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A Study on Consumer Preference for Plastic Toilet Seats with Selective Automatic Supply of Recycled Water  

Choi, Tae-Wol (Department of IT Convergence Science Management, Korea University of Technology and Education)
Baeg, Jong-Ho (Department of Business Administration, Kongju National University)
Bae, Sang-Mok (Dept. of Distribution Management, Heajeon University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.1, 2020 , pp. 13-20 More about this Journal
This study is about consumer preference of plastic toilets that can provide automatic supply of recycled water. First, the preference for plastic toilet seat design by gender and age group was preferred for gender type C and G for the sex. As the result of the chi-square test, the significance probability is .044 and the significance is P <.0 5. I could confirm that. Age, teens, 40 s, and 50 s or older prefer type C, 20 s and 30 s, but B type is not statistically significant. Second, the differences among the groups of preference for appearance design criteria according to general characteristics were all stable (stable appearance) in gender, age, region, education, and salary, but the chi-square test showed that they were not statistically significant. There was no difference between them. This study has implications for improving competitiveness and productivity by reducing the main production cost by commercializing toilets made of plastic materials.
Plastic; Water Recycling; Toilet; Consumer; Preference;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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