• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회부담

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The Comprehensive Equity Implications of a Carbon Pricing Policy in South Korea: Based on Environmentally Extended Input Output Analysis Together with Household Expenditure Data (탄소가격정책의 분배적 함의: 가계동향조사자료와 환경산업연관분석 (EEIO)을 이용해)

  • Kim, Hana
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.101-131
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    • 2015
  • A cap-and-trade program accounting for 60 percent of total national greenhouse gas emissions was launched in South Korea in 2015. Academic literature expects that the implementation of such a policy is likely to adversely impact income distribution among various socioeconomic groups in developed countries. South Korea is challenged by equity issues, as well circumstances, the distributional implications of carbon pricing policies need to be examined and reflected in the design of the program prior to implementation in order not to exacerbate social inequity. Using environmentally extended input-output analysis together with household expenditure data, this study finds that a carbon pricing policy will be regressive in South Korea, but the extent depends on whether relative burdens of a carbon pricing policy are measured based on current incomes or proxies of permanent incomes. Along with poor households, this paper finds that elderly and urban households will be more adversely impacted in South Korea. These burdens can be relieved if a small fraction of the revenue is redistributed to households.

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What Caused the Emergence of Ethnic Contents in Japanese Elderly Care Services? : Interaction between Ethnic Movement and Social Welfare Policy (일본 노인복지서비스에 있어 새로운 민족적컨텐츠 등장의 배경과 요인에 대한 연구:민족운동과 복지정책과의 관계)

  • Lee, Hyunsun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2018
  • Japanese state has continuously tried to adapt itself to the social demands coming from rapidly greying population. Japanese government introduced the new social insurance system of elderly care, i.e. Long term Care Insurance with epoch-making changes in the Japanese welfare system. The most important aspects of the new system can be summarised as follows: 1) social insurance system of obligatory entry with paying premiums and co-payment 2) emphasis on the customer choice, competition, flexibility, free-market, relaxation of the regulation. This characteristics brought unexpected results of the emergence of ethnicity-centred contents of welfare services. As a selling point in freemarket and as a countermeasures against expected ethnic disadvantages, the Korean ethnic organisations brought the ethnic elements resulting in the diversified Japanese welfare services.

Quality of Life among Family Caregivers of Terminal Cancer Patient (말기 암 환자 가족 간병인의 삶의 질)

  • Jung, Jin-Gyu;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kang, Dong-Soo;Kim, Sung-Min;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Han, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Terminal cancer influences on patients as well as their family members. This research was performed to evaluate the quality of lift of primary family caregivers and to investigate the influencing factors. Methods: The results of survey were collected from 81 family caregivers who were taking care of hospitalized terminal cancer patients at an oncology department of university hospital in Daejeon from March 2005 to January 2006 with questionnaires. The questionnaires were consisted of the general characteristics of the subjects, and 36-items short-form Health Survey (SE-36) Korean version to evaluate the quality of life of family caregivers, the characteristics of patients and family caregivers' caring trait. Results: Family caregivers' mean (${\pm}SD$) SF-36 score was 47.9 (${\pm}20.7$). Influential factors on family caregivers' life quality were daily raring hours, economic burden, type of treatment; only supportive care, caring duration, sex, the numbers of ADLs (activity of daily livings) items that patients needed help in order by stepwised multiple logistic regression analysis (overall $R^2=0.639$, P=0.044). Conclusion: Daily raring hours and economic burden were two influential modifiable factors on family caregivers' quality of life. Therefore, social supportive systems are required to reduce family caregivers' daily caring hour and economic burden.

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No-show Prevention Restaurant Reservation System (노쇼 고객 관리 식당 예약 시스템)

  • Cho Kyu Cheol;Da Woon Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.01a
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    • pp.243-246
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    • 2023
  • '서비스를 이용하겠다고 예약을 했지만, 취소나 연락 없이 장소에 나타나지 않는 행위'를 가리키는 일명 노쇼(No-Show, 예약부도)가 사회적 문제로 떠오르고 있다. 이는 음식점을 비롯하여 열차, 고속버스, 병원, 미용실 등 예약 시스템이 갖춰진 사회 곳곳에서 발생하여 사회적·경제적 손실을 일으키고 있다. 그리고 이러한 노쇼는 자영업자의 경제적 손실로 직결되어 이들의 생존을 위협하기에 이르렀다. 음식점의 경우 노쇼로 인해 식재료 손실과 함께 해당 테이블에 다른 고객의 예약을 받지 못하는 2차 피해 발생이 가능하다는 점에서 타 업종에 비해 리스크 부담이 상당하다. 본 연구는 기존 식당 예약 웹 어플리케이션의 경제성·편의성·접근성을 취하는 동시에, 예약금 제도를 통해 노쇼의 비중을 줄이고, 노쇼가 발생한 고객 현황을 계측하여 관리할 수 있는 관리자 권한의 기능을 제공해 손실을 최소화하도록 돕는 웹 어플리케이션을 개발하는 것에 목적을 두고 있다.

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The Study on a Various Parameter for the CT Test and the Patients-Anxiety of Factor Related (CT검사 시 다양한 매개변수와 환자의 불안 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Cheol-Oh;Han, Man-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2011
  • This study is to identify perceptions and response degrees of anxiety for each factor, targeting patients for CT test and analyze the relations between factors. It is to provide scientific fundamental data to reduce anxiety by improving awareness of patients about CT test by analyzing relations between variables. The subjects of this study were surveyed in self-writing type, targeting 263 patients for CT test in the department of radiology at three University hospitals from July to September, 2010. This survey was executed once by a structured self-administered survey type. The targeting patients for CT test of anxiety will investigate for affect. Anxiety by each CT test variables depending on CT test-related features showed independent variable is Expense Responsibility, Economic burden, Sufficient explain, Explain agent, Endoscope, Biopsy, Pre treatment, Previous experience, CT side effect experience, Side effect of contrast medium and dependent variable is physical, Hospital staff, Hospital environment, Socioeconomic These used statistics program SPSS (ver. 13.0). Summarizing the above results of this study, awareness of anxiety and response to it in each variable under CT test appeared significant differences in economic burdens, state anxiety, pre-treatment anxiety, exposure anxiety to radiation, and anxiety of side effect. Therefore, pre-treatment before test and pre-training programs on chemical poison of contrast medium and side effect seem to be able to release patients' anxiety level for CT test. Ways to meditate these anxiety variables and reduce degree of anxiety are needed to be researched more and updated. In addition, impact of patients' economic burdens on CT test anxiety is required to be recognized and solved in society level.

Regional Disparities of Demand and Supply in Welfare Service Delivery (공공사회복지서비스 전달의 지역별 차이 : 서울시 주민센터 사회복지공무원의 기초수급자 관리를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Narae;Kil, Hyeonjon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.93-120
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to elaborate differences of demand and supply in welfare service delivery upon regions. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 welfare bureaucrats from Dong offices among largest and smallest portions of recipients in Seoul. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the proportion of welfare bureaucrats versus welfare recipients (11-450 households) of the National Basic Livelihood Guarantee System, the amount of available private sector resources, and the difficulty of providing visitation counseling upon regions. Research implications were discussed further to address regional disparities of welfare services.

Utilization of Medical Assistance Patients in Nursing Hospital (의료급여환자의 요양병원 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of hospital, hospitalization, medical service, discharge and power of medical care patients who are concerned about moral hazard. We conducted focus group interview with 3 medical care patients and their families and 5 workers who had worked for more than 4 years in a nursing hospital. The main results and implications are as follows. First, admission to nursing hospitals was mostly based on the linkage between the medical institutions and the competition to attract the patients rather than the choice of the patients. Second, the main cause of the long-term hospitalization of medical assistance patients was the lack of social protection measures such as absences of residence and care giver, although there are factors that cause moral hazard such as low self-pay. Third, most of the patients were in need of treatment, but they were admitted to the hospital even though their needs were not higher than those of the health insurance patients. Fourth, the rehabilitation service is the mainstay of the medical service of the nursing hospital, and the roles of nursing staff and care givers are important. Fifth, medical care patients are paying medical expenses for nursing hospitals due to cost of living and family support, but they are exempted from the hospital expenses or the burden of their own expenses in the hospital. Sixth, public institutions and social welfare institutions have not managed continuously since commissioning patients to nursing hospitals and have neglected the connection with community services after discharge.

A Study on the Field Practicum Experiences and Improvements for Adult Learners in Social Welfare (성인학습자의 사회복지현장실습 경험과 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jin-Seop Lim;Na-Rae Bae
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the field practicum experiences of adult learners in social welfare and discusses areas for improvement. The field practicum is an essential process and training course for becoming a social worker. Through the practicum experience, learners gain a valuable opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings and understand their future roles as prospective social workers. However, if the field practicum does not adequately reflect the characteristics of adult learners, it may be difficult to ensure a successful practicum experience. For adult learners to successfully complete their social welfare practicum, integrated and consistent support from both the university and practicum institutions is essential. In particular, the challenges adult learners may face, such as difficulties in time management, psychological stress, and the gap between theory and practice, must be addressed. Most importantly, thorough preparation before the practicum is necessary to ensure success.

A Study on the Social Welfare Countermeasures against the Abuse of the Elderly (노인학대에 대한 사회복지적 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Na-Rae;So, Kwon-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2019
  • Our country has become an aging society with unparalleled speed, compared to other advanced countries. Many of the elderly are physically, economically, and psychologically dependent; this dependence is a factor that increases the cost burden not only on the children and relatives of the elderly, but also at the social level. Under the prevailing environment of the family-oriented informal support system, the burden of support for elderly parents who rely on limited resources is highly likely to lead to abuse. Until now, dealing with the abuse of senior citizens has been mostly a one-off approach through media rather than academics. Therefore, this study attempts to take an objective approach to the elder abuse problem (which has so far been dealt with in the media as a form of domestic violence) in order to grasp the specificity and factors of elder abuse and to present the Korean situation with regard to elder abuse. In addition, this study seeks to find ways to prevent elder abuse in formal and informal ways.

The Role of Women in Health Care in Korea (한국 보건의료에 있어서 여성의 역할)

  • Kim Susie
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.23 no.3 s.126
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 1984
  • 한국여성은 전통적으로 대가족제도 속에서 육아 및 가사활동에만 종사해왔다. 그러나 산업화 및 사회구조의 변화로 여성들도 교육의 기회를 갖게 되었으며 전통적인 역할 수행에 대한 가치변화와 함께 여성의 사회적 역할을 필요로 하게 되었다. 반면에 가족 형태가 핵가족화 함으로서 가족 내에서의 자녀양육을 비롯한 가정적 역할이 더욱 중요시 되게 되었다. 오늘날 한국사회는 여성에게 현재의 사회구조와 핵가족 속에서는 시간적으로 동시에 수행할 수 없는 두 가지 상반된 역할을 강조하고 있는 것이다. 이러한 상반된 역할사이에서는 여성은 갈등과 좌절감을 느끼게 되며 이중적인 부담 속에서 생활하게 되었다. 본 원고에서는 전통적인 한국의 가족가치관을 살펴보고 건강관리 측면에서 여성의 역할을 살펴보고 건강관리 측면에서 여성의 역할을 살펴보고자 한다. 전통적 가족가치관과 여성-우리나라의 전통적 가족은 부계 중심의 혈연 계승을 중요시하는 가부장적 대가족제도라 할 수 있다. 따라서 부계 계승을 통한 가족의 영속성과 가 중심사상에 기반을 둔 철저한 가족주의적 가치관이 전통적 사회를 지배하여 왔다. 그러므로 자연히 개인보다 가족집단이 우의적인 지위에 있을 뿐만 아니라 모든 행동의 결정에도 중요한 준거 집단이 되었다. 이러한 가의 영속 및 번영을 가장 효과적으로 수행하기 위해서는 많은 자녀를 필요로 했으며 부계중심 가족에서 자연히 남아 선호사상이 강할 수밖에 없었으며 이것은 조상에 대한 의무요 책임이라 생각했다. 이러한 가부장권의 확대에 반비례해서 가정 내에서 여성의 지위와 역할은 축소되어갔다. 여성들의 절대적인 예속을 필요로 하여 삼종지도니 칠거지악이니 불경이부등의 도덕률을 만들었으며 여성들 스스로가 이러한 정절과 복종을 미덕으로 생각하도록 교육받음으로서 여성들 자신이 자기희생의 굴레 속에서 인내와 복종의 생활을 운명처럼 받아들이게 되었으며 남편과 자식을 위해서는 목숨까지도 희생하게끔 철저히 사회화되었던 것이다. 그러나 가족 제도 안에서의 남녀의 지위는 동위 항렬 내에서만 해당되고 항렬을 달리할 때는 삼종지도의 이론에 부합된다. 어머니로서의 존장련이 인정되어서 가정 내에서의 여성의 종속적인 지위에 비하여 모의 권한은 절대적이었다. 상례와 제례에서 어머니와 아버지에 대한 의식에는 차이가 없으며 내외 명부제도에 의해서 부인도 남편과 똑같은 대우를 받도록 되어있다. 이러한 존장련에 의한 모의 권리와 더불어 부부유별에 의해서 가사권의 독자적인 결정권도 인정되고 있었다. 건강관리 측면에서 여성의 역할- 전통적으로 건강관리에 관련된 한국여성의 역할은 1. 씨받이로서의 역할로 생명을 잉태하도록 돕고 건강한 아이의 수태를 위해 태교에 힘썼으며 2. 자녀의 의식주를 해결하는 가사 역할만을 담당하는 전통적인 여성의 역할만을 수행하였으며 출산한 생명을 건강하게 자라도록 건강관리를 철저히 하였으나 체계적인 건강관리는 되지 못하였으며 특히 식생활에 유의하였으나 정서, 사회면은 도외시 한 과잉보호현상이었다. 3. 결혼 후에는 남편의 건강관리를 위해 철저하였으며 특히 식생활에 유의하였고 정서적으로 부담을 주지 않도록 유념하였다. 4. 또한, 임종시 평안한 죽음을 맞도록 도왔다. 전통적으로 한국여성의 역할은 돕는 역할이었다.

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