• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전성 평가지표

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A Study on the Institutional Improvement for Strengthening Disaster Management Capacity of Local Public Institutions (지방공공기관의 재난관리 역량 강화를 위한 제도적 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Cheung, Chong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.267-268
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    • 2022
  • 최근 재난은 대형화, 복합적, 다양화되는 양상을 보이는 가운데, 효율적인 재난관리를 위해 정부 중심 거버넌스 재난관리에 대한 변화가 불가피하다. 현장 중심의 재난관리 체계 구축을 위해서는 국민생활과 밀접한 지방공공기관의 재난관리에 대한 역량을 배양하는 제도적 개선이 요구된다. 이를 위해서는 지방공공기관의 재난관리에 대한 역할의 재정립, 재난·안전관리에 대한 평가지표의 개선, 기능연속성계획 수립을 위한 정부의 지원책 마련 등 현행 제도를 보완해야 한다. 특히 사회통합적 재난관리로 전환하여 재난 현장의 최일선에서 효과적인 대응이 이루어질 수 있는 기반이 필요하다. 하여 본 연구는 지방공기업의 재난관리 역량 강화를 위한 개선 방안으로 실제적 법제도 개선의 토대를 마련하고자 한다.

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A Study on Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment for a Research Reactor (연구용 원자로에 대한 지진 확률론적 안전성 평가 연구)

  • Oh, Jinho;Kwag, Shinyoung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2018
  • Earthquake disasters that exceed the design criteria can pose significant threats to nuclear facilities. Seismic probabilistic safety assessment(PSA) is a probabilistic way to quantify such risks. Accordingly, seismic PSA has been applied to domestic and overseas nuclear power plants, and the safety of nuclear power plants was evaluated and prepared against earthquake hazards. However, there were few examples where seismic PSA was applied in case of a research reactor with a relatively small size compared to nuclear power plants. Therefore, in this study, seismic PSA technique was applied to actually completed research reactor to analyze its safety. Also, based on these results, the optimization study on the seismic capacity of the system constituting the research reactor was carried out. As a result, the possibility of damage to the core caused by the earthquake hazard was quantified in the research reactor and its safety was confirmed. The optimization study showed that the optimal seismic capacity distribution was obtained to ensure maximum safety at a low cost compared with the current design. These results, in the future, can expect to be used as a quantitative indicator to effectively improve the safety of the research reactor with respect to earthquakes.

Service Evaluation Models from Transit Users' Perspectives (대중교통 이용자 관점의 서비스 평가 모형 개발)

  • Kim, Won-Gil;Roh, Chang-Gyun;Son, Bong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2012
  • The evaluation of public transit service quality is more complicated than evaluating other aspects of transportation service. Although various measures of effectiveness [MOEs] for transit service have been studied and applied, a more comprehensive and accurate MOE is still required. In the past, either data from user surveys or the experience of bus agency administrators and/or engineers used to measure the quality of service. However, recently, with reliable and accurate real time data from BMS(Bus Management System) and BIS(Bus Information System), more reliable and accurate MOEs are available. This study develops a service evaluation model from users' perspectives, which is based on user' cost models that consider passenger access time, riding time, waiting time, and discomfort due to in-vehicle overcrowding, violation of traffic laws, and accident rate. For validating proposed model, data from the BMS and transit-fare cards (T-Money Card) for Seoul's No. 472 main bus line were used. Models developed in this study provided reliable results.

A Study of Improvement on Accident Rate Index of Construction Industry (건설업 산업재해발생율 평가지표 개선방안)

  • Lee, Miyoung;Oh, Sewook;Lim, Sejong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.108-119
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    • 2016
  • Since the introduction of the converted accident rate in Pre-Qualification(PQ) process in 1992, the safety evaluation system has contributed to a reduction of construction accidents and development of the safety management system in public construction projects. As the comprehensive evaluation method the government plans to introduce includes the indicators 'accident rate' and 'death rate per 10,000 workers', the influences on the safety evaluation in the bidding process would be broader in public sector construction projects. However, the current safety evaluation system is operated by different estimating standards in the bidding process. At this point, a study of improvement on the safety evaluation index is required to review its current conditions and to propose its efficient operating method. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze problems of the current safety evaluation system through the questionnaire survey on the qualified workers in construction safety management and to propose an improvement plan for the problems noticed. Our results suggest the standards of the unified process for the safety evaluation index, the size of construction firms needed for accident rate estimation, and the improvement plan for unreported accidents. The proposed improvement plan enables the reasonable estimation and efficient operation of the safety evaluation index, and further, it would contribute to reducing construction accidents through the activation of voluntary safety management by construction firms.

Slope Stability Assessment on a Landslide Risk Area in Ulsan During Rainfall (울산 산사태 위험지역의 강우 침투 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Jinwook;Shin, Hosung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2016
  • Conventional warning criteria for landslides due to rainfall in broad regions have limitations, because they did not have proper reflection of topography, forest physiognomy, and unsaturated soil properties, et al. This study suggested a new stability model for unsaturated slope analyses during rainfall, considering rainfall pattern, geomorphological characteristics (slope angle, soil depth), engineering properties of unsaturated soils, and tree surcharge and root reinforcement. Stability analysis not considering root reinforcement and tree surcharge tends to over-predict a factor of safety in unsaturated slopes. Developed slope stability model was used to build database on the factor of safety in unsaturated slopes during rainfall, and it was integrated with GIS to do quantitative risk analysis in landslide risk areas specified in Ulju. Landslide risk areas were located at downstream of the point with sudden drop in safety factor, as well as at regions with low safety factor during rainfall.

Methodology for Evaluating Freeway Interchange Spacing for High Design Speed based on Traffic Safety: Focused on Analysis of Acceleration Noise using Microscopic Traffic Simulations (초고속 주행환경에서 교통안전을 고려한 고속도로 진출입시설 설치간격 평가 방법론: 시뮬레이션을 이용한 가속소음 분석을 중심으로)

  • O, Dong-Uk;O, Cheol;Jang, Myeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2009
  • Although an interest in higher design speeds continues to increase to promote more efficient travel on expressways, the current Korean design guidelines do not provide criteria for design values. An arising issue associated with higher design speeds is how to effectively ensure traffic safety under such high speed traffic conditions. In particular the safety issue would become more significant in determining the interchange spacing. This study proposes a methodology for determining freeway interchange spacing under higher speed traffic conditions. A microscopic traffic simulator, VISSIM, was used to evaluate the effects of various interchange spacings on traffic conditions in terms of safety. In this study, the acceleration noise was used as an index to represent the stability of traffic conditions, which is a potential indicator to quantify the level of safety. It was found based on simulation evaluations that 5-km interchange spacing would be a feasible alternative under higher speed traffic conditions (around 160 km/h).

Development of Disaster Management Capacity Analysis Program for Local Government (지방자치단체 재난안전관리 자체 역량분석 프로그램 개발)

  • Yoo, Byungtae;Oh, Keumho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.266-275
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    • 2013
  • New paradigm to the advancement of disaster management is required for building resilient and safe society. In these circumstances, the importance of local government disaster management capacity has been emphasized through experiencing a series of accidents including 2012 september Gumi fluorosilicic acid diffusion accident. The increase of people's disaster awareness has emerged the public demands on disaster management information of local area. In this study, the disaster management capacity analysis program is developed for self-assessment of local government. The program is designed for disaster managers to database the categorized index of disaster management capacity and recognize the capacity level. For the public announcement of disaster management capacity, the analysis results are shown for citizens in the understandable format. It is expected that the enhancement of emergency management capacity of local society can be achieved by the efforts of local government analyzing and improving the vulnerability as well as the participation of local society.

Empirical Examination of Determinants Affecting Safety Incidents in Building Construction (건축공사 안전사고에 대한 현장 요인별 영향력 분석)

  • Hur, Youn-Kyoung;Lee, Seung-Woo;Yoo, Wi-Sung;Song, Tae-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.583-593
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    • 2023
  • For a holistic and precise assessment of safety benchmarks within a construction venture, it's paramount to delineate between the intrinsic features of the construction and its real-time, on-site performance metrics. In this study, we delved into genuine accident instances to discern the interplay between these construction attributes and on-ground performance determinants in relation to safety mishaps, employing the binomial logit analytical framework. Our scrutiny underscored that construction expenditure profoundly modulates the likelihood of fatal occurrences. Notably, variables pertinent to on-site safety protocols wielded considerable influence over both fatal mishaps and accidents implicating multiple personnel. These revelations intimate that while ascertaining the safety quotient of a construction initiative, a mere classification and recalibration based on fiscal dimensions can elucidate much. Yet, a comprehensive safety appraisal necessitates transcending quantitative indices, such as frequency of mishaps or casualty rates, to encapsulate the multifaceted interventions and strategies adopted at the construction locale.

Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Voice Alarm in a Highway Work Zone (음성 경고의 도로 공사구간 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Moon, Jae-Pil;Park, Hyun-jin;Oh, Cheol
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2016
  • Providing a voice alarm to drivers approaching a work zone could be an effective alternative to mitigate the potential safety problems of the work zone. This study conceived a voice alarm with a direction sound speaker and a field test was conducted that evaluated the feasibility of the voice alarm at a highway work zone. During the field study, we carried out on-site driver surveys to obtain drivers' perception and preference, collected approaching speeds, and measured sound level during the off-peak 2-hour for two days, respectively. The results showed that while the voice alarm has the potential to be an effective tool in improving safety, the alternative appeared to have the negative effect of noise. Further refinement to a voice alarm with a directional speaker is required to improve feasibility, and the results are expected to be utilized as basic data useful for the refinement.

Performance Evaluation Systems in Water Distribution Network (상수관망의 성능평가를 위한 진단체계 구축)

  • Kim, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Doo-Jin;Woo, Hyung-Min;Bae, Cheol-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.864-868
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    • 2008
  • Water transmission and distribution systems play a important role to deliver safe and clean water and are responsible for the most direct impacts of water utilities to customers. Although the performance of WDS(Water Distribution Systems) should be evaluated by a certain standards, interests has not been in WDS and developed due to invisible, hard-working and insufficient information in the evaluation process in Korea till now. The investigations and researches were carried out to develop software to assist the evaluation of WDS with respects to hydraulics, water quality and structural analysis methods. The methodologies have been developed which can be used to estimate the performance to water distribution network and software are implemented by the process. Developed systems are consisted with database, analysis techniques, simulation models, decision support systems and other tools. The concepts and functions are introduced in this paper and the performance index are discussed for accurate assessment of water distribution systems.

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