• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전성 평가지표

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Study on the Development of Methodology for Evaluation of Driving Safety of Automated Vehicles on Real Roads (실도로 기반 자율주행자동차 주행안전성 평가 방법론 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Youngtaek;Kim, Yejin;Jeong, Harim;Yoo, Hosik;Yun, Ilsoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.280-298
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    • 2021
  • As the development automated vehicles(AV) actively progresses around the world, the demand for a reasonable and systematic evaluation method for AVs is increasing. Research on scenarios, evaluation procedures, and methods for evaluating AVs conducted in simulations and proving ground(PG) is actively conducted internationally. In contrast, methods and procedures for evaluations on real roads are still in their infancy internationally. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on evaluating AVs on real roads in preparation for future use of AVs. This study aims to define the basic direction for evaluating the driving safety of AVs on real roads. To this end, the evaluation direction and process of AVs were presented on the real roads, and qualitative and quantitative evaluation indicators were selected to evaluate driving safety. A total of 38 items were selected based on the Road Traffic Act as qualitative evaluation items for evaluating the driving safety of AVs on real roads.

The Evaluation for Running Safety of Incheon International Airport Railway EMU (인천국제공항철도 전동차의 주행안전성 평가)

  • Hong, Yong-Ki;You, Won-Hee;Lee, Hi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.619-625
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    • 2007
  • The dynamic characteristic test result of electric rail car which is operated in Incheon International Airport Railroad is described in this paper. Express train in Incheon International Airport Railroad drives at 120km/h first in the country and derailment coefficient was measured for empty car and full-loaded car respectively. The measurement result of derailment coefficient, a key safety indicator about derailment, of empty car was higher than full-loaded car and both were lower than 0.8. The railway state wasn't good in operated section where is serviced about 80eh and derailment coefficient also increased. Horizontal pressure was below 2.1 ton at empty car and below 2.4 ton at full-loaded car. The electric rail car in Incheon International Airport Railroad has been confirmed it's running safety at 120km/h by the measurement of derailment coefficient. But the way of assessing applied in this paper has demerits such as complication of test method, difficulty for measurement device installation and high cost. Therefore the method which is simple to measure and can certify vehicle's safety even when service driving has to be researched.

Blockchain Evaluation Indexes and Methods to Vitalize a Blockchain-based Digital Sharing Economy (블록체인 기반 디지털 공유경제 활성화를 위한 블록체인 평가지표 및 평가방법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Il-Gu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2018
  • Recently, there are high expectations of a society benefitting from a digital sharing economy. However, to establish a digital sharing economy, one needs to first create a reliable social structure. Transparency is recognized as the most important measure of value in not just politics or economics, but also in all domains of our lives. Although all nations strive to create "societies based on credit and trust," in truth, rigidity, irregularity, corruption, and inefficiency are widespread in all aspects of society. Thus, there is a growing interest in blockchain technology, also called the "second Internet revolution," seeking trust in digital environments, although it is difficult to obtain trust in such environments. However, the principles and methods of evaluating blockchain technologies are still unclear and not standardized. This study addresses the evaluation indexes such as transaction per second, maximum data size per one transaction, accuracy and blockchain technology application methods in the digital sharing economy and suggest ways to safely vitalize a blockchain-based digital sharing economy.

Qualitative Assessment of the Relationship between Site Characteristics and Water Level Fluctuations at the Groundwater Monitoring Wells (지하수 관측망의 현장 특성과 수위 변동의 관계에 대한 정성적 평가)

  • Hwang, Chan-Ik;Park, Hwang-Sung;Kim, Gyoo-Bum
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.288-288
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    • 2020
  • 우리나라의 1시간 간격으로 측정되고 있는 지하수 관측망의 지하수위의 변동성은 강우, 양수, 하천, 지표피복에 의한 영향 등 다양하게 나타날 수 있다. 현재 한국수자원공사 및 한국농어촌공사에서 운영중인 지하수 관측망 중에서 지하수위의 변동 양상이 일반적(계절변동, 강우반응 변동 등)이지 않은 것으로 파악되는 101개소(국가지하수관측망 62개, 4대강보 주변 관측망 5개, 해수침투 관측망 15개, 농촌지하수관리관측망 19개)를 대상으로 현장조사를 실시하고 관측정 주변의 특성과 지하수위 변화와의 관계를 정성적으로 분류하여 보았다. 현장 조사는 지하수 관측정 주변 반경 100 m를 대상으로 하였으며, 기존 우물의 존재 및 규모, 지표 피복 상태, 인근 하천과의 관계(표고차, 하천의 규모, 보의 존재 등), 지형적 이상 특성, 저수지 분포 등을 조사하였다. 조사 대상 지하수 관측정 중에서 주변의 인위적인 요인(양수 영향, 하천수위 조절 영향, 지표 피복 변화, 저수지 수위 조절 등)에 의한 변동으로 확인된 것은 총 89개에 해당한다. 이와 같은 지하수위의 이상 데이터는 지하수 모델링, 함양량 산정과 같은 추가적인 분석에 오류를 발생할 수 있으므로 인공신경망 또는 통계 기법을 활용하여 보정하는 과정이 필요해 보인다.

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Implication Measures between Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development Indicators (전략환경영향평가와 지속가능한 발전 지표의 연계방안)

  • Hong, Sang-Pyo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2016
  • In 2015, Summits of State and Government at United Nations General Assembly agreed to set the world on a path towards Sustainable Development(SD) through the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. 2030 Agenda adopts 17 Sustainable Development Gooals(SDG) to achieve 3 pillars of social security, economic efficiency and environmental integrity. Sustainable Development Indicators(SDI) which are suggested by UN SDSN(United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network), have been developed for measuring SDG implementation, by which Sustainability Assessment(SA) can be accomplished to check through more holistic approaches to poverty alleviation, social inclusion and environmental management. In Korea, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment(SEIA) has been applied to PPP(policy, plan, program) by 'Ministry of Environment', whereas 'National Land Planning Assessment(NLPA) which is one sort of SEA has been implemented to evaluate PPP of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport'. Although SEIA and NLPA have been utilized as decision-making support tools for stakeholders including high authorities, the reference criteria of these institutions are not considered as convincible and communicable. Evaluation criteria of alternatives which are core principles for SEIA and NLPA seem so ambiguous and unscientific. Through incorporation of SDI into SEIA, a convenient, quick and credible diagnosis of the key dimensions of SD comprising social equity, economic development and environmental management, can help develop a shared understanding of priorities of implementation of SDG.

The Satisfaction Analysis of Senior-Friendly Park Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (퍼지 종합 평가를 활용한 노인 친화형 공원 만족도 분석)

  • Yin, Xiaoyan;Jung, Taeyeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2022
  • The study was conducted in Erhe Park, a neighborhood park in Dali City, China, to derive the influence of environmental factors in the park on the elderly's satisfaction and to analyze the satisfaction in order to provide improvement recommendations. First, the evaluation indicators were selected, by referencing previous research into the elderly's evaluation of external spatial environments and the influence of various factors was determined from the questionnaire and factor analysis. Second, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was conducted to understand the satisfaction of the elderly, and then an Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) analysis was conducted to develop improvement recommendations. Results of the factor analysis showed that park's environmental factors were grouped into four categories: facility suitability and comfort, safety and convenience of use, natural environment comfort, and parkway convenience. Based on this, the overall satisfaction rating for the environmental factors in Erhe Park was between satisfactory and average. The natural environment comfort was rated satisfactory, the facility suitability and comfort, and convenience and safety were rated average, and parkway convenience was rated near to satisfaction. The IPA analysis revealed that the suitability of rest facilities, suitability of convenience facilities, facility management status, safety of entrances and exits, and nighttime lighting facilities were items of high importance but low satisfaction that needed to be improved. The results of this study can be utilized as a guide for future building or readjustment of senior-friendly parks, and they are critical for increasing senior-friendly park satisfaction.

Analysis of Pathogenic Microorganism's Contamination on Organic Leafy Vegetables at Greenhouse in Korea (유기농 시설엽채류의 유해미생물 오염평가)

  • Oh, Soh-Young;Nam, Ki-Woong;Yoon, Deok-Hoon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the microbiological safety of leafy vegetables (perilla leaf and lettuce) in relation to cultivation methods. A total of 2,304 samples were collected from plants, harvesting tools and soil mulching film during the production and harvest stages from organic- and conventional- farms. From the samples, sanitary indicator microorganisms (total aerobic bacteria, coliforms, E. coli., Environmental Listeria, and yeast and mold) and pathogenic microorganisms (S. aureus, B. cereus, Salmonella spp., Clostridium spp., and L. monocytogenes) were analyzed. In the production stage of leafy vegetables, the sanitary indicator microorganisms was not detected regardless of cultivation method or it was detected to be less than $3.4\;Log\;CFU/100cm^2$. B. cereus and S. aureus were found to be 0.22~1.55 Log CFU/g in perilla leaf and lettuce produced by organic farms, and S. aureus was not detected and B. cereus was found to be 0.42~2.19 Log CFU/g in conventional farms. There were no significant differences between two cultivation methods. In the harvesting tools and soil mulching film, the contamination levels of sanitary indicator microorganisms and pathogenic microorganisms was low regardless of the cultivation method. However, there was a positive correlation ($R^2=0.4526$) in that the higher the microbial contamination level in the harvesting tool, the higher the microbial contamination on the surface of the plant. In addition, sanitary indicator microorganisms and pathogenic microorganisms were not detected or low in soil mulching during the production of organic leafy vegetables. As a result of this study, microbial hygiene control by soil mulching and harvesting tools was more important than difference of cultivation method in production of leafy vegetables.

A Quantitative Security Metric Based on MITRE ATT&CK for Risk Management (위험 관리를 위한 MITRE ATT&CK 기반의 정량적 보안 지표)

  • Haerin Kim;Seungwoon Lee;Su-Youn Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2024
  • Security assessment is an indispensable process for a secure network, and appropriate performance indicators must be present to manage risks. The most widely used quantitative indicator is CVSS. CVSS has a problem that it cannot consider context in terms of subjectivity, complexity of interpretation, and security risks. To compensate for these problems, we propose indicators that itemize and quantify four things: attackers, threats, responses, and assets, taking into account the security context of ISO/IEC 15408 documents. Vulnerabilities discovered through network scanning can be mapped to MITREATT&CK's technology by the connection between weaknesses and attack patterns (CAPEC). We use MITREATT&CK's Groups, Tactic, and Mitigations to produce consistent and intuitive scores. Accordingly, it is expected that security evaluation managers will have a positive impact on strengthening security such as corporate networks by expanding the range of choices among security indicators from various perspectives.

Evaluation Scheme for EcoMobility Policy Based on Multi-criteria Decision Making, AHP and ANP (AHP와 ANP 중심의 다기준 의사결정 기반 생태교통정책 평가체계에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Junghwa;KIM, Sukhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2017
  • In this study, policy evaluation scheme was established to encourage the efficient implementation of EcoMobility which has been expanding gradually all around the world. A total of eight evaluation goals and 22 evaluation items are reviewed and suggested based on the three major evaluation categories of "Basic elements for EcoMobility", "Land use and transport system for EcoMobility", and "Implications and impact of EcoMobility". The results of this study are as follows: the result of AHP analysis which reflects only the hierarchical structure shows a high priority in "Elements for EcoMobility promotion", "Eco-fiendly transport infrastructure", and "Safety in transport". While in result of ANP which considered the elements' dependencies, "Eco-fiendly transport Services", "Welfare in transport", and "Environment by transport" have high weights and importances. In conclusion, this study would be useful to make reasonable judgment based on the analysis results of the two techniques in order to ensure reliability in evaluation of EcoMobility policy. Furthermore we have confirmed appropriate evaluation technique between AHP and ANP which is better to reflect the features of EcoMobility.

Weighting assessment on evaluation indicators of dam rehabilitation using the AHP analysis (AHP분석을 통한 댐 재개발 평가항목 중요도 평가)

  • Choi, Ji-Hyeok;Kim, Jong-Suk;Kwon, Ji-Hye;Moon, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we developed evaluation indicators of dam rehabilitation considering climate change in order to prepare for safety of aging dam facilities in accordance with changes in rainfall intensity. The validity and appropriateness of each indicator, and the evaluation criteria were selected for quantitative indicators for each detail through domestic and international case studies, literature review, and expert advice. The survey was carried out to estimate the importance of each indicator for dam rehabilitation. The subjective assessment of the respondents was rearranged using pairwise comparison from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The reliability of the survey results was evaluated through consistent verification. In addition, a comparative assessment was carried out which evaluated the reliability importance estimation result to refine the criteria to distinguish rating scales between expert and non-expert groups on dam-related fields.