• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수로

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Weight Reduction and Lipid Lowering Effects of Sea Tangle Added Korean Cabbage Kimchi (다시마 첨가 배추김치의 체중 감량 및 지질 저하 효과)

  • Ku, Hwa-Suk;Noh, Jeong-Sook;Yun, Ye-Rang;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kwon, Myung-Ja;Cheigh, Hong-Sik;Song, Yeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.1140-1147
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    • 2007
  • A recipe for diet kimchi containing 20% of sea tangle to Korean cabbage kimchi (SK) was developed for weight reduction purpose. The fermentation process of SK showed typical Lactobacillus sp. growth pattern like other kimchis. The effects of SK on weight reduction was studied in high fat diet (HFD) fed rats (n=40). Diet groups used for the animal study were HFD, HFD supplemented either with Korean cabbage kimchi used as experimental control (HCK), or with SK (HSK), or with J-kimchi (JK) which was purchased at market (FJK). The effect of kimchi on preventing obesity in rat fed HFD was found to be obvious by means of reducing visceral fat contents and improving serum lipid profiles through enhancing the lipid excretion in the feces (p<0.05). Leptin concentration of rat was significantly decreased by kimchi consumption (p<0.05). This result can be interpreted that adipocytes in these animals were fewer than that of HFD group. The plasma bililubin concentration was lower in kimchi group than HFD, meaning that returning bile from ileum to the liver was reduced. When the observe beneficial effects of kimchi on preventing obesity were compared among kimchi groups, SK only reduced the relative visceral fat contents significantly than other kimchi groups (p<0.05). Besides this, other parameters such as plasma lipid profiles, feces lipids, leptin, and bililubin concentration were not significantly different, even though the most beneficial effect on these parameters was observed from SK. In conclusion, long term consumption of SK seems to have a beneficial effect on the prevention of obesity through enhancing the excretion of lipids in the feces. The dietary fiber content of SK was increased by 7% compared to CK when 20% of sea tangle was added.

A Study on the Changes of Land Use and Stand Volume around Mt. Kuem-O using Aerial Photographs (항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 금오산(金烏山) 지역(地域)의 토지이용(土地利用) 및 임분재적(林分材積)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Dong Ha;Kim, Kap Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.4
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    • pp.388-397
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    • 1990
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes of land use and stand volume around Mt. Kuem-O by B/W aerial photographs in 1979 and B/W Infrared aerial photographs in 1988. The results obtained in this study were as follow : 1. In classification of forest type on aerial photographs, coniferous stand was dark tone and hardwood stand was light tone and irregularly rounded crowns. 2. In classification of coniferous stand, Pinus densiflora was narraw cone and rounded tip of crowns and rough texture, Pinus rigida was irregulary rounded and broadly conical crowns. 3. To refer to changes of forest land area, mixed forest was changed into P. desiflora (687ha), P. rigida (130ha) and hardwood stand (219ha). 4. The regression equations between crown diameter and DBH were significant at 1% level by F-test in all stands. So the equation, D=a+bCD was used to estimate DBH. 5. The tree height curve equations were significant at 1% level by F-test in all stands. To estimate tree height the equation, logH=loga+blogD was adopted in P. densiflora and L. leptolepis and $H=a-bD+cD^2$ was adopted in P. rigida, hardwood stand and mixed forest. 6. The highest volume per hectare was observed in L. leptolepis and mixed forest showed the greatest growth percentage, while the lowest volume per hectare and growth percentage were observed in hardwood stand.

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Studies on the Composition of Forest Vegetation and the Contents of Polluted Materials in the Needles in an Air Polluted Area (대기오염지역(大氣汚染地域)의 삼림식생구조(森林植生構造)와 엽내오염물질(葉內汚染物質) 함량(含量)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jong Kab;Kim, Jai Saing
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.78 no.4
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    • pp.360-371
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    • 1989
  • This study was performed to investigate effects of air pollution on the Pinus thunbergii forests in Onsan industrial districts, and environmental factors, contents of soluble sulfur in needles, and composition of sorest vegetation were examined. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows ; 1. The pH of soils, organic matter and total N were low near the source of air pollutants, and sulfur contents in the soils was high in general. Especially there was significant correlation between the sulfur contents in the soil and pH at 1% level. 2. The contents of soluble sulfur in needles ranged from 0.13% to 0.25% and were generally high, and plot 2 and 3 were the highest of all. 3. In the number of species, 7 species appeared in plot 3 and 20 species in plot 7, and they were low near the source of air pollutants. Total number of individuls, species diversity and evenness increased with in creasing distance from the source of air pollutants. 4. There were significant correlations between the contents of soluble sulfur in needles and the number of species and species diversity at 5%, 1% level, respectively. 5. Importance value of each species was low near the source of air pollutants but Quercus species showed high values in all plots. 6. On these studied plots, Pinus thunbergii, Quercus serrata and smilax china were tolerant, and Rhododendron mucronulatum, Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense, Platycarya strobilacea and Lespedeza maritima were sensitive to air pollution.

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Role accomplishment and job satisfaction of hospice nurse (호스피스간호사의 역할수행 정도와 직무만족도)

  • Han, Hyoung-Suk;Choe, Wha-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide the basic information on the improvement plan by identifying the role accomplishment and job satisfaction of the hospice nurses and analyzing the factors that impact such role accomplishment and job satisfaction. Methods: The data was collected of 189 hospice nurses who have been working more than 6 months in 56 hospice programs registered in Korea Hospice Association and Korean Catholic Hospice Association from October to November, 2007 by structured questionnaire which was developed by Ryu(1979), based on the Riehl's nursing role and the research of Choe(2005) on the role of hospice nurse. Results: The role accomplishment and job satisfaction of the study subject were 3.53 point and 3.39 point, respectively. The roles of hospice nurses were accomplished by the order of advocator, nursing care provider, coordinator (cooperation), educator, quality manager, counsellor, administrator, and researcher. The job satisfaction of the hospice nurses was shown highest in the satisfaction of professional status, followed by the satisfaction of the interaction, satisfaction of the task itself, satisfaction of the administrative aspect, satisfaction of the autonomous, and the lowest in the satisfaction of the pay. The role accomplishment of the subjects according to their socio-demographic and job characteristics was found to have a significant difference by their age, marriage status, academic background, and position. It also has a significant difference by whether they play role of coordinator, whether they took whole responsibility as hospice, working experience as hospice/palliative nurse, and the level of hospice/palliative nursing training(p<.05). In the study of job satisfaction of the subjects according to their socio-demographic and job characteristics, the job satisfaction was found to have a significant difference by the increase of age, the number of duties consisting the hospice team, whether they play role of coordinator, whether they take whole responsibility as hospice, the level of hospice/palliative nursing training, and whether they wish to work for as long as possible(p<.05). The role accomplishment and the job satisfaction of the subjects showed a statistically significant positive correlation. (r=.541, p<.01) Conclusion: Raised saiary will be increased hospice nurse's job satisfaction. And we suggest a repetitive study using the identical tool to the equally extracted subjects with same representativeness of each hospice/palliative institute type. For the expanded role and enhanced professional standard of hospice nurses, we also suggest a study on the improvement plan to enhance the roles of researcher and administrator.

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Effectiveness of Home Economics Class on self-esteem and stress of middle school students (가정과수업이 중학생의 자아존중감과 스트레스에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the effectiveness of home economics class on self-esteem and stress of middle school students. Data were collected from self-reported inventory of the middle school students in Y city of Gyeonggi province and 165 data copies were used for analyses. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, t-test, corelation and dependent t-test using SPSS/PC 18.0 program. The results were as follows. First, the average of positive self-esteem was 2.74 and that of negative self-esteem was 1.90 on a 4 Likert scale. The range of stress level was 1.88~2.48 on a 5 Likert scale. Life satisfaction was 3.90 and helpfulness of home economics class was 3.89 on a 5 point Likert scale, which means moderately high. Second, examining differences in variables according to gender, there were statistically significant differences in stress regarding family for both pre- and post-tests. Third, helpfulness of home economics class had positive correlation with positive self-esteem and life satisfaction and had negative correlation with negative self-esteem and stress, which means that home economics class enhance life satisfaction and positive self-esteem and lessen negative self-esteem and stress of middle students. Fourth, as a result of comparison of pre and post-tests, positive self-esteem, life satisfaction, and helpfulness of home economics class increased statistically after home economics classes, while stress regarding school life decreased statistically. Even though students' growth and changes resulting from learning other subjects were not controlled, it was meaningful that effectiveness of home economics class were examined and helpful information for enhancing perception of home economics education were provided.

Development of A Teaching-Learning Plan for Home Economics Education by Integrated Thematic Instruction(ITI) type (주제 중심 통합(ITI: Integrated Thematic Instruction)형 가정과 의생활영역 교수-학습 과정안 개발)

  • Kim, Nam Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2017
  • At present, the whole world is characterized by openness, cooperation and integration as a society with information and the world, and it requires creative talents for this. The competitiveness of the nation depends on the cultivation of creative talents. It demands anthropological value by improving the competitiveness of the nation through cultivating creative talents to share and care, not to cultivate creative talents for personal desires and accomplishments. The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching - learning process to develop integrated creative talents by applying the characteristics of integrated education curriculum at the base of the 2015 revised curriculum. To do this, we first extracted the content elements of the Clothing Life area of the revised curriculum from the 1st to 2015 and the contents of the Clothing Life area of the technology and home Economics textbooks to which the 2009 revision curriculum was applied. Five topics were extracted according to content selection criteria And The Theme of 'The selection and management of clothing' was selected. Researcher developed a integrated thematic instruction Home Economics Education Clothing Life teaching - learning process (hereinafter referred to as "the process") focused on the theme of 'selection and management of clothing'. The Process was composed of 5 basic classes [basic inquiry - content 1 - content 2 - depth study - application]. The process considers integration within the curriculum and interdepartmental integration, and aims to improve the personality, creativity, and problem solving ability of consideration and sharing in the course of the integrated class. In detail, the curriculum goals of the home Economics Education curriculum and ITI goals are presented separately in the curriculum developed for each process. At the stage of the class, the element of creativity and the element of personal education were exposed and applied to the class. In Korea, new curriculum has been revised and announced from time to time, making it difficult for the teacher to carry out the class in accordance with the paradigm of change. Home curriculum is closely related to real life, so it is an appropriate subject for an integrated subject. It has the educational significance of the subject in that it allows students to integrate the creative and personal elements that are limited in other subjects. ITI process will be helpful to teachers who need to implement the 2015 revised curriculum in which the theme-centered integrated home Economics education teaching-learning process is newly introduced. It is necessary to follow - up research to verify the effectiveness of how to improve students' problem - solving ability and cultivate creativity.

Contents analyses of teaching·learning research on housing education of home economics for secondary schools (중등학교 주생활교육 교수·학습 개발연구 내용분석)

  • Joo, Hyunjung;Cho, Jaesoon;Choi, Yoori
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the contents of housing teaching learning studies in Home Economics of secondary schools since 2001. The 22 research, drawn from the database 'riss4u', were analyzed in terms of general information of the paper (studied institution & year, implementation & evaluation, subject of study & size) and specific contents of teaching learning plans (theme, curricula & textbooks, methode & # of lessons, resources). The results showed that most studies were reported during the 7th or the 2007 revised curricula period. All, except one doctoral dissertation, were master's theses from a few universities. In all studies, ranging from 2 to 15 lessons, teaching learning plans were implemented and evaluated in the class of the researcher while some were applied in other schools, too. The theme of the teaching learning plans varied but were concentrated on one out of two content elements and two out of six learning elements. The 2007 revised curriculum seems to be an important turning point, not only reinforcing the analyses of the curricular and textbooks in the analyzing stage but also facilitating the use of various methods for the lessons in the developing stage. Practical problem based model was the most frequently adopted, while cooperative learning and ICT served as fundamental although not always mentioned. Various teaching resources such as UCC, reading materials, PPT were developed for the teacher. Activity sheets were the most frequently used for the students, followed by reading materials. Because teaching learning is an essential core of education, teaching learning studies should be more actively conducted and the variety of subject topics, methods and resources should also be obtained by more researchers.

The Awareness of the Dietary Education and Dietary Management Competency of (Preliminary) Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools (초·중등 예비교사와 교사의 식생활 교육에 대한 인식과 식생활 관리 역량)

  • Kim, Yunhwa
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.215-231
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    • 2018
  • Attitudes to the health and dietary life of teachers affect their students. The purpose of this study was to investigate dietary and education awareness, eating habits and dietary management competency of the preliminary teachers and teachers. Data was collected from 812 pre-service teachers and teachers in South Korea using a 5-Likert self-administrated questionnaire in October to December of 2017. Data was analyzed using factor analysis, reliability, one-way analysis of variance, and correlation. The results of this study are as follows. Dietary and education awareness was classified into dietary concern and dietary management stress. Eating habits composed of healthy eating habit and bad eating habit. Dietary management competency was sub-grouped into dietary knowledge, cooking, dietary sanitation and safety, and environment. The all factors of pre - service teachers and teachers showed a significant difference except for the environmental ability factor (p <0.01). All factors were significantly different according to the age and the number of meal preparation (p <0.05). The eating habits were not significantly differences from sex. The major and health condition showed significant differences except dietary management stress and cooking factors (p <0.01). The obesity index showed significant difference in the dietary concern, bad eating habits, and cooking factors (p <0.01). In conclusion, it was required to education and develop education materials that can help the STEAM education using the dietary area. The dietary education program for the pre - service teachers and the teachers should increase the number of participating in the meal preparation considering the difference according to the general characteristics, so that the dietary management competency and the healthy eating habits should be formed.

Development and Application of Practical Problem-based Teaching·Learning Process for Interacting with Neighbors (이웃과 더불어 살아가는 주생활을 위한 실천적 문제 중심 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 적용)

  • Woo, Yeseul;Cho, Jaesoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and apply the practical problem-based teaching·learning process plan for 'interacting with neighbors' of home economics subject. The plan consisting of 3 lessons has been developed and implemented according to the ADDIE model. Various activity materials (7 student's activity sheets, 3 reading texts, 1 homework sheet, 3 sets of ppt, 6 videos, and 3 teacher's reading texts) as well as questionnaire were developed for the 3-session lessons. The plans were implemented by the researcher to 204 freshmen, 8 classes, of C middle school in Seoul during september, 2017. The result, of students' lower level of actual participation in interacting with neighbors comparing to their interests in, supported the need of this study. Students were satisfied with the whole 3-lessons in the aspects such as beneficial usage of the contents in their daily life and in building the sense of community, as well as adequacy of materials and activities. Students also reported that they would highly aware to the importance of interacting with neighbors and to practice the contents learned from the lessons in daily life at community. They had an opportunity to reflect one's own attitude to neighbors and recommended to teach it to other schools, too. It can be concluded that the teaching·learning process plan for 'interacting with neighbors' would raise students' housing values living together and attain the overall objective and achievement standards of 2015 home economics middle school curriculum.

Protective Effects of a Herbal Composition (HemoHIM) Against Apoptosis Induced by Oxidative Stress of Hydrogen Peroxide (과산화수소의 산화적 스트레스로 유도된 Apoptosis에 대한 생약복합조성물(HemoHIM)의 방호효과 평가)

  • Shin, Sung-Hae;Kim, Do-Soon;Kim, Mi-Jung;Kim, Sung-Ho;Jo, Sung-Kee;Byun, Mung-Woo;Yee, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.1127-1132
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    • 2006
  • In our previous study, a novel herb mixture (HIM-I) of Angelica gigas radix, Cnidium officinale rhizoma, and Paeonia japonica radix was developed to protect the intestinal and immune systems and promote its recovery against radiation damage. A new herbal composition (HemoHIM) with the high immune modulating activity was developed from HIM-I. HIM-I was fractionated into ethanol fraction (HIM-I-E) and polysaccharide fraction (HIM-I-P). And HemoHIM was prepared by adding HIM-I-P to HIM-I. HemoHIM showed more effective than HIM-I in immune modulation as well as radioprotection. The present study is designed to investigate the protective effects of HIM-I, HIM-I-P, and HemoHIM on hydrogen peroxide $(H_2O_2)$ induced apoptosis of human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells. It was shown that $H_2O_2$ treatment reduced the viability of cells, and increased appearance of DNA ladders, hypodiploid (subG1) cells, and phosphatidylserine translocation level. Pretreatment of HemoHIM significantly reduced the cytotoxic effect induced by $H_2O_2$, associated with reducing the translocation of phosphatidylserine, hypodiploid cells and DNA ladders. HemoHIM appeared to be more protective than HIM-I against $H_2O_2$ induced apoptosis whereas, it exhibited similar activity to HIM-I-P. These results indicated that HemoHIM might be an useful agent for protection against oxidative stress $(H_2O_2)-induced$ apoptosis as well as immune modulation, especially since it is a relatively nontoxic natural product.