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The Framework of the Transition of UX Design Workshops into the non-Face-to-Face  

Seong, Dain (국립 한밭대학교 시각디자인학과)
Ha, Kwang-Soo (국립 한밭대학교 시각디자인학과)
Publication Information
As the spread of COVID19 has compelled activities in various fields to transform to adapt to the non-face-to-face environment, various activities have either already been transitioned into non-face-to-face methods or been searching for alternative methods to carry out activities in a non-face-to-face manner. However, there are apparent limits in handling this transition with the pre-existing digital technology. Ironically, said limitations are more apparent in the UX design field that has thus far emphasized resolutions based on digital technology. The reason for this stems from the nature of UX design which strongly emphasizes the importance of collaboration. Especially, in the field of UX design, problems are expected to surface under areas of communication and collaboration in workshops, which are productive means of collecting the ideas of interested parties and coming up with other new ideas. Based on the aforementioned rise of necessity, this study aims to assess the characteristics of workshops in the field of UX design and suggest an effective method of transitioning UX workshops into a non-face-to-face environment. Along the line of this process, this study has created a standard process in regards to design workshops with active creation, suggestion, and acceptance of ideas, among the various types of workshops defined by the Nielsen Norman Group. This study also developed a framework consisting of non-face-to-face workshops by combining with the standard process the methodologies of workshop activation and non-face-to-face services meant for communication and designing activities, and confirmed the adaptability and the effectiveness of said transition against various types of workshops. Application of the results of this study is expected to effectively lead the transition into the non-face-to-face environment and improve the collaborative efforts of the interested parties via workshops.
UX Design Workshop; Non face to face Workshop; Framework;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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