• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복합용도

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The Complex Effects of the Purposes of Using Mobile Phones on Mobile Phone Dependency and Depressive Symptoms among Elementary School Students (초등학생의 휴대전화 용도가 휴대전화 의존적 사용과 우울에 미치는 복합적 영향)

  • Jun, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.471-482
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to demonstrate the complex and structural relationships between (a) the purposes of using mobile phones, and (b) the levels of mobile phone dependency and depressive symptoms among elementary school students. We analyzed data from the 3rd Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey using structural modeling. Results showed the level of mobile phone usage for contacting family members negatively affected the mobile phone dependency. However, the levels of mobile phone usage for contacting friends and personal entertainment positively influenced the mobile phone dependency. Mobile phone dependency positively affected depressive symptoms. Mobile phone dependency partially mediated the relationship between the level of mobile phone usage for contacting family members and depressive symptoms. Mobile phone dependency fully mediated two relationships: (1) between the level of mobile phone usage for contacting friends and depressive symptoms and (2) between the level of mobile phone usage for personal entertainment and depressive symptoms.


  • Park, So-Young;Jeong, Tae-Sung;Kim, Shin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the microleakage pattern of flowable composite resin to sealant, composite resin used in preventive resin restoration and glass ionomer cement used as liner. 120 extracted sound human molars were divided into 6 groups : group 1 and 2:sealant ; group 3 and 4:preventive resin restoration ; group 5 and 6:sandwich technique restoration. For the experimental groups(group 2, 4 and 6), flowable composite resin(Tetric flow) was used. For the control group, Concise was used as sealant material(group 1), Z-100 with Concise were used as preventive resin restoration(group 3), and Vitrebond was used as cavity liner(group 5). All the restorations were thermocycled and the degree of dye penetration was evaluated with stereomicroscope. The microleakage of each group was measured and statistically analyzed. The results of the present study were as follows : 1. In group 1 and 2, there was no statistically significant difference in microleakage between Concise and Tetric flow(p>0.05). 2. In groups of preventive resin restorations, there was no statistically significant difference in microleakage between Z-100 with Concise and Tetric flow(p>0.05). 3. The microleakage of Vitrebond and Tetric flow used as liner showed no statistically significant difference(p>0.05).

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PE/PP Blend형 fiber/Filler 보강 복합 성형체

  • 강영구;조명호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2002
  • 폐자원의 재활용은 현재 미래산업을 발전시키는데 중요한 변수로 작용하고 있으며, 폐플라스틱의 경우 통신 케이블 덕트, 고속전철용 케이블 덕트, 선박용 구조체등 고부가가치 제품으로의 기술개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 폐 Polyolefin 계열의 수지는 성형가공이 적절한 MFI(Melt flow index)와 뛰어난 기계적 물성, 가공 성형성 등으로 인해 다양한 형태와 용도로 recycling되고 있으나, 재생시 다수 Grade에 의한 분별, 분리수거의 어려움, 상용성결여, 난연성 부재 그리고 70% 대의 기계적 물성 회복율로 인해 그 용도가 제한되고 있는 실정이다.(중략)

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유.무기 복합 성형체의 난연특성 연구

  • 서동수;강영구
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2001
  • 1970년대 이후 석유화학공업의 발전과 더불어 플라스틱 공업도 현저하게 발전하여 6대 범용수지로 사용되고 있는 PE, PP, PS, PVC, PET, ABS등은 매년 14%이상씩 발생량이 늘어가고 있는 실정이다. 그러나, 폐플라스틱은 종류나 물리적 특성, 용도 등과 관계없이 매립 및 소각에 의해 처리되고 있어 환경오염원으로서 이들의 사용후 처리 문제가 심각한 사회문제로 대두되고 있다. 그리고 PE 및 PP는 6대 범용수지 중 65%이상의 생산 및 수요량을 가진 플라스틱이지만 난연특성 결여, 높은 화재발생빈도, 분말상일 경우 분진폭발의 위험성 등을 지니고 있어 고부가가치 용도로 사용하기 어렵다.(중략)

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건물 용도별 배수 및 통기설비 설계사례

  • 이병주;강소연
    • The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea
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    • v.32 no.10
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2003
  • 사무소, 주상복합건물, 호텔, 백화점, 공항, 병원의 용도별로 다른 6개 건물의 배수통기 설계사례를 소개하였다. 최근 생활수준의 향상과 산업 발전으로 점차 물 사용량이 증가하고 있으며, 배수 종류 또한 다양해지고 있다. 이에 수반해서 생기는 배수를 건물내에 체류시키지 않고 신속히 배제하는 배수설비와 배수설비의 기능을 완수하기 위해 설치되는 통기설비의 적정 설계방안을 모색해보고자 한다.(중략)

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복합재료 성형기술

  • 전의진
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 1992
  • 섬유강화 플라스틱을 시초로 복합재료가 상업적으로 생산, 판매되기 시작한지 어언 30여년이 되었다. 뛰어난 기계적 . 화학적 특성을 바탕으로 오늘날 복합재료는 신소재의 한 분야로 굳게 자리잡고 있다. 설계, 성형, 분석기술의 발전과 아울러 유리섬유 복합재료 이후에 특성이 뛰어난 복합재료 소재들이 개발되고 있어 복합재료의 응용범위를 더욱더 넓히고 있다. Boron, carbon, aramid섬유의 개발은 첨단 복합재료의 개발을 가능케 했으며 군용, 우주기기의 개발로 얻어진 결과들은 민간 항공기 또는 스포츠, 레저 분야에 많이 이용되고 있다. 민간 항공기의 많은 부분에 첨단 복합재료로 된 부품들이 사용되고 있으며 복합재료로된 골프채, 낚시대, 테니스채 그리고 스키 등을 우리 주변에서 손쉽게 찾아볼 수 있다. 이 글에서는 고분자 기지 복합재료를 중심으로 그 성형법 및 응용에 대하여 논하고 기타 특수용도 복합재료에 대해서 약술하고자 한다.

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유리섬유강화 복합재료의 방전처리에 따른 절연특성

  • 임경범;황명환;김윤선;유도현;박종관;이덕출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2000
  • 최근 고분자 화학의 급속한 발전에 따라 우수한 특성을 가진 다양한 절연재료가 개발되어 왔으며, 이러한 유기고분자 재료의 용도와 수요가 매년 급증하고 있다. 이들 고분자 재료 중 유리섬유 강화 복합재료(FRP; fiber reinforced plastics)는 전기$\cdot$화학적으로 우수한 특성을 갖는 에폭시 수지에 기계적 강도를 보강하기 위해 유리섬유를 복합시틴 hybrid 재료로서 애자, PCB 기판 및 우주항공 산업분야에 이르기까지 그 응용분야를 확대시키고 있다.(중략)

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Characteristics of Insertion Loss of Adhesive Tapes to Reduce Noise through Small Opening Hole (미세한 공혈을 통한 소음의 저감을 위한 접착 테이프 별 삽입손실 특성)

  • Yong Thung Cho
    • Composites Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2024
  • Adhesive tapes can be conveniently used for various applications by combination of materials requiring diverse mechanical strength and specific adhesives. Duct tape is usually readily available and one of the most widely used adhesive tapes. Duct tapes are composite materials with good mechanical strength consisted of fiber material, which is different from other tapes. In addition, electrical insulation tapes are used for very long period of time for insulating cables, and are also used for reinforcement of mechanical strength and increasing damping of cable in practice. Recently, variety of foam tapes and double-sided tapes are widely used in diverse applications. However, there is no previous work readily available clearly illustrating noise isolation performance of tapes. In present work, noise isolation performance of tapes is presented by measurement of insertion loss of variety of tapes on a small hole. Double-side foam tapes presented the best noise isolation performance among adhesive tapes measured in present work.

A Study on Mixed-use Development Cases Using Closed Quarry Site of Overseas; the UK and Australia (개발종료 채석장 부지를 활용한 해외 복합 개발 사례에 대한 고찰 : 영국과 호주 사례)

  • Cho, Seungyeoun;Yim, Gil-Jae;Lee, Jin Young;Ji, Sangwoo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.505-513
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    • 2021
  • Recently, housing prices in metropolitan areas is also increasing in the UK and Australia. Their governments are trying to solve this problem by the housing development in the quarry sites near cities. The cases reviewed in this study, Erith Hill Quarry (The Quarry), Plymstock Quarry, Lilydale Quarry (Kinley), and Bombo Quarry are the mixed-used development cases in the closed quarry sites through the urban planning system. In the UK, the local government uses the urban planning scheme such as the planning permit system, section 106. The local government permits the quarry site development on the condition that it provides necessary public facilities, such as schools and affordable housing for the local community. In Australia, local governments use up-zoning permission rights to convert land uses in quarries from industrial to mixed-use. Development plans have to include urban infrastructure and open space in addition to affordable housings. In the case of Australia, establishing a development plan in advance and filling the quarry pit with overburden through a phased development is expected to have the effect of reducing the project cost. Both countries think that developing brownfields, such as quarry sites, is a more sustainable and eco-friendly development from the perspective of future generations than developing new green fields. Such a perspective of the UK and Australia will be able to give policy implications for our slightly rigid urban development system.

The Effect of Application Motive for Consulting upon the Path between Quality Perception and Use of Results - focusing on government supported convergence consulting - (컨설팅 신청동기가 품질지각과 결과활용도간의 경로에 미치는 영향 - 정부지원 융복합 컨설팅을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Chong-Hye;Kim, Jung-Ryol;You, Yen-Yoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to verify application motive for consulting upon the path between quality perception and use of results in the government-supported convergence consulting service on SMEs. A survey was conducted on SMEs which went through government-supported consulting, with the following results of the study. First, it turned out that the perception of the quality of consultant's performance and the perception of the quality of the government support have a positive impact on the perception of the quality of consulting results. Second, the perception of the quality of consultant's performance has a positive impact on the use of consulting results. Third, it was proved that the perception of the quality of the government support has no impact on the use of consulting results. Fourth, it was demonstrated that the perception of the quality of consulting results has a positive impact on the use of consulting results. Fifth, it turned out that there is a difference in paths of non-voluntary application group and application group and application group for consulting service. This study implies that it is necessary to reinforce consultant's competence, government support system and voluntary application for consulting.