• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원판

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설기(薛己)의 생애(生涯)와 의학사상(醫學思想)에 관한 연구(硏究) -관어설기지생애급의학사상적연구(關於薛己之生涯及醫學思想的硏究)-

  • Park, Jae-Jeong;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2005
  • 통과대명대저명의가(通過對明代著名醫家), 온보파창시자설기(溫補派創始者薛己)$(1487{\sim}1559)$적생애화의학사상(的生涯和醫學思想), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): 설기생여의학세가(薛己生於醫學世家), 종소학습유학화의학(從小學習儒學和醫學), 기부사후(其父死後), 체부진입태의원성료의사(替父進入太醫院成了醫士), 지후선후역임태의원이목(之後先後歷任太醫院吏目), 남경태의원원판(南京太醫院院判), 원사등직(院使等職), 병어1540년(44세)기관회향(幷於1540年(44歲)棄官回鄕), 전심여치료환자여저술(專心於治療患者與著述). 설기적저작대부분내(薛己的著作大部分內) 용이의안형식서사(容以醫案形式書寫), 기내용포함내과(其內容包含內科), 외과(外科), 부산과(婦産科), 소아과(小兒科), 침구과(鍼灸科), 치과(齒科), 안과(眼科), 골과(骨科), 본초등(本草等). 기본인친(其本人親) 자저술적유이(自著述的有以)${\ulcorner}$내과적요(內科摘要)${\lrcorner}$위시약12종(爲始約12種), 교주적유이(校注的有以)${\ulcorner}$부인대전양방(婦人大全良方)${\lrcorner}$위시8종(爲始8種), 교감적의서약유6종(校勘的醫書約有6種), 공계대약(共計大約) 유26종지다(有26種之多). 설기수(薛己受)${\ulcorner}$내경(內經)${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$난경(難經)${\lrcorner}$급장원소화금원사대가적영향교심(及張元素和金元四大家的影響較深). 재사대가중(在四大家中), 우기수동원화단계적영향최심(尤其受東垣和丹溪的影響最深). 차외(此外), 가지기수교주의서적영향역교대(可知其受校注醫書的影響亦較大), 기통과박람군서(其通過博覽群書), 대담실천(大膽實踐), 광수자료(廣收資料), 선우총결(善于總結), 최종성료일명의가(最終成了一名醫家). 설기수이동원(薛己受李東垣)${\ulcorner}$비위론(脾胃論)${\lrcorner}$적영향(的影響), 강조비위적중요성(强調脾胃的重要性), 병수차제출비통혈적이론(幷首次提出脾統血的理論) 기여이동원적학설부동지처시(其與李東垣的學說不同之處是), 재치료화쇠토약형허한증시(在治療火衰土弱型虛寒證時), 주장이보화생토지법내치료(主張以補火生土之法來治療), 인위비여신적생리작용호위관련(認爲脾與腎的生理作用互爲關聯), 비토화생정미(脾土化生精微), 이자양신여명문(以滋養腎與命門) 반과래(反過來), 신여명문역대위토기온후작용(腎與命門亦對緯土起溫煦作用); 이재병리방면(而在病理方面), 비토구허(脾土久虛), 가치신허(可致腎虛), 신허즉불능생토(腎虛則不能生土), 역가치비허(亦可致脾虛). 설기적극반대명대의가수금원지유풍(薛己積極反對明代醫家受金元之遺風), 이한양약공하(以寒凉藥攻下), 혹남용지백이강화(或濫用知柏以降火), 극벌생기적작법(克伐生氣的作法), 이주장용편온적약물진행조보(而主張用偏溫的藥物進行調補), 기상용적전인처방유보중익기탕(其常用的前人處方有補中益氣湯), 사물탕(四物湯), 사군자탕(四君子湯), 육군자탕(六君子湯), 독삼탕(獨蔘湯), 삼부탕(蔘附湯), 육미환(六味丸), 팔미환(八味丸), 신기환(腎氣丸), 회양탕(回陽湯), 당귀보혈탕등(當歸補血湯等).

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Chinese Broadcasters' Perceptions on Localization of Korean Entertainment Formats in China-Focused on In-depth Interviews on and (한국 예능 포맷의 중국 현지화에 대한 중국내 방송종사자의 인식 -<대단한 도전>과 <달려라 형제>에 대한 심층인터뷰를 중심으로)

  • Wang, Ying-Ying;Choi, E-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2019
  • Despite both the Korean version of and seemed to be the most popular in China, the and the , which localized the same format, differed at least in terms of viewership. Focusing on these two opposing cases, this study examines the characteristics and considerations of the localization transformation through in-depth interviews with experts in China.. As a result, was positive in terms of character diversification and online media interworking effects. However, the experts recognized that factors such as the confusion of character combinations due to frequent change of performers, frequent absences, conservative characteristics of Chinese state broadcasting that emphasized educational contents, and burden of localization due to changes in mission and challenge form each time were negatively affected. On the other hand, lacked the effect of online media interaction and lack of diversity of performers. However, the use of star actors' celebrities, the merits of actors with the characteristics of Chinese historical and cultural spaces, the use of Chinese flavors and fragrances, and similar types of missions and maintaining a stable composition each time favored localized production formats.

원통형 Saddle Field Ion Source의 특성에 관한 연구

  • Choe, Seong-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.234-234
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    • 2012
  • Saddle field ion source는 구조가 간단하고 영구자석을 사용하지 않아 소형화에 유리하고 구조가 간단한 DC 파워서플라이를 이용하기 때문에 장치 가격이 저렴하여 다양한 분야에서 응용되고 있으며 특히 이온빔 밀링 분야에 많이 사용된다. 초기 saddle field ion source 는 대칭형의 구형이었으나 지속적인 연구 개발로 와이어형, 원판형, 원통형 등 다양한 형태의 saddle field ion source가 개발되었다. 본 연구에서는 비교적 제작이 용이하고, 구조적으로 외부간섭에 대하여 덜 민감한 원통형 saddle field ion source를 제작하였다. 초기 saddle field ion source는 이온원 내부에 saddle field를 형성하기 위하여 대칭 구조를 가지 형태로 제작되었으나, 비대칭 구조에서도 saddle field가 형성될 수 있고 비대칭 구조를 채택할 경우 한쪽으로 더 많은 이온빔을 인출할 수 있기 때문에 실제 응용면에서는 비대칭 구조가 더 유리하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 원통형 비대칭 saddle field ion source를 제작하였으며, 제작된 이온소스는 높이가 62 mm 지름이 55 mm의 소형 이온소스였다. 제작된 원통형 saddle field ion source는 진공도와 가속전압에 따라 방전 모드 변화하였다. Saddle field ion source는 전극과 extractor의 구조에 따라 조금씩 다르지만 대체로 5x10-5 Torr ~ 5x10-4 Torr 영역에서 안정적으로 작동하였다. 이온소스 내부의 압력이 높을 경우 수십 mA 의 방전 전류가 흐르는 고전류 방전 모드로 작동하였으며 압력이 낮을 경우에는 동일한 전압에서 수 mA 의 방전 전류만 흐르는 저전류 방전 모드로 작동하였다. 압력이 더 높아질 경우 아크 방전이 발생하여 이온소스의 작동이 불안정하여 연속적인 작동이 어려웠다. 고전류 방전 모드에서는 이온빔 전류가 Child-Langmuir 방정식에 따라 Vi3/2에 비례하여 증가하는 경향을 보여주었으며 저전류 방전 모드에서는 Vi에 선형적으로 증가하였다. 가속 전압이 동일한 경우 고전류 방전 모드가 저전류 방전 모드에 비하여 더 많은 이온빔 인출이 가능하지만, 고전류 방전 모드의 경우 이온의 방출 각도가 매우 넓은 반면 저전류 방전 모드에서는 이온빔의 퍼짐이 현저히 줄어듦을 관찰할 수 있었다. 원통형 saddle field ion source는 내부 구조가 간단하기 때문에 내부 전극의 구조 변화에 따라 방전 특성 및 이온빔 인출 특성이 심하게 변동하였다. Saddle field ion source에서는 Anode에 인가되는 방전 전압이 가속 전압과 같은 역할을 하는데 가속 전압은 2~10 kV 사이에서 인가가 가능하였다. 일반적으로 동일한 방전 모드에서 진공도가 높아질수록 방전 전류의 양과 인출되는 이온의 양이 증가하는 것이 관찰되었다. 제작된 이온소스는 최적 조건에서 5 mm 인출구를 통하여 0.7 mA의 이온빔 인출이 가능하였으며, 9 mm 인출구를 사용한 경우 1 mA까지 이온빔 인출이 가능하였다.

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Study on Temporomandibular Disorder Patients with Conservative Treatment (보존적 치료를 이용한 TMD 환자에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Myung-Yun;Kim, Jin-Hwa;Heo, Jun-Young;Ok, Soo-Min;Jeong, Sung-Hee;Ahn, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2013
  • In order to evaluate the effect of conservative treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders(TMD), 137 patients were subjected at the Department of Oral Medicine, Pusan National University Dental Hospital from June 2012 to Sept. 2012. They were treated conservatively with behavioral therapy, physical therapy, medication and occlusal stabilizing splint therapy. Subjective symptoms and clinical findings were investigated to evaluate and compare the patients' status after 3 months treatment. The results were as follows; 1. Pain, Noise, LOM(Limitation of motion) and MCO(Maximum comfortable opening) measurements of TMD were markedly improved after conservative treatments including behavior therapy, physical therapy, medication and splint therapy. 2. There was no difference in treatment outcomes after conservative treatments when the subjects were classified and compared according to gender and chronicity. 3. Conservative treatment including stabilization splint produced better results than physical therapy with medication. 4. After 3 months of treatment, pain and LOM were significantly improved in the MD(Muscle disorder) group. Pain, LOM and noise were significantly improved in the DD(Disc displacements) group. In the OA(Osteoarthritis) group, pain, noise, LOM and MCO were significantly improved.

Anti-oxidation and Anti-atopic Dermatitis Effect of Herbal Wood Vinegar (한방목초액의 항산화 및 항 아토피 효과)

  • Kim, Tagon;Nho, Hwa Jung;Jun, Sang Hui;Kim, Kang Bae;Kim, Donguk
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.690-694
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    • 2010
  • In this study, herbal wood vinegar including Bambusoideae, Cinnamomi Cortex, Zingiberis Rhizoma was tested to see possibility for cosmetic or skin related medicine. Anti-oxidation effect of herbal wood vinegar was tested by DPPH free radical scavenging activity, and showed 97% inhibition rate at $50{\mu}g/ml$. Anti-bacterial effect was tested by disc diffusion method, and it indicated strong anti-bacterial activity against normal skin flora Staphylococcus aureus. Whitening effect was measured by tyrosinase inhibition assay, and it was lower compared with vitamin C. Stability test was done by MTT assay, and cell toxicity was relatively high. Stability was also checked, and there was not significant change in color, aroma, appearance and pH during storage. Anti-atopic dermatitis test was done by hairless mouse and herbal wood vinegar recovered damaged skin to almost normal condition after 9 days of application. IgE concentration in herbal wood vinegar treated mouse was also reduced 30% compared with control. From the study, herbal wood vinegar showed good anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial and anti-atopic dermatitis effect, and had promising application in cosmetic or skin related medicine.

Effects of Rotational Speed and Hydraulic Residence Time on the Ammonia Removal of a Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) (회전속도와 수리학적 체류시간이 회전원판식(Rotating Biological Contactor;RBC) 여과조의 암모니아 제거에 미치는 영향)

  • 오승용;조재윤;김종만
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2003
  • Performance of a biological filter, the rotating biological contactor (RBC), is affected by rotational speed and hydraulic residence time (HRT). A RBC with a disc diameter of 62 cm, total surface area of 48.28 $m^2$, volume of 0.34 ㎥, and submergence ratio of 35.4% was tested for the combinations of five rotational speeds (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 rpm) and three HRT (0.5, 1.0 & 2.0 hr) to find out the maximum removal efficiencies of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite nitrogen of a simulated recirculating aquaculture system. Ammonia loading rate in the system was 25 g of TAN/ ㎥. day. Removal efficiencies were checked when TAN concentrations in the system stabilized for 3 days in each treatment. The concentration of TAN in the system decreased with increasing rotational speed of the RBC up to 4 rpm in all HRT (P<0.05). At the rotational speed of 5 rpm, the efficiencies decreased in all HRT (P<0.05). When the rotational speeds were 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 rpm, TAN concentrations in the system were 1.35, 0.94, 0.69, 0.66, and 0.76 mg/L at the 0.5 hr HRT, 2.86, 1.18, 0.96, 0.87, and 1.11 mg/L at the 1.0 hr HRT, and 5.30, 2.44, 1.99, 1.77, and 2.01 mg/L at the 2.0 hr HRT, respectively. The TAN removal efficiencies of the RBC at the rotational speeds of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 rpm were 32.9, 49.5, 65.1, 72.9, and 62.9% in 0.5 hr HRT,33.1, 74.1, 87.1, 95.8, and 78.5% in 1.0 hr HRT, and 35.5, 76.7, 89.6, 97.0, and 85.5% in 2.0 hr HRT, respectively. TAN removal efficiency of RBC per pass increased with increasing HRT. However, TAN concentration in the system also increased. The best operating condition among the treatments was obtained at the treatment of 0.5 hr HRT and 4 rpm (P<0.05). The TAN concentration was 0.66 mg/L. Concentrations of nitrite nitrogen (NO$_2$$^{[-10]}$ -N) in the system decreased with increasing rotational speed in all HRT while that in the system increased with increasing HRT in all rotational speeds. The ranges of NO$_2$$^{[-10]}$ -N concentrations at HRT of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 hr in the system were 0.26~0.32, 0.31~0.56, and 0.43~l.45 mg/L, respectively. The ranges of daily removal rates of TAN in this system were 20.03~23.0 g TAN/㎥ㆍday and those of nitrite nitrogen were 19.65~30.25 g NO$_2$$^{[-10]}$ -N/㎥ㆍday.

Quality characteristics of rice cookies as affected by coffee addition (커피분말 첨가가 쌀쿠키의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong, Jong-Hwan;Chung, Hun-Sik;Kim, Han-Bit;Lee, Joo-Baek;Moon, Kwang-Deog
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2014
  • The effects of adding varying amounts (0%, 1.5%, 3%, 6%, and 12%) of the medium roasted coffee powder on the quality characteristics of rice cookies, which were prepared without wheat flour, were studied. The ingredients were mixed, cut, baked at $170{\sim}180^{\circ}C$ for 10 min, cooled, and packaged in plastic bags. Lightness ($L^*$), yellowness ($b^*$), chroma ($C^*$), and hue angle ($h^{\circ}$) of cookies decreased as the addition amount of the coffee powder increased. Redness ($a^*$) increased with the amount of the coffee powder. Firmness and phenolic compounds tended to increase with the increase in coffee content, however, the firmness levels of the cookies containing 1.5~3% coffee powder were insignificantly different. Antioxidant activity of cookies increased with the increase in the amount of coffee powder. Antioxidant activity of the cookies added with 3% coffee powder was significantly higher than that of the cookies added with 1.5% coffee powder. As a results of the sensory evaluation, the intensity of darkness, smell, bitterness, hardness of the cookies tended to increase with the increase in the amount of coffee powder. The overall acceptability of the cookies was significantly higher for the cookies containing 1.5~3% coffee powder than for the other samples. These results suggested that coffee powder (approximately 3%) can be utilized as an additive for preparing rice cookies which have simultaneously high antioxidant activity and acceptability.

Electrodeposition of some Alpha-Emitting Nuclides and its Isotope Determination by Alpha Spectrometry (몇가지 알파입자 방출 핵종의 전해석출 및 알파 스펙트럼 측정에 의한 그의 동위원소 정량)

  • Key-Suck Jung;In-Suck Suh
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 1983
  • An apparatus was made for the electrodeposition of alpha emitting actinide nuclides, $^{207}Bi$ and $^{210}Po$. The electrodeposition was made on a polished stainless steel plate cathode. The anode was made of platinum wire and to stir the solution. With the ammonium chloride as electrolyte initial pH = 4, chloride concentration = 0.6M and solution volume = 15ml, a current of 1.5 ampere(current density = 0.59A/$cm^2$) was flowed for 100 minutes for the quantitative recovery of electrodeposition and on average recovery of 98.3% was obtained within ${\pm}$0.7% uncertainty. Alpha spectrometry of the electrodeposited sample showed alpha peaks from $^{210}Po, ^{234}U$ and $^{239}Pu$ having energy resolution (FWHM) of 18.3, 21.8 and 36.0 keV respectively. The electrodeposition and alpha spectrometry for a natural uranium sample of domestic origin gave $^{238}U : ^{234}U = 1 : 6.1{\times}10^{-5}$ and for a neutron-irradiated uranium sample did $^{238}U : ^{239}Pu : ^{241}Am = 100 : 0.0263 : 5.20{times}10^{-5}$. The result of $^{238}U$ determination in the irradiated sample by electrodeposition-alpha spectrometry was in accord within ${\pm}1.6%$ of relative error with the results of solid fluorimetry and mass spectrometry. For $^{239}Pu$ the result of electrodeposition-alpha spectrometry was in accord within ${\pm}$4.0% of relative error with the results of anion exchange separation and the thenoyltrifluoroacetone(TTA) extraction both followed by alpha spectrometries.

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A Study of Drag Reduction by Polymer-Surfactant Mixture System (고분자-계면활성제 혼합물에 의한 마찰저항 감소연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Tae;Kim, Cheol-Am;Choe, Hyeong-Jin;Kim, Jong-Bo;Yun, Hyeong-Gi;Park, Seong-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 1998
  • Drag reduction produced by dilute solution of water soluble ionic polymer-surfactant complex under turbulent flow in a rotating disk apparatus(RDA) was investigated in this study. Three different molecular weights of polyacrylic acid(PAA) were adopted as drag reducing additives, and distilled water was used as a solvent. Experiments were undertaken to observe the dependence of drag reduction on various factors such as polymer molecular weight, molecular expansions and flexibility, rotating speed of the disk and polymer concentration. Specific considerations were put on conformational difference between surfactant and polymer, and effect of pH on ionic polymer possessing various molecular conformation through pH. The complex of ionic polymer and surfactant(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) behaves like a large polyelectrolyte. Surfactant changes the polymer conformation and then increases the dimension of the polymer. The radius of gyration, hydrodynamic volume and relative viscosity of the polymer-surfactant system are observed to be greater than those of polymer itself. Such surfactant-polymer complex has enhanced drag reduction properties.

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Carbon Storage and Uptake by Evergreen Trees for Urban Landscape - For Pinus densiflora and Pinus koraiensis - (도시 상록 조경수의 탄소저장 및 흡수 - 소나무와 잣나무를 대상으로 -)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Kim, Jin-Young;Park, Hye-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2013
  • This study generated regression models through a direct harvesting method to estimate carbon storage and uptake by Pinus densiflora and Pinus koraiensis, the major evergreen tree species in urban landscape, and established essential information to quantify carbon reduction by urban trees. Open-grown landscape tree individuals for each species were sampled reflecting various diameter sizes at a given interval. The study measured biomass for each part including the roots of sample trees to compute the total carbon storage per tree. Annual carbon uptake per tree was quantified by analyzing radial growth rates of stem samples at breast height. The study then derived a regression model easily applicable in estimating carbon storage and uptake per tree for the two species by using diameter at breast height (DBH) as an independent variable. All the regression models showed high fitness with $r^2$ values of higher than 0.98. While carbon storage and uptake by young trees tended to be greater for P. densiflora than for P. koraiensis in the same diameter sizes, those by mature trees with DBH sizes of larger than 20 cm showed results to the contrary due to a difference in growth rates. A tree of P. densiflora and P. koraiensis with DBH of 25 cm stored 115.6 kg and 130.0 kg of carbon, respectively, and annually sequestered 9.4 kg and 14.6 kg. The study has broken new grounds to overcome limitations of the past studies which quantified carbon reduction of the study species by substituting, due to a difficulty in direct cutting and root digging of landscape trees, coefficients from forest trees such as biomass expansion factors, ratios of below ground/above ground biomass, and diameter growth rates.