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Verifying the Classification Accuracy for Korea's Standardized Classification System of Research F&E by using LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis)  

Joung, Seokin (National Research Facilities & Equipment Center, KBSI)
Sawng, Yeongwha (Department of Management of Technology, Konkuk University)
Jeong, Euhduck (National Research Facilities & Equipment Center, KBSI)
Publication Information
Management & Information Systems Review / v.39, no.1, 2020 , pp. 35-57 More about this Journal
Recently, research F&E(Facilities and Equipment) have become very important as tools and means to lead the development of science and technology. The government has been continuously expanding investment budgets for R&D and research F&E, and the need for efficient operation and systematic management of research F&E built up nationwide has increased. In December 2010, The government developed and completed a standardized classification system for national research F&E. However, accuracy and trust of information classification are suspected because information is collected by a method in which a user(researcher) directly selects and registers a classification code in NTIS. Therefore, in the study, we analyzed linearly using linear discriminant analysis(LDA) and analysis of variance(ANOVA), to measure the classification accuracy for the standardized classification system(8 major-classes, 54 sub-classes, 410 small-classes) of the national research facilities and equipment established in 2010, and revised in 2015. For the analysis, we collected and used the information data(50,271 cases) cumulatively registered in NTIS(National Science and Technology Service) for the past 10 years. This is the first case of scientifically verifying the standardized classification system of the national research facilities and equipment, which is based on information of similar classification systems and a few expert reviews in the in-outside of the country. As a result of this study, the discriminant accuracy of major-classes organized hierarchically by sub-classes and small-classes was 92.2 %, which was very high. However, in post hoc verification through analysis of variance, the discrimination power of two classes out of eight major-classes was rather low. It is expected that the standardized classification system of the national research facilities and equipment will be improved through this study.
Research Facilities and Equipment; Standardized Classification; Discriminant Analysis; LDA; Classification Verification;
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