artery patterns did not work as risk factors. We think that the technical modification of coronary artery transfer played an important role in reducing the postoperative mortality of arterial switch operation.

The Growth Characteristics and Yield of Treatment Onion (Allium cepa L.)Seed in Direct Sowing Cultivation (종자처리 양파(Allium cepa L.)의 포장직파재래 생육 특성)

  • 이성춘
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2001
  • This study was intended to evaluate the relationship environmental condition and growth characteristics of seed treatment seed in direct sowing with different sowing date, and to suggest new cultivation model. The emergence percentage and hours were down as the delayed sowing date. Optimum sowing time was Sep. 10, and sowing must end before Sep. 20 for safety yield. When did sowing ended before Sep.20 in direct sowing cultivation, the seedling growth(SG) and No of roots of direct sowing seedling were larger than transplanting cultivation . At March 8 evaluated seedling, the SG of direct sowing seedling was higher than transplanting, and at Sep. 2(1 those were similar. The missing plant rate in transplanting cultivation was under 3 %, and that in direct sowing cultivation was about 13∼18%, and the extent were sever as delayed sowing date. The bulb fresh weight was decreased as delayed sowing, and those in direct sowing and transplanting cultivation were 230, 217g, respectively. The blot rate was high in direct sowing cultivation, and that was decreased as delayed sowing. The yield in direct sowing and transplanting cultivation were 5,134, 5,300kg, respectively, and those were decreased as delayed sowing. The average yield in early and medium-late maturity cultivars were 3,750, 4,908kg, respectively, and Sonic was highest yield in early maturity cultivars and Nongwoodego was highest in medium-late maturity cultivars. The emergence weed were 9 species as Loportea bulbifera Weddell and others, and Loported bulbifera Weddell, Digitaria violascens Link and Persicaria longiseta Kitagawa were dominant species in direct sowing cultivation with black hole vinyl mulching

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Determination of Early Graft Patency Using CT Angiography after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (관상동맥우회술 후 CT 조영술을 이용한 이식편의 조기 열림의 판정)

  • 이미경;류대웅;최순호;최종범
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.570-577
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    • 2004
  • CT angiography is now available to evaluate the early graft patency after coronary bypass surgery. We investigated whether patency or occlusion of the bypass grafts can be visualized by CT angiography and what factors effect the visuality. Material and Method: Fifty patients underwent scanning with a 4-slice computed tomographic scanner (Somatom Volume ZoomTM; Siemens, Germany) before being discharged after coronary artery bypass grafting. To evaluate graft patency and relationship between the quality of graft image and the characteristics of the diseased coronary vessels, 50 internal thoracic artery grafts, 18 radial artery grafts, and 56 vein grafts were included in this study. Result: All vein grafts (24 grafts; 32 anastomoses) to left coronary artery system were well visualized, but 3 grafts (4.7%) of 30 vein grafts (35 anastomoses) to right coronary artery system were not visualized. The latter was also occluded in invasive coronary angiographic study. Thirty-nine (78%) internal thoracic artery grafts were well visualized, 8 (16%) faintly visualized, and 3 (6%) not visualized, but all the internal artery grafts were well patent in invasive coronary angiographic study. Conclusion: Unvisualized vein grafts in CT angiography means occlusion of the grafts, but unvisualized arterial grafts in CT angiography may not mean occlusion of the graft but result from competitive flow between the graft and coronary artery. To confirm patency of the unvisualized arterial grafts, invasive coronary angiography is needed.