• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전사고율

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Quantitative Effectiveness Analysis of Vehicle Inspection (자동차검사제도의 정량적 효과분석)

  • Jo, Han-Seon;Sim, Jae-Ik;Kim, Jong-Ryong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2007
  • Vehicle inspection is a system to help all vehicles function safely through periodic maintenance. Vehicle inspections have been performed since 1962 in Korea by the government in order to reduce traffic accidents due to vehicle defects. Also, vehicle inspections may help protect citizens against uninsured vehicles and illegal vehicle remodeling by discovering and disclosing those vehicles. The prime objective of vehicle inspection is to guarantee all vehicles drive safely on the road by inspecting and fixing items which can affect traffic accidents. In addition, vehicle inspections may help to improve the public order related to vehicle operations and prevent crime through the confirmation of vehicle identity and authentication of ownership. Although there are many benefits of vehicle inspection. there are some negative opinions of the system. In this study, a methodology to analyze the effectiveness of the vehicle inspection system quantitatively in terms of traffic safety was developed. According to the developed methodology. accidents were reduced by 23.735, which is 11% of the total number of accidents in 2005.

Development of the Expected Safety Performance Models for Rural Highway Segments (지방부 국도의 사고예측모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Ju-Taek;Kim, Do-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Min
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2012
  • The past researches on roadway segment safety estimation focused on intersections, which are the primary traffic accident regions. The past researches on roadway segments, However, analyzed the effects of certain factors on the traffic accident occurrence rate by organizing the individual geometric structures of the roads, and there is still a dearth of researches on the development of a traffic accident estimation model for rural roadway segments. Therefore, this research focused on rural two-lane and multilane roadway segments and developed traffic accident estimation models through the application of statistical techniques. This is required to explain such high frequency of zero counts in the traffic accident data. In this research, it was found that the Hurdle model is more suitable than the Poisson or negative binomial-regression model for explaining the excess zeros case. In addition, main variables were chosen to estimate their effects on traffic accident occurrence at rural roadway segments, and the safety at such rural roadway segments was estimated. In this research, it was assumed that there are different factors that affect the safety at two-way lane and multilane roadway segments, and a traffic accident estimation model was developed by dividing the two-way lane and multilane roadway segments.

A Study on the ICAO international aviation safety policy, a change of paradigm and the government response to the direction (ICAO 국제항공안전정책 패러다임의 변화 분석과 우리나라 신국제항공안전정책 검토)

  • Chang, Man-Heui;Hwang, Ho-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2013
  • ICAO's Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) was initially launched in January 1995, in response to widespread concerns about the adequacy of aviation safety oversight around the world. The recent reduction in aircraft accidents and effective role that is evaluated on the basis of these results, and in 2013 the existing 'snapshot approach' to 'regular monitoring system (USOAP-Continuous Monitoring Approach)' was converted to. ICAO aviation safety assessment of the state in today's international community 'aviation safety credibility' as objective indicators to judge the enormous impact on the aviation industry, the state is not satisfactory, especially if the results of the evaluation and expansion of code-share airline ban, reduced international air transit passengers, including premium increases business and economic penalties should. In addition, ICAO implementation of the existing laws and regulations(Prescriptive Approach), but based on the Risk-based prevention model, Proactive Approach introduced the concept of aviation safety system, including international aviation safety policy has been to switch paradigms. This new ICAO international aviation safety policy also applies to the Government of the Republic of Korea in line with the aviation safey policies have changed. In particular, the systematic implementation of safety management for the existing laws and regulations in the center of the safety oversight system of risk-based introduction of the concept of proactive safety management, and According to international standards ICAO aviation service providers operate their own Safety Management System was set out in Aviation Law ever. In addition, the aviation safety is at the center of the field of the safety of aircraft operations and maintenance for the promotion is promoting various safety policies. This new paradigm shift in the international aviation safety policy in line with our state in the international community with the most exemplary aviation safety system firmly established itself as a model, the Government will strengthen the competitiveness of our aviation plans to support. To do this, the government, airlines, aviation officials try all the practical effect would be expected.

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A Fundamental Study on the Improvements of Speed Limit at the Ports and Fairways in Korea (항만과 수로의 제한속력 개선방안에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Deug-Bong;Yun, Byeong-Won;Jeong, Jae-Yong;Park, Jin-Soo;Park, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of Speed limit at sea is to keep harbor calmness, to maintain efficient traffic flow and to prevent maritime accidents. The Korean Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office(KRMAPO) specified and enforced the ship's speed limits at the 19 harbors around the Korean coasts. However, problems have been raised to the adequacy of speed limits. This paper made a research on the speed limit set standards, analyzed vessel traffic survey and the dilemma on the specified speed limits imposed by KRMAPO. The result of this study has shown an overall average of 48 % violation rate on speed limit with passenger ships and large vessels of more than 5,000 tons having higher violation rate. Average speed was higher than the limit speed in some harbors and deviation of 4.2 to 5.2 knots was investigated. Further, harbors having higher average speed also have higher deviation accident incidence. Therefore, this paper had confirmed that there is a need for institutional review and improvement of Korea's port and fairways speed traffic management.

Development of Traffic Accident Prediction Models by Traffic and Road Characteristics in Urban Areas (도로 및 교통특성에 따른 계획 단계의 도시부 도로 교통사고 예측모형개발)

  • 이수범;김정현;김태희
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2003
  • The current procedure of estimating accident reduction benefit shows fixed accident rates for each level of roads without considering the various characteristics of roadway geometries, and traffics. In this study, in order to solve the problems mentioned in the above, models were developed considering the characteristics of roadway alignments and traffic characteristics. The developed models can be used to estimate the accident rates on new or improved roads, In this study, only urban highways were included as a beginning stage. First of all. factors influencing accident rates were selected. Those factors such as traffic volumes. number of signalized intersections, the number of connecting roads, number of pedestrian traffic signals, existence of median barrier, and the number of road lane are also selected based upon the obtainability at the planning stage of roads. The relationship between the selected factors and accident rates shows strong correlation statistically. In this study, roads were classified into 4 groups based on number of lanes, level of roads and the existence of median barriers. The regression analysis had been performed for each group with actual data associated with traffic, roads. and accidents. The developed regression models were verified with another data set. In this study, in order to develop the proposed models, only data on a limited area were used. In order to represent whole area of the country with the developed models. the models should be re-analyzed with vast data.

Estimation of Traffic Safety Improvement by Applying a Traffic Control Device (교통통제장치 적용에 따른 교통안전도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Nam Baek;Lee Chul-Gi;Lee Sang-Soo;Oh Young-Tae;Yu Tae-Ho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2006
  • Speeding is one of the major causes of traffic accidnets in urban areas. Driver feedback sign(DFS) is a traffic control device that can be used for many traffic environments including work zones, school zones, and roadways. In this paper, the effectiveness of DFS was evaluated through a field study using speed data collected from before and after study periods. In addition traffic safety improvement was also quantitatively estimated using the variance of speed data collected. Staistical test results showed that the speed difference was statistically significant, and the distribution of speed data was also shifted greatly. Therefore, it was concluded that installing the DFS in roadways might lead to unifomity of speed of traffic flow, thus, potential safety improvement might be expected.

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Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation( I ) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구( I ))

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Yea Byeong-Deok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.10 s.96
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    • pp.827-832
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    • 2004
  • Up to now a lot of the study on ship collision avoidance systems have proceeded actively. However the rate of ship collision accidents hasn't decreased yet. If there is collision risk in close quarters situation in spite of maneuvering ship for collision avoidance according to the system, only use of TCP A and DCP A as input factor for collision risk decision is not useful to avoiding collision action. For the recent 5 years by the analysis of first observation distance about approaching ship in domestic collision accidents, nearly $45\%$ of accidents is close first observation less than 2 miles. Therefore it is essential part for safety navigations to study for collision avoidance action in close encounter. In this paper, as a fundamental study of supporting collision avoidance maneuvering for navigators, we proposed ship collision avoidance support model in close quarters situation through analysis qf collision accidents to effectively get rid of the causes.

A New Cross Section Design Concept for Better Efficiency in Two-Lane Highways (2차로도로 효율성 제고를 위한 횡단면 설계 방안)

  • Shim Kywan-Bho;Choi Jai-Sung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2 s.28
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2006
  • Currently, cross-section design can not reflect highway function and traffic volume, various construction. This research paper provides analysis of traffic accident type, improvement of traffic operation and safety, assessment for new cross-section standards of two-lane highway. Research show higher accident rate on 6$\sim$8.9m road than 9$\sim$12.9m road width in two-lane highway. Typical improvement is widening on lane and shoulder width. Simulation show large increase on 6$\sim$7m road delay-time in 1,200vph. In contrast 10$\sim$11.5m road shows slight change on delay-time. This research paper provides various cross-section construction by traffic volume in minor arterial and distributor two-lane highway. The new cross-section design provides adopting highway volume, various construction and flexibility.

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Effect of All-Red Clearance Interval on Intersection Right-Angle Crashes (전적색신호가 교차로 직각충돌사고에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok;Gang, Dong-Su;Park, Jun-Tae;Lee, Su-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2010
  • An All-red clearance interval(AR) has been operating with amber signal in order to avoid collision between vehicles which cannot come out of the intersections, vehicles coming in from the opposite direction, and pedestrians(bicycles) on the crosswalk during the signal conversion time at the intersections. Foreign nations have been analyzing AR's influences of traffic accidents. On the other hand, the similar research has not been conducted in the country. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to analyze the safety at the intersections with respect to the installation of AR through the hypothesis test. A before-and-after analysis has been performed for 10 intersections where applied AR. From the 95% of significance level, the results of Non-parametric Test show that the installation of AR improves a safety at the intersections. The results indicates that AR discharges vehicles passing through the intersections and control entering vehicles at the intersections.

A GIS-based Traffic Accident Analysis on Highways using Alignment Related Risk Indices (고속도로 선형조건과 GIS 기반 교통사고 위험도지수 분석 (호남.영동.중부고속도로를 중심으로))

  • 강승림;박창호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2003
  • A traffic accident analysis method was developed and tested based on the highway alignment risk indices using geographic information systems(GIS). Impacts of the highway alignment on traffic accidents have been identified by examining accidents occurred on different alignment conditions and by investigating traffic accident risk indices(TARI). Evaluative criteria are suggested using geometric design elements as an independent variable. Traffic accident rates were forecasted more realistically and objectively by considering the interaction between highway alignment factors and the design consistency. And traffic accident risk indices and risk ratings were suggested based on model estimation results and accident data. Finally, forecasting traffic accident rates, evaluating the level of risk and then visualizing information graphically were combined into one system called risk assessment system by means of GIS. This risk assessment system is expected to play a major role in designing four-lane highways and developing remedies for highway sections susceptible to traffic accidents.