• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의치 이장재

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  • Chung, Chae-Heon;Yoon, Chang-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.281-302
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    • 1987
  • 의치상 재료 종류에 따라 의치, 점막 및 하악골에 발생되는 변위 및 응력을 연구하기 위하여 컴퓨터를 이용한 수치적 해석인 2차원 유한 요소법을 이용하였다. 2차원 유한 요소 모형으로선 표준 크기의 하악골 및 의치를 고려하여 231개의 사변형 요소 및 268개의 절점으로 분할한 후 각 구성 성분의 물리적 성질인 탄성률 및 프와송비를 대입시켰다. 사용된 의치로서는 일반 합성수지의치, 2mm후경의 탄성재를 의치상 하부에 이장한 합성수지의치, 2mm후경의 탄성재를 치아와 의치상 중앙에 삽입한 합성수지의치 및 0.5mm후경의 금속상의치의 4종류였으며, 하중시에 하악의 고정 부위로선 생체와 동일 조건을 부여하기 위하여 교근, 내측익돌근, 측두근등의 하악 폐구근이 부착되는 하악각 부위 및 하악 근돌기 부위의 16절점을 고정점으로 하였다. 하중 조건으로선 하악 제1대구치의 일점에 10kg의 수직 집중하중, 하악 중절치의 일점에 7kg의 수직 집중하중 및 하악 제 1소구치로 부터 하악 제2대구치까지의 교합면에 10kg의 수직 분산하중을 부여하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 하중이 의치 교합면위의 가해진 부위에 따라 다양한 의치 회전 및 강하 현상을 보였으며, 탄성재를 이장 및 삽입한 합성 수지 의치의 변위가 일반 합성수지의치 및 금속상 의치의 변위보다 더 컸다. 2. 주응력을 고려할때 점막 부위에는 주로 압축 응력이 작용하였으며 치조제 부위는 압축응력과 인장 응력이 함께 작용하였다. 3. 탄성재를 삽입한 합성수지의치에 최고 등가 응력이 집중되었으며 그 다음은 탄성재를 이장한 합성수지의치, 일반 합성수지의치의 순이였으며 금속상의 경우는 금속을 따라서 높은 등가 응력이 넓게 분산되었다. 4. 의치상 종류에 관계없이 동일 하중 조건하에선 점막에 나타나는 등가 응력의 크기 및 분산양태는 유사하였다. 5. 하악골에서 등가 응력은 의치지지 부위에만 국한되지 않고 넓게 분산 되었으며 의치상 종류 및 하중 조건에 관계없이 치조제 후방 및 하악연의 후방 부위에 특히 높은 등가응력이 집중되었다. 6. 하악 중절치의 일점에 수직 하중을 가한 경우가 다른 하중 조건에 비하여 지지점과의 거리차이로 인하여 하악골에 가장 높은 등가 응력을 유발하였다. 7. 의치상 재료에 따른 하악 골에 발생되는 응력의 크기 및 분산에는 큰 차이가 없으나 금속상의 경우가 교합압을 분산하는데는 효과적이었다.

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Functional impression technique using temporary denture for rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxillary and mandibular ridges (심한 치조제 흡수를 보이는 무치악 환자에서 임시 의치를 사용한 기능 인상에 의한 총의치 수복 증례)

  • Suh, Young-Kyo;Bae, Jung-Yoon;Kim, Hyun-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2019
  • Soft liner is used to functional impression technique when dental stone is immediately poured after taking impression because of viscoelasticity. In this case, a 78-year-old male visited for new dentures. Due to severe resorption of mandibular edentulous ridge, functional impression taking by closed mouth technique was planned. First of all, making maxillary and mandibular provisional dentures was done, and lined by soft liner to rehabilitate pressured maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridge. After this, Functional impression was taken by closed mouth technique using provisional dentures which are transformed to healed maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridge, and final denture were fabricated using maxillary provisional denture as a reference of artificial teeth arrangement. Consequently, restoring a complete edentulous patient with taking functional impression using provisional dentures resulted in recovering satisfying retention and function.

Effects of chemical surface treatment on the shear bond Strength of denture reliners and denture base resin (화학적 표면처리에 따른 의치상 레진과 이장재 간의 전단 결합강도)

  • Choi, Esther;Kwon, Eun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5745-5751
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the surface treatment of MMA and TEGDMA concentration, silane coupling agent on the shear bond strength of denture base resin and denture reliners. Denture base resin surface was treated with MMA and TEGDMA concentration, silane coupling agent. After denture reliners were injected bond strength was measured. The results of MMA and TEGDMA concentration on the shear bond strength of Vertex self curing resin showed that the value of MMA 95% and TEGDMA 5%, MMA 90% and TEGDMA 10%, MMA 80% and TEGDMA 20% groups were higher than that of other group(P<0.05). MMA and TEGDMA concentration on the shear bond strength of Kooliner resin showed that the value of MMA 95% and TEGDMA 5%, MMA 90% and TEGDMA 10% were higher than that of other group(P<0.05). Silane coupling agent on the shear bond strength of Vertex self curing resin and Kooliner showed that the value of MMA 95% and silane coupling agent 5% groups was higher than that of other group(P<0.05). Therefore, we could conclude that appropriate chemical surface treatments are supposed to affect the bond of denture base resin and denture reliners.

A Study on the Influence of Finishing and Polishing Methods on the Gap between Denture Base Resin and Soft Liner (의치의 마무리와 연마법이 의치상 레진과 연성 이장재 간의 공극에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Joon-Seok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2008
  • The junction between resilient denture liner and the denture base is difficult to finish and polish due to difference of the physical property of the materials. Gaps tend to be formed during finishing and polishing procedures. The purpose of this study was measuring the width of junctional gap between $Molloplast-B^{(R)}$ and denture base material after finishing and polishing procedure, and evaluating the effect of method and direction on gap width. $Molloplast-B^{(R)}$ was processed (according to the manufacturer's instruction) against Lucitone $199^{(R)}$ acrylic resin. 50 specimens were fabricated with a raised center section. All of specimens were examined and photographed with a stereoscopic microscope(x120), and the largest gap along the junction of $Molloplast-B^{(R)}$ and acrylic resin on each specimen was measured. One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) and independent t-test at 95% confidence level were used to analyze the data and to compare groups. The results of this study were as follows. In comparison with finishing tools, the gap width was the largest in $Molloplast^{(R)}$-Cutter and the smallest in FSQ-cross cut bur. There was statistically significant difference between FSQ-cross cut bur and $Molloplast^{(R)}$-Cutter(p<0.05). There was no significant difference in gap width between the direction of polishing. The mean value of gap width was the smallest in case of no polishing, and the largest in case of polishing with pumice & tin oxide. There was statistically significant difference between pumice and pumice & tin oxide. From the results, it is concluded that the use of $Molloplast^{(R)}$-Cutter in clinic need serious consideration even though it has good cutting ability. Further careful study is needed for finishing and polishing methods for decreasing gap width in junction of two materials.