• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학적 모형

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Design Scheme to Develop Integrated Remediation Technology: Case Study of Integration of Soil Flushing and Pneumatic Fracturing for Metal Contaminated Soil (복합복원기술 개발을 위한 설계안 : 중금속 오염토양을 위한 토양세척과 토양파쇄의 통합 사례 연구)

  • Chung, Doug-Young;Yang, Jae-E.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2006
  • In remediation of the contaminated soil, it requires to select at least more than two remediation technologies depending on the fate and transport phenomena through complicated reactions in soil matrix. Therefore, methodologies related to develop the integrated remediation technology were reviewed for agricultural soils contaminated with heavy metals. Pneumatic fracturing is necessary to implement deficiency because soil washing is not effective to remove heavy metals in the subsurface soil. But it needs to evaluate the characteristics such as essential data and factors of designated technology in order to effectively apply them in the site. In the remediation site, the important soil physical and chemical factors to be considered are hydrology, porosity, soil texture and structure, types and concentrations of the contaminants, and fate and its transport properties. However, the integrated technology can be restrictive by advective flux in the area which remediation is highly effective although both soil washing and pneumatic fracturing were applied simultaneously in the site. Therefore, we need to understand flow pathways of the target contaminants in the subsurface soils, that includes kinetic desorption and flux, predictive simulation modeling, and complicated reaction in heterogenous soil.

A Study on the Overall Economic Risks of a Hypothetical Severe Accident in Nuclear Power Plant Using the Delphi Method (델파이 기법을 이용한 원전사고의 종합적인 경제적 리스크 평가)

  • Jang, Han-Ki;Kim, Joo-Yeon;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2008
  • Potential economic impact of a hypothetical severe accident at a nuclear power plant(Uljin units 3/4) was estimated by applying the Delphi method, which is based on the expert judgements and opinions, in the process of quantifying uncertain factors. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that the radioactive plume directs the inland direction. Since the economic risk can be divided into direct costs and indirect effects and more uncertainties are involved in the latter, the direct costs were estimated first and the indirect effects were then estimated by applying a weighting factor to the direct cost. The Delphi method however subjects to risk of distortion or discrimination of variables because of the human behavior pattern. A mathematical approach based on the Bayesian inferences was employed for data processing to improve the Delphi results. For this task, a model for data processing was developed. One-dimensional Monte Carlo Analysis was applied to get a distribution of values of the weighting factor. The mean and median values of the weighting factor for the indirect effects appeared to be 2.59 and 2.08, respectively. These values are higher than the value suggested by OECD/NEA, 1.25. Some factors such as small territory and public attitude sensitive to radiation could affect the judgement of panel. Then the parameters of the model for estimating the direct costs were classified as U- and V-types, and two-dimensional Monte Carlo analysis was applied to quantify the overall economic risk. The resulting median of the overall economic risk was about 3.9% of the gross domestic products(GDP) of Korea in 2006. When the cost of electricity loss, the highest direct cost, was not taken into account, the overall economic risk was reduced to 2.2% of GDP. This assessment can be used as a reference for justifying the radiological emergency planning and preparedness.

Operaton Cost Model for Feed Production (배합사료 공장의 작동비용 모델)

  • Park, Kyung Kyoo;Chung, Do Sup;Charles, Deyoe
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1985
  • For the purpose of estimating the operating cost for feed production, energy consumption, labor requirement, maintenance cost, and supplies and miscellaneous costs are analyzed and developed as mathematical models. Mathematical model for energy usage Consists of electrical energy, boiler fuel energy and vehicle fuel energy. The mathematil model for electrical energy usage for the swine and poultry feed mill and the complete pelleted feed mill are developed, based on the general model mill and the computer program for its design developed in Kansas State University (Park, 1982). Also, the boiler fuel energy consumption model and the vehicle fuel energy consumption model are developed by analyzing the boiler system and the vehicle operation in the warehouse. In order to develop a mathematical model for labor requirement, the data that Vosloh (1968, 1976) constructed for labor requirement in his model mill are used by assuming that his model mill is similar to this model, in terms of labor assignment standards. Maintenance and repair costs are obtained by assuming to be 5.5% of the total capital investment cost. Also, supplies and miscellaneous costs are estimated by using Vosloh's report and it is approximately 0.87 dollars per ton based on daily production.

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The Effects of Childrens' Perception of the Kodu Software Curriculum Model based on SCC Activity Strategy (SCC 활동 전략기반 Kodu SW교육과정 모델 적용을 통한 어린이 코딩 인지 효과)

  • Sung, Younghoon;Yoo, Seounghan
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2016
  • Based on revised 2015 curriculum, diversified SW education methods for elementary school students are researched, developed and applied. However, as most of SW education is based on English text, its coding process may be difficult for low graders of elementary school who are not familiar with English and Math. Under this situation, Kodu game lab based 'icon card board' by which coding could be learnt with ease through game and icon was developed and story activity, coding activity and collaboration activity (SCC) strategy based 17th session SW curriculum was applied and verified. As a result of research, in terms of satisfaction of students for SW class, students more than 86% recognized such class positively and a significant effect was obtained from students' interest level and learning model for coding.

Design and evaluation of STEAM Teaching Material which uses a sensor in a smart device (스마트기기 센서를 활용한 STEAM 수업자료 설계 및 평가)

  • Yang, Yun-jeong;Kim, Eui-jeong;Kim, Chang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2013
  • Considering the recent trend highlighting the importance of STEAM education, the purpose of this study is to develop scientific research activities and STEAM technology material using the smart device sensor. Drawing a picture on a map with GPS drawing application which contains elements such as IT, geographic information, sports and arts, we intent not just to install a smartphone application but also to get synergic effects and help with real cartography and geographic classes which are not experienced in the middle school curriculum, by using the functions of a smart device. Through the development of STEAM teaching material, we intended to provide a clear direction towards advancement by developing creative teaching data and teaching models which encourage students to improve their interest and creativity in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.

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Methodology on e-Navigation-Assisted Ocean Monitoring and Big Data Analysis (이내비게이션을 활용한 해양환경관측 및 빅데이터 분석방안)

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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.204-217
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    • 2018
  • This study proposes a cost-effective method to monitor coastal environments using e-Navigation-implemented domestic and international ferries, and to analyze big data of records such as wind, temperature, salinity, waves, and currents that are gathered through e-Navigation system. First, we present the concept and architecture of e-Navigation operation system based on the General Information Center on Maritime Safety and Security. Then, the marine observation system that can be applied to ferries operating in our nation's territory is discussed. Analytical methods, such as spatio-temporal mixed effects model, ensemble method, and meshfree method, in handling real-time big data obtained by the e-Navigation observing system are then explained in detail. This study will support the implementation of the Korean e-Navigation project that focuses on the safety of small vessels such as coasters and fishing vessels.

A Study on the Feedforward Control Algorithm for Dynamic Positioning System Using Ship Motion Prediction (선체운동 예측을 이용한 Dynamic Positioning System의 피드포워드 제어 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Soon-Seok;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Hee-Su;Jeon, Ma-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2016
  • In the present study we verified performance of feed-forward control algorithm using short term prediction of ship motion information by taking advantage of developed numerical simulation model of FPSO motion. Up until now, various studies have been conducted about thrust control and allocation for dynamic positioning systems maintaining positions of ships or marine structures in diverse sea environmental conditions. In the existing studies, however, the dynamic positioning systems consist of only feedback control gains using a motion of vessel derived from environmental loads such as current, wind and wave. This study addresses dynamic positioning systems which have feedforward control gain derived from forecasted value of a motion of vessel occurred by current, wind and wave force. In this study, the future motion of vessel is forecasted via Brown's Exponential Smoothing after calculating the vessel motion via a selected mathematical model, and the control force for maintaining the position and heading angle of a vessel is decided by the feedback controller and the feedforward controller using PID theory and forecasted vessel motion respectively. For the allocation of thrusts, the Lagrange Multiplier Method is exploited. By constructing a simulation code for a dynamic positioning system of FPSO, the performance of feedforward control system which has feedback controller and feedforward controller was assessed. According to the result of this study, in case of using feedforward control system, it shows smaller maximum thrust power than using conventional feedback control system.

Analysis of 2009 Revised Chemistry I Textbooks Based on STEAM Aspect (STEAM 관점에서 2009 개정 화학 I 교과서 분석)

  • Bok, Juri;Jang, Nak Han
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2012
  • This study was analyzed that what kind of elements for STEAM, except scientific commonsense, are contained in 2009 revised chemistry textbooks I for high school students. So first, elements of STEAM in textbooks were examined by following three sections; by publishing company, each unit and area of textbook. For reference, new sub-elements of STEAM were set because existing elements of STEAM is incongruent with current textbooks. As a result, most chemistry textbooks included elements of STEAM properly for inter-related learning with the other fields. Every textbook had its unique learning methods for utilizing elements of STEAM and they were unified as one way. Depending on textbooks, learning methods were little bit different from the others. Also, detailed elements of STEAM contained in textbooks were classified just 14 types. And they were even focused on a few elements according to sort of textbook. Thus, it seemed that there was a certain limitation of current education of STEAM in chemistry Field. By the unit, according to the curriculum, contained elements of STEAM were different. Almost all elements of STEAM were located in I section. Consequently, it is difficult to include elements of STEAM if mathematics or history were not existed in curriculum. Lastly, by the area, most of all elements of STEAM were included in reference section. Almost all elements of STEAM were focused on art and culture. Thus, STEAM was used for utilization about chemical knowledge in substance. Otherwise, convergence training for approach method was not enough in chemical knowledge.

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Optimum Size Selection and Machinery Costs Analysis for Farm Machinery Systems - Programming for Personal Computer - (농기계(農機械) 투입모형(投入模型) 설정(設定) 및 기계이용(機械利用) 비용(費用) 분석연구(分析硏究) - PC용(用) 프로그램 개발(開發) -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Kim, S.R.;Jung, D.H.;Chang, D.I.;Lee, D.H.;Kim, Y.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.384-398
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    • 1991
  • A computer program was developed to select the optimum size of farm machine and analyze its operation costs according to various farming conditions. It was written in FORTRAN 77 and BASIC languages and can be run on any personal computer having Korean Standard Complete Type and Korean Language Code. The program was developed as a user-friendly type so that users can carry out easily the costs analysis for the whole farm work or respective operation in rice production, and for plowing, rotarying and pest controlling in upland. The program can analyze simultaneously three different machines in plowing & rotarying and two machines in transplanting, pest controlling and harvesting operations. The input data are the sizes of arable lands, possible working days and number of laborers during the opimum working period, and custom rates varying depending on regions and individual farming conditions. We can find out the results such as the selected optimum combination farm machines, the overs and shorts of working days relative to the planned working period, capacities of the machines, break-even points by custom rate, fixed costs for a month, and utilization costs in a hectare.

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Composition of Curriculums and Textbooks for Speed-Related Units in Elementary School (초등학교에서 속력 관련 단원의 교육과정 및 교과서 내용 구성에 관한 논의)

  • Jhun, Youngseok
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.658-672
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    • 2022
  • The unique teaching and learning difficulties of speed-related units in elementary school science are mainly due to the student's lack of mathematical thinking ability and procedural knowledge on speed measurement, and curriculums and textbooks must be constructed with these in mind. To identify the implications of composing a new science curriculum and relevant textbooks, this study reviewed the structure and contents of the speed-related units of three curriculums from the 2007 revised curriculum to the 2015 revised curriculum and the resulting textbooks and examined their relevance in light of the literature. Results showed that the current content carries the risk of making students calculate only the speed of an object through a mechanical algorithm by memorization rather than grasp the multifaceted relation between traveled distance, duration time, and speed. Findings also highlighted the need to reorganize the curriculum and textbooks to offer students the opportunity to learn the meaning of speed step-by-step by visualizing materials such as double number lines and dealing with simple numbers that are easy to calculate and understand intuitively. In addition, this paper discussed the urgency of improving inquiry performance such as process skills by observing and measuring an actual object's movement, displaying it as a graph, and interpreting it rather than conducting data interpretation through investigation. Lastly, although the current curriculum and textbooks emphasize the connection with daily life in their application aspects, they also deal with dynamics-related content somewhat differently from kinematics, which is the main learning content of the unit. Hence, it is necessary to reorganize the contents focusing on cases related to speed so that students can grasp the concept of speed and use it in their everyday lives. With regard to the new curriculum and textbooks, this study proposes that students be provided the opportunity to systematically and deeply study core topics rather than exclude content that is difficult to learn and challenging to teach so that students realize the value of science and enjoy learning it.