• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소음 감소

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A Study on the Establishments of Aircraft Noise Abatement Procedures in Gimpo International Airport (김포공항 항공기 저소음 운항절차 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Myung;Park, Jin-Woo;Kim, Young-Il;Son, Jung-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.725-738
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    • 2006
  • The final purpose of this study is to develop noise abatement procedures for minimizing damages caused by aircraft noise, to establish appropriate noise limits and to suggest a plan for imposing surcharges and penalties on aircraft infringing the noise limits. This study establishes noise abatement procedures and suggests a plan to complement and improve upon NMS in Gimpo International Airport by reviewing the NMS structure. In addition, this study establishes a noise limit at each noise monitoring system and a verification system to discriminate infringing aircraft. Finally, this study suggests a control plan for aircraft infringing the noise limit.

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A Study on the Establishments of Aircraft Noise Abatement Procedures in Gimpo International Airport (김포공항 항공기 저소음 운항절차 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Myung;Park, Jin-Woo;Kim, Young-Il;Son, Jung-Gon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5 s.122
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2007
  • The final purpose of this study is to develop noise abatement procedures for minimizing damages caused by aircraft noise, to establish appropriate noise limits and to suggest a plan for imposing surcharges and penalties on aircraft infringing the noise limits. This study establishes noise abatement procedures and suggests a plan to complement and improve upon NMS in Gimpo International Airport by reviewing the NMS structure. In addition, this study establishes a noise limit at each noise monitoring system and a verification system to discriminate infringing aircraft. Finally, this study suggests a control plan for aircraft Infringing the noise limit.

Development of Hydrophone Array System for Underwater Sound Measurement in a Water Tunnel (워터 터널에서의 수중소음 계측을 위한 하이드로폰 어레이 시스템 개발)

  • 이무열;강관형;부경태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2001
  • Water tunnel에서 반향음의 영향을 효과적으로 배제하고 수중 소음원의 위치 및 소음 수준을 계측하기 위하여 하이드로폰 어레이 시스템을 개발하였다. 계측 시스템의 신호 대 잡음비를 개선하기위해 48채널의 하이드로폰 어레이를 사용하였고, 당사 고유의 하이드로폰 설치 방법을 개발하였다. 개발된 설치 방법은 터널 벽면의 난류 변동 압력의 영향을 감소시켜 200Hz-1KHz 영역에서 통상적이 설치 방법 대비 약 20㏈ 의 신호 대 잡음비 개선 효과를 얻었다. 또한 40KHz 이상의 주파수까지의 수중 방사 소음 계측을 위하여 100kS/s의 고속 동시 데이터 획득 장치를 개발하였다. 개발된 하이드로폰 어레이 시스템은 성능 시험을 통하여 20KHz 이내의 주파수 영역에서 단일 소음원의 위치를 비교적 정확하게 찾아낼 수 있었다.

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Waterborne Noise Prediction of the Reinforced Cylinderical Shell Using the SEA Technique (SEA 기법을 이용한 보강 원통형 셀의 수중방사소음 해석)

  • 배수룡;전재진;이헌곤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 1992
  • 선박 내부에 탑재된 추진 기계류에서 발생되는 진동은 마운트 Deck을 통하 여 선체에 전달되어 수중으로 전파된다. 기계류에 의해 발생되는 수중방사소 음을 감소시키기 위해서는 선체로 전달된 진동수준 및 수중방사소음 예측이 우선 중요하다. 수중방사소음 예측 방법으로 FEM과 BEM에 의한 저주파수 대역 예측, 전달함수에 의한 실험적 예측, SEA(Statistical Energy Analysis) 기법을 이용한 고주파수 대역 예측으로 나눌 수 있다. R.H.Lyon 등에 의해 발전된 SEA 기법은 항공기, 선박등 복잡한 구조물의 고주파수 대역 진동해 석에 널리 이용되고 있다. SEA 기법의 선박에 대한 적용은 소형선박의 기계 류에서 발생되는 진동에 의한 선체 진동수준 및 수중방사소음 해석 등에 적 용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 보강 원통형 셀 모델에 대한 수중방사소음을 SEA 기법을 이용하여 예측하고 실험을 통하여 검증하였다.

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A Study on AI active noise cancellation for daily noise reduction (AI 스피커를 이용한 생활소음 감소)

  • Lee, Jong-Jae;Song, Youn-Joo;Won, Chae-Young;Kim, Min-ji;Kim, Jeong-Min
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.1203-1206
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    • 2021
  • 소음은 난청, 스트레스 등의 원인이 된다. 본 연구에서는 ANC(Active Noise Cancellation)을 바탕으로, 기술적인 방법을 통해 소음을 저감 시키는 스피커를 구현하였다. ANC 란 소음 주파수의 위상을 180° 변환하여 주파수와 레벨이 동일한 역 소음을 발생시켜 주변 소음을 저감, 차단하는 기술이다. 현재 시중 제품들에 적용되는 일반적인 ANC 의 경우, 피드백(Feedback) 방식이라는 점과 시간 지연(Time gap)이 발생한다는 한계가 있다. 이를 보완하기 위해 AI 학습으로 소음을 미리 예측하여 시간 지연을 줄이는 방법을 고안했다. 순환 신경망(RNN)의 장기의존성 문제를 해결하는 시계열 예측 딥러닝 알고리즘인 LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory Network) 모델을 사용하였다. 또한, AI 학습 효율을 향상시킬 수 있는 하드웨어 장비들을 활용하였다.

Noise Control of Plate Structures with Optimal Design of Multiple Piezoelectric Actuators (복수 압전 가진기의 최적 설계를 통한 판구조물의 소음제어)

  • 김재환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 1996
  • Noise control of a plate structure with multiple disk shaped piezoelectric actuators is studied. The plate is excited by an acoustic pressure field produced by a noise source located below the plate. Finite element modeling is used for the plate structure that supports a combination of three dimensional solid, flat shell and transition elements. The objective function, in the optimization procedure, is to minimize the sound energy radiated onto a hemispherical surface of given radius and the design parameters are the locations and sizes of the piezoelectric actuators as well as the amplitudes of the voltages applied to them. Automatic mesh generation is addressed as part of the modeling procedure. Numerical results for both resonance and off resonance frequencies show remarkable noise reduction and the optimal locations of the actuators are found to be close to the edges of the plate structure. The optimized result is robust such that when the acoustic pressure pattern is changed, reduction of radiated sound is still maintained. The robustness of an optimally designed structure is also tested by changing the frequency of the noise source using only the actuator voltages as design parameters.

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A Study on the Design and Experiment for the Profile of Lower-Noise Gear Tooth (저소음 치형의 설계 및 실험에 관한 연구)

  • 김호룡;안승준
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1993
  • A design method of gear tooth profile which can reduce the noise of gear is studied. The tooth profile is generated by combining involute and cycloid tooth curves in which the involute tooth profile is near the pitch point and cycloid tooth profile at the addendum and the dedendum. Considering parameters which have an influence on the reduction of gear noise and building up a design conditions for the noise reduction of gear, the lower-noise combined gear tooth profile is designed. For the check of noise reduction of the combined gear profile, two pairs of combined profile gear, two pairs of involute gear, and a pair of cycloid gear were manufactured by the NC Wire Cutting Machine, and the experiment for measuring of gear noise was carried out on each pair. The noise reduction of the combined profile gear was obtained.

Noise Analysis for the Operation of the eVTOL PAV using AEDT (Aviation Environmental Design Tool) (AEDT(Aviation Environmental Design Tool)를 이용한 전기추진 수직이착륙형 PAV 운영을 위한 소음 분석)

  • Yun, Ju-Yeol;Lee, Bong-Sul;Hwang, Ho-Yon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we selected commuting scenarios in the most congested metropolitan area in Korea, and conducted noise analysis during personal air vehicle (PAV) operation using aviation environmental design tool (AEDT)software which was developed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Noise is the second important factor after safety in order to operate PAVs through concepts such as ODM (on-demand mobility) introduced by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Noise analysis were performed by modeling low-noise ePAVs as commercial helicopters and predicted residential suitability in order to resolve problems in which accurate NPD (noise power distance) data from PAVs were not released. The application of noise reduction technology such as electric propulsion has significantly reduced noise exposure levels and has reached the conclusion that commuting with PAVs is feasible without noise problems in the metropolitan area.

Preferred masking levels of water sounds according to various noise background levels in small scale open plan offices (소규모 개방형 사무실 배경 소음 레벨에 따른 최적 물소리 마스킹 레벨)

  • Tae-Hui Kim;Sang-Hyeon Lee;Chae-Hyun Yoon;Hyo-Won Sim;Joo-Young Hong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.617-626
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the preferred sound level of water sound for various levels of open-plan-office noise regarding soundscape quality and speech privacy. And assessment of the work efficiency of the water sound. For the laboratory experiment, office noise was recorded using a binaural microphone in a real open-plan office. For the assessment of the soundscape quality and speech privacy, Overall Soundscape Quality (OSQ) and Listening Difficulty (LD) were evaluated under three different sound levels (55 dBA, 60 dBA, and 65 dBA) and five different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR -10 dB, -5 dB, 0 dB, +5 dB, and +10 dB). After the evaluation, the preferred SNR was proposed according to OSQ and LD. For the assessment of to work efficiency of water sound, this study evaluated the cognitive performance of both of the condition noise only and combine the water sound with office noise. The results showed that LD increased as the water sound level increased, but OSQ decreased. When the water sound level was more than the office noise level, the OSQ decreased from noise only. Therefore, considering OSQ and LD, the preferred SNR of water sound was -5 dB for all noise levels. At the preferred level of water sound, the cognitive performance results were shown to decrease at 55 dBA compared to noise only, but at 60 dBA and 65 dBA combine the water sound results were increased than the noise only.

Assessment of Noise Externalities by Using Hedonic Price Model (헤도닉모델을 이용한 소음 외부효과의 평가)

  • Kwon, Suk-jae;Grigalunas, Thomas A.;Lee, Moon-Suk;Kang, Gil-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.275-287
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    • 2008
  • Noise externalities are a ubiquitous problem in modern societies. Research to estimate damages and potential efficient solutions therefore is important for addressing such problems. The results of a hedonic property model show that noise has a statistically significant and quantitatively important negative effect on property values. The key results for the best model show that damages (in year 2000 dollars) are - $5000 ${\ast}$ (ln dB), where dB is noise measured in decibels, allowing for the influence of other factors. Because ln(dB) is a strictly concave funaion, the "noise damage function"exhibits diminishing marginal effects with noise.

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