• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산업집중도

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Information technology and changes in firm activities:A case of the service industry in the United States (정보기술과 기업활동의 변화:미국의 서비스산업을 사례로)

  • Lee, Jeong Rock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.402-419
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    • 1994
  • Telecommunication and intormation technology have been conceived as crucial as well as revolutionary elements for recent and future social and economic development, and their development have led to a spatial reorganization and locational change of economic activities. Information technology has resulted in important changes in the organization structure and location of firm. This study draws attention to the understanding of the relationship between the diffusion of information technology and changes in firm activities with the special reference to the service industry of the United States. Information technology has had a significant impact on the growth and changes of the service industry of the United States through changes in the organizational and employment structure, market structure, and locational changes. The impact of information technology on location changes of the service industry shows two opposite patterns, concentration and decentralization. Among these patterns, the location change in the service industry of the United States reveals predominantly the decentralization tendency such as suburbanization and transfer to lower ranking cities rather than concentration. In case of Korea, however, it is anticipated that the rapid development of information technology may lead to the concentration of the service industry in Seoul and Capital region.

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A Study on the Application of the Capstone Design Course Intensive Course System in a Non-Face-To-Face Environment Using the Persona Technique (페르소나 기법을 활용한 비대면 환경에서의 설계교과목 집중이수제 적용 방안)

  • Yunja Hwang
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to break away from uniform academic regulations in preparation for nurturing future talents for the 4th industrial type, and apply the intensive course system to promote exchange and competition in the global education market. We would like to suggest a way to learn efficiently in an environment. To this end, we analyze the literature and prior research on design subjects in the intensive course system and non-face-to-face environment, analyze the requirements of teachers and students in charge of actual design subjects, and propose a utilization plan through expert review, and apply the persona technique. presented. This study will be able to provide basic data that can be practically used when operating intensive course design courses in the future.

A Study on the Promotion for Convention Industry in Korea (국내 컨벤션산업의 육성전략에 관한 연구)

  • 신현대
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2000
  • Many Countries in the world are struggling to foster the industry of international convention while attracting various international convention on the politics, economy society, culture, religion and sports. The needs of international conventiones are increasing now becourse of the expansion of international visitors exchanges and it affect on the promotion of national economy development of tour industry internal and overseas public relation of the countries. The important point in this situation is to make a consensus between public organization in eluding goverment related civil industry and academic society and set up and process the long term and short-term strategy basis on the consensus. First related facilities should be enlarged and inproved and maketing activities to hold the conventions that are propec to their facilities should be fostered. Second it is imporment to try to hold the international convention through in troducing our related abilities and facilies if the world and through Positive public realations and marketing activities in the world. Third to perform the inducde international conventions successfully the gualities of related personnel should be improved and the experts such as conventions Planner and simultaneous interprefec should be nurtured. Fourth related enterpries should be supported step by step by goverment level to foster their activifies on holding and operating the international conventions. Fifth the tourism effect can b promoted by harmonizing the tourism and international convention through building large scale convention centers in the cities. Therefore to develop the international conventions industry more positively and effectively publicity work and activity to hold of the goverment posifive and creative effort of related enterprise and people's active participation are all needed.

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Agglomeration Patterns of Advertising Industries and Spatial Networks of Advertisement Production (광고산업의 집적 특성과 광고제작의 공간적 네트워크)

  • Koo, Yang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.256-274
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study is to examine agglomeration patterns of advertising industries and spatial networks of advertisement production in Korea. The focus of analysis is the agglomeration pattern of advertising industries within Seoul because these are agglomerated in Seoul like other business services. Analysis methods are local Moran's I index and location quotient with the regional percentages of each sector's number of employees. Clusters in Gangnam Area are related to start-up advertising firms and global agencies entering domestic advertising markets. Network analysis is used to investigate the spatial networks of TV advertisement production between advertising agencies(AA) and film productions(FP). After transformation of AA-FP network matrix to regional matrix centrality index and brokerage scores are calculated. This analysis shows individual region's different role and position in the AA-FP network. Many agencies in or out of Gangnam Area outsource most advertisement makings to film productions in Gangnam Area. Advertising industry dusters in Gangnam Area is important as of the destination of advertisement production networks and the circulation of those networks.

What Happened to Efficiency and Competition after Bank Mergers and Consolidation in Korea? (한국 은행들의 합병, 통합 이후 효율성과 경쟁도는 개선되었는가?)

  • Park, Kang H.
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2011
  • Market concentration in the Korean banking industry has markedly increased since the financial crisis of 1997-1998 because of M&As, P&As, and consolidation of banks. With this change, there has been a growing concern over market power in the Korean banking sector. We examine the effects of market concentration on bank efficiency and competition for the period of 1992-2006. Three different indicators of bank inefficiency are used in this study, including X-inefficiency that is derived from the directional technology distance function. The level of competition is measured by both the H-statistic of the Panzar-Rosse model and the level of the net interest margin and its standard deviation. Empirical results indicate that market concentration has not improved bank efficiency through scale economies or scope economies. Instead, recent mergers, acquisitions and consolidation of banks resulted in an increase in inefficiency measured by the three different indicators: X-inefficiency, labor inefficiency and asset inefficiency. While an increase in market share of individual banks improved bank efficiency, an increase in the overall market concentration ratio resulted in lower efficiency. Our study also finds that the Korean banking sector has been monopolistically competitive throughout the sample period except for the crisis period according to the H-statistic. Although an increase in market concentration ratio has not changed the overall level of bank competition, it has a positive significant effect on the level of the average interest margin.

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A Study on the Changes in Specialization Degree and Cargo Volume by Cargo Type in Major Ports in Korea (우리나라 주요항만의 품목별 특화도와 물동량의 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choong-bae;Su, Miao;Liu, Yanfeng
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2021
  • Ports in Korea have been increasing in terms of volume while they have performed functions and roles such as industrial ports in promoting industries of their hinterlands as well as commercial ports supporting imports and exports. Nevertheless, specialization degree is different from port to port by cargo type and the changes in cargo volume. This study aims to analyze the structural changes and the degree of concentration and specialization by cargo type and port between 2001 and 2020. Top 10 ports were analyzed in terms of traffic volume by categorizing liquid, dry, general cargo and containers. HHI(Herfindahl-Hirschman Index), LQ(Location Coefficient), and shift-share analysis were employed in order to identify the degree of concentration, specialization and changes in cargo volume by port and cargo type. As a result of the analysis, the degree of port concentration and specialization for each cargo of 4 categories have maintained a high level, and no significant difference were found in fluctuations over the past 20 years. As a result of calculating the flucation of cargo volume through the shift-share analysis, the growth rate of liquid cargo was high in Yeosu Gwangyang Port, Pyeongtaek Dangjin Port in dry cargo, and Busan Port in general cargo and container ports. The result implies that it is not expected that the structural changes including degree of cargo concentration, specialization and relative fluctuation of cargo volume is significant in Korean ports in the future since the effects of economies of scale and clustering were achieved to the great degree.

물산업, 미래 전략산업으로 중점 육성된다

  • Korea Environmental Preservation Association
    • Bulletin of Korea Environmental Preservation Association
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    • v.28 s.362
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2006
  • 앞으로 상수도, 하 · 폐수 처리, 해수담수화 등 물 관련 산업이 범정부적 지원을 통해 미래 전략산업으로 집중 육성된다. 물산업은 세계적으로 830조원 규모('03년 기준)의 시장을 형성하고 있고, 특히 중국 등 개도국 시장이 빠르게 성장하고 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 정부가 지난 달 확정한 「물산업 육성방안」에 따르면 2015년까지 국내 물산업 규모를 20조원 이상으로 확대시키고, "상하수도 서비스업 구조개편 추진", "상하수도 인프라 투자 확대", "먹는샘물을 세계적 브랜드육성" 등 5개 과제를 추진하게 된다. 환경부는 국내 상하수도 인프라 투자가 어느 정도 완비되어 감에 따라 조만간 국내 시장이 포화 · 감소단계에 접어들 것이라고 예상하면서, 지속적인 성장기반을 구축하기 위해서는 주변 개도국을 기점으로 세계 물시장에 적극 진출하는 것만이 필수적인 만큼 이번 육성방안이 국내 물산업을 수출전략 산업화하는 계기가 될 것이라고 전망하고 있다. 이에 본지에서는 그 내용을 간략히 살펴보고자 한다.

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산업경기순환 하에서 투자행동 비동기화의 효과

  • Kim, Chang-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korean System Dynamics Society
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.25-56
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 경기순환이 심한 대규모 장치산업에서 투자행동을 어떻게 하는 것이 경기순환의 악영향을 최소화하면서 수익성을 극대화시키는가를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 대규모 장치산업에서는 호황기에 투자가 집중되는데, 완공까지 걸리는 시간 때문에 적정 수준을 넘어 투자가 이루어지고 이것이 다시 불황기를 불러옴으로써 경기순환이 반복된다. 위와 같은 장치산업의 특성을 반영하여 산업 동태모형을 구성하고 다양한 전략들에 대해 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반적인 투자행동 방식인 시황순응 투자는 경기순환에 따른 수익의 부침을 초래할 뿐만 아니라 그것을 지속시킨다. 둘째, 가동률의 신축적 조절이나 설비구축기간의 단축과 같은 유연화 전략은 수익성의 제고와 수익 안정화에 크게 기여한다. 셋째, 수요가 정체된 시장에서는 일정한 투자가 바람직하고, 수요가 성장하는 시장에서는 시황에 역행하는 투자가 바람직하다. 결국 경기순환이 존재하는 산업에서는 유연화 전략 및 변형투자 전략을 통해서 투자행동을 경쟁업체들과 비동기화 시키는 것이 바람직하다.

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Analysis of National R&D Participation Personnel for the Activation of the Virtual/Augmented Reality Industry (가상/증강현실 산업 활성화를 위한 국가R&D 참여 인력 현황 분석)

  • Eungyeong Kim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.380-382
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    • 2023
  • VR/AR 관련 산업은 신산업 창출, 일자리 증대, 국민 생활 향상 등을 목표로 VR/AR 산업의 육성과 활성화를 위해 부처 차원에서 진행하고 있다. 국내 VR/AR 산업은 글로벌 시장과 비교 시 기술력, 산업 현장 인력 부족, 기존 산업과의 접목 등 여러 요소가 필요하다고 평가하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 VR/AR 관련 분야의 산업 활성화를 위해 최근10년 동안의 국가R&D 과제와 참여인력 정보 등을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 참여 인력은 년도 별로 증가하지만, 특정 지역에 집중되어 있으며, 석·박사 수준의 고급 인력이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 매년 정부의 연구비 투자가 증가하였고, 기업과 대학에서 공동 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있었다. 이러한 분석 정보는 정부가 추진하는 VR/AR 산업 활성화를 위해 앞으로의 정부 재정적 지원, 산학연 협력관계 구축, 실무에 적합한 전문인력 양성 등 정책결정에 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

A Study on a Decision Making Model of Prioritization of Supporting Policies for Regional Strategic Industries in Chung-nam (충남지역 전략산업 지원사업의 투자우선순위 결정모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bo-Hyung;Kyung, Jong-Soo;Suh, Sang-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.3196-3203
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    • 2010
  • The regional strategic industry support has been increasingly developed due to the change of environmental and political conditions for the last 10 years. As the paradigm changed from the central government-sponsored system to regional government-sponsored system, the policy has been diversified into various support systems such as regional strategic industry, specialized industry, supporting technology, supporting business, etc. It is crucial to establish the overall development plans and project strategies for the regional industry in terms of effectiveness and efficiency which will generate an integrated strategic frame to adjust overlapped supporting policies and offer a consumer-oriented service. Not only does the study focus on performance-based outcome regarding to a regional business (supporting policy) portfolio, but it also analyzes and proves an empirical decision-making model to draw out the priority and relative importance according to the regional strategic industry and support cases by analyzing the case of Chungnam area's strategic industry support in 2009. Following a priority list of 20 support cases selected from this research model by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the result shows that the diverse support plans are needed according to the different strategic industries or the size of enterprise due to the fact that priority of project type varies upon the characteristics of strategic industry. Thus, the support project needs to generate various strategic industries and develop differentiated support policy to consolidate competitiveness of regional enterprises and revitalize the regional economy.