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A Study about the Effect of Team Members' Entrepreneurial Intention, Diversity, and Supporting Activities of Assistants on Team Learning Effectiveness and Educational Satisfaction in the Entrepreneurial Education of University Students through Team Learning (팀 학습을 통한 대학생의 창업교육에 있어서 팀원의 창업의지, 다양성 및 조력자의 지원활동이 팀 학습 유효성 및 창업교육 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Joong Seog
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine whether the entrepreneurship education through team learning positively influences the effectiveness of team learning and the satisfaction of entrepreneurship curriculum. To do this, we analyzed the questionnaire data of 149 students who took the entrepreneurship course that was conducted by the team learning method focused on problem solving task among the entrepreneurship courses opened in the venture autonomous major. First, we examined the effect of team learning effectiveness and entrepreneurial education satisfaction on the effectiveness of the team learning by individual's intention for startup, diversity of team members, and supporting activities of assistants as independent variables. For this, hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine whether independent variables influenced the effectiveness of team learning, and whether the effectiveness of team learning mediates between these independent variables and entrepreneurial education satisfaction. The results of this study support the hypothesis that supporting activities of assistants will influence team learning effectiveness. However, the hypothesis that individual's intention for startup or team diversity influences team learning effectiveness was rejected. On the other hand, the results of the regression analysis show that individual's intention for startup has a significant effect on the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education. In addition, the effectiveness of team learning was found to be influential on the educational satisfaction, and it was verified that the effectiveness of team learning was mediating between the supporting activities of assistants and the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education. Especially, as a result of the hierarchical regression analysis, it was found that the significance of the supporting activities of assistants decreased remarkably. This suggests that the mediating path that affects the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education is very meaningful through the effectiveness of the team learning although the supporting activities of assistants are partially mediated. As a result of this study, it was found that the supporting activities of assistants are important in the team learning entrepreneurship education and it is also confirmed that the individual's intention for startup is also important. Especially, supporting activities of assistants were found to be an important factor affecting the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education through the effectiveness of team learning. Therefore, I think that it is essential to designing a practical education course that meets individual's intention for startup in the entrepreneurship education of university students and networking with the participation of internal and external experts or entrepreneurs. In addition, I think that it is necessary to think more thoughtfulness about the composition of team members in the team learning, and to provide more meticulous support to the effectiveness of the team learning.

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A Semantic Classification Model for e-Catalogs (전자 카탈로그를 위한 의미적 분류 모형)

  • Kim Dongkyu;Lee Sang-goo;Chun Jonghoon;Choi Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.102-116
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    • 2006
  • Electronic catalogs (or e-catalogs) hold information about the goods and services offered or requested by the participants, and consequently, form the basis of an e-commerce transaction. Catalog management is complicated by a number of factors and product classification is at the core of these issues. Classification hierarchy is used for spend analysis, custom3 regulation, and product identification. Classification is the foundation on which product databases are designed, and plays a central role in almost all aspects of management and use of product information. However, product classification has received little formal treatment in terms of underlying model, operations, and semantics. We believe that the lack of a logical model for classification Introduces a number of problems not only for the classification itself but also for the product database in general. It needs to meet diverse user views to support efficient and convenient use of product information. It needs to be changed and evolved very often without breaking consistency in the cases of introduction of new products, extinction of existing products, class reorganization, and class specialization. It also needs to be merged and mapped with other classification schemes without information loss when B2B transactions occur. For these requirements, a classification scheme should be so dynamic that it takes in them within right time and cost. The existing classification schemes widely used today such as UNSPSC and eClass, however, have a lot of limitations to meet these requirements for dynamic features of classification. In this paper, we try to understand what it means to classify products and present how best to represent classification schemes so as to capture the semantics behind the classifications and facilitate mappings between them. Product information implies a plenty of semantics such as class attributes like material, time, place, etc., and integrity constraints. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic features of product databases and the limitation of existing code based classification schemes. And describe the semantic classification model, which satisfies the requirements for dynamic features oi product databases. It provides a means to explicitly and formally express more semantics for product classes and organizes class relationships into a graph. We believe the model proposed in this paper satisfies the requirements and challenges that have been raised by previous works.

Research Trend of the Healthcare and Medical Care for Elders in the Journal of the Korea Gerontological Society (한국노년학의 보건·의료·건강영역 연구동향)

  • Kim, Hyun Sook;Park, Yeon-Hwan;Kim, Young Sun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.705-723
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    • 2018
  • In this study we review the selected articles on elderly health and medical care published in the Journal of the Korea Gerontological Society (JKGS) in the last 40 years, and make suggestions for future research directions for gerontological health and medical care issues. Of all the 40 year publications from volume 1 (1980) to 38 (2017), we first examined the 30th anniversary review on the subject of gerontological nursing care and healthcare policies published in JKGS from 1980 (vol. 1, No. 1) to 2008 (vol. 28, No. 2), and reviewed recent 237 researches of this decade (out of all 655 articles from 2008, vol. 28, No. 3 to 2017, vol. 38, No. 4). We could find the following trends. Firstly, the analysis of the primary authors in the past 10 years revealed that those in public health, nursing and other health-related including physical education areas have dealt the subjects focusing on physical health while those in social welfare mostly on mental health. That is, physical health has been the prime subject of researches in the health and medical care area. Secondly, in the same period quantitative researches were accounted for 89.9%, which is similar to the trend of the first 30 years 81.5 %. On the other hand, qualitative studies were only 11 cases and the focus group interview were the most frequently used method comprising 33.3% among them. Thirdly, the non-experimental researches in the past 10 years comprise 65.4%, which was 82.7% in 1980 2008 period, indicating the increasing trend in experimental researches to deal with the issues in medical and healthcare fields. Lastly, the subjects of the researches were mostly the elders who are healthy, residents of city areas, or home dwellers, and 60% of them were over 65 years old in the past 10 years while the proportion was 42.7% in the previous review period. 81.6 % of the researches in the past 10 years was dealing both genders, slightly decreased trend compared to 88.5% of the previous review period. This study reveals that the researches in non-experimental physical health remains the main stream of JKGS despite the efforts by some researchers to diversify the methods and subjects. Systematic and in-depth researches employing multidisciplinary, qualitative, longitudinal and meta-analytical approaches are called for to guide the gerontolgical health issues with preventive and proactive perspectives.

An Analysis of Research Trends Related to Software Education for Young Children in Korea (유아의 소프트웨어 교육 관련 국내 최근 연구의 경향 분석)

  • Chun, Hui Young;Park, Soyeon;Sung, Jihyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-196
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    • 2019
  • Objective: This study aims to analyze research trends related to software education for young children, focusing on studies published in Korea from 2016 to 2019 March. Methods: A total of 26 research publications on software education for young children, searched from Korea Citation Index and Research Information Sharing Service were identified for the analysis. The trend in these publications was classified and examined respectively by publication dates, types of publications, and the fields of study. To investigate a means of research, the analysis included key topics, types of research methods, and characteristics of the study variables. Results: The results of the analysis show that the number of publications on the topic of software education for young children has increased over the three years, of which most were published as a scholarly journal article. Among the 26 research studies analyzed, 16 (61.5%) are related to the field of early childhood education or child studies. Key topics and target subjects of the most research include the curriculum development of software education for young children or the effectiveness of software education on 4- and 5-year-old children. Most of the analyzed studies are experimental research designs or in the form of literature reviews. The most frequently studied research variable is young children's cognitive characteristics. For the studies that employ educational programs, the use of a physical computing environment is prevalent, and the most frequently used robot as a programming tool is "Albert". The duration of the program implementation varies, ranging from 5 weeks to 48 weeks. In the analyzed research studies, computational thinking is conceptualized as a problem-solving skill that can be improved by software education, and assessed by individual instruments measuring sub-factors of computational thinking. Conclusion/Implications: The present study reveals that, although the number of research publications in software education for young children has increased, the overall sufficiency of the accumulated research data and a variety of research methods are still lacking. An increased interest in software education for young children and more research activities in this area are needed to develop and implement developmentally appropriate software education programs in early childhood settings.

A Plan to Strengthen the Role of Citizens as Co-Creators of Smart City Services - Focused on the Development of Function Issue Card Technology - (스마트도시서비스 공동창의자로서의 시민 역할 강화 방안 - 기능카드 기법 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • JI, Sang-Tae;PARK, Jun-Ho;PARK, Joung-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Lately, the Korean Government has gradually expanded participation by local residents who are users of the area in the smart city project for the construction of region specialization smart city service (hereinafter called "Smart Service") and the enhancement in the citizen's awareness. However, due to the lack of information on smart service-related technology, there has been a limitation in getting the specific opinion of citizens in the process of designing the Smart Service. In this study, reports made by 4 four local governments which were selected for implementation of 2019 "Smart Town Challenge Projects" were reviewed to diagnose the actualization level of the smart service suggested by citizens through the living lab. The analysis results show that though the smart service plan was established by using diverse design thinking methodology through the living lab, there was a limitation in having citizens design the specific functions of the smart service. So, this study suggests the function issue card technique which can be used by modulating and freely combining four elements such as information collection, processing, supplying method and technique of the smart service and the service contents. This function issue card technique was directly applied to the living lab of the smart city project to verify its effectiveness. It was found that through this technique, citizens can combine the functions and contents of the smart service to materialize smart services at the level of detailed functions. The function issue card technique suggested in this study is expected to contribute to the actualization of opinions for the role of citizens as co-creators in solving local problems in the citizen participation type smart city plan in the future, thus helping the design of the regional specialization smart service.

Analysis of Social Trends for Electric Scooters Using Dynamic Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis (동적 토픽 모델링과 감성 분석을 활용한 전동킥보드에 대한 사회적 동향 분석)

  • Kyoungok, Kim;Yerang, Shin
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2023
  • An electric scooter(e-scooter), one popularized micro-mobility vehicle has shown rapidly increasing use in many cities. In South Korea, the use of e-scooters has greatly increased, as some companies have launched e-scooter sharing services in a few large cities, starting with Seoul in 2018. However, the use of e-scooters is still controversial because of issues such as parking and safety. Since the perception toward the means of transportation affects the mode choice, it is necessary to track the trends for electric scooters to make the use of e-scooters more active. Hence, this study aimed to analyze the trends related to e-scooters. For this purpose, we analyzed news articles related to e-scooters published from 2014 to 2020 using dynamic topic modeling to extract issues and sentiment analysis to investigate how the degree of positive and negative opinions in news articles had changed. As a result of topic modeling, it was possible to extract three different topics related to micro-mobility technologies, shared e-scooter services, and regulations for micro-mobility, and the proportion of the topic for regulations for micro-mobility increased as shared e-scooter services increased in recent years. In addition, the top positive words included quick, enjoyable, and easy, whereas the top negative words included threat, complaint, and ilegal, which implies that people satisfied with the convenience of e-scooter or e-scooter sharing services, but safety and parking issues should be addressed for micro-mobility services to become more active. In conclusion, this study was able to understand how issues and social trends related to e-scooters have changed, and to determine the issues that need to be addressed. Moreover, it is expected that the research framework using dynamic topic modeling and sentiment analysis will be helpful in determining social trends on various areas.

A Method of Reproducing the CCT of Natural Light using the Minimum Spectral Power Distribution for each Light Source of LED Lighting (LED 조명의 광원별 최소 분광분포를 사용하여 자연광 색온도를 재현하는 방법)

  • Yang-Soo Kim;Seung-Taek Oh;Jae-Hyun Lim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2023
  • Humans have adapted and evolved to natural light. However, as humans stay in indoor longer in modern times, the problem of biorhythm disturbance has been induced. To solve this problem, research is being conducted on lighting that reproduces the correlated color temperature(CCT) of natural light that varies from sunrise to sunset. In order to reproduce the CCT of natural light, multiple LED light sources with different CCTs are used to produce lighting, and then a control index DB is constructed by measuring and collecting the light characteristics of the combination of input currents for each light source in hundreds to thousands of steps, and then using it to control the lighting through the light characteristic matching method. The problem with this control method is that the more detailed the steps of the combination of input currents, the more time and economic costs are incurred. In this paper, an LED lighting control method that applies interpolation and combination calculation based on the minimum spectral power distribution information for each light source is proposed to reproduce the CCT of natural light. First, five minimum SPD information for each channel was measured and collected for the LED lighting, which consisted of light source channels with different CCTs and implemented input current control function of a 256-steps for each channel. Interpolation calculation was performed to generate SPD of 256 steps for each channel for the minimum SPD information, and SPD for all control combinations of LED lighting was generated through combination calculation of SPD for each channel. Illuminance and CCT were calculated through the generated SPD, a control index DB was constructed, and the CCT of natural light was reproduced through a matching technique. In the performance evaluation, the CCT for natural light was provided within the range of an average error rate of 0.18% while meeting the recommended indoor illumination standard.

A Study on the Emotional Happiness of Human (인간의 감성적 행복감에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Cheol-Yeong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2019
  • It helps to wisely abstain from errors of the a priori subjective emotions related to human emotions, and orders emotions to make rational choices. These emotional happiness of human and moral sensitivities work directly or indirectly in rational choice of rational thought and reason. Abraham would have been troubled by the divine mandate to sacrifice a son who was only one, and a son who had been healed. Was his reason reasonable at this time? In rational reason, it can be said that the act of dedicating his son is an appropriate act, but is it possible in the human mind? Aristoteles also called human virtue virtue in good for human beings. Because happiness is also a mental activity, we have to know a certain degree about the mind. This ψυχή(psyche, spirit) spirit is an irrational element that is invisible but an intervention in rational principles. Also C. G. Jung states that all human beings have four dynamic psychological functions that are not visible, and that the mind is driven by these four functional dimensions. This means that the elements of S, Sensing, N, Intuition, T, Thinking, and Feeling are combined. David Hume also emphasized the principle of empathy, asserting that morality can not be derived from reason, and Max Ferdinand Scheler, before grasping the visual characteristics of a person, has already captured the whole feeling of the person, And that the value given to this feeling is the value, and that the function of emotion that is elevated to the perceived object by grasping the value through this process and the value is always preceded by the reason. Emmanuel Levinas states that emotional emotions of love are ahead of reason and that emotions precede human reasoning and rationality is the inability of emotional control that we need rational thought and rational and wise action as reason of control and temperance. As part of human emotional education, in the 7th curriculum, Bloom's cognitive, perceptive, and behavioral domain, which is a person with integrated thinking, is trying to be a moral practitioner. It focuses on how to act according to the direction of emotions for virtuous acts and how to develop emotions for emotions on behalf of vicious acts. We can design the possibility and direction of cultivating human emotions and emotional happiness and happy sensitivities by the principle of strengthening virtue and the principle of elimination of ill feeling.

The Diagnosis of Work Connectivity between Local Government Departments -Focused on Busan Metropolitan City IT Project - (지자체 부서 간 업무연계성 진단 -부산광역시 정보화사업을 중심으로 -)

  • JI, Sang-Tae;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2018
  • Modern urban problems are increasingly becoming a market mix that can not be solved by the power of a single department and the necessity of establishing a cooperation system based on data communication between departments is increasing. Therefore, this study analyzed Busan metropolitan city's IT projects from 2014 to 2018 in order to understand the utilization and sharing status of departmental data from the viewpoint that cooperation between departments can start from the sharing of data with high common utilization. In addition, based on the results of the FGI(Focus Group Interview) conducted for the officials of the department responsible for the informatization project, we verified the results of data status analysis. At the same time, we figured out the necessity of data link between departments through SNA(Social Network Analysis) and presented data that should be shared first in the future. As a result, most of the information systems currently use limited data only within the department that produced the data. Most of the linked data was concentrated in the information department. Therefore, this study suggested the following solutions. First, in order to prevent overlapping investments caused by the operation of individual departments and share information, it is necessary to build a small platform to tie the departments, which have high connectivity with each other, into small blocks. Second, a local level process is needed to develop data standards as an extension of national standards in order to expand the information to be used in various fields. Third, as another solution, we proposed a system that can integrate various types of information based on address and location information through application of cloud-based GIS platform. The results of this study are expected to contribute to build a cooperation system between departments through expansion of information sharing with cost reduction.

A Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Integrated Education Research (통합교육의 효과에 대한 메타분석)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Park, Eunmi;Park, Jieun;Bang, Dami;Lee, Yoonha;Yoon, Heojoeng
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.403-417
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of integrated education research conducted in Korea and to propose a meaningful discussion for further research. Among the studies conducted for last three years, the relevant 161 research articles were selected, and 236 effect sizes were calculated. Effect sizes were analyzed with different dependant variables including creativity, problem solving ability, academic achievement, inquiry skills, creative personality, scientific attitude, and interests. In addition, effect sizes with different moderating variables, such as characteristics of subjects, sample sizes, class types, core disciplines and publication types, were compared. The results are as follows: The overall effect size of integrated education program produced a huge effect (effect size=0.88, U3=81.06%). Integrated education program showed the highest effect size on scientific attitude among other dependant variables. However, all of the other dependant variables represented more than medium size effect size. Integrated program proved to be more effective on kindergarten pupils and gifted students compared to other school levels and regular students. The effect size for group of less then thirty students were larger than other groups. Programs implemented in after school hours were more effective than in regular school hours. Considering the core subject of program, arts-centered integrated programs showed the largest effect size, while all the others showed above medium effect sizes. Finally, doctoral dissertation showed the highest effect size compared to master's thesis and academic journal articles. Conclusions and recommendations for further research were provided.