• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시안

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The Current Status of Cyanide Uses, Regulations, and Treatment in Gold Mining (금 제련에 사용되는 시안의 사용, 규제 및 처리 현황)

  • Park, Jeonghyun;Shin, Doyun;Park, Hyunsik;Jeong, Jinki;Lee, Jae-chun
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2015
  • Cyanidation has been used worldwide to recover gold from primary ore or concentrate. The use of cyanide is however becoming an emerging issue because of the toxic residue and wastewater made from the process. The cyanide-containing wastewater should be treated properly, obeying the environmental standard and regulations. In the present article, the domestic and international uses, regulations, and treatment technologies of cyanide in gold mining were investigated as a feasibility study to develop a cyanide treatment process as well as the cyanidation process. A biological cyanide treatment process to develop a zeroemission gold recovery and wastewater treatment process was also briefly introduced.

Application of Ferrate (VI) for Selective Removal of Cyanide from Plated Wastewater (도금폐수 중 시안(CN)의 선택적 제거를 위한 Ferrate (VI) 적용)

  • Yang, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Younghee
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2021
  • The treatment of plated wastewater is subject to various and complex processes depending on the pH, heavy metal, and cyanide content of the wastewater. Alkali chlorine treatment using NaOCl is commonly used for cyanide treatment. However, if ammonia and cyanide are present simultaneously, NaOCl is consumed excessively to treat ammonia. To solve this problem, this study investigated 1) the consumption of NaOCl according to ammonia concentration in the alkaline chlorine method and 2) whether ferrate (VI) could selectively treat the cyanide. Experiments using simulated wastewater showed that the higher the ammonia concentration, the lower the cyanide removal rate, and the linear increase in NaOCl consumption according to the ammonia concentration. Removal of cyanide using ferrate (VI) confirmed the removal of cyanide regardless of ammonia concentration. Moreover, the removal rate of ammonia was low, so it was confirmed that the ferrate (VI) selectively eliminated the cyanide. The cyanide removal efficiency of ferrate (VI) was higher with lower pH and showed more than 99% regardless of the ferrate (VI) injection amount. The actual application to plated wastewater showed a high removal ratio of over 99% when the input mole ratio of ferrate (VI) and cyanide was 1:1, consistent with the molarity of the stoichiometry reaction method, which selectively removes cyanide from actual wastewater containing ammonia and other pollutants like the result of simulated wastewater.

Development of Cyanide Sensor Using S. cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae를 이용한 시안센서의 개발)

  • 김종민;이현우
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.669-675
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    • 1996
  • Two types of cyanide sensor system were constructed for monitoring river water simply. One is membrane type flow system composed of S. cerevisiae coated membrane and oxygen electrode, the other is reactor type flow system composed of S. cevevisiae immobilized reactor and two oxygen electrode. S. cerevisiae and oxygen electrode were used for detecting cyanide compounds. These sensors are based on the inhibition of cyanides on the respiration activity of S. cerevisiae. Membrane type sensor system could detect cyanides ranging 0.10∼1.00ppm, and the respiration activity of S. cerevisiae continued for a day. Reactor type sensor system composed of immobilized chitopearl HP-5020 with S. cerevisiae could detect cyanides in the range of 0.10∼1.00ppm, and maintained 90% respiration activity for sixteen days. It was found that the optimum reactor size exist for the reactor type biosensor when respirating activity inhibition is used for detection of cyanides.

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The Treatment of Heavy Metal-cyanide Complexes Wastewater by Zn$^{+2}$/Fe$^{+2}$ Ion and Coprecipitation in Practical Plant (II) (아연백법 및 공침공정을 이용한 복합 중금속-시안착염 폐수의 현장처리(II))

  • Lee, Jong-Cheul;Lee, Young-Man;Kang, Ik-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.524-533
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    • 2008
  • Industrial wastewater generated in the electroplating and metal finishing industries typically contain toxic free and complex metal cyanide with various heavy metals. Alkaline chlorination, the normal treatment method destroys only free cyanide, not complex metal cyanide. A novel treatment method has been developed which destroys both free and complex metal cyanide as compared with Practical Plant(I). Prior to the removal of complex metal cyanide by Fe/Zn coprecipitation and removal of others(Cu, Ni), Chromium is reduced from the hexavalent to the trivalent form by Sodium bisulfite(NaHSO$_3$), followed by alkaline-chlorination for the cyanide destruction. The maximum removal efficiency of chromium by reduction was found to be 99.92% under pH 2.0, ORP 250 mV for 0.5 hours. The removal efficiency of complex metal cyanide was max. 98.24%(residual CN: 4.50 mg/L) in pH 9.5, 240 rpm with 3.0 $\times$ 10$^{-4}$ mol of FeSO$_4$/ZnCl$_2$ for 0.5 hours. The removal efficiency of Cu, Ni using both hydroxide and sulfide precipitation was found to be max. 99.9% as Cu in 3.0 mol of Na$_2$S and 93.86% as Ni in 4.0 mol of Na$_2$S under pH 9.0$\sim$10.0, 240 rpm for 0.5 hours. The concentration of residual CN by alkaline-chlorination was 0.21 mg/L(removal efficiencies: 95.33%) under the following conditions; 1st Oxidation : pH 10.0, ORP 350 mV, reaction time 0.5 hours, 2nd Oxidation : pH 8.0, ORP 650 mV, reaction time 0.5 hours. It is important to note that the removal of free and complex metal cyanide from the electroplating wastewater should be employed by chromium reduction, Fe/Zn coprecipitation and, sulfide precipitation, followed by alkaline-chlorination for the Korean permissible limit of wastewater discharge, where the better results could be found as compared to the preceding paper as indicated in practical treatment(I).

Chronic Toxicity of Cyanide on Survival, Feeding and Growth of Israel Carp, Cyprinus carpio (이스라엘 잉어, Cyprinus carpio의 생존, 섭이 및 성장에 미치는 시안의 만성적 독성)

  • JEE Jung-Hoon;KANG JU-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.261-265
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    • 1999
  • Chronic toxicity of cyanide on survival, feeding and growth rate were examined in the Israel carp, Cyprinus carpio under a continuous-flow system. Survival rate of the Israel carp was significantly affected by $\ge151{\mu}$g/$\ell$ cyanide concentration, and feed efficiency and feeding rate were also reduced above $151{\mu}$g/$\ell$ cyanide concentration. Growth rate of the Israel carp exposed to $\ge73{\mu}$g/$\ell$ cyanide concentration were significantly decreased than that exposed to normal condition.

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The analysis on the effect of rician fading and lognormal shadowing in microcellular mobile radio system using outage probability (마이크로셀룰라 이동 무선 시스템에서 Outage 확률을 이용한 라이시안 페이딩과 로그노말 섀도우잉 영향에 관한 분석)

  • Ahn, Chy-Hun;Kim, Nam;Park, Sung-Gyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.60-71
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    • 1998
  • The propagation environment is effected by Rayleigh fading, Rician fading, path loss and lognormal shadowing in microcellular mobile radio system. In these surroundings we analysed the performance on received Rician signals among L Rician interferers and the characteristics of lognormal shadowing for various parameters such as reuse distance, cluster size, signal to interference power ratio and protection ratio using outage probability. We also studied various channels Rayleigh signal and Rician interferer, Rician signal and Rayleigh interferer, Rician signal and Rician interferer and so on using outage probability. The theoretical extention and computer simulation effectively analysed the characteristic of lognormal shadowed Rician channel.

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Photo-catalytic Oxidation of Cyanide Complexes Associated with Heavy Metals Using UV LED and Pt-dopped TiO2 (자외선 LED와 백금으로 박막된 TiO2 광촉매를 이용한 중금속과 결합한 시안화합물의 광촉매 산화)

  • Seol, Jeong Woo;Kim, Seong Hee;Lee, Woo Chun;Cho, Hyen Goo;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • Cyanide can be leached out from the cyanidation method which has been used to extract high-purity gold and silver from ores, and it becomes a variety of cyanide complexes associated with heavy metals contained in ores. Such cyanide complexes are considered as persistent and non-degradable pollutants which cause adverse effects on humans and surrounding environments. Based on binding force between heavy metals and cyanide, cyanide complexes can be categorized weak acid dissociable (WAD) and strong acid dissociable (SAD). This study comparatively evaluated the performance of photo-catalytic process with regard to forms of cyanide complexes. In particular, both effects of UV LED wavelength and surface modification of photo-catalyst on the removal efficiency of cyanide complexes were investigated in detail. The results indicate that the performance of photo-catalytic oxidation is significantly affected by the form of cyanide complexes. In addition, the effect of UV LED wavelength on the removal efficiency was quite different between free cyanide and cyanide complexes associated with heavy metals. The results support that the surface modification of photo-catalyst, such as doping can improve overall performance of photo-catalytic oxidation of cyanide complexes.

The Decomposition of Cyanide by the Electrodeposited Lead Dioxide Electrode (전착이산화납전극에 의한 시안염 분해)

  • Han, Man Seok;Tak, Yongsug;Lee, Choong Young;Nam, Chong Woo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.438-445
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    • 1997
  • ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode, which was electrodeposited on Ti madras, was prepared and for the decomposition of cyanide in electroplating wastewater. After the investigation of temperature and pH conditions for no hydrogen cyanide evolution during the decomposition of cyanide, the optimum current densities of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrodeposition and cyanide decomposition were determined in 500ppm NaCN solution, and durability of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode was also investigated. Hydrogen cyanide was actively generated above $40^{\circ}C$ and was not evolved above pH 13. ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode electodeposited at $5A/dm^2$ showed the best cyanide decomposition efficiency The decompostion efficiency was about 70% at low decomposition current density ($0.08A/dm^2$), and it decreased gradually to about 10% as the decomposition current density increased up to $4A/dm^2$. The film of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrodeposited was corrosive at $20A/dm^2$ and was broken at $50A/dm^2$.

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Desorption Characteristics for Previously Adsorbed Gold and Copper-Cyanide Complexes onto Dowex21K XLT Resin Using Mixed Solvent with HCl and Acetone (염산과 아세톤의 혼합용매를 이용한 Dowex21K XLT 수지에 흡착된 금과 구리-시안 착화합물의 탈착 특성)

  • Jeon, Choong
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.487-491
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    • 2013
  • To efficiently desorb gold and copper-cyanide complexes adsorbed onto Dowex21K XLT resin, the mixed solvent with HCl and acetone which is a kind of dipolar aprotic solvent was used as a desorbing agent. The desorption efficiency for gold-cyanide complex was the highest as about 94% when the mixing ratio of HCl and acetone based on volume was the 7:3, however, the value decreased as the ratio of acetone increased. In the case of copper-cyanide complex, most of them was desorbed when the amount of HCl was relatively higher than that of acetone, however, desorption efficiency decreased as the ratio of acetone increased. The desorption efficiency for gold and copper-cyanide complexes was the 94 and 100%, respectively at the 0.6 M of HCl with the 7 (HCl) : 3 (Acetone) of mixing ratio and desorption efficiency for gold-cyanide complex not increased any more even though higher HCl concentration was used. And the desorption efficiency for gold and copper-cyanide complexes was about 100% at the S/L raio ${\leq_-}1.0$ whereas desorption efficiency for gold-cyanide complex was very low as about 20-29% at the S/L ratio > 1.0. Also, most of desorption process for gold and copper-cyanide complexes was completed within 120 min.

'도서관법개정시안'에 대한 도서관계의 의견을 듣다

  • Korean Library Association
    • KLA journal
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    • v.45 no.8 s.351
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2004
  • 도서관 관계법은 1963년 '도서관법'이란 명칭으로 제정된 이래 몇 차례의 전문, 부분 개정을 거쳐 1994년 '도서관및독서진흥법'이 제정된 후 오늘에 이르고 있다. 그러나 현재의 법은 법체제가 일부 흐트러지고, 용어 정의나 관련 규정 등이 사회환경의 변화와 도서관에 대한 변화된 수요에 적극적으로 대응하지 못한다는 지적이 도서관계 내ㆍ외부에서 꾸준히 있어왔다. 이에 문화관광부는 지난 몇 년간 법 개정을 위한 준비 작업을 거쳐, 올해 7월 도서관법개정시안을 공개하고 의견수렴을 한 바 있다. 이에 이번 《도서관문화》에서는 도서관법개정시안에 대한 도서관계 각 분야의 의견을 들어보는 자리를 마련하였다. (개정시안은 본지 5월호 87~96쪽 참조) 이 지면에 실린 필자의 글은 모두 필자의 견해이다.

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