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A Study on Archiving Science Focused on Representation - Putting in, Managing, and Viewing (재현 중심의 기록학 - 담기, 관리하기, 보기)

  • Ryu, Han-jo;Lee, Hee-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.24
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    • pp.3-40
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    • 2010
  • In recent time, archival science has been in charge of positively preserving and handling with valuable things, as well as managing established ones, However, even though several archival methodologies that manage contexts among tasks, organizations and subjects exist nowadays, there is a lack of theoretical methodology on archiving focusing on valuable things. In this sense, this article dealt with a theoretical methodology which carries out archiving valuable things and represents it based on the value of records. Also, this paper, which covers a methodology that carries out archiving and representing one focusing on the value of the one to preserve, is divided into three chapters: putting in, managing, and viewing. To begin with, in the chapter of purring in, the methodology of documentation based on a strategy to distinguish and represent the value of the valuable things were explained. In addition, the article tried to explain the definition of how the valuable things based on the value of it can be put in, and presented how to divide the one for representation into the objet and the activity so as to provide an effective approach. At the same time, as this paper took an approach to the value of the one, it proposed a way to be able to do archiving effectively by applying a representation unit which has its own value. Secondly, in the chapter of managing, representation class and metadata for managing with a representable structure was considered. Metadata categories were illustrated in order to present the class from individual records to final representation valuable things and to make representation with ease. Furthermore, in the chapter of viewing, the process of representation using theoretically archived records was explained. In fact, viewing is the descriptive domain in general, yet this paper focused on the conceptional part. As a consequence, in this paper, a series of process was considered, which starts from how the subject of representation was archived to managing it. Moreover, the process has a meaning by itself in that it gives a practical method to be applied. Finally, the paper suggested that the argumentation on representation be expanded in the field of archival science so as to present theoretical grounds in this sort of work.

Impact Analysis of Coaching Activities over Entrepreneur with respect to Entrepreneurs' Personal Characteristics on the Performance of Startups: Focusing on Entrepreneurs's Awareness Conversion Effect (창업가 특성요인과 창업코칭활동이 창업성과에 미치는 영향: 의식전환을 매개로)

  • Jeon, Eunjee;Yang, Youngseok;Kim, Myungseuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2019
  • This paper is brought to analyze an impact of coaching activities over entrepreneur with respect to entrepreneurs' personal characteristics on the performance of Startups focusing on entrepreneur's awareness conversion effect. In particular, the situation of falling focus of serious startup failure on uncoachable obstinate entrepreneur among the several causes of startup failures, this paper define the research mission of reducing this risk by inducing coaching types of cooperations between senior entrepreneur having serial successful startup experiences and beginning entrepreneur. This paper carry out literature reviews chiefly on startup coaching researches rather than mentoring studies because coaching stressing on self-oriented problem defining and solving by entrepreneur actively tend to be more effective than mentoring relying on mentor's guideline passively as solving startup's main upcoming problems. This paper implement four related researches. First, the impact analysis of entrepreneur's personal characteristics on coaching activities, second, influences of entrepreneurs environmental factors on them, Third, impact of coaching activities on entrepreneur's awareness conversion effect, Fourth, how strongly this conversion effect contributing on the performance of startup. As results of empirical research, first, this paper prove that entrepreneur's environmental factors impact positively on coaching activities over entrepreneur although failing on validating on significant impact of entrepreneur's personal characteristics on coaching activities. Second, this paper prove that coaching activities positively influence on entrepreneur's awareness conversion, hence ultimately positively on the performance of startups. As conclusion, this paper validate that coaching activities over entrepreneur through inducing on the conversion of entrepreneur's awareness lead entrepreneur to setting the bar high and accountable planning of business milestone. This paper contribute on delivering policy implication that government initiatin action-oriented training program for entrepreneurs should accept the module of coaching session to produce more effective results.

Korean Start-up Ecosystem based on Comparison of Global Countries: Quantitative and Qualitative Research (글로벌 국가 비교를 통한 한국 기술기반 스타트업 생태계 진단: 정량 및 정성 연구)

  • Kong, Hyewon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2019
  • Technology-based start-up is important in that it encourages innovation, facilitates the development of new products and services, and contributes to job creation. Technology-based start-up activates entrepreneurship when appropriate support is provided within the ecosystem. Thus, understanding the technology-based start-up ecosystem is crucial. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, in Herrmann et al.'s(2015) study, we compare and analyze the ecosystem of each country by selecting representative regions such as Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, London and Singapore which have the highest ranking in the start-up ecosystem. Second, we try to deeply understand the start-up ecosystem based on in-depth interviews with various stakeholders such as VC investors, start-ups, support organizations, and professors related to the Korean start-up ecosystem. Finally, based on the results of the study, we suggest development and activation of Korean technology-based start-up ecosystem. As a result, the Seoul start-up ecosystem showed a positive evaluation of government support compared to other advanced countries. In addition, it was confirmed that the ratio of tele-work and start-up company working experience of employees was higher than other countries. On the other hand, in Seoul, It was confirmed that overseas market performance, human resource diversity, attracting investment, hiring technological engineers, and the ratio of female entrepreneurs were lower than those of overseas advanced countries. In addition, according to the results of the interview analysis, Seoul was able to find that start-up ecosystems such as individual angel investors, accelerators, support institution, and media are developing thanks to the government's market-oriented policy support. However, in order for this development to continue, it is necessary to improve the continuous investment system, expansion of diversity, investment return system, and accessibility to the global market. A discussion on this issue is presented.

Trends in metabolic risk factors among patients with diabetes mellitus according to income levels: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 1998~2014 (성인 당뇨병 환자의 소득수준에 따른 혈당, 당화혈색소, 혈압, 및 혈중지질 지표의 변화 추이 : 국민건강영양조사 1998~2014 분석 결과)

  • Cho, Sukyung;Park, Kyong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Management of the metabolic risk factors in diabetes patients is essential for preventing or delaying diabetic complications. This study compared the levels of the metabolic risk factors in diabetes patients according to the income levels, and examined the secular trends in recent decades. Methods: The data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1998 ~ 2014 were used. The diabetes patients were divided into three groups based on their household income levels. General information was obtained through self-administered questionnaires, and the blood biomarkers and blood pressure data were obtained from a health examination. Multivariable linear regression models were used to compare the metabolic biomarker levels according to the household income levels, adjusting for potential confounding factors. Results: The fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and blood lipid (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride) levels were similar in the three groups. During the survey period of 16 years, the blood pressure showed a significant decreasing trend with time in all groups (p < 0.001). In contrast, the fasting blood glucose (p = 0.004), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), and LDL-cholesterol levels (p = 0.007) decreased significantly, and the HDL-cholesterol level (p < 0.001) increased significantly in the highest-income groups. In the lowest-income group, the fasting blood glucose (p = 0.02), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), and triglyceride (p = 0.003) levels showed a significant decreasing trend over time. On the other hand, the middle-income group showed no significant change in any of the metabolic risk factors except for blood pressure. Conclusion: The level of management of metabolic risk factors according to the income level of Korean diabetes patients was similar. On the other hand, the highest- and lowest-income groups showed positive trends of management of these factors during 16 years of observation, whereas the middle-income group did not show any improvement.

Effect of Land Use Change and Price from the Area Adjustment of National Park in Korea - A Case Study of Woraksan National Park - (국립공원 구역 조정이 토지이용 변화 및 가격에 끼친 영향 - 월악산국립공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Kun Chul;Nam, Jin;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 2018
  • The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of zone adjustment by comparing the changes from 2011 to 2018 of social and environmental factors such as the special-purpose area, actual construction activities including building development, land use environment, and officially assessed individual land price in the areas released from the National Park Zone during the second National Park Zone adjustment during 2010 to 2011 with the social and environmental factors in the areas that remained in the National Park Zone during the same period. We intended to investigate the problems of the second National Park Zone adjustment and explore alternative implications for the third National Park Zone adjustment. As for the special-purpose area, 80.4% of the released areas were converted to planned, production, and conservation area while 15.6% changed to the agricultural area, and 4.0% remained as the natural environmental conservation area. Regarding the change in building development scale, the average size of construction in the released area since 2011 was $106m^2$ while that in the retained areas was $91m^2$. For the land use environment, the rate of change from the natural area to developed area was 1.9% in the released area and 0.7% in the retained area. The officially assessed individual land price increased by 11,911 won in the released area and 4,413 won in the retained area. Although both areas showed an increase in the land price, the difference of officially assessed individual land prices was about 2.5 times. The problem concerning the private property rights of local residents in the national parks is still a challenge, but the second National Park Zone adjustment has resolved the problem significantly. Accordingly, it is necessary to offer the benefits for the residents in the national park area by analyzing the park zoning and park facility planning to present the rational alternative. It is also necessary to establish a support system that encourages the collaborative cooperation between the park authority and residents and assures that the residents to have pride in the national park.

An essay on appraisal method over official administration records ill-balanced. -For development of appraisal process and method over chosun government-general office records- (불균형 잔존 행정기록의 평가방법 시론 - 조선총독부 공문서의 평가절차론 수립을 위하여 -)

  • Kim, Ik-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.13
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2006
  • This study develops the process and method of official administration documents which have remained ill-balanced like the official documents of the government-general of Chosun(the pro-Japanese colonial government (1910-1945)). At first, the existing Appraisal-theories are recomposed. The Appraisal-Theories of Schellenberg is focused valuation about value of records itself, but fuction-Appraisal theory is attached importance to operational activities which take the record into action. But given that the record is a re-presentation of operational activities, the both are the same on the philosophy aspect. Therefore, in the case that the process - method is properly designed, it can be possible to use a composite type between operational activities and records. Also, a method of the Curve has its strong points in the macro and balanced aspect while the Absolute has it's strength in the micro aspect, so that chances are that both alternate methodologies are applied to the study. Hereby, the existing Appraisal theories are concluded to be the mutually-complemented things that can be easily put together into various forms according to the characteristics of an object and its situation, in the terms of the specific Appraisal methodology. Especially, in the case of this article dealing with the imbalance remains official-documents, it is necessary to compromise more properly process with a indicated useful method than establishing a method and process by choosing the only one theory. In order to appraise the official-documents of the pro-Japanese colonial government (1910-1945), a macro appraisal of value has to be appraised about them by understanding a system, functions and using the historical-cultural evolution, after analysing Disposal Authority. From this, map the record so that organization function maps are constructed regarding the value rank of functions and detailed-functions. After this, establish the appraisal strategy considering the internal environment of archival agencies and based on micro appraisal to a great quantity of records remained and supplying other meaning to a small quantity of records remained for example, the oral resources production are accomplished. The study has not yet reached the following aspects ; a function analysis, historical decoding techniques, a curve valuation of the record, the official gazette of the government general of Chosun( the pro-Japanese government for 1910-1945), an analysis method of the other historical materials and it's process, presentation of appraisal output image. As the result, that's just simply a proposal and we should fill in the above-mentioned shortages of the study through development of all the up-coming studies.

The Current Status and Prospect of Presidential Records Management (대통령기록관리의 현황과 전망)

  • Zoh, Young-Sam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.21
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    • pp.283-322
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    • 2009
  • Legislation and enforcement of the Presidential Records Management Law was an important turning point in Korean archival management history. In the past, the notion of presidential records was vague. The law was a starting point of establishing presidential records management. The Presidential Records Management Law provides the definition of presidential records and its scope, and establishes the protection of presidential records through restricted access to the records. The key to the law is to enable a president freely to produce records and transfer them to the next administration without omission. In other words, it aims to stop the practice that presidential records are produced but never be left. But, 'disputes over the release of presidential records' and the disclosing of access-restricted presidential records presented a crisis to national records management as well as the prospect of presidential records management, even if they were 'legal procedures.' The instability of presidential records management could give a serious impact on the national records management and its operation. Amid this situation, it is required to review the presidential records management system and provide recommendations for improvement, even if the enforcement of law has just started. The most urgent things in improving presidential records management are to secure its independence, specialty, and to complement restricted access to presidential records. For securing independency, presidential records management should be done by a separate organization other than the National Archives of Korea while for promoting specialty, a newly established organization could serve as a professional archive. And for complementing restricted access to the presidential records, the access should be more limited. In other words, more discretion is needed in permitting access. And more specific regulations should be applied to the permitted records. However, these regulatory actions may not have effects unless independency is not secured. Thus, more fundamentally, independency of the National Archives of Korea should be first established.

An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Survivability of a Long Pipe-Type Buoy Structure in Waves (긴 파이프로 이뤄진 세장형 부이 구조물의 파랑 중 생존성에 관한 모형시험 및 수치해석 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Ju;Nam, Bo-Woo;Kim, Nam-Woo;Park, In-Bo;Kim, Sea-Moon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2018
  • In this study, experimental and numerical analysis were performed on the survivability of a long pipe-type buoy structure in waves. The buoy structure is an articulated tower consisting of an upper structure, buoyancy module, and gravity anchor with long pipes forming the base frame. A series of experiment were performed in the ocean engineering basin of KRISO with the scaled model of 1/ 22 to evaluate the survivability of the buoy structure at West Sea in South Korea. Survival condition was considered as the wave of 50 year return period. Additional experiments were performed to investigate the effects of current and wave period. The factors considered for the evaluation of the buoy's survival were the pitch angle of the structure, anchor reaction force, and the number of submergence of the upper structure. Numerical simulations were carried out with the OrcaFlex, the commercial program for the mooring analysis, with the aim of performing mutual validation with the experimental results. Based on the evaluation, the behavior characteristics of the buoy structure were first examined according to the tidal conditions. The changes were investigated for the pitch angle and anchor reaction force at HAT and LAT conditions, and the results directly compared with those obtained from numerical simulation. Secondly, the response characteristics of the buoy structure were studied depending on the wave period and the presence of current velocity. Third, the number of submergence through video analysis was compared with the simulation results in relation to the submergence of the upper structure. Finally, the simulation results for structural responses which were not directly measured in the experiment were presented, and the structural safety discussed in the survival waves. Through a series of survivability evaluation studies, the behavior characteristics of the buoy structure were examined in survival waves. The vulnerability and utility of the buoy structure were investigated through the sensitivity studies of waves, current, and tides.

The Structural Analysis and Criticism of Geommu (Korean Sword Dance) - Focusing in Literary Works and Music - (검무 구조 분석 시론 - 문헌과 음악을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.34
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    • pp.9-42
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    • 2017
  • Of all Geommu(劍舞, Korean sword dance), Gisaeng-Geommu danced by gisaeng(妓生, Korean female entertainers) for private guests and at the royal court. The Sword dance in the late Joseon Dynasty used to be dynamic exuding menacing "sword spirit(劍氣)." Sword dance being transmitted today is more ritualistic and elegant. This study considers Korean sword dance has a core structure and motifs transcending generational differences, and based on this critical thinking, aims to analyze the structure of Korean sword dance. This study analyzed the prose "Geommugi(劍舞記)" by Park Je-ga(朴齊家) and the poem "Mugeompyeonjeongmiin(舞劍篇贈美人)" by Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) out of literary works from the late Joseon Dynasty, and from official records of rituals(笏記), "Geomgimu(Sword Dance, 劍器舞)" and "Geommu" in "Gyobanggayo(敎坊歌謠)." In the introduction part of Sword dance, a dancer appears, bows and performs a hand dance or hansam(汗衫) dance to and fro. In the development part, a dancer meets with a sword but first hesitates to hold it and dances holding swords in both hands. The climax shows expert sword skills and combat scenes. In the conclusion part, the court dance involves a dancer bidding a formal farewell, while the dance for entertainment, a dance throws away the sword to finish. From literature materials, the structure of Korean sword dance could be divided into an introduction, a development, a climax and a conclusion. Based on this, this study analyzed sword dance movements by linking the beats accompanying the current sword dance, in the order of a Yeombul, the traditional Korean ballad Taryeong or Neujeun Taryeong, Jajin Taryeong, Taryeong and Jajin Taryeong. The introduction part includes a Buddhist prayer and the beginning of Taryeong. Dancers appear, and in two rows they dance facing each other. On the slow beat, their dances are relaxed and elegant. The development part is matched with Jajin Taryeong. Dancers sit in front of swords and grab them, and they dance holding a pair of swords. The beat gradually becomes faster, progressing the development of the dance. But then, the slower Taryeong is placed again. The reason behind it is to create a tension for a little while, before effectively reaching a climax by speeding up the tempo again. Moving on to Jajin Taryeong, dancers' movements are bigger and more dynamic. The highly elated Jajin Taryeong shows dance movements at the climax on fast, robust beats. In the conclusion part, the beat is quick-tempo and on the upbeat again on Jajin Taryeong. Driving on without a stop on the exciting Yeonpungdae(燕風臺) melody, dancers standing in a line dance wielding the swords and bow before finishing.

Correlation of Unmet Healthcare Needs and Employment Status for a Population over 65 Years of Age (65세 이상 인구의 고용형태와 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 관련성)

  • Kang, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Chul-Woung;Seo, Nam-Kyu
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2017
  • The present study aimed to investigate the rate of unmet healthcare needs for elderly over the age of 65 years, as well as analyze the relevance between employment status and unmet healthcare needs due to financial reasons. With regard to the study method, a logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the correlation between employment status and unmet healthcare needs due to financial reasons, targeting 5,528 subjects over the age of 65 years. The results showed that the rate of unmet healthcare needs was 18.9%, in which the rate of unmet healthcare needs due to financial reason was 8.1%. The rate of unmet health needs was higher for temporary workers(ORs=1.75) than for retirement workers. However, the rate of unmet healthcare needs caused by financial reasons was higher among day workers(ORs=1.92). In conclusion, in order to prevent unmet healthcare needs for senior Korean patients, it is necessary to not only improve the income security system for the elderly, but also improve the occupational form and level of income of these economically active citizens, considering the increase in average life expectancy. Moreover, it is also necessary to reinforce health insurance coverage systems for settling medical expenses.