• Title/Summary/Keyword: 알고리즘이론

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A Single Allocation Hub Network Design Model for Intermodal Freight Transportation (단일할당 복합운송 허브 네트워크 설계 모형 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyu;Gang, Seong-Cheol;Park, Chang-Ho;Go, Seung-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2009
  • Intermodal freight transportation is defined as the movement of freight from origins to destinations by two or more transportation modes. When implemented in hub networks, it could enhance the efficiency of the networks because consolidated flows are transported by more suitable modes and technologies. In spite of this advantage, the intermodal hub network design problem has received limited attention in the literature partly because of the complex nature of the problem. This paper aims to develop an optimization model for designing intermodal hub networks with sin91e allocation strategy. The model takes into account various cost components of intermodal hub networks including transportation, stationary inventory, and service delay costs. Moreover, using transport frequency variables, it is capable of endogenously determining the transportation economies of scale achieved by consolidation of flows. As such, the model is able to realistically represent the characteristics of intermodal hub networks in practice. Since the model Is a complicated nonlinear integer programming problem, we perform model simplification based on the analytical study of the model, which could facilitate the development of solution algorithms in the future. We expect that this study contributes to the design of intermodal hub networks as well as to the assessment of existing logistics systems.

A Study on the Simulation of Runoff Hydograph by Using Artificial Neural Network (신경회로망을 이용한 유출수문곡선 모의에 관한 연구)

  • An, Gyeong-Su;Kim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 1998
  • It is necessary to develop methodologies for the application of artificial neural network into hydrologic rainfall-runoff process, although there is so much applicability by using the functions of associative memory based on recognition for the relationships between causes and effects and the excellent fitting capacity for the nonlinear phenomenon. In this study, some problems are presented in the application procedures of artificial neural networks and the simulation of runoff hydrograph experiences are reviewed with nonlinear functional approximator by artificial neural network for rainfall-runoff relationships in a watershed. which is regarded as hydrdologic black box model. The neural network models are constructed by organizing input and output patterns with the deserved rainfall and runoff data in Pyoungchang river basin under the assumption that the rainfall data is the input pattern and runoff hydrograph is the output patterns. Analyzed with the results. it is possible to simulate the runoff hydrograph with processing element of artificial neural network with any hydrologic concepts and the weight among processing elements are well-adapted as model parameters with the assumed model structure during learning process. Based upon these results. it is expected that neural network theory can be utilized as an efficient approach to simulate runoff hydrograph and identify the relationship between rainfall and runoff as hydrosystems which is necessary to develop and manage water resources.

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Real-Time Flood Forecasting Using Rainfall-Runoff Model(I) : Theory and Modeling (강우-유출모형을 이용한 실시간 홍수예측(I) : 이론과 모형화)

  • 정동국;이길성
    • Water for future
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1994
  • Flood forecasting in Korea has been based on the off-line parameter estimation method. But recent flood forecasting studies explore on-line recursive parameter estimation algorithms. In this study, a simultaneous adaptive estimation of system states and parameters for rainfall-runoff model is investigated for on-line real-time flood forecasting and parameter estimation. The proposed flood routing system is composed of Flood forecasting in Korea has been based on the off-line parameter estimation method. But recent flood forecasting studies explore on-line recursive parameter estimation algorithms. In this study, a simultaneous adaptive estimation of system states and parameters for rainfall-runoff model is investigated for on-line real-time flood forecasting and parameter estimation. The proposed flood routing system is composed of ø-index in the assessment of effective rainfall and the cascade of nonlinear reservoirs accounting for translation effect in flood routing. To combine the flood routing model with a parameter estimation model, system states and parameters are treated with the extended state-space formulation. Generalized least squares and maximum a posterior estimation algorithms are comparatively examined as estimation techniques for the state-space model. The sensitivity analysis is to investigate the identifiability of the parameters. The index of sensitivity used in this study is the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters.-index in the assessment of effective rainfall and the cascade of nonlinear reservoirs accounting for translation effect in flood routing. To combine the flood routing model with a parameter estimation model, system states and parameters are treated with the extended state-space formulation. Generalized least squares and maximum a posterior estimation algorithms are comparatively examined as estimation techniques for the state-space model. The sensitivity analysis is to investigate the identifiability of the parameters. The index of sensitivity used in this study is the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters.

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Synchronization of Network Interfaces in System Area Networks (시스템 에어리어 네트?에서의 동기화 기법)

  • Song, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.219-231
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    • 2005
  • Many applications in cluster computing require QoS (Quality of Service) services. Since performance predictability is essential to provide QoS service, underlying systems must provide predictable performance guarantees. One way to ensure such guarantees from network subsystems is to generate global schedules from applications'network requests and to execute the local portion of the schedules at each network interface. To ensure accurate execution of the schedules, it is essential that a global time base must be maintained by local clocks at each network interface. The task of providing a single time base is called a synchronization problem and this paper addresses the problem for system area networks. To solve the synchronization problem, FM-QoS (1) proposed a simple synchronization mechanism called FBS(Feedback-Based Synchronization) which uses built-in How control signals. This paper extends the basic notion of FM-QoS to a theoretical framework and generalizes it: 1) to identify a set of built-in network flow control signals for synchrony and to formalize it as a synchronizing schedule, and 2) to analyze the synchronization precision of FBS in terms of flow control parameters. Based on generalization, two application classes are studied for a single switch network and a multiple switch network. For each class, a synchroniring schedule is proposed and its bounded skew is analyzed. Unlike FM-QoS, the synchronizing schedule is proven to minimize the bounded skew value for a single switch network. To understand the analysis results in practical networks, skew values are obtained with flow control parameters of Myrinet-1280/SAN. We observed that the maximum bounded skew of FBS is 9.2 Usec or less over all our experiments. Based on this result, we came to a conclusion that FBS was a feasible synchronization mechanism in system area networks.

Application of Ordinary Kriging Interpolation Method for p-Adaptive Finite Element Analysis of 2-D Cracked Plates (2차원 균열판의 p-적응적 유한요소해석을 위한 정규크리깅 보간법의 적용)

  • Woo, Kwang-Sung;Jo, Jun-Hyung;Park, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4 s.74
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2006
  • This paper comprises two specific objectives. The first is to examine the applicability of ordinary kriging interpolation(OK) to the p-adaptivity of the finite element method that is based on variogram modeling. The second objective Is to present the adaptive procedure by the hierarchical p-refinement in conjunction with a posteriori error estimator using the modified S.P.R. (superconvergent patch recovery) method. The ordinary kriging method that is one of weighted interpolation techniques is applied to obtain the estimated exact solution from the stress data at the Gauss points. The weight factor is determined by experimental and theoretical variograms for interpolation of stress data apart from the conventional interpolation methods that use an equal weight factor. In the p-refinement, the analytical domain has to be refined automatically to obtain an acceptable level of accuracy by increasing the p-level non-uniformly or selectively. To verify the performance of the modified S.P.R. method, the new error estimator based on limit value has been proposed. The validity of the proposed approach has been tested with the help of some benchmark problems of linear elastic fracture mechanics such as a centrally cracked panel, a single edged crack, and a double edged crack.

Construction of Management Performance Data-Mining System for CEO′s Efficient/Effective Decision Making (CEO의 효율적/유효적 의사결정을 위한 경영성과 데이터마이닝 시스템의 구축)

  • 조성훈;안동규;김제홍
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2000
  • In modern dynamic management environment, there is growing recognition that information & knowledge management systems are essential for CEO's efficient/effective decision making. As a key component to cope with this current, we suggest the management performance data-mining system based on IT(Information Technology). This system measures management performance that is considered with both VA(Value-Added), which represents stakeholder's point of view and EVA(Economic Value-Added), which represents shareholder's point of view. The relationship between management performance and 85 financial ratios is analyzed, and then important financial ratios are drawn out. In analyzing the relationship, we applied the explanation-based Gas(Genetic Algorithms) that consider predictability, understanability (lucidity) and reasonability factors simultaneously. To demonstrate the performance of the system, we conducted a case study using financial data over the 16-years from 1981 to 1996 of Korean automobile industry which is taken from database of KISFAS(Korea Investors Services Financial Analysis System).

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The Role of Geographic Information System and Its Functional Intergration Strategy in the Conventional Transportation Planning Process (전통교통계획과정에 있어서 GIS의 역할 및 기능적 통합방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kee-Choo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the possible benefits of combining transportation planning models with geographic information systems (GIS) in the hope that intergrating these systems can alleviate the inherent problems of transportation planning models such as user unfriendliness, labor intensiveness, and theoretical limitations. Specially, this paper focuses on the issue of incompatiblity between GIS and the conventional transportation planning models in dealing with network topologies. Resolving this conflict in topologies is a conerstone for eliminating the user-unfriendliness and labor-intensiveness issues. This paper presents the development of an algorithm that converts GIS topology into transportation network topology. The FORTRAN-based topology conversion algorithm generates transportation networks from the GIS cartographic file and establishes a communication charmel between the two systems.

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Development of a Prestack Generalized-Screen Migration Module for Vertical Transversely Isotropic Media (횡적등방성 매질에 적용 가능한 겹쌓기 전 Generalized-Screen 참반사 보정 모듈 개발)

  • Shin, Sungil;Byun, Joongmoo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2013
  • The one-way wave equation migration is much more computationally efficient comparing with reverse time migration and it can provide better image than the migration algorithm based on the ray theory. We have developed the prestack depth migration module adopting (GS) propagator designed for vertical transverse isotropic media. Since GS propagator considers the higher-order term by expanding the Taylor series of the vertical slowness in the thin slab of the phase-screen propagator, the GS migration can offer more correct image for the complex subsurface with large lateral velocity variation or steep dip. To verify the validity of the developed GS migration module, we analyzed the accuracy with the order of the GS propagator for VTI media (GSVTI propagator) and confirmed that the accuracy of the wavefield propagation with the wide angles increases as the order of the GS propagator increases. Using the synthetic seismic data, we compared the migration results obtained from the isotropic GS migration module with the anisotropic GS migration module. The results show that the anisotropic GS migration provides better images and the improvement is more evident on steeply dipping structures and in a strongly anisotropic medium.

A Study for Model Curricula Development, in GIS(Geographic Information Science) (GIS 교육과정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 성효현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 1993
  • This paper reviews the topic of GIS, the academic setting of GIS, GIS model curricula and the possibility GIS education in Korea. The topics which might be included in a science of geographic information consist of data collection and measurement, data capture, spatial statistics, data modeling and theories of spatial data, data structures, algorithms and processes, display, analytical tools, institutional, managerial and ethical issues. The problems in teaching a course on GIS in higher education are reviewed. Because of their technological, integrative, and rapidly changing nature, GIS pose major challenges to their education system which it is ill equipped to meet. In higher education a number of initiatives have been taken to provide education about and training with, GIS. The possible GIS curricula are suggested. These curricula are divided into 3 major sections, relating GIS context, technical issues and application issues. The prospects of GIS appears lo depend largely upon the future cooperation of academia, government, and industry

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Cross-sectional Optimization of a Human-Powered Aircraft Main Spar using SQP and Geometrically Exact Beam Model (기하학적 정밀 보 이론 및 SQP 기법에 의한 인간동력항공기 Main Spar 단면 설계 최적화 연구)

  • Kang, Seung-Hoon;Im, Byeong-Uk;Cho, Hae-Seong;Shin, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents optimization of the main spar of Human-Powered Aircraft (HPA) wing. Mass minimization was attempted, while considering large torsional deformation of the beam. Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method was adopted as a relevant tool to conduct structural optimization algorithm. An inner diameter and ply thicknesses of the main spar were selected as the design variables. The objective function includes factors such as mass minimization, constant tip bending displacement, and constant tip twist of the beam. For estimation of bending and torsional deformation, the geometrically exact beam model, which is appropriate for large deflection, was adopted. Properties of the cross sectional area which the geometrically exact beam model requires were obtained by Variational Asymptotic Beam Sectional Analysis (VABS), which is a cross sectional analysis program. As a result, maintaining tip bending displacement and tip twist within 1.45%, optimal design that accomplished 7.88% of the mass reduction was acquired. By the stress and strain recovery, structural integrity of the optimal design and validity of the present optimization procedure were authenticated.