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Comparison of the Bacterial and Fungal Colonies from Rana dybowskii which Collected from Inside and Outside Frog Farms and Identification of the Bacteria from the Tadpoles (개구리 증양식장 내·외부에서 채집된 북방산개구리(Rana dybowskii)로부터 검출된 세균과 곰팡이 콜로니 수의 비교 및 유생으로부터 확인된 세균 규명)

  • Kwon, Sera;Park, Daesik;Choi, Woo-Jin;Park, Jae-Jin;Cho, Han-Na;Han, Ji-Ho;Lee, Jin-Gu;Koo, Kyo-Soung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.444-454
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    • 2017
  • There are many ongoing studies of infectious diseases as the major factor responsible for global declining of the amphibian population. Although some point out the amphibian rearing facilities like frog farms as one of the important sources of harboring and spreading amphibian infectious pathogens in the wild, there have been few related studies in South Korea. In this study, we investigated the bacterial and fungal colonies on the skin and in the internal organs of frogs and tadpoles collected inside and outside of Dybowski's brown frog farms in Inje, Goesan, and Gongju to compare the difference according to the region and between inside and outside the farm. We also intended to classify the bacteria collected from the tadpoles into species by analyzing 16s rDNA gene sequences. The result showed that the number of bacterial colonies found in the skin and gut of frogs and the number of fungal colonies found in the skin and liver of frogs collected in Goesan was significantly greater than those in the frogs in Inje. However, there was no difference between the frogs collected inside and outside of farms in both regions. In the case of tadpoles, the number of fungal colonies in the tadpoles collected from Gongju was greater than that in the tadpoles collected from Inje. The comparison of inside and outside frog farms showed that there were more bacterial colonies on the skin of the tadpoles collected from inside than outside the frog farm in Inje and more bacterial colonies in the organs of the tadpoles collected from outside than inside the farm in Gongju. The frogs with higher condition factor (body weight/snout-vent length*100) showed fewer bacterial colonies on the skin and fewer fungal colonies in the heart, but there were no significant relationships in tadpoles. We identified the total of 15 genera and four phyla of bacteria, but the difference according to regions and between inside and outside farm was not evident. The result of this study indicates that the different conditions according to the locality of farm and between inside and outside farm cause the difference in the population sizes of bacterial and fungal colonies and that it can affect the overall health condition of Dybowski's brown frogs in the farm. Moreover, the result suggests that effective disease control in the facility is greatly necessary to ensure successful operation of amphibian rearing facility and to prevent the possible spread of diseases from the facility to the wild.

A Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Rashig Super-Ring Random Packing in a Counter-Current Packed Tower (역류식 충전탑에서 Raschig Super-ring Random Packing의 수력학적 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Sung Jin;Lim, Dong-Ha
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2020
  • In recent years, packed column has been widely used in separation processes, such as absorption, desorption, distillation, and extraction, in the petrochemical, fine chemistry, and environmental industries. Packed column is used as a contacting facility for gas-liquid and liquid-liquid systems filled with random packed materials in the column. Packed column has various advantages such as low pressure drop, economical efficiency, thermally sensitive liquids, easy repairing restoration, and noxious gas treatment. The performance of a packed column is highly dependent on the maintenance of good gas and liquid distribution throughout a packed bed; thus, this is an important consideration in a design of packed column. In this study, hydraulic pressure drop, hold-up as a function of liquid load, and mass transfer in the air, air/water, and air-NH3/water systems were studied to find the geometrical characteristic for raschig super-ring experiment dry pressure drop. Based on the results, design factors and operating conditions to handle noxious gases were obtained. The dry pressure drop of the random packing raschig super-ring was linearly increased as a function of gas capacity factor with various liquid loads in the Air/Water system. This result is lower than that of 35 mm Pall-ring, which is most commonly used in the industrial field. Also, it can be found that the hydraulic pressure drop of raschig super-ring is consistently increased by gas capacity factor with various liquid loads. When gas capacity factor with various liquid loads is increased from 1.855 to 2.323 kg-1/2 m-1/2 S-1, hydraulic pressure drop increases around 17%. Finally, the liquid hold-up related to packing volume, which is a parameter of specific liquid load depending on gas capacity factor, shows consistent increase by around 3.84 kg-1/2 m-1/2 S-1 of the gas capacity factor. However, liquid hold-up significantly increases above it.

Study on Vascular Plants of the Gosan Recreational Forest in Jeonbuk -A Case Study of Wild Plants except Planted Plants- (전북 고산자연휴양림 일대의 관속식물상 연구 -식재종을 제외한 야생식물을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Young-Ha;Beon, Mu-Sup;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2006
  • The wild plants of the studied area in the Gosan recreational forest was listed 327 taxa: 99 families, 252 genera, 289 species,1 subspecies, 34 varieties and 3 forms. Based on the list of the rare plants by the Forest Research Institute, 2 taxa were recorded in the studied areas; Lilium distichum (Presevation priority order: No. 159), Aristolochia contorta (No. 151) and based on the list of Korean endemic plants, 4 taxa were recorded; Cephalotaxus koreana, Carex okamotoi, Salix purpurea var. japonica, Weigela subsessilis. Specific plant species by floral region were total 21 taxa; 2 taxa (Asperula lasiantha, Lonicera subhispida) in class III, 4 taxa (Lilium distichum, Potentilla dickinsii, Caryopteris incana, Ligularia fischeri) in class II, 15 taxa (Hosta capitata, Alnus hirsuta, Ribes mandshuricum, Cayratia japonica, Vaccinium oldhami, etc.) in class I. The naturalized plants in this site were 12 families, 28 genera, 31 species, 1 varieties, 32 taxa and naturalization rate was 9.8%. So, wild plants disturbing ecosystem like Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior have been increasing and it needs continuing control and conservation measures on the plant ecosystem.

A Comparative Study on the Effect of Enterprise SNS on Job Performance - Focused on the Mediation Effect of Communication Level and Moderating Effect of Nationality - (기업용 SNS 이용이 업무성과에 미치는 영향의 국가 간 비교연구 - 커뮤니케이션 수준의 매개효과와 국적의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Chen, Jing-Yuan;Kwon, Sun-Dong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.137-157
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    • 2019
  • Companies are trying to use enterprise SNS for collaboration and speedy decision-making. This study verified the mediating effect of communication between enterprise SNS and job performance, and proved the moderating effect of nationality between enterprise SNS and communication. This study collected survey data of 81 Korean and 81 Chinese from employees who have used enterprise SNS in Korea and China. As results of data analysis, first, enterprise SNS improved job performance through speedy information sharing and error reduction. Second, communication mediated the effect of enterprise SNS on job performance. Third, enterprise SNS increased the level of organizational communication through decreasing the burden of offline face-to-face communication. Compared with Chinese corporate organizations, Korean corporate organizations have high power distances, centralized control, and high superior authority. Therefore, in the off-line communication situation, the subordinate feels the social pressure to follow the command of the superior. Thus communication is one-way and closed. In this Korean organizational situation, corporate SNS can be used as a means to bypass rigid offline communication. In the online communication environment of non face-to-face corporate SNS, anxiety and stress of face-to-face communication can be reduced, so communication between the upper and lower sides can flow more smoothly. The contribution of this paper is that it proved that enterprise SNS promotes communication and improve job performance by reducing the anxiety or stress of offline communication, while according to prior research successful adoption of many types of information systems requires the fit between an organization and its organizational culture.

Assessment of Foodservice and Cooking Program for Children Attending Community Child Centers in Korea (지역아동센터를 이용하는 아동을 위한 급식 및 요리활동 프로그램의 적용효과 평가)

  • Kwon, Sooyoun;Yeoh, Yoonjae
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a foodservice and cooking program for children attending community child centers in Korea. The foodservice and cooking program included a reference menu, nutrition and hygiene class for foodservice managers, as well as cooking classes for children during the winter or summer vacation in 2015. In order to evaluate the program, a survey was conducted before and after the program. A total of 1,120 children who participated in the program completed questionnaires regarding eating behaviors, food intake, and their opinions and levels of satisfaction with the program. The scores of children's eating behaviors increased significantly from 59.71 to 63.62 out of 85 points (p<0.001). A significant increase was detected in children's food intake. Vegetable intake, which received the lowest scores, increased significantly from 3.63 to 3.81 out of 5 points (p<0.001). The score for opinions and satisfaction concerning the program was 28.34 out of 35 points. These results suggest that the foodservice and cooking program could be helpful in promoting healthy food habits in children attending community child centers.

Tracing the Development and Spread Patterns of OSS using the Method of Netnography - The Case of JavaScript Frameworks - (네트노그라피를 이용한 공개 소프트웨어의 개발 및 확산 패턴 분석에 관한 연구 - 자바스크립트 프레임워크 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Heesuk;Yoon, Inhwan;Lee, Heesan
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the spread pattern of open source software (OSS) while establishing relations with surrounding actors during its operation period. In order to investigate the change pattern of participants in the OSS, we use a netnography on the basis of online data, which can trace the change patterns of the OSS depending on the passage of time. For this, the cases of three OSSs (e.g. jQuery, MooTools, and YUI), which are JavaScript frameworks, were compared, and the corresponding data were collected from the open application programming interface (API) of GitHub as well as blog and web searches. This research utilizes the translation process of the actor-network theory to categorize the stages of the change patterns on the OSS translation process. In the project commencement stage, we identified the type of three different OSS-related actors and defined associated relationships among them. The period, when a master commences a project at first, is refined through the course for the maintenance of source codes with persons concerned (i.e. project growth stage). Thereafter, the period when the users have gone through the observation and learning period by being exposed to promotion activities and codes usage respectively, and becoming to active participants, is regarded as the 'leap of participants' stage. Our results emphasize the importance of promotion processes in participants' selection of the OSS for participation and confirm the crowding-out effect that the rapid speed of OSS development retarded the emergence of participants.

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Relationship between Innovation Performance and R&D Investment: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation (과거 혁신성과와 R&D 투자 간의 관계와 기업가 지향성의 매개효과에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Su-Kyeong;Yoo, Jae-Wook;Kim, Choo-Yeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.219-237
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    • 2017
  • Looking into the top-five innovative sectors in Korea's manufacturing and service industries, this study empirically analyzes the effect of innovation performance on R&D investment, which is one of the most important strategic decisions for corporate management. In the midst of an uncertain business environment, R&D investment has been regarded as the most important strategic decision making in corporate management related to innovation. Corporate management, however, tend to be reluctant to make sufficient R&D investment due to the risk of an investment failure. Therefore, having R&D investment by offsetting this risk has been deemed as a key task for corporate management. However, prior studies have failed to identify which factors affect companies' strategic decision making on R&D investment. This study is to remedy this weakness of prior study. Relying on path dependency theory at organization-level and dominant logic at individual-level, this study empirically examines the multiple regression model, which sees entrepreneurial orientation as a positive mediator between innovation performance and R&D investment. The results found in the analysis of 242 local companies in the manufacturing and service sectors represent that innovation performance has a direct and positive effect on R&D investment, while it indirectly affects R&D investment through the mediating roles of entrepreneurial orientation. They also revealed that innovation performance had a meaningful impact on entrepreneurial orientation, which is an inclination to seek innovation, led to R&D investment. The founding of this study imply that innovation performance in the past affects innovation strategies in the future, and such a relationship could be strengthened by entrepreneurial orientation as the dominant logic of corporate management.

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Verifying the Classification Accuracy for Korea's Standardized Classification System of Research F&E by using LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis) (선형판별분석(LDA)기법을 적용한 국가연구시설장비 표준분류체계의 분류 정확도 검증)

  • Joung, Seokin;Sawng, Yeongwha;Jeong, Euhduck
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2020
  • Recently, research F&E(Facilities and Equipment) have become very important as tools and means to lead the development of science and technology. The government has been continuously expanding investment budgets for R&D and research F&E, and the need for efficient operation and systematic management of research F&E built up nationwide has increased. In December 2010, The government developed and completed a standardized classification system for national research F&E. However, accuracy and trust of information classification are suspected because information is collected by a method in which a user(researcher) directly selects and registers a classification code in NTIS. Therefore, in the study, we analyzed linearly using linear discriminant analysis(LDA) and analysis of variance(ANOVA), to measure the classification accuracy for the standardized classification system(8 major-classes, 54 sub-classes, 410 small-classes) of the national research facilities and equipment established in 2010, and revised in 2015. For the analysis, we collected and used the information data(50,271 cases) cumulatively registered in NTIS(National Science and Technology Service) for the past 10 years. This is the first case of scientifically verifying the standardized classification system of the national research facilities and equipment, which is based on information of similar classification systems and a few expert reviews in the in-outside of the country. As a result of this study, the discriminant accuracy of major-classes organized hierarchically by sub-classes and small-classes was 92.2 %, which was very high. However, in post hoc verification through analysis of variance, the discrimination power of two classes out of eight major-classes was rather low. It is expected that the standardized classification system of the national research facilities and equipment will be improved through this study.

CNN-based Recommendation Model for Classifying HS Code (HS 코드 분류를 위한 CNN 기반의 추천 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Dongju;Kim, Gunwoo;Choi, Keunho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2020
  • The current tariff return system requires tax officials to calculate tax amount by themselves and pay the tax amount on their own responsibility. In other words, in principle, the duty and responsibility of reporting payment system are imposed only on the taxee who is required to calculate and pay the tax accurately. In case the tax payment system fails to fulfill the duty and responsibility, the additional tax is imposed on the taxee by collecting the tax shortfall and imposing the tax deduction on For this reason, item classifications, together with tariff assessments, are the most difficult and could pose a significant risk to entities if they are misclassified. For this reason, import reports are consigned to customs officials, who are customs experts, while paying a substantial fee. The purpose of this study is to classify HS items to be reported upon import declaration and to indicate HS codes to be recorded on import declaration. HS items were classified using the attached image in the case of item classification based on the case of the classification of items by the Korea Customs Service for classification of HS items. For image classification, CNN was used as a deep learning algorithm commonly used for image recognition and Vgg16, Vgg19, ResNet50 and Inception-V3 models were used among CNN models. To improve classification accuracy, two datasets were created. Dataset1 selected five types with the most HS code images, and Dataset2 was tested by dividing them into five types with 87 Chapter, the most among HS code 2 units. The classification accuracy was highest when HS item classification was performed by learning with dual database2, the corresponding model was Inception-V3, and the ResNet50 had the lowest classification accuracy. The study identified the possibility of HS item classification based on the first item image registered in the item classification determination case, and the second point of this study is that HS item classification, which has not been attempted before, was attempted through the CNN model.

A Study on the Qualitative Evaluation Factors for Mobile Game Company (모바일게임 기업의 정성적 평가요인에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seok Kyun;Hwangbo, Yun;Rhee, Do Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.125-146
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, the performance of the mobile game sales is influencing the ranking of game companies listed on KOSDAQ. In the meantime, venture capital companies had focused on online game. Recently, however, they have great interest in mobile games and mobile game companies. In addition, angel investors and accelerators are increasing investment for the mobile game companies. The most important issues for mobile game investor is how to evaluate the mobile game companies and their contents. Therefore, this study derived the evaluation factors for the mobile game company. And research method converged of the opinions of both supply side and demand side of the game industry. Ten professionals who are responsible for the supply of the game industry and CEO group & development experts of game development company were selected for survey in this study. Also ten professionals who are responsible for the demand of the game industry and the investment company were selected for survey in this study. And Delphi technique was performed according to the survey. Management skills, development capabilities, game play, feasibility, operational capabilities has emerged as five evaluation factors to evaluate the mobile game company. And the 20 sub-factors including CEO's reliability were derived. AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) theory is applied to analyze the importance of the qualitative elements which were derived by Delphi technique. As a result, the analysis hierarchy of evaluation factors for the mobile game company was created. Pair-wise comparison for each element was performed to analyze the importance. As a result, 'Core fun of the game' (12,2%), 'Involvement of the game' (10.3%), 'Security Reliability' (8.9%), 'Core developers' ability' (7.6%) appeared in order of importance. The significance of this study is offering more objective methodology for realistic assessment and importance of elements to evaluate mobile game company.

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