• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선택적 공유

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Research on Archive Opening and Sharing Projects of Korean Terrestrial Broadcasters and External Users of Shared Archives : Focusing on the Case of the 5.18 Footage Video Sharing Project 〈May Story(Owol-Iyagi)〉 Contest Organized by KBS (국내 지상파 방송사의 아카이브 개방·공유 사업과 아카이브 이용자 연구 KBS 5.18 아카이브 시민공유 프로젝트 <5월이야기> 공모전 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyojin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.78
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    • pp.197-249
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    • 2023
  • This paper focus on the demand for broadcast and video archive contents by users outside broadcasters as the archive openness and sharing projects of terrestrial broadcasters have become more active in recent years. In the process of creating works using broadcasters' released video footage, the study examined the criteria by which video footage is selected and the methods and processes utilized for editing. To this end, the study analyzed the the case of the 5.18 footage video sharing project 〈May Story(Owol-Iyagi)〉 contest organized by KBS in 2022, in which KBS released its footage about the May 18 Democratic Uprising and invited external users to create new content using them. Analyzing the works that were selected as the winners of the contest, the research conducts in-depth interviews with the creators of each work. As a result, the following points are identified. Among the submitted works, many works deal with the direct or indirect experience of the May 18 Democratic Uprising and focus on the impact of this historical event on individuals and our current society. The study also examined the ways in which broadcasters' footage is used in secondary works. We found ways to use video as a means to share historical events, or to present video as evidence or metaphor. It is found that the need for broadcasters to provide a wider range of public video materials such as the May 18 Democratic Uprising, describing more metadata including copyright information before releasing selected footage, ensuring high-definition and high-fidelity videos that can be used for editing, and strengthening streaming or downloading functions for user friendliness. Through this, the study explores the future direction of broadcasters' video data openness and sharing business, and confirms that broadcasters' archival projects can be an alternative to fulfill public responsibilities such as strengthening social integration between regions, generations, and classes through moving images.

Design and Implementation of a High Performance Web Crawler (고성능 웹크롤러의 설계 및 구현)

  • 권성호;이영탁;김영준;이용두
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2003
  • A Web crawler is an important Internet software technology used in a variety of Internet application software which includes search engines. As Internet continues to grow, implementations of high performance web crawlers are urgently demanded. In this paper, we study how to support dynamic scheduling for a multiprocess-based web crawler. For high peformance, web crawlers are usually based on multiprocess in their implementations. In these systems, crawl scheduling which manages the allocation of web pages to each process for loading is one of the important issues. In this paper, we identify issues which are important and challenging in the crawl scheduling. To address the issue, we propose a dynamic crawl scheduling framework and subsequently a system architecture for a web crawler with dynamic crawl scheduling support. And we analysed the behaviors of Web crawler. Based on the analysis result, we suggest the direction for the design of high performance Web crawler.

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Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Spectrum Sensing for Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks (셀룰러 네트워크 환경에서 D2D 통신을 위한 스펙트럼 센싱 기반 자원 할당 기법)

  • Kang, Gil-Mo;Shin, Oh-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38A no.10
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    • pp.898-907
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    • 2013
  • For D2D communications underlaying cellular networks, it is essential to consider the mutual interference between the existing cellular communications and D2D communications as well as the spectral efficiency, as they need to share the same frequency. Accordingly, a resource allocation scheme should be designed in such a way that minimizes the mutual interference and maximizes the spectrum utilization efficiency at the same time. In this paper, we propose a resource allocation scheme based on cooperation of the base station and D2D terminals. Specifically, a D2D terminal senses the cellular spectrum to recognize the interference condition, chooses the best cellular resource, and reports the information to the base station. The base station allocates D2D resource such that the corresponding D2D link and cellular link share the same resource. The performance of the proposed resource allocation scheme is ated through compu under 3GPP LTE-Advanced scenarios.

Metadata Element Design for Korean Medicine Research Data Management and Re-use (한의학 연구 데이터 관리 및 공유를 위한 메타데이터 요소 설계)

  • Yea, Sang-Jun;Jang, Ho;Kim, Suntae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.223-246
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    • 2019
  • This research makes the metadata element design for Korean medicine research data management and re-use. Derived metadata elements are verified in research data of Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. TTAK.K0-10.0976 Standard, DataCite metadata Schema and National Research Data Platform of KISTI were analyzed to derive the metadata elements. Including Identifier, 27 elements were derived as top-level elements with 29 mandatory elements, 13 recommended elements and 31 optional elements. The degree of elements' necessity and new metadata elements were investigated and suggested in the survey by six domain experts in korean medicine field. In this study subject classification for the korean medicine research data are suggested. The final version of metadata schema was tested and verified by comparing with the legacy metadata fields. The research results can be used to describe the Korean medicine research data: items and files.

Joint Buying P2P System for User Convenient Social Network (사용자 편의적 소셜 네트워크 공동구매 P2P 시스템)

  • Kim, Boon-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.915-920
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    • 2011
  • P2P technology is the concept to share resources efficiently in distributed environments that a lot of research is underway. a lot. In these P2P systems, the server to support the contents-information have less overloads than the composed system as the server to have resources generally. In this paper, we suggest a P2P system to support conveniences to choice time for users that were connected with the information of joint-buying based on social network. Social networks based on co-purchasing information and price alerts using the P2P system is provided by the peer, this relay information is provided by the P2P server.

Schema Integration Analysis for GIS Databases (GIS 데이타베이스를 위한 스키마 통합 분석)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Baik, Min-Eui;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.231-246
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    • 1999
  • 일반적으로 스키마 통합이란 각 응용들의 관점에 따라 다르게 표현된 스키마들을 하나의 스키마로 통합하는 것을 말한다. GIS 데이타베이스는 일반 데이타베이스와는 달리 개체에 대한 속성 정보 뿐만 아니라 기하 등과 같은 공간 정보를 가지고 있다. 특히, GIS 응용에서 정의된 개체들의 공간 표현은 관점에 따라 다양한 기하 서브스키마들로 표현된다. 따라서 GIS 데이타베이스를 위한 스키마 통합에서 서로 다른 기하 서브스키마들을 통합하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 GIS 데이타베이스의 스키마통합을 위해서 기하 서브스키마들의 통합 문제를 중점적으로 다룬다 먼저 기하 서브스키마들의 통합에서 발생하는 충돌들을 개체의 기하를 중심으로 동일 개체간의 기하 충돌과 다른 개체간의 기하 충돌로 분류하여 정의한다. 그리고 이 충돌들을 해결하기 위한 충돌 해결 방법으로 각 충돌들의 특성을 고려하여 상위 레벨의 기하 서브스키마 선택, 기하의 다중 표현, 구성 요소의 공유, 개체들 간의 상세화 등을 제시한다. 또한, 통합된 스키마에 대하여 가상 스키마를 표현하는 방법을 제시하여, 통합되기 전의 스키마들을 통합된 스키마로부터 유도될 수 있음을 보인다. 본 논문에서는 GIS 데이타베이스 스키마를 기술하기 위하여 ISO/TC211의 개념적 스키마 언어인 EXPRESS-G를 이용한다.

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Dynamic States Consideration for Next Hop Nodes Selection Method to Improve Energy Efficiency in LEAP based Wireless Sensor Networks (LEAP기반의 무선 센서 네트워크에서 가변적 상태를 고려한 에너지 효율적 다음 홉 노드 선택 기법)

  • Nam, Su-Man;Cho, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.558-564
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    • 2013
  • Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain limited energy resources and are left in open environments. Since these sensor nodes are self-operated, attacks such as sinkhole attacks are possible as they can be compromised by an adversary. The sinkhole attack may cause to change initially constructed routing paths, and capture of significant information at the compromised node. A localized encryption and authentication protocol (LEAP) has been proposed to authenticate packets and node states by using four types of keys against the sinkhole attack. Even though this novel approach can securely transmits the packets to a base station, the packets are forwarded along the constructed paths without checking the next hop node states. In this paper, we propose the next hop node selection method to cater this problem. Our proposed method evaluates the next hop node considering three factors (i.e., remaining energy level, number of shared keys, and number of filtered false packets). When the suitability criterion for next hop node selection is satisfied against a fix threshold value, the packet is forwarded to the next hop node. We aim to enhance energy efficiency and a detour of attacked areas to be effectively selected Experimental results demonstrate validity of the proposed method with up to 6% energy saving against the sinkhole attack as compared to the LEAP.

Studies on the Complexes of Lanthanide ion with Multidentate Ligand (I). Determination of Thermodynamic Parameters with Solution Calorimetric Method in Nonaqueous Solvents (란탄족 원소의 여러자리 리간드 착물에 관한 연구 (제 1 보) 물아닌 용액에서 용액열량계에 의한 열역학적 함수결정)

  • Sam-Woo Kang;Won-Hae Koo;Soo-Min Lee;Chang Choo-Hwan;Moo-Yol Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.588-595
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    • 1989
  • Log K, ΔH and ΔS for the complexation of La3+,Ce3+ and Eu3+with various multidentate ligand containing crown ether, diaza crown ether and diamine ether have been determined in methanol and acetonitril solutions at 25C by solution calorimetric titration method. The greater stability constant of La3+-15C5 than those of 18C6 diaza [2.2] in methanol are discussed in terms of the size of metal ion and the ligand cavity and of metal ion solvation. The stabilities of Ce3+ and La3+ ion complexes with a various multidentate ligand in acetonitril are in the order of (diamine ether)<18C6<15C5Ce3+, La3+ and Eu3+-diaza [2.2] complexes in acetonitril are increased with the following order: Eu3+ < La3+ < Ce3+, that is increasing order of the optimum size and of the charge density of metal ion.

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The Impact of Changes in Social Information Processing Mechanism on Social Consensus Making in the Information Society (정보화사회에 있어서 사회적 정보처리 메커니즘의 변화가 사회적 컨센서스 형성에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Jin, Seung-Hye;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.141-163
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    • 2011
  • The advancement of information technologies including the Internet has affected the way of social information processing as well as brought about the paradigm shift to the information society. Accordingly, it is very important to study the process of social information processing over the digital media through which social information is generated, distributed, and led to social consensus. In this study, we analyze the mechanism of social information processing, identify a process model of social consensus and institutionalization of the results, and finally propose a set of information processing characteristics on the internet media. We deploy the ethnographic approach to analyze the meaning of group behavior in the context of society to analyze two major events which happened in Korean society. The formation process of social consensus is found to consist of 5 steps: suggestion of social issues, selective reflection on public opinion, acceptance of the issues and diffusion, social consensus, and institutionalization and feedback. The key characteristics of information processing in the Internet is grouped into proactive response to an event, the changes in the role of opinion leader, the flexibility of proposal and analysis, greater scalability, relevance to consensus making, institutionalization and interaction. This study contributes to the literature by proposing a process model of social information processing which can be used as the basis for analyzing the social consensus making process from the social network perspective. In addition, this study suggests a new perspective where the utility of the Internet media can be understood from the social information processing so that other disciplines including politics, communications, and management can improve the decision making performance in utilizing the Internet media.

Frequency and Input Impedance Selective Antenna Using Lumped Element for Multi-band Handhold Terminals (집중형 소자를 이용한 공진 주파수 및 입력 임피던스 선택형 다중 대역 튜너블 안테나)

  • Jung, Byung-Woon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, multi-band internal antenna which can adjust both resonant frequency and input impedance of antenna as using lumped inductor between shoring plate and ground plane is proposed. The structure of proposed antenna consists of PIFA (Planar Inverted F Antenna) structure and half-wavelength loaded line structure and has two shorting plates and one feeding plate. One shorting plate is shared. The operating frequency bands of designed antenna are GSM, GPS in the PIFA structure and DCS, US-PCS, W-CDMA in half-wave loaded line structure as varying the inductor value in 2.2nH, 3.3nH, and 4.7nH. As varying the inductor value in the shared shorting plate, input impedance of antenna is varied. To minimize the gain variation of antenna as adding lumped element, the inductor value is restricted at maximum of 6.8nH. The maximum gain of proposed antenna is measured as -1.60dBi in the GSM band, -1.16dBi in the GPS band, and 1.41dBi in the DCS/US-PCS/W-CDMA band.

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