• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서비스디자인 방법론

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A Study on the Design of Sustainable App Services for Medication Management and Disposal of Waste Drugs (약 복용 관리와 폐의약품 처리를 위한 지속 가능한 앱 서비스 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Ri-Na;Hwang, Jeong-Un;Shin, Ji-Yoon;Hwang, Jin-Do
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.48-68
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    • 2024
  • Due to the global pandemic aftermath of the coronavirus, the importance of health care is being emphasized more socially. Due to the influence of these changes, domestic pharmaceutical companies have introduced regular drug delivery services, that is, drug and health functional food subscription services. Currently, this market is continuously growing. However, these regular services are causing new environmental problems in which the number of waste drugs increases due to the presence of unused drugs. Therefore, this study proposes a service that not only promotes health management through regular medication adherence to reduce the amount of pharmaceutical waste but also aims to improve awareness and practices regarding proper medication disposal. As a preliminary survey for service design, a preliminary survey was conducted on 51 adults to confirm their perception of drug use habits and waste drug collection. Based on the Honey Comb model, a guideline for service design was created, and a prototype was produced by specifying the service using the preliminary survey results and service design methodology. In order to verify the effectiveness of the prototype, a first user task survey was conducted to identify the problems of the prototype, and after improving this, a second usability test was conducted on 49 adults to confirm the versatility of the service. Usability verification was conducted using SPSS Mac version 29.0. For the evaluation results of the questionnaire, Spearmann Correlation Analysis was conducted to confirm the relationship between frequency analysis and evaluation items. This study presents specific solutions to the problem of waste drugs due to the spread of drug subscription services.

A Method for Migration of Legacy System into Web Service (레거시 시스템의 웹서비스화를 위한 마이그레이션 기법)

  • Park, Oak-Cha;Choi, Si-Won;Kim, Soo-Dong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.16D no.4
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    • pp.583-594
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    • 2009
  • Most of the SOA solutions applicable to businesses and organizations are taking a top-down methodology. It starts with an analysis of an organization's requirements, followed by definition of business models and identification of candidate services and ends with finding or developing required services. Challenges in adopting SOA while abandoning legacy systems involve time and cost required during the process. Many businesses and organizations want to gradually migrate into SOA while making the most of the existing system. In this paper, we propose A Method for Migration of Legacy System into Web Service(M-LSWS); it allows legacy system to be migrated into web service accessible by SOA and be used as data repositories. M-LSWS defines procedures for migration into reusable web services through analysis of business processes and identification of candidate services based on design specification and code of legacy system. M-LSWS aims to migrate of legacy system into web service appropriate for SOA. The proposed method consists of four steps: analysis of legacy system, elicitation of reusable service and its specification, service wrapping and service registration. Each step has its own process and guideline. The eligibility of the proposed method will be tested by applying the method to book management system.

The New Design Concept Paradigm for the 21st Korea Optical Industry (21세기 한국 안경 산업에 있어서 새로운 Design Concept의 전환)

  • Park, S.O.
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2002
  • The 'hands-on' craftsmanship of the 20th century has came and gone. Today, we are dealing with whole new, 'cerebral approach,' to concept and design with this new approach, design and function are very much dependant upon planning, sales, promotion, and the formative technique of the design industry. The innovative process of design constantly change as it reflects the needs and wants of society. It is and industry that constantly change as it reflects the needs and wants of society. It is and industry that constantly remakes and reshapes itself to suit current trend and outlook. The current idea being that consumers are looking for quality over quantity. Due to the 20th centuries dominant philosophy of functionalism, production intended to standardize the individual's purchasing choice. Aesthetic, or philosophic qualities played a second fiddle to the functional bias of a product, With production, Marketing, and research and development are integrated into the management process. This translates as good which include efficiency, quality, durability, and credibility an trademark and style. There is a definite 'post-modernist' movement and style in 21st century. Every possibility is available as the old boundaries of the 20th century are laid aside. There is a new, transformative quality to the current paradigm of design. The old "should" and "should not" of design no longerapplies. The integrated rative of design solves the usual disparity between aesthetic qualities and production. Design and profirability need not be stranger to one another. It can differentiate the image perceived of both enterprises and consumers by making use of integrated goods services. With an integrated system. both producers and designers win. While design gets full access to design in turn. All consumers make decisions based upon the evaluation of quality, service, and image ; even though it may not be a conscious decision to do so. Consumers are fully integrated human beings ; therefore producers who apply the new, integrated paradigmatic approach to concept, design, and production will reap the harvest of making a true relationship with individual buyer.

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A Study on Process of User Experience Observation for Service Enhancement of Educational Website (교수학습 사이트 서비스 개선을 위한 사용자 경험 관찰 프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kun-Pyo;Lee, Jung-Joo;Seo, Jong-Hwan;Kim, So-Mi
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2006
  • 교수학습 사이트는 교과 교육 지원이라는 특성상 그 서비스 개선에 있어서 사용자 중심적 디자인이 특히 요구된다. 기존 웹사이트 개선 연구는 단순히 웹사이트와 사용자 간의 인터랙션에서 발생하는 문제점에 초점을 맞추어 왔는데 사용자의 근본적인 니즈를 발견하고 만족시키기 위해서는 웹사이트 사용 정황의 이해라는 보다 확대된 개념에서의 접근이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 웹사이트의 문제점 발견 및 사용자의 근본적 니즈 파악을 위하여 오프라인과 온라인 환경에 걸친 사용자 경험 관찰 프로세스를 기획하고 교수학습 사이트 서비스 개선을 위해 이를 적용하였다. 사이트 비지팅(Site Visiting), 비디오 에쓰노그라피(Video Ethnography), 사용자 다이어리 및 셀프카메라(User diary and Self camera), 그리고 인터뷰 기법이 현장 조사에서 이용되었으며 원격 사용성 평가 소프트웨어를 활용한 사용성 평가 및 카드소팅 테스트가 온라인 환경에서 진행되었다. 관찰 후 분석을 통해 교수학습 사이트의 새로운 컨텐츠 및 서비스 방향을 도출할 수 있었으며 웹사이트 사용자 경험 관찰 방법론 정립에의 가능성을 제시하였다.

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Design and Development of Interactive Therapy System for Children with Autism (발달장애아동을 위한 상호작용 치료시스템의 디자인 개발)

  • Choi, Min-Young;Lee, Hyun-Jhin;Lee, Jang-Han
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.777-788
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    • 2010
  • Early diagnosis of autism and intervention of medical treatment are very significant to develop specific social communication skill for children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). But they have difficulties in medical treatment because of lack of a public welfare institution and special medical system. In particular, few children can access such treatment and the existing single-therapist clinics are inefficient with regard to cost and time. Therefore, new methods should be studied for developing various products, services, and systems for autistic children. This study discusses the potential use of an interactive design as assistive technology for such children. We utilize the experience gained in the collaborative design of the interactive therapy system (ITS). The key methods include a collaborative design with rapid interactive prototyping, heuristic evaluation, user-centered process, VR technology, tangible interface, and scenario-based contents. We applied these methods to the ITS and proved the efficiency of interactive design as an assistive technology through clinical experimentation.

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Designing a Mobile Application for Prevention of Sex Crimes for Single Women's Households (여성 1인 가구를 위한 성범죄 예방 모바일 어플리케이션 제안)

  • Koo, Do-Hee;Chon, Woo Jeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.489-501
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    • 2019
  • This study proposes a sex crime prevention application for single female households. After analyzing the current status of single-person households, crime status in Gimhae, and existing sex crime applications, 15 women in their 20s and 30s living alone were surveyed by users, including cultural probes and contextual inquiry. Insight obtained through user research using the service design tool confirmed that it has a positive effect on user satisfaction in the production of the application. Based on the results of usability assessment, it is a follow-up research task to propose and commercialize actual production outputs for the prevention of sex crimes against single-person household women by further developing the sex crime prevention mobile applications that are the output of this study.

Tax Refund Service and e-Coupon Promotion: Designing a Tourism Marketing Platform (세금 환급 서비스와 전자 쿠폰 프로모션: 관광 마케팅 플랫폼의 설계)

  • Kim, Taekyung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2019
  • Tourism or travel business consists of a set of services for people who visit exotic places. Payment is usually marking the end of the series of activities relating to tourism, and it becomes the linkage for the next activity. With the recent advancement of mobile Fintech technologies, we have learned that more convenient and more secure financial transactions are improving the quality of tourism. It should be noted that tourism counts on information technology heavily in terms of mobile Internet and smart devices use, which yields to a wide business opportunities for Fintech startups. However, payment information has not been highlighted for additional marketing promotion activities. The lack of research into information technology-based business models that extend Fintech services related to payment in venture start-up studies hinders the understanding of the possibility of creating new business through the value creation process after payment. This study attempts to investigate this issue based on the theory of smart tourism and service-dominant logic with developing a new information system. More specifically, marketing promotion activities after payment for Chinese tourists visiting Korea are examined. Specifically, WeChat Pay and instant tax refund service were considered while the system was developed by following desing science research methodology. This study is meaningful in that it finds a new possibility of Fintech business model by applying scientific and academic methods, and it reminds the necessity of service automation system centered on instant tax refund.

A Proposal for Meta Guideline of Orientate Signage Design based on Information Design (정보디자인 관점에서 방향 안내 표지판 디자인의 메타 가이드라인 제안)

  • Han, Ji Ae;You, Si Cheon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2021
  • Wayfinding is a 'Process solving problem to find destination', and it is important to select spatial data for optimal way. Recently, due to the complexity of space and the expansion of the medium of the wayfinding service, it is necessary to the approach on the information design for them. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a meta guideline on the information design for the design of orientation sign, which is an important cognitive clue in the wayfinding. It was conducted in 3 stages, First, a design process was proposed and design elements were derived for each step by literature research related to information and sign design, and analysis of manual for signage design. Second, a meta guideline for information organization and visualization in the three-stage design process was proposed by FGI and analysis. Third, the meta guideline was applied to the sign design on an area for user evaluation to inspect the applicability of the meta guideline. Through the user questionnaire, the possibility of applying the guideline for visualization of directions and spaces, information hierarchy according to spatial characteristics and information priority was identified. It is meaningful in that necessary element for signage design are systematized centering on the process and that it presents a macroscopic methodology according to spatial characteristics.

The Framework of the Transition of UX Design Workshops into the non-Face-to-Face (UX 디자인 워크숍 비대면 전환 프레임워크 연구)

  • Seong, Dain;Ha, Kwang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2022
  • As the spread of COVID19 has compelled activities in various fields to transform to adapt to the non-face-to-face environment, various activities have either already been transitioned into non-face-to-face methods or been searching for alternative methods to carry out activities in a non-face-to-face manner. However, there are apparent limits in handling this transition with the pre-existing digital technology. Ironically, said limitations are more apparent in the UX design field that has thus far emphasized resolutions based on digital technology. The reason for this stems from the nature of UX design which strongly emphasizes the importance of collaboration. Especially, in the field of UX design, problems are expected to surface under areas of communication and collaboration in workshops, which are productive means of collecting the ideas of interested parties and coming up with other new ideas. Based on the aforementioned rise of necessity, this study aims to assess the characteristics of workshops in the field of UX design and suggest an effective method of transitioning UX workshops into a non-face-to-face environment. Along the line of this process, this study has created a standard process in regards to design workshops with active creation, suggestion, and acceptance of ideas, among the various types of workshops defined by the Nielsen Norman Group. This study also developed a framework consisting of non-face-to-face workshops by combining with the standard process the methodologies of workshop activation and non-face-to-face services meant for communication and designing activities, and confirmed the adaptability and the effectiveness of said transition against various types of workshops. Application of the results of this study is expected to effectively lead the transition into the non-face-to-face environment and improve the collaborative efforts of the interested parties via workshops.

A Development of Design database structure and Database Application System applicable for design Foundation Courses. (디자인 데이터베이스 체계구축 및 운용시스템 개발에 관한 연구 -기초조형교육을 중심으로-)

  • 이종호
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 1999
  • As network and multimedia service has increased in educational environment, it is needed to study on digital system based educational scenarios, especially in art and design departments in which visual educational materials mainly used. Therefore, this study was conducted with three objectives: first, developing components of design database and their classification system, second, developing contents of database for fundamental form education in design, and third, developing application method of database. According to these objectives, the secondary research was implemented into two directions; the analysis of classification categories of design, and the analysis of contents and process of fundamental form design education. From the secondary research, it was found that design database should have a flexible structure with flexible components as well as fixed components to include subjective and aesthetic assessment. In the end, the application methods and user interface system of design database was developed based on design educational scenarios.

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