• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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Institutional Commitment to Accomplishing the Cause of the "Candle Revolution" ("촛불혁명"의 희망은 무엇이었으며 그것은 어떻게 실현할 수 있는가?)

  • Kang, Miong-Sei
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2017
  • "The Candle Revolution" impeached the Park government and elected the Moon government. The candlelight protesters demonstrated public anger associated with accumulated corruption and deep-rooted irregularities. Complete political reform is required to perform deep fundamental reform. It aims to transform democracy in a way that is more inclusive. Inclusive democracy contributes to making welfare state stronger. Inclusive democracy is made possible by proportional representation that allows progressive parties more seats and leverages. Proportional representation systems are characterized by higher degrees of redistribution and larger welfare state. Constitutional reform has to be focused on introducing parliamentary government. "Imperialistic" presidential system in Korea has no mechanism of checks and balances which are key characteristics of presidential systems. It has failed to attend the poverty and social inequality arising from globalization and neoliberal change since 2000s. Parliamentary government is supposed to deliver social policy when parties are more disciplined than in presidential system where political parties remain weak.

Locality as ontological 'Between' in Modern and Postmodern Discourse (근대와 탈근대 담론에서 존재론적 '사이'로서의 로컬리티)

  • Yi, Sae-seong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.126
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    • pp.235-261
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to cast light upon the urgent problem philosophically the reason why local or locality can not help being raised as the problem of ontological 'between' in human life, in the post modern discourse trying to surmount the general modern system in modern times and it. Therefore, it is necessary that we should inspect the quality of human life, raising a basic question about the existence of human among many questions raised in the process of the discussion of modern and post modern(2). In addition, in the process, we should look into closely what relations local or locality has with the quality of human life, because only in the local, human can be the subject who is making meaning the time and the places, being tangled with the trace of various texture and wrinkles from life. Also, it is here, in the local that subjects can identify to live together through the intersubjective network(3). When these conditions are met, local or locality will emerge as the possibility of locality humanities, as ontological 'between' in human life, where true humane and social life is possible(4).

A Study on the ODA Trends and the Tasks of Korean Social Work Community (ODA의 국내·외적 동향과 한국사회복지계의 과제에 관한 연구 -부산 OECD 세계원조총회(HLF-4)를 계기로-)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.305-337
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    • 2012
  • The OECD High Level Forum-4 that was held in Busan in 2011 was a very important international conference in which more than 2,000 high level representatives from OECD countries, UN, private businesses, charity foundations, NGOs, etc participated, and which dealt with the aid effectiveness issues of ODA (Official Development Assistance), one of the important funds for social welfare of developing countries. However, despite its significance, none of social work organizations, either international or domestic, were in appearance during the conference. What made such a thing happen? This study started from that question and tried to explore the history of international social work: when and how social work gained an international leadership in caring for social welfare of developing countries and how and why it began to lose it. This study also tried to explore, based on the international experience, the tasks that Korean social work community, both academia and field, which just began to be concerned with international social work for developing countries, should address at this beginning stage.

Intersubjective Justification and Objective Justification (상호주관적 정당화와 객관적 정당화)

  • Lee, Byeongdeok
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.125-150
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    • 2019
  • A coherence theory is adequate as a theory of justification only when justification as conceived by the theory is truth-conducive. But it is not clear how coherentist justification is truth-conducive. This is the alleged truth-conduciveness problem of coherentism. In my 2017 paper, I argued that a certain version of the coherence theory, namely a Sellarsian coherence theory combined with the deflationary conception of truth, can cope with this problem. Against this claim, Kiyong Suk argues in his recent paper that my proposed solution fails on the grounds that there is no practical way of distinguishing between intersubjective justification and objective justification. The purpose of this paper is to clarify my view by way of explaining why Suk's criticism is not correct. In particular, I argue that his criticism is based on a wrong assumption, namely that for one to be objectively justified in believing something, one's justification must be qualitatively transformed into the status of having objective justification from the status of having intersubjective justification.

A Study for the Institutionalization of Alternative Medicine (대체의학의 제도화를 위한연구 -법률정보와 공인화 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Kyung-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2013
  • Recently, desires for diversification of medical treatment throughout our society have been enhanced. It is thought that such a trend may be directly related to the introduction of 'alternative medicine'. This study is to establish the foundation of legalization of alternative medicine, starting with the movement for legalization of alternative medicine from constitutionality decision of medical law by the legal Information Constitutional Court. It also suggested the direction of discussion with issue of how to introduce alternative medicine beyond the stage of basic discussion, 'why' we must introduce alternative medicine, through profound investigation of preceding studies. In addition, the present study analyzed legal controversies from the appearance of alternative medicine based on the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the precedents of the Supreme Court and drew the prerequisites for the institutionalization of alternative medical treatments. It also reestablished terms of alternative medicine which have been indiscreetly used, presented methods for officialization of alternative medicine and compared and analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the methods.

Analysis of Game Documentary - Focused on Indie Game: The Movie (게임 다큐멘터리 분석 - Indie Game: The Movie를 중심으로)

  • Han, Sukhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2018
  • This study multi-dimensionally analyzes "Indie Game: The Movie", The game documentary film published in June, 2012. As game industry increases, game-related documentary films are also being produced. Previous game documentary films usually focus on the success of popular game or game users and deal with the reason of success. However, "Indie Game: The Movie" centers on Indie game developers who are not from famous and huge companies. Due to the development of the game engine, these days, Indie games become a new trend that game developers are able to develop their own game freely. Then, this study has a purpose to study the life of Indie game developers and explore how and why they want to make their own game. More specifically, this study analyzes "Indie Game: The Movie" by 1) Story 2) Conflict and Resolution 3) Form 4) Sequence. As a result, it concludes that "Indie Game: The Movie" has interview section mainly and represents that Indie game developers want to develop their own games due to their ego and identity. In other words, throughout the analysis of the documentary film, it explores the reality that Indie Game developers face and many features of Indie Game in the game industry.

Evaluation Standard for Safety of Autonomous Cars: UL 4600 (자율주행자동차를 위한 안전성 평가 표준: UL 4600)

  • Lee, Seongsoo;Ihm, Sahng-Hyeog
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.565-570
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    • 2021
  • This paper describes UL 4600, a new international safety standard to ensure safety of autonomous cars. Conventional vehicular safety standards such as ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448 suffer from large limitations to be applied to autonomous cars, but UL 4600 exploits new approaches to be applied to autonomous cars. Conventional standards define various technological aspects to ensure safety and require manufacturers to certify these aspects. On the contrary, UL 4600 requires manufacturer to explain and prove why autonomous cars are safe. In UL 4600, (1) under specific environments where the system is designed to operate with, (2) claims should be defined to guarantee given safety, and (3) arguments should be suggested to satisfy given goals, and (3) evidences should be presented to prove given arguments. UL 4600 is technology-neutral since it does not require specific designs nor technologies. So UL 4600 only requires manufacturers to prove given safety goals regardless of methods and technologies. Also UL 4600 admits various cases of autonomous car field operations into the standard via feedback loop. So UL 4600 effectively maneuvers various dangers unknown at the time of standard establishment.

The Effect of Leader-member Exchange on Envy and Counterproductive Behaviors Moderated by Similarity (비교이론을 조절변수로 한 리더-종사원 교환이론이 시기심과 직장 내 일탈 행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soo Kyung;Lee, Jung Seung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.671-677
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of leader-member exchange (LMX) on envy and counterproductive behaviors (CWB) moderated by similarity. Specifically, we focused on the negative side of LMX to examine the relationship between LMX and envy, and the mediating role of envy on the relationship between LMX and CWB. Further, we also examined the moderating role of similarity on the relationship between envy and CWB. Given that CWB can be harmful to any organizational, it was worthwhile to find possible antecedents of CWB, envy and LMX. A total number of 238 employees participated in this study and the results supported our hypotheses. The results of this study can have managerial implications, showing the important role of manager's personalized treatment for each of his/her subordinates.

An Empirical Research on the Factors affecting on Product Preferences and Purchasing Intention of Korean Consumers to Imported Luxury Brands into Korea (한국 소비자들의 수입명품에 대한 제품선호도와 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - 이태리, 프랑스, 스위스 원산지 명품을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Hun Joo;Bae, Kyung Won
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.475-504
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and investigate why and how these 4 factors (the images of country of origin, imported luxury brand, objective products' characteristics and Projective consumer's peculiarity) impact product preferences & purchasing intention of consumers who plan to buy "Imported Luxury Branded goods". For this study the research directions are: 1. To find each impact of Country of Origin and Brand image which influence "the preference of imported luxury brand items". 2. To analyze the difference of "the effects of Country or Origin" which impacts product preference when consumers buy imported luxury branded goods, which have different purchasing risks. 3. To verify the difference of products' characteristics that have different purchasing risks through comparing the image of country of origin and brand. 4. To analyze and compare "the purchasing behavior of Korean consumers" for achieving research universality. In order to verify that those 4 factors (the images of country of origin, imported luxury brand, objective products' characteristics and prospective consumer's peculiarity) impact on product preferences & purchasing intention of consumers, the linear structural equation model was developed. According to this research model, 9 hypotheses were designed.

A Conceptual Contour of Character and Capacity in Virtue Epistemology: Focusing on sagacity and honesty in the Analects (덕인식론에서 역량과 성품의 개념적 이해: 『논어(論語)』에서 '총명(聰明)'과 '정직함'을 중심으로)

  • LEE, Chan
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.123
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    • pp.239-264
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    • 2018
  • In order to understand the whole picture of virtue epistemology with knowledge-action theory, I will first examine contours between concepts like capacity, character and intellectual virtues in relation to the notion of virtue. At first, my $na{\ddot{i}}ve$ question is why smart people do such bad things without any shame. This question would be either ethical or epistemological because epistemology is viewed as a normative discipline and intellectual agents and communities should be considered as the primary focus of epistemic evaluation. This is the core idea of virtue epistemology. The stance virtue epistemology views virtues as a solution to the justification of knowledge is similar to the knowledge-action theory in the East Asian intellectual tradition. But, their core issues are different from each other. Thus, I will explain how to differ from one another and analyze such concepts as capacity, character, and intellectual virtues in the Analects. I will insist that capacity and character without normative disciplines cannot be intellectual virtues leading to right actions.