• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비개인화

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Development and mathematical performance analysis of custom GPTs-Based chatbots (GPTs 기반 문제해결 맞춤형 챗봇 제작 및 수학적 성능 분석)

  • Kwon, Misun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.303-320
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    • 2024
  • This study presents the development and performance evaluation of a custom GPT-based chatbot tailored to provide solutions following Polya's problem-solving stages. A beta version of the chatbot was initially deployed to assess its mathematical capabilities, followed by iterative error identification and correction, leading to the final version. The completed chatbot demonstrated an accuracy rate of approximately 89.0%, correctly solving an average of 57.8 out of 65 image-based problems from a 6th-grade elementary mathematics textbook, reflecting a 4 percentage point improvement over the beta version. For a subset of 50 problems, where images were not critical for problem resolution, the chatbot achieved an accuracy rate of approximately 91.0%, solving an average of 45.5 problems correctly. Predominant errors included problem recognition issues, particularly with complex or poorly recognizable images, along with concept confusion and comprehension errors. The custom chatbot exhibited superior mathematical performance compared to the general-purpose ChatGPT. Additionally, its solution process can be adapted to various grade levels, facilitating personalized student instruction. The ease of chatbot creation and customization underscores its potential for diverse applications in mathematics education, such as individualized teacher support and personalized student guidance.

The Advancement of Underwriting Skill by Selective Risk Acceptance (보험Risk 세분화를 통한 언더라이팅 기법 선진화 방안)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 2005
  • Ⅰ. 연구(硏究) 배경(背景) 및 목적(目的) o 우리나라 보험시장의 세대가입율은 86%로 보험시장 성숙기에 진입하였으며 기존의 전통적인 전업채널에서 방카슈랑스의 도입, 온라인전문보험사의 출현, TM 영업의 성장세 等멀티채널로 진행되고 있음 o LTC(장기간병), CI(치명적질환), 실손의료보험 등(等)선 진형 건강상품의 잇따른 출시로 보험리스크 관리측면에서 언더라이팅의 대비가 절실한 시점임 o 상품과 마케팅 等언더라이팅 측면에서 매우 밀접한 영역의 변화에 발맞추어 언더라이팅의 인수기법의 선진화가 시급히 요구되는 상황하에서 위험을 적절히 분류하고 평가하는 선진적 언더라이팅 기법 구축이 필수 적임 o 궁극적으로 고객의 다양한 보장니드 충족과 상품, 마케팅, 언더라이팅의 경쟁력 강화를 통한 보험사의 종합이익 극대화에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 함 Ⅱ. 선진보험시장(先進保險市場)Risk 세분화사례(細分化事例) 1. 환경적위험(環境的危險)에 따른 보험료(保險料) 차등(差等) (1) 위험직업 보험료 할증 o 미국, 유럽등(等) 대부분의 선진시장에서는 가입당시 피보험자의 직업위험도에 따라 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 가입하는 보장급부에 따라 직업 분류방법 및 할증방식도 상이하며 일반사망과 재해사망,납입면제, DI에 대해서 별도의 방법을 사용함 o 할증적용은 표준위험율의 일정배수를 적용하여 할증 보험료를 산출하거나, 가입금액당 일정한 추가보험료를 적용하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 재해사망 가입시 표준위험율의 300% 적용하며, 일반사망 가입시 $1,000당 $2.95 할증보험료 부가 (2) 위험취미 보험료 할증 o 취미와 관련 사고의 지속적 다발로 취미활동도 위험요소로 인식되어 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 할증보험료는 보험가입금액당 일정비율로 부가(가입 금액과 무관)하며, 신종레포츠 등(等)일부 위험취미는 통계의 부족으로 언더라이터가 할증율 결정하여 적용함 - 패러글라이딩 년(年)$26{\sim}50$회(回) 취미생활의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 재해사망 $2, DI보험 8$ 할증보험료 부가 o 보험료 할증과는 별도로 위험취미에 대한 부담보를 적용함. 위험취미 활동으로 인한 보험사고 발생시 사망을 포함한 모든 급부에 대한 보장을 부(不)담보로 인수함. (3) 위험지역 거주/ 여행 보험료 할증 o 피보험자가 거주하고 있는 특정국가의 임시 혹은 영구적 거주시 기후위험, 거주지역의 위생과 의료수준, 여행위험, 전쟁과 폭동위험 등(等)을 고려하여 평가 o 일반사망, 재해사망 등(等)보장급부별로 할증보험료 부가 또는 거절 o 할증보험료는 보험全기간에 대해 동일하게 적용 - 러시아의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망은 2$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 (4) 기타 위험도에 대한 보험료 차등 o 비행관련 위험은 세가지로 분류(항공운송기, 개인비행, 군사비행), 청약서, 추가질문서, 진단서, 비행이력 정보를 바탕으로 할증보험료를 부가함 - 농약살포비행기조종사의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망 6$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 o 미국, 일본등(等)서는 교통사고나 교통위반 관련 기록을 활용하여 무(無)사고운전자에 대해 보험료 할인(우량체 위험요소로 활용) 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 보험료차등(保險料差等) (1) 표준미달체 보험료 할증 1) 총위험지수 500(초과위험지수 400)까지 인수 o 300이하는 25점단위, 300점 초과는 50점 단위로 13단계로 구분하여 할증보험료를 적용중(中)임 2) 삭감법과 할증법을 동시 적용 o 보험금 삭감부분만큼 할증보험료가 감소하는 효과가 있어 청약자에게 선택의 기회를 제공할수 있으며 고(高)위험 피보험자에게 유용함 3) 특정암에 대한 기왕력자에 대해 단기(Temporary)할증 적용 o 질병성향에 따라 가입후 $1{\sim}5$년간 할증보험료를 부가하고 보험료 할증 기간이 경과한 후에는 표준체보험료를 부가함 4) 할증보험료 반환옵션(Return of the extra premium)의 적용 o 보험계약이 유지중(中)이며, 일정기간 생존시 할증보험료가 반환됨 (2) 표준미달체 급부증액(Enhanced annuity) o 영국에서는 표준미달체를 대상으로 연금급부를 증가시킨 증액형 연금(Enhanced annuity) 상품을 개발 판매중(中)임 o 흡연, 직업, 병력 등(等)다양한 신체적, 환경적 위험도에 따라 표준체에 비해 증액연금을 차등 지급함 (3) 우량 피보험체 가격 세분화 o 미국시장에서는 $8{\sim}14$개 의적, 비(非)의적 위험요소에 대한 평가기준에 따라 표준체를 최대 8개 Class로 분류하여 할인보험료를 차등 적용 - 기왕력, 혈압, 가족력, 흡연, BMI, 콜레스테롤, 운전, 위험취미, 거주지, 비행력, 음주/마약 등(等) o 할인율은 회사, Class, 가입기준에 따라 상이(최대75%)하며, 가입연령은 최저 $16{\sim}20$세, 최대 $65{\sim}75$세, 최저보험금액은 10만달러(HIV검사가 필요한 최저 금액) o 일본시장에서는 $3{\sim}4$개 위험요소에 따라 $3{\sim}4$개 Class로 분류 우량체 할인중(中)임 o 유럽시장에서는 영국 등(等)일부시장에서만 비(非)흡연할인 또는 우량체할인 적용 Ⅲ. 국내보험시장(國內保險市場) 현황(現況)및 문제점(問題點) 1. 환경적위험도(環境的危險度)에 따른 가입한도제한(加入限度制限) (1) 위험직업 보험가입 제한 o 업계공동의 직업별 표준위험등급에 따라 각 보험사 자체적으로 위험등급별 가입한도를 설정 운영중(中)임. 비(非)위험직과의 형평성, 고(高)위험직업 보장 한계, 수익구조 불안정화 등(等)문제점을 내포하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 위험1급 적용으로 사망 최대 1억(億), 입원 1일(日) 2만원까지 제한 o 금융감독원이 2002년(年)7월(月)위험등급별 위험지수를 참조 위험율로 인가하였으나, 비위험직은 70%, 위험직은 200% 수준으로 산정되어 현실적 적용이 어려움 (2) 위험취미 보험가입 제한 o 해당취미의 직업종사자에 준(準)하여 직업위험등급을 적용하여 가입 한도를 제한하고 있음. 추가질문서를 활용하여 자격증 유무, 동호회 가입등(等)에 대한 세부정보를 입수하지 않음 - 패러글라이딩의 경우 위험2급을 적용, 사망보장 최대 2 억(億)까지 제한 (3) 거주지역/ 해외여행 보험가입 제한 o 각(各)보험사별로 지역적 특성상 사고재해 다발 지역에 대해 보험가입을 제한하고 있음 - 강원, 충청 일부지역 상해보험 가입불가 - 전북, 태백 일부지역 입원급여금 1일(日)2만원이내 o 해외여행을 포함한 해외체류에 대해서는 일정한 가입 요건을 정하여 운영중(中)이며, 가입한도 설정 보험가입을 제한하거나 재해집중보장 상품에 대해 거절함 - 러시아의 경우 단기체류는 위험1급 및 상해보험 가입 불가, 장기 체류는 거절처리함 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 인수차별화(引受差別化) (1) 표준미달체 인수방법 o 체증성, 항상성 위험에 대한 초과위험지수를 보험금삭감법으로 전환 사망보험에 적용(최대 5년(年))하여 5년(年)이후 보험 Risk노출 심각 o 보험료 할증은 일부 회사에서 주(主)보험 중심으로 사용중(中)이며, 총위험지수 300(8단계)까지 인수 - 주(主)보험 할증시 특약은 가입 불가하며, 암 기왕력자는 대부분 거절 o 신체부위 39가지, 질병 5가지에 대해 부담보 적용(입원, 수술 등(等)생존급부에 부담보) (2) 비(非)흡연/ 우량체 보험료 할인 o 1999년(年)최초 도입 이래 $3{\sim}4$개의 위험요소로 1개 Class 운영중(中)임 S생보사의 경우 비(非)흡연우량체, 비(非)흡연표준체의 2개 Class 운영 o 보험료 할인율은 회사, 상품에 따라 상이하며 최대 22%(영업보험료기준)임. 흡연여부는 뇨스틱을 활용 코티닌테스트를 실시함 o 우량체 판매는 신계약의 $2{\sim}15%$수준(회사의 정책에 따라 상이) Ⅳ. 언더라이팅 기법(技法) 선진화(先進化) 방안(方案) 1. 직업위험도별 보험료 차등 적용 o 생 손보 직업위험등급 일원화와 연계하여 3개등급으로 위험지수개편, 비위험직 기준으로 보험요율 차별적용 2. 위험취미에 대한 부담보 적용 o 해당취미를 원인으로 보험사고(사망포함) 발생시 부담보 제도 도입 3. 표준미달체 인수기법 선진화를 통한 인수범위 대폭 확대 o 보험료 할증법 적용 확대를 통한 Risk 헷지로 총위험지수 $300{\rightarrow}500$으로 확대(거절건 최소화) 4. 보험료 할증법 보험금 삭감 병행 적용 o 삭감기간을 적용한 보험료 할증방식 개발, 고객에게 선택권 제공 5. 기한부 보험료할증 부가 o 위암, 갑상선암 등(等)특정암의 성향에 따라 위험도가 높은 가입초기에 평준할증보험료를 적용하여 인수 6. 보험료 할증법 부가특약 확대 적용, 부담보 병행 사용 o 정기특약 등(等)사망관련 특약에 할증법 확대, 생존급부 특약은 부담보 7. 표준체 고객 세분화 확대 o 콜레스테롤, HDL 등(等)위험평가요소 확대를 통한 Class 세분화 Ⅴ. 기대효과(期待效果) 1. 고(高)위험직종사자, 위험취미자, 표준미달체에 대한 보험가입 문호개방 2. 보험계약자간 형평성 제고 및 다양한 고객의 보장니드에 부응 3. 상품판매 확대 및 Risk헷지를 통한 수입보험료 증대 및 사차익 개선 4. 본격적인 가격경쟁에 대비한 보험사 체질 개선 5. 회사 이미지 제고 및 진단 거부감 해소, 포트폴리오 약화 방지 Ⅵ. 결론(結論) o 종래의 소극적이고 일률적인 인수기법에서 탈피하여 피보험자를 다양한 측면에서 위험평가하여 적정 보험료 부가와 합리적 가입조건을 제시하는 적절한 위험평가 수단을 도입하고, o 언더라이팅 인수기법의 선진화와 함께 언더라이팅 인력의 전문화, 정보입수 및 시스템 인프라의 구축 등이 병행함으로써, o 보험사의 사차손익 관리측면에서 뿐만 아니라 보험시장 개방 및 급변하는 보험환경에 대비한 한국 생보언더라이팅 경쟁력 강화 및 언더라이터의 글로벌화에도 크게 기여할 것임.

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Adaptive Data Hiding Techniques for Secure Communication of Images (영상 보안통신을 위한 적응적인 데이터 은닉 기술)

  • 서영호;김수민;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5C
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    • pp.664-672
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    • 2004
  • Widespread popularity of wireless data communication devices, coupled with the availability of higher bandwidths, has led to an increased user demand for content-rich media such as images and videos. Since such content often tends to be private, sensitive, or paid for, there exists a requirement for securing such communication. However, solutions that rely only on traditional compute-intensive security mechanisms are unsuitable for resource-constrained wireless and embedded devices. In this paper, we propose a selective partial image encryption scheme for image data hiding , which enables highly efficient secure communication of image data to and from resource constrained wireless devices. The encryption scheme is invoked during the image compression process, with the encryption being performed between the quantizer and the entropy coder stages. Three data selection schemes are proposed: subband selection, data bit selection and random selection. We show that these schemes make secure communication of images feasible for constrained embed-ded devices. In addition we demonstrate how these schemes can be dynamically configured to trade-off the amount of ded devices. In addition we demonstrate how these schemes can be dynamically configured to trade-off the amount of data hiding achieved with the computation requirements imposed on the wireless devices. Experiments conducted on over 500 test images reveal that, by using our techniques, the fraction of data to be encrypted with our scheme varies between 0.0244% and 0.39% of the original image size. The peak signal to noise ratios (PSNR) of the encrypted image were observed to vary between about 9.5㏈ to 7.5㏈. In addition, visual test indicate that our schemes are capable of providing a high degree of data hiding with much lower computational costs.

Managing Duplicate Memberships of Websites : An Approach of Social Network Analysis (웹사이트 중복회원 관리 : 소셜 네트워크 분석 접근)

  • Kang, Eun-Young;Kwahk, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.153-169
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    • 2011
  • Today using Internet environment is considered absolutely essential for establishing corporate marketing strategy. Companies have promoted their products and services through various ways of on-line marketing activities such as providing gifts and points to customers in exchange for participating in events, which is based on customers' membership data. Since companies can use these membership data to enhance their marketing efforts through various data analysis, appropriate website membership management may play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of on-line marketing campaign. Despite the growing interests in proper membership management, however, there have been difficulties in identifying inappropriate members who can weaken on-line marketing effectiveness. In on-line environment, customers tend to not reveal themselves clearly compared to off-line market. Customers who have malicious intent are able to create duplicate IDs by using others' names illegally or faking login information during joining membership. Since the duplicate members are likely to intercept gifts and points that should be sent to appropriate customers who deserve them, this can result in ineffective marketing efforts. Considering that the number of website members and its related marketing costs are significantly increasing, it is necessary for companies to find efficient ways to screen and exclude unfavorable troublemakers who are duplicate members. With this motivation, this study proposes an approach for managing duplicate membership based on the social network analysis and verifies its effectiveness using membership data gathered from real websites. A social network is a social structure made up of actors called nodes, which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency. Social networks represent the relationship between the nodes and show the direction and strength of the relationship. Various analytical techniques have been proposed based on the social relationships, such as centrality analysis, structural holes analysis, structural equivalents analysis, and so on. Component analysis, one of the social network analysis techniques, deals with the sub-networks that form meaningful information in the group connection. We propose a method for managing duplicate memberships using component analysis. The procedure is as follows. First step is to identify membership attributes that will be used for analyzing relationship patterns among memberships. Membership attributes include ID, telephone number, address, posting time, IP address, and so on. Second step is to compose social matrices based on the identified membership attributes and aggregate the values of each social matrix into a combined social matrix. The combined social matrix represents how strong pairs of nodes are connected together. When a pair of nodes is strongly connected, we expect that those nodes are likely to be duplicate memberships. The combined social matrix is transformed into a binary matrix with '0' or '1' of cell values using a relationship criterion that determines whether the membership is duplicate or not. Third step is to conduct a component analysis for the combined social matrix in order to identify component nodes and isolated nodes. Fourth, identify the number of real memberships and calculate the reliability of website membership based on the component analysis results. The proposed procedure was applied to three real websites operated by a pharmaceutical company. The empirical results showed that the proposed method was superior to the traditional database approach using simple address comparison. In conclusion, this study is expected to shed some light on how social network analysis can enhance a reliable on-line marketing performance by efficiently and effectively identifying duplicate memberships of websites.

Determination of Practical Dosing of Warfarin in Korean Outpatients with Mechanical Heart Valves (인공심장판막 치환환자의 Warfarin 용량결정)

  • Lee Ju Yeun;Jeong Young Mi;Lee Myung Koo;Kim Ki-bong;Ahn Hyuk;Lee Byung Koo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.11 s.256
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    • pp.761-772
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    • 2005
  • Background: Following the implantation of heart valve prostheses, it is important to maintain therapeutic INR to reduce the risk of thromboembolism. The objective of this study was to suggest a practical dosing guideline for Korean outpatients with prosthetic heart valves managed by a pharmacist-run anticoagulation service (ACS). Material and Method: A retrospective chart review was completed for all patients enrolled in the ACS at Seoul National University Hospital from March, 1997 to September, 2000. Patients who were at least 6 months post-valve replacement and had nontherapeutic INR value (less than 2.0 or greater than 3.0) were included. The data on 688 patients (1,782 visits) requiring dosing adjustment without any known drug or food interaction with warfarin were analyzed. The amount of adjusted dose and INR changes based on the INR at the time of the event were calculated. Aortic valve replacements (AVR) patients and mitral or double valve replacement (MVR/DVR) patients were evaluated separately. Result: Two methods for the warfarin dosage adjustment were suggested: Guideline I (mg-based total weekly dose (TWD) adjustment), Guideline II (percentage-based TWD adjustment). The effectiveness of Guideline 1 was superior to Guideline II overall in patients with both AVR and MVR/DVR. Conclusion: The guideline suggested in this study could be useful when the dosage adjustment of wafarin is necessary in outpatients with mechanical heart valves.

A Qualitative Study on the Forces that Influence the Article Production of Local Newspapers Focus on the Article Production of Gwangjudream (지역신문 기사생산에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 질적 연구 "광주드림" 기사생산을 중심으로)

  • Her, Jin-Ah;Lee, Oh-Hyeon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.449-484
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    • 2009
  • It has been said that Gwangjudream, nevertheless a free press, plays a role as a local press that it should be, in a situation that other local papers do not. This study aims to reveal the forces that influence the article production of Gwangjudream, and to examine the interrelations between them, through using the methods of participant observations and depth interviews. In this course, it is eventually purpose of providing more deep understandings on the present circumstances and problems of the local papers and having a chance to concern the concrete ways to enhance them. This study results in revealing the five forces that primarily influence the article production of Gwangjudream: 1) as a historical force, keeping the spirit of the first publication that look forward to playing a role as a local press that it sound be, 2) as an individual force, the habitus of its members that is critical of mainstream society and culture, 3) as an organizational force, non-hierarchical culture and the independence of the editorial rights, 4) as a habitual force, the deny of beat system, 5) as an economical force, the power of sponsors, financial poorness, and the competition for attracting subscribers. While the historical force and the individual force play a role as fundamental circumstances and the organizational force and the habitual force as practical circumstances for producing articles, they encourage to emerge the characteristics of the articles that are related to citizens' everyday life and reflect locality, and criticize and keep an eye on government and other public offices. However, the economical force provides the circumstances that weaken the characteristics of Gwangjudream. The results of this study question the perspective to overly regard it as coming from their economical weakness that the local newspaper do not play a role as a local press that it should be.

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A Study on the Accessibility Requirements Analysis Model for the Preventive Safety and Disaster Service Information System - Focusing on the Communication Ability (정보시스템을 통한 생활안전 위험의 예방·대응을 위한 안전약자 요구사항 분석모델 연구 : 의사소통기능을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong-Jick;Ji, Seok-yeon;Kim, Sang-hwa
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to present an analysis model in developing an inclusive response for safety hazards and disaster preventive information system for vulnerable people to the disaster including persons with disabilities, and those with specific needs. Methods : In this study, the persona analysis method is used to analyze fictitious characters that correspond to various characteristics such as age, disability, environment, occupation, etc. in terms of the scenario of some particular disaster subjects. Based on the user's communication problems derived from the persona analysis, focused group interview and ICF based analysis were implemented to identify needs and arbitration methods. Results : The needs from persona analysis and ICF-based communication items analysis identifies the factors that make each fictitious character difficult in terms of communication in obtaining the benefits consistent with the purpose of the service. The study derives service requirements that can provide arbitration or facilitation methods to increase communication ability of the users. Conclusion : Through the persona analysis method, difficulties that could occur when receiving disaster information using communication devices were identified and analyzed in conjunction with communication problems described in the ICF. In building information services for the prevention of safety hazards and disasters, this study presented a model that uses the persona analysis method and the ICF classification system to derive user requirements for accessible information system.

A Study on the Effects of Retirement Expectations & Social Supports & Entrepreneurial Intention for Employees Engaged in Financial Business on the Preparation for their Old Age (금융업 종사자의 은퇴기대, 사회적 지지 및 창업의지가 노후준비에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyong-Sok;Kang, Shin-Kee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.251-265
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    • 2022
  • According to the 2019 statistics of the National Statistical Office, the population of old people over 65 is 7.69 million which consists of 14.9% of total population in Korea, and the world's fastest compressed-aging is being processed. Employees engaged in financial business as representative high-wage workers tend to choose voluntary retirement regardless of their business types, and rarely get a new job or establish their own business successfully. This study analyzes the effects of retirement expectations, social supports, and entrepreneurial intention for employees engaged in financial business, and the differences by individual characteristics on the preparation for their old age. The subjects include 280 people working at Seoul metropolitan and Daegu area. The data were analyzed with the SPSS Win Ver. 18.0 for frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, etc. and the results of the study are as follows. First, the result of analyzing the effect of retirement expectations of employees engaged in financial business on the preparation for old age shows that the retirement expectations of the people who consider retirement is a new start meaningfully affect the financial and physical preparations for old age. Second, it is shown that family relations for employees engaged in financial business meaningfully affect the financial preparation, and family relations and friendship relations meaningfully affect the emotional and social preparations, despite social supports do not relevantly affect the financial preparation for old age. Third, it is also shown that the entrepreneurial intention of employees engaged in financial business does not relevantly affect the financial and physical preparations, but meaningfully affects the emotional and social preparations for old age. Fourth, the result of analyzing the effect of the individual characteristics of employees engaged in financial business on the preparation for their old age shows that age, marital status, and job grade do not relevantly affect, but the experience of entrepreneurship education more affects the preparation for old age than no-experience.

The Study on The Cyber Communities of Migrant Workers in Korea (한국 이주 노동자의 '사이버 공동체'에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong Hyang;Kim, Yeong Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.324-339
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the characteristics of cyber communities composed of migrant workers from communities without propinquity in Korea. Its methods are both qualitative and quantitative. It further seeks to discover the relationship between the social capital formed and reproduced within these cyber communities and participants' cultural adaptation to Korean society. The study revealed that ethnic and non-ethnic communities differed in terms of strength of cohesion, space constraints, and links with the outside world. The former showed characteristics of a localized community type. The main motivations for migrant workers' participation in the ethnic cyber community were communication and friendship rather than cooperation and sharing among members. They usually used cyber communication media to communicate with one another. Conversely, the latter showed characteristics of an integrative type. Despite the difficulties in applying for membership and information provided in Korean, a high percentage of migrant workers participated in the community to obtain crucial information. The results did not show a significant correlation between social capital and migrant workers' traits within the cyber community, while a strong correlation emerged among four factors of social capital: faith, norms, networking, and political participation. The study showed that social capital in the cyber community was in direct proportion to an integrative type of cultural adaptation to Korean society. In particular, there was a strong connection between the cultural adaptation exhibited by members of the migrant subculture and their participation in discussions on political issues and human rights, with some migrants even functioning as agents of social change as participants in citizens' movements. The findings suggest that the cyber community facilitates the migrant subculture's communication with and integration into the indigenous Korean culture. Migrant workers' participation in the cyber community is therefore validated as an instrumental practice for members of this subculture to adapt to Korean society.

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Sick Building Syndrome in 130 Underground Workers (지하상가 근무자의 건강 장애에 관한 실태조사)

  • Joo, Ree;SaKong, Joon;Chung, Jong-Hak;Park, Sang-Whan;Kim, Dong-Hee;Kim, Dong-Min;Choi, Eun-Kyong;Cho, Hyun-Geon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 1998
  • A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between sick building syndrome(SBS) and the environmental factors affecting SBS on 130 underground workers and 60 controls. The study consisted of 1) a review of environmental condition 2) measurement of temperature, $O_2$, $CO_2$, CO, and formaldehyde and 3) a questionnaire survey of symptom prevalence and perception of environmental conditions using indoor Air Quality questionnaire recommended by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Bronchitis and dust allergy were more prevalent in underground workers significantly(p < 0.05). Among the 18 symptoms related to the indoor air pollution, the experience rate of dry, itching or irritated eyes, sore or dry throat, chest tightness, tired or strained eyes and dry or itchy skin symptom was significantly different between the underground workers and controls. The diagnostic criteria of SBS was defined as at least 1 symptom is experienced 1-3 times a week during the last 1 month among 18 indoor air pollution related symptoms which can be relieved by moving out of the underground. Applying the criteria, the mean symptom score was significant higher in underground workers than controls significantly (p < 0.05). These resalts indicated that underground workers are under inappropriate ergonomic and physical condition and inadequate ventilation. Their experience rate of symptoms related to indoor air pollution and prevalence of SBS was significantly higher than controls. To reduce the prevalence of SBS of underground workers, the surveillance system of indoor air quality, restriction of using fuel in underground and legislative regulations for the environment are needed to establish a better indoor air quality. Early detection, treatment and prevention of SBS through medical attention is also needed.

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