• Title/Summary/Keyword: 약효

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자원식물로부터 미생물을 이용한 고부가가치 기능성 물질의 대량생산

  • Yang, Deok-Chun;Kim, Se-Hwa;Min, Jin-U;In, Jun-Gyo;Lee, Beom-Su;Kim, Jong-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2008
  • 인삼은 재배적지에 대한 선택성이 매우 강한 식물이며, 기후 토양 등의 자연환경이 적당하지 않으면 인삼의 생육이 곤란하고, 생육이 가능하더라도 생산된 인삼의 형태, 품질 및 약효에서 현저한 차이를 나타내고 있다. 이러한 인삼의 식물학적 특성이 우리나라에서는 최적의 환경조건으로 인정되어 고려인삼은 세계적으로 최고의 품질로 높이 평가되는 이유이다. 하지만 실질적인 인삼의 생리활성물질에 대한 연구는 서구열강 및 일본에 의해 대다수 연구, 발표되었으며 또한 인삼의 우수성을 인정하여 넓은 영토와 수많은 과학적 지식으로 고려인삼의 우수한 품질을 앞서가려 하고 있는 것이 현실정이다. 특히 중국의 넓은 인삼재배면적에서 값싸게 생산된 인삼이 한국시장을 위협하고 있으며, 미국과 캐나다에서 수많은 연구비를 투자하여 자국삼인 화기삼의 홍보를 대대적으로 함으로서 전세계의 인삼시장의 변화를 유도하고 있고, 호주, 뉴질랜드에서도 청정인삼을 내세워 한국 및 전세계 인삼시장을 잠식해가고 있다. 이런 변화에 의하여 한때 인삼의 종주국으로 전세계의 인삼시장을 석권했던 한국의 고려인삼이 과거의 위상을 점차 잃어 가고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 인삼재배면적이 경쟁국과 비교해 상대적으로 열세인 한국의 고려인삼이 선택할수 있는 방법은 비록 생산은 적더라도 고부가가치인삼을 생산하여 명품화로 가야 할 것으로 생각된다. 명품화를 위해서는 우선 고려인삼의 효능을 밝혀 고기능성을 입증해야하고, 재배생산단계에서부터 농약, 중금속등에 노출되지 않고 병에 자유로운 청정재배를 통해 명품화를 이룩해야 하며, 특히 제품의 생산 및 유통단계에서 표준화를 통해서 전세계의 소비자가 믿고 사용할수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 또한 인삼에만 함유된 인삼사포닌(ginsenoside)은 배당체로서 여러 미생물에 의하여 당사슬이 끊어짐으로서 새로운 사포닌이 등장하게 되는데 이러한 사포닌이 각종 함암, 면적, 치매, 관절등에 탁월한 효능을 보임으서 많은 연구들이 진행중에 있으며, 특히 인삼에만 함유된 것으로 알고 있었던 ginsenoside가 돌외(한약재명 칠엽담)에도 함유되어 있고 일부 성분은 미생물을 통해서 변환시킴으로 서 값비싼 인삼사포닌을 생장이 빠르면 비교적 값싼 돌외 사포닌으로부터 생산할수 있게 되었다. 본 세미나에서는 각종 미생물을 이용하여 인삼의 사포닌을 변환시키고 돌외 사포닌인 gypenoside를 ginsenoside로 변환시켜 대량생산할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고자 한다.

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Cultural Characteristics and Fruitbody Formation of Phellinus gilvus (Phellinus gilvus의 배양적 특성과 자실체 형성)

  • Rew, Young-Hyun;Jo, Woo-Sik;Jeong, Ki-Chae;Yoon, Jae-Tak;Choi, Boo-Sool
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2000
  • For artificial cultivation of Phellinus gilvus (Schw.) Pat we have conducted a study on cultural characteristics and condition of fruitbody formation. The optimum temperature was about $30^{\circ}C$ at pH $6.0{\sim}7.0$ for mycelial growth. Optimum sawdust media were oak sawdust+willow sawdust(5:5, V/V), oak sawdust+willow sawdust+rice bran (4.5:4.5:1, V/V) and oak sawdust+pine sawdust+rice bran(4.5:4.5:1, V/V) and, the spawn incubation period was about $25{\sim}26$ days. Mycelial growth in the inner portion of oak log was 200 mm after 60 days and duration for the first fruitbody primordia were formed about 90 days after inoculation.

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Control of Seed-borne Infection of Ustilago nuda and Pyrenophora graminea on Barley (맥류(麥類)에 발생(發生)하는 Ustilago nuda 및 Pyrenophora graminea에 대한 종자(種子) 소독(消毒)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Du-Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 1980
  • Effects of seed disinfectants on loose smut (Ustilago nuda) and leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) of barley were investigated in field tests. For these experiments, seed samples carrying natural infection of Ustilago nuda and Pyrenophora graminea were used and the following fungicides were used: Baytan, Baytan U, Benlate T, Busan 30, KAC-7703, P 242, Panoctine, Sisthane Ec, Sisthane Wp, Sisthane Ds, Sodium Omadine, Terracoat Zn, Vitathiram and Zinc Omadine, respectively. Results have shown that Sisthane and Benlate T have equal effect to Vitathiram against Ustil­ago nuda and Pyrenophora graminea. Baytan U was effective against loose smut but inferior to leaf stripe of barley. P 242 was effective against leaf stripe but inferior to loose smut of barley. Busan 30 have shown moderately inferior effect to Vitathiram against loose smut and leaf stripe of barley. A mild inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of barley, naked barley and wheat seeds was observed when high concentration of Sisthane and Baytan U were treated in seedling box placed in green house conditions, but no symptom observed in field conditions.

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Effect of Temperature and Eluent Composition on the Separation of Ketoprofen and Ibuprofen Racemates in Kromasil HPLC Column (Kromasil HPLC 칼럼에서 온도와 이동상 조성비에 따른 Ketoprofen과 Ibuprofen 라세미체의 분리특성)

  • Park, Moon-Bae;Kim, In Ho
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2009
  • Ketoprofen and ibuprofen are non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID) that have analgesic and antipyretic properties. (S)-ketoprofen and (S)-ibuprofen have pharmacological activity, while (R)-ketoprofen and (R)-ibuprofen are either inactive or have side effect. The chiral separation of racemic ketoprofen and ibuprofen enantiomers was carried out by using a Kromasil HPLC column. Some chromatographic parameters (selectivity, resolution, number of theoretical plates and ${\Delta}H$) are calculated under different mobile phase compositions of hexane/t-BME/acetic acid and temperatures. The selectivity, resolution and number of theoretical plates were observed high at $25^{\circ}C$ and the composition of hexane/t-BME/acetic acid (80/20/0.1).

Determination of Phenobarbital in Intact Phenobabital Tablets using NIRS (근적외선 분광광도법을 이용한 페노바르비탈정제의 정량법에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Ki-Won;Ze, Keum Ryon;Youn, Mi Ok;Lee, Su Jung;Choi, Hyun Cheol;Kim, Ho Jung;Kim, Hyo Jin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes a rapid determination of phenobarbital in intact phenobarbital tablets using partial least squares regression(PLSR) method of transmittance spectrum of near infrared (NIR) compared with the analytical data of liquid chromatograpy. The linearity, concentration range and precision of this analytical method are studied. The correlation coefficient of the calibration curve is 0.9983 and the standard error of calibration(SEC) is 0.14 %. Intra-day precision and Inter-day precision obtained in this method are CV = 0.45, CV =0.56, respectively.

Leaching, soil residue, and volatilization of dicamba from controlled release granular formulations (방출조절형 dicamba 입제의 용탈, 토양잔류 및 휘산)

  • Oh, Kyeong-Seok;Oh, Byung-Youl;Park, Seung-Soon;Jin, Yong-Duk;Lee, Jae-Koo
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 1998
  • In order to minimize harmful side effects, extend weed control performance, and control the releasing rate of the active ingredient, dicamba controlled release granular formulations were prepared with starch as matrix. Leaching, soil residue, and volatilization of the granules were compared with dicamba soluble concentrate formulation (SL). Leaching of dicamba through the soil applied with the granules could be reduced more than 50% as compared with that of dicamba SL. The half life of dicamba in loamy soil treated with the granules was 50 to 51 days, while that in sand loamy soil was 50 to 58 days. Whereas, the half life of dicamba in loamy and sand loamy soil applied with dicamba SL was 24 and 22 days, respectively. Volatilization of dicamba from the granules was 10 times less than that of dicamba SL.

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In vitro Evaluation of Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Activity of Nucleoside Derivatives and Studies on Their Mode of Action (핵산유도체들의 항 Human Immunodeficiency Virus in vitro 약효평가와 작용기전연구)

  • Lee, Chong-Kyo;Kim, Dong-Ki;Kim, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Hae-Soo;Pi, Mi-Kyoung;Park, Jong-Beak;Kim, Baek
    • The Journal of Korean Society of Virology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1997
  • To evaluate in vitro anti-HIV efficacies of nucleoside derivatives, MT-4 cell line was infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2 respectively and treated with various compounds and the formerly approved drugs such as AZT, d4T, ddC and ddI. CPE method was used to evaluate their antiviral activity. Most dideoxynucleosides, AZT, d4T, ddC and ddI, showed anti-HIV activities against both viruses but no other compounds including anti-herpesvirus drugs did any. Further experiments were carried out to study their inhibitory mechanism of viral adsorption. The results showed no inhibition of syncytium formation due to an interaction between the gp120 expressed in HIV -infected cell surface and CD4 receptor on the uninfected cell surface in the presence of AZT. AZT showed no activity up to $100\;{\mu}g/ml$. Inhibition of reverse transcriptase (RT) in the presence of AZT-triphosphate was tested by using RT expressed in E. coli and purified and its $IC_{50}$ was 4.5 nM.

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Growth Characteristics and Paeoniflorin Content in Introduced Peony Varieties (도입 작약의 생육특성과 페오니플로린 함량)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hye;Park, So-Deuk;Kim, Jae-Chul;Park, Jun-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2001
  • Peony has been cultivated as medicinal plant in East and also its beautiful flower was acknowledged over the world. In West, numerous peony varieties were developed for ornamental use but not in the country. Ninety two varieties of ornamental peony were introduced from U.S.A. and investigated in Uisong Medicinal Plant Experiment Station during $1997{\sim}1999$. For most of them, their growth habit were good in the country. Their flower colors were clearer and stems were thicker and stronger than domestic peonies. Some of them showed vigorous growth and made very high yield of root. Most of varieties showed proper content of paeoniflorin, medicinal component of peony, for medicinal use.

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Fatty Acid Composition and Antiproliferative Activity of Extracts from Euphorbia Supina (애기땅빈대 추출물의 지방산 조성 및 인체 암세포 증식 억제 효과)

  • Choi, Hyang Mi;Lim, Sun Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to determine the fatty acid composition and the antiproliferative effect of extracts and fractions from Euphorbia supina. With regards the fatty acid composition, the percentages of 18:3n-3 in acetone/methylene chloride (A+M) and methanol (MeOH) extracts were 53.4 and 42.1%, respectively. Among the fractions, an 85% aqueous methanol (85% aq. MeOH) fraction contained the highest percentage of 18:3n-3. Treatments with crude extracts and fractions significantly inhibited the growth of HT-29 and AGS human cancer cell lines (p<0.05). The A+M extract showed a higher inhibitory effect on the growth of both cancer cells compared to MeOH extract. Among the fractions, the 85% aq. MeOH and n-hexane fractions exerted a greater inhibitory effect on the proliferation of both types of cancer cells. Our results suggest that 85% aq. MeOH and n-hexane fractions exert potent inhibitory effects on the proliferation of human cancer cells.

The Present Conditions and Future Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics (중의아과학현장여전망(中醫兒科學現狀與展望))

  • Wang Shouchuan
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2001
  • This article summarizes the present developing conditions and achievements in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) at basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine in recent fifty years. The author thinks that the strategy goal of the development of TCM pediatrics is modernization. In the future certain years, culturing persons of ability in all kinds of administrative levels and using modern science and techniques are very necessary. In the aspect of the background of TCM pediatrics, childrens physiology and pathology characteristic, pharmacodynamics, making the four diagnostic methods objective, combining macro differentiation with micro differentiation, reforming the preparation form should be intensively researched. In the aspect of clinic, in order to improve curative effect, accumulate materials, we should go deep into the research on virus diseases, immunity diseases, nutritional diseases and neonatal diseases by taking advantage of the superiority of TCM.

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