• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소비자선호도

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A Questionnaire Study on the Differences in Preference of Eyewear between Korean and Chinese Consumers (한국과 중국 소비자의 안경의 선호도 차이에 대한 설문 조사 연구)

  • Sung, Jae Hyun;Cho, Eun Jin;Kim, Dal-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Vision Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : This survey aimed to investigate the differences in shape and color preference of eyeglasses and sunglasses between Korean and Chinese consumers. Methods : The questionnaire was conducted on 150 Chinese students studying in Korea and 150 Korean college students. Any student who majors in optometry was excluded. Chinese students were provided with questionnaires that were translated into Simplified Chinese characters, and it was translated by a native Chinese student studying in a master course of a Korean university, on the basis of Korean questionnaire. Results : The Chinese consumer group preferred the global famous brand in sunglasses rather than the glasses, and it was found that they preferred the Korean glasses products relatively. Also, they presented higher preference to half- or rimless frame, gold color, two-tone colored lens, comparing to the Korean consumer group. Conclusion : The results of this study are expected to contribute to Chinese marketing strategy of Korean manufacturing optical shop companies, and to sales strategy of Korean optical shops with Chinese tourists.

Analysis on the Trend in Customers' Consciousness as Appeared in Wellbeing Trend, LOHAS -Mainly in Food, Clothing, and Shelter Based Websites- (웰빙 트렌드 로하스(LOHAS)에 나타난 소비자 의식 변화에 따른 웹 디자인 발전방향 분석 - 의, 식, 주 웹 사이트를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seo;Chun, Yang-Deok
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2007
  • As the world is in the age of globalization and information, we observe diverse changes in the market environment. Since wide-spread internet services and global networks made ubiquitous learning and business possible, equalizing consumers' ideology and preference, new trend and life style could be introduced easily. This study stipulates on the theoretical concept of the wellbeing consumer and LOHAS consumer. Consumers of LOHAS could be sampled out through pre-questionnaire targeting at selected food, clothing, and shelter based on companies of both wellbeing and general brands. Through this it is attempted to measure wellbeing emotion, recognition quotient of emotion and reason, affirmation and negation, mental emotion quotient, and preference in order to find out their value and to ultimately come up with what web design should be aiming at. Conclusions are as follows: Firstly, consumers easily recognize emotional identification from the web pages of wellbeing brand, rather than that of general brands. Secondly, what web pages of wellbeing brand recognize is reason, not emotion. Thirdly, the design of wellbeing brands scored higher than those of general brands in terms of positive aspects such as hospitality and familiarity, and high mental emotion quotient could not affect the consumers' preference toward web design. Fourthly, wellbeing brands win more preference than general brands do, and preference becomes higher after customers' visit to web pages basically. Lastly, sampled emotional adjectives toward the web designs of wellbeing brands marked a aesthetic graph figure, without leaning toward an active or stable one. It is expected that this study can serve as a groundwork to create proper strategies to actively involve consumers in industrial sphere.

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Studies on Taste Compound Content and Reasearch on Condition of Comsumer Attitude to Traditional Korean Soy Sauce with Varing Meju Type and Fermentation Jars (메주종류와 담금용기에 따른 전통간장의 맛성분과 소비자 사용실태조사)

  • 손경희;이현주;박현경;박옥진
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.463-467
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out in order to analyze the changes in general compounds, reducig sugar, nitrogen compounds of traditional Korean soy sauce with varying Meju Type (Traditional Meju, Modified Meju) and ripening periods and to investigate correlation between sensory characteistics via sensory evaluation of soy sauce samples. And to investigate actual conditions and attitude of comsumer of soy suace.

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A Study on the Typicality and Preference according to Determinants of Typicality (전형성 결정요인에 따른 전형성과 선호도 연구)

  • 나광진;양종열;홍정표;이유리
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated the influence of ideals(goal-directed design attributes) and physical common features on typicality of product design and the relationship between typicality and preference that suggested different result in prior research. So for these objectives we explored the relationship between typicality and preference with two dimensions composed of goal-directed attribute typicality and physical common features typicality. The result showed that consumers' judgment of typicality on product design was increased as the product design has ideals. This was a same result as the prior research. In addition, Increasing the physical common feature with other members in product category, consumers judged that the product design is typical. Otherwise, in results of the relationship between typicality and preference were showed that the design of ideals(goal-directed design attributes) influenced on preference positively, but the design of physical common features had an inverted U-shaped.

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A Study on Consumer Preference for Plastic Toilet Seats with Selective Automatic Supply of Recycled Water (재활용수의 선택적 자동공급이 가능한 플라스틱류 양변기 소비자 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Tae-Wol;Baeg, Jong-Ho;Bae, Sang-Mok
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2020
  • This study is about consumer preference of plastic toilets that can provide automatic supply of recycled water. First, the preference for plastic toilet seat design by gender and age group was preferred for gender type C and G for the sex. As the result of the chi-square test, the significance probability is .044 and the significance is P <.0 5. I could confirm that. Age, teens, 40 s, and 50 s or older prefer type C, 20 s and 30 s, but B type is not statistically significant. Second, the differences among the groups of preference for appearance design criteria according to general characteristics were all stable (stable appearance) in gender, age, region, education, and salary, but the chi-square test showed that they were not statistically significant. There was no difference between them. This study has implications for improving competitiveness and productivity by reducing the main production cost by commercializing toilets made of plastic materials.

Conjoint Analysis Based on the Chebyshev Estimation, with Application to New Product Development of Cellular Phone (체비쉐프추정에 의한 컨조인트분석 : 휴대전화기 신제품 개발에의 활용)

  • 김부용
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 2004
  • Conjoint analysis is employed to decompose the consumer's preference judgements into the importance of attributes, and to predict the degree of preference for each profile of the products, services, or ideas. It has been widely used in industrial marketing, particularly in the areas of product positioning and new product development. This paper is mainly concerned with the conjoint analysis based on the Chebyshev estimation since the efficiency of the least squares estimator is lower than that of the Chebyshev estimator when the preferences are measured as the rank-order. A case study is performed on the preference for cellular phones. And it is shown that conjoint analysis based on the Chebyshev estimation is superior, in terms of the predictive validity, to one which is based on the least squares estimation.

The Preference of the Silver Town based on the Psychological Variances -Mainly about the Life Style between from 30s to 60s- (심리적 변수에 따른 실버타운 선호도 -30대~60대 라이프스타일을 중심으로-)

  • Chai, Sang-Kyun;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.211-228
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    • 2013
  • In this study, it has conducted the questionnaire in the Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and DaeGu, GyeongBuk Province among males and females from 30s to 60s randomly to consider if the socio-demographical variance and the life style will meaningfully affect the preference of the silver town among elderly consumers as well as the future silver consumers. SPSS Win Ver.18.0 was used to analyze the statistical management of the collected data. As a consequence, among the socio-demographic variances, it was analyzed that the academic ability and religions were meaningfully affecting the preference of the silver town statistically, and after assaying how the characteristics of the life style affects the preference of the silver town, the more the family pursues the conservative life style the lower the preference of the silver town was observed, the more the life style covets the health, safety and the materials, the higher the preference of the silver town was analyzed. In addition, it was analyzed life style and the preference of the silver town showed a difference depending on the socio-demographic variances.

Preferences for Fashion Jewelry Depending on Consumption Value (소비가치에 따른 패션주얼리의 선호도)

  • Kim, Min-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.567-576
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to analyze preferences depending on consumption value in relation to fashion jewelry design, colors, and materials. For this, 156 female consumers participated in it as subjects, and for a research tool of consumption value, VALS (Values and Life Style) technique was employed to make an empirical analysis by dividing it into three types such as principle-oriented value, status-oriented value and behavior-oriented value. Research findings indicate that above all, there are differences in preferences depending on characteristics of fashion jewelry design depending on consumption value. It was found that there are differences in preferences depending on numbers of setting of fashion jewelry depending on consumption value, but it was found that there are no differences in preferences depending on jewelry materials. In addition, it was observed that for color characteristics of fashion jewelry, there are differences in preferences depending on consumption value. There are differences in preferences for fashion jewelry depending on consumption value, which indicates that preferences for products change depending on consumers' consumption value rather than use value. And it can be an explanation for this reason. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a more efficient strategy through a process of setting up a target according to consumption value.

A Study on the Preference Degree of Jasmine Tea Package Design in China : Focused on China's Top 10 Jasmine Tea Brands (중국내 재스민 차 패키지디자인 선호도 연구 - 중국 10대 재스민 차 브랜드를 중심으로 -)

  • Tian, Jun;Seo, Han-Sok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.317-318
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    • 2019
  • 이에 본 논문에서는 중국내 판매되고 있는 재스민 차의 10대 브랜드 "장이위엔(?一元), 우위타이(?裕泰), 이푸탕(?福堂), 수밍룬(蜀茗?), 티엔푸밍 차(天福茗茶), 춘룬(春?), 징화(京?), 비탄피야 오쉐(碧潭?雪), 샤오관차(小罐茶), 중차(中茶)"를 중심으로 패키지 디자인의 4가지 요소(로고, 칼라, 레이아웃, 형태)를 요약하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 소비자 선호도에 대한 설문지를 작성하여 신뢰도와 타당성을 분석하였다. 끝으로 설문조사 결과에 따라 각 요소에 대한 소비자들의 선호도를 분석하고 나아가 재스민 차의 포장 패키지디자인에 대한 제안과 향후 연구계획을 제기하였다.

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The Influential Analysis for Customer Preference in the Perceived Quality of Hypermarket PB (대형마트 PB상품 품질지각이 고객선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Wang, Il-Woung;Kang, Chang-Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.2099-2107
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    • 2011
  • Despite the PB diffusion introduced as a strategic competitive factor from the change of a retailing business, the study of PB perceived quality in a customer aspect is poor. Therefore, this study led the influential factors to retailer attribute and product attribute through overall analysis. Also, the study found the influential attributes affecting the perceived quality and analysed the influential power linking to customer satisfaction and preference through the perceived quality. The examined results of the study have known that each attribute links to customer satisfaction via the only perceived quality. The strategic PB sales advantage should be achieved as giving customers the overall perceived quality, and has shown that it can increase the customer preference for PB.