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CNN-based Recommendation Model for Classifying HS Code  

Lee, Dongju (Dataworld Co. Ltd.)
Kim, Gunwoo (Dept. of Business Administration, Hanbat National University)
Choi, Keunho (Dept. of Business Administration, Hanbat National University)
Publication Information
Management & Information Systems Review / v.39, no.3, 2020 , pp. 1-16 More about this Journal
The current tariff return system requires tax officials to calculate tax amount by themselves and pay the tax amount on their own responsibility. In other words, in principle, the duty and responsibility of reporting payment system are imposed only on the taxee who is required to calculate and pay the tax accurately. In case the tax payment system fails to fulfill the duty and responsibility, the additional tax is imposed on the taxee by collecting the tax shortfall and imposing the tax deduction on For this reason, item classifications, together with tariff assessments, are the most difficult and could pose a significant risk to entities if they are misclassified. For this reason, import reports are consigned to customs officials, who are customs experts, while paying a substantial fee. The purpose of this study is to classify HS items to be reported upon import declaration and to indicate HS codes to be recorded on import declaration. HS items were classified using the attached image in the case of item classification based on the case of the classification of items by the Korea Customs Service for classification of HS items. For image classification, CNN was used as a deep learning algorithm commonly used for image recognition and Vgg16, Vgg19, ResNet50 and Inception-V3 models were used among CNN models. To improve classification accuracy, two datasets were created. Dataset1 selected five types with the most HS code images, and Dataset2 was tested by dividing them into five types with 87 Chapter, the most among HS code 2 units. The classification accuracy was highest when HS item classification was performed by learning with dual database2, the corresponding model was Inception-V3, and the ResNet50 had the lowest classification accuracy. The study identified the possibility of HS item classification based on the first item image registered in the item classification determination case, and the second point of this study is that HS item classification, which has not been attempted before, was attempted through the CNN model.
Classification; Recommendation; HS code; Deep learning; CNN;
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