Background : The correlation between the high resolution computed tomography(HRCT) emphysema score and the physiologic parameters including resting and exercise pulmonary function test was investigated in 14 patients($60.6{\pm}10.3$ years) with pulmonary emphysema. Methods : The patients underwent a HRCT, a resting pulmonary function test, and incremental exercise testing(cycle ergometer, 10 W/min). Computed tomography scans were obtained on a GE highlight at 10 mm intervals using 10 mm collimation, from the apex to the base after a full inspiration. The emphysema scores were determined by a CT program 'Density mask' outlining the areas with attenuation values less than -900 HU, indicating the emphysema areas, and providing an overall percentage of lung involvement by emphysema. Results : Among the resting PFT parameters, only the diffusing capacity(r=-0.75) and $PaO_2$ (r=-0.66) correlated with the emphysema score(p<0.05). Among the exercise test parameters, the emphysema score correlated significantly with the maximum power(r=-0.74), maximum oxygen consumption(r=-0.68), anaerobic threshold(V-slope method: r=-0.69), maximal $O_2$-pulse(r=-0.73), and the physiologic dead space ratio at the maximum workload(r=-0.80)(p<0.01). Conclusion: We could find that exercise testing parameters showed a much better correlation with the HRCT emphysema score, which is known to have a good correlation with the pathologic severity than the resting PIT parameters. Therefore it is suggested that exercise testing is superior to resting PIT for estimating in the estimation of the physiologic disturbance in emphysema patients.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of low intensity combined kinesitherapy on type 2 diabetes mellitus and to compare the effects of exercise and methodology aspects, the difference in the post - test scores between fasting glucose and blood lipids in the control group (exercise group) and the control group (exercise group) that prescribed the dance - exercise and low intensity combined exercise for the elderly diabetic patients for 12 weeks sample t-test. the main results of the study are summarized as follows. first, fasting blood sugar showed difference in pre - post - difference of group compared to control group. second, the total cholesterol was found to have a statistically significant difference in the experimental group from pre - post - difference. third, the neutral region showed no statistically significant differences in both experimental and comparator groupsfrom pre - post - difference. fourth, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels showed no statistically significant difference in both experimental and comparator groups from pre - post - difference. fifth, low density lipoprotein cholesterol showed statistically significant difference in the experimental group from pre - post - difference group. in conclusion, this study is significant in that the combined effects of dance - motion activities and low intensity combined exercise for elderly with type 2 diabetes were quantitatively proved by using physiological index who had not been treated previously.
Exosomes are nano-sized membrane-bound extracellular vesicles containing various biological molecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, which can be used to modulate physiological processes. The exosomal molecules secreted by cells can be extensively used as tools for diagnosis and therapy. Exosomes carry specific molecules released by the cells they originate from, which can be transferred to surrounding cells or tissues by the exosome. For these reasons, exosomes can be exploited as biomarkers for diagnosis, carriers for drug delivery, as well as therapeutics. In stem cell technology, exosomes have been an attractive option because they can be used as safer therapeutic agents for stem cell-based cell-free therapy. Recently, studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes in alleviating symptoms associated with coronavirus disease 2019 as they have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory potential. Performing multiple studies on exosomes would provide innovative next-generation options for clinical diagnostics and therapy. This review summarizes the use of exosomes focusing on their diverse roles. In addition, the potential of exosomes is illustrated with a focus on how exosomes can be exploited as powerful tools in the days to come.
Background : Early diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment are very important in the management of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) because of its high mortality. Bronchoscopy with a protected specimen brush (PSB) has been considered the standard method to isolate the causative organisms of VAP. However, this method burdens consumer economically to purchase a PSB. Another useful method for the diagnosis of VAP is quantitative cultures of aspirated specimens through bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), for which the infusion of more than 120 m1 of saline has been recommended for adequate sampling of a pulmonary segment. However, occasionally it leads to deterioration of the patient's condition. We studied the diagnostic efficacy of minibronchoalveolar lavage (miniBAL), which retrieves only 25 ml of BAL fluid, in the isolation of causative organisms of VAP. Methods: We included 38 consecutive patients (41 cases) suspected of having VAP on the basis of clinical evidence, who had received antibiotics before the bronchoscopy. The two diagnostic techniques of PSB and miniBAL, which were performed one after another at the same pulmonary segment, 'were compared prospectively. The cut-off values for quantitative cultures to define causative bacteria of VAP were more than $10^3$ colony-forming units (cfu)/ml for PSB and more than $10^4$ cfu/ml for BAL. Results: The amount of instilled normal saline required to retrieve 25 ml of BAL fluid was $93{\pm}32 ml$ (mean${\pm}$SD). The detection rate of causative agents was 46.3% (19/41) with PSB and 43.9% (18/41) with miniBAL. The concordance rate of PSB and miniBAL in the bacterial culture was 85.4% (35/41). Although arterial blood oxygen saturation dropped significantly (p<0.05) during ($92{\pm}10%$) and 10 min after ($95{\pm}3%$) miniBAL compared with the baseline ($97{\pm}3%$), all except 3 cases were within normal ranges. The significantly elevated heart rate during ($l25{\pm}24$/min, p<0.05) miniBAL compared with the baseline ($1l1{\pm}22$/min) recovered again in 10 min after ($111{\pm}26$/min) miniBAL. Transient hypotension was developed during the procedure in two cases. The procedure was stopped in one case due to atrial flutter. Conclusion: MiniBAL is a safe and effective technique to detect the causative organisms of VAP.
Park, Min-Ho;Shin, Sun-Young;Youn, Tae-Seok;Shin, Hi-Jung;Noh, Gyeong-Woon
The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
Purpose Anti-Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody test (GAD Ab) has been used as a predictor of type 1 diabetes. GAD Ab has also been shown to be highly potent in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with suspected diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Recently, it has been known that clinical significance of GAD Ab using CSF is useful for the neurological disorders. However, the reference value of anti-GAD Ab has been provided only for serum. In this experiment, we estimated the reference value of anti-GAD antibody for CSF in neurological patients. Materials and Methods A total of 211 neurological patients were enrolled. Serum and CSF were analyzed by radioimmunoassay (RIA) using commercial RIA anti-GAD Ab kit (RSR, London, United Kingdom). Normal saline was used as the normal CSF control because CSF is most similar to 0.9% normal saline. Results The mean value of normal CSF control was 1.97 U/mL, and two standard deviations (2SD) was 1.44 U/mL. Based on this data, the expected reference range of CSF could be estimated from 0.54 U/mL to 3.40 U/mL Conclusion The reference range of normal CSF control using normal saline obtained with Hoffmann's method. However, there will be a need to validate the CSF reference values using human normal CSF.
Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
최근 국내에서 유행하기 시작한 스키니 진(skinny jean)은 혈액순환 장애, 하복부 장기에 가해지는 압력으로 인하여 소화불량, 변비 또는 생리불순 등 여성 건강을 위협하는 의복 종류이다. 본 연구의 목적은 의복의 쾌적성을 측정할 수 있는 척도인 의복압 검사와 스키니 진의 주관적인 착용감 검사 통하여 의복의 기능적인 면에서 인체의 건강에 적합한지 분석하고자 함이다. 사이즈 코리아를 참고하여 선정한 20대 여성의 평균 사이즈에 해당하는, 인지도 높은 3개 브랜드의 청바지를 시료로 사용하여 4명의 피험자에게 착용하게 한 후, 동작을 변화시키며 변화하는 의복압을 측정하고 주관적 감각 평가를 실시하였다. 첫째, 의복압 측정결과, 엉덩이 최대 돌출 부위가 자세와 상관없이 의복압이 가장 높게 나왔고 무릎 부위 Standing 자세에서 sitting down on the floor 자세로 변할수록 의복압이 높게 나왔다. 둘째, 주관적 감각에 대한 평가 결과는 모든 자세에서 허리벨트 부위가 가장 압박감을 크게 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 의복압과 주관적 감각의 관계분석에 있어서 스키니 진의 대부분의 부위에서 의복압이 높을수록 압박감을 느끼는 것으로 나타났으나 대퇴부 부위는 의복압이 낮은데도 불구하고 압박감을 크게 느끼는 것으로 나타났다.
Objectives: The psychophysiologic response pattern between healthy subjects and patients with generalized anxiety disorder, and the relationship among anxiety rating scales and those patterns in patients were examined. Methods: Twenty-three patients with generalized anxiety disorder(AD) and 23 healthy subjects were evaluated by Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety(HRSA) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory before baseline stressful tasks. Subjective Units of Distress were evaluated just before baseline period, immediately after stressful tasks, at the end of the entire procedure, and psychophysiologic measures, i.e., skin temperature(ST), electromyographic activity(EMG), heart rate(HR), electrodermal response(EDR) during baseline & rest and during two psychologically stressful tasks (mental arithmetic, TM; talk about a stressful event, TT) were also evaluated. Results: 1) AD group showed significantly higher EMG level during rest after stressful tasks and higher HR level during all period except TM compared to control group. 2) AD group showed lower change in the startle response(SR) of ST, in the SR & the recovery response(RR) of EMG during TM, and in the RR of EDR immediately after TM than control group. AD group showed that the RR of EDR was significantly lower than the SR during stressful tasks. 3) We found that there was significantly negative correlation between state anxiety and the RR of EDR after TT in AD group. We also found that there were significantly positive correlations between HRSA score and the SRs of EDR during stressful tasks, and between state anxiety and the SR of EDR during TT. Conclusion: Our results suggest that patients with generalized anxiety disorder show higher autonomic arousal than healthy subjects and decreased physiologic flexibility or reduced autonomic flexibility.
The purpose of study is to evaluate the clinical implication of malignant Pleural Lavage Cytology (PLC) in primary lung cancer. 315 patients were examined with pleural lavage cytology in Asan Medical Center between November 1998 and August 2002. The patients were chosen from primary lung cancer patients with no pleural effusion according to preoperative radiologic examination; no tumor invasion into the chest wall and no diffuse pleural adhesion in intraoperative findings, The pleural cavity and lung were washed with 100 $m\ell$ of warm normal saline. The 315 patients consisted of 237 men and 78 women. The incidence of malignant PLC was found in 28 patients (8.9%). For patients in early stages (I & II), survival rate was 93.9% in positive malignant PLC and 85.7% in negative malignant PLC. 31 patients (13.6%) had local or distant recurrences; 2-year recurrence-free rate was 90.1% in negative PLC and 87.5% in positive PLC. The survival and recurrence-free rate in each stage were not statistically associated with the result of PLC. Median follow-up was 16.4 months from the surgery. To access implication of malignant PLC in primary lung cancer, a long-term follow-up and further study are required.
From October 1993 to February 1996, 9 patients with Wolfr-Parkinson-White syndrome underwent surgical ablation of the accessory atrioventricular conduction pathways. The indications for surgical ablation we e radiofrequency ablation failure in 6 cases, multiple accessory pathways in 1 case, catheter tip fracture ducting catheter ablation in 1 case and additional procedure(redo mitral valve replacement due to valve thrombosis) in 1 case. There was no operative mortality. The postoperative complications were noted In 2 cases pericardial effusion and wound Infection. All patients had accessory atrioventricular connections ablated which were proven by surface ECG and follow-up electrophysiologic study and have remained free of symptomatic tachycardia. The indications for surgical treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome are radiofrequency ablation failure, multiple pathways, or when additional procedures are required The present results were satisfactory.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical procedure for treating drug refractory movement disorders, and DBS involves delivering high frequency electrical stimulation to deep brain nuclei. Microelectrode recording (MER) is a complementary test that can precisely identify the location of deep brain nuclei, along with MRI correlation, during DBS surgery to improve the surgical outcome and minimize side effects. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the neuro-physiological waveforms and identify the usefulness of MER by analyzing the MER performed during DBS surgery for treating movement disorders. We retrospectively reviewed 28 patients who underwent MER during DBS surgery for movement disorders from January to December 2018. Of the 28 patients, 38 MERs for the subthalamic nucleus (STN), 10 MERs for the globuspallidusinternus (Gpi), and 4 MERs for the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus (VIM) were performed. In all the cases, the target sites were found and micro-stimulations were used to check for side effects and to readjust the target sites. The clinical symptoms of all 28 patients improved after surgery. In conclusion, MER is a useful test that employs neuro-physiological waveforms to accurately identify the deep brain nuclei, along with MRI correlation, to improve the DBS surgical outcomes for movement disorders and to minimize side effects.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.