• Title/Summary/Keyword: 내용적 연관성

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Analysis of Students' Socioscientific Decision-Making from the Nature of Technology Perspectives (과학·기술관련 사회쟁점(SSI)에 대한 학생들의 주요 의사결정 논점의 기술의 본성(NOT)적 해석)

  • Lee, Hyunok;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2015
  • Since socioscientific issues (SSI) reflect various characteristics of new technologies designed to meet the incessant human needs in the contemporary society, this study explores the feasibility of adapting nature of technology (NOT) to analyze students' socioscientific decision-making. To achieve the aim, forty-five college students enrolled in a liberal arts course on science and technology studies participated in the study and responded to a GMO (golden rice) scenario in a written form. Four major viewpoints were identified from their writing: 1) is the technological artifact able to solve a societal problem?, 2) are there some alternatives to solve the societal problem?, 3) what kinds of side effects or flaws could turn up during distribution and consumption of the technological artifact?, and 4) can we cope with the technological uncertainty? We revisited the viewpoints within the NOT framework (technology as a 'fix,' cultural context and role of values, technological trade-offs, technology as a system, and technological progression). As a result, unlike NOS, NOT were quite explicitly represented in their decision-making and students' level of understanding on NOT varied. It indicates that NOT can be a promising construct for cultivating informed SSI decision-making.

A fragment-Driven Workflow Modeling Methodology (Fragment-Driven 워크플로우 모델링 방법론)

  • Moon Ki-Dong;Kim Hyung-Mok;Kim Kwang-Hoon;Paik Su-Ki
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2005
  • Many organizations have been recognizing the necessity of workflow automation technologies according to the rapid expansion of business process oriented applications, such as enterprise resource pianning, customer relationship management, electronic approval management, and so on, Thus, they have started adopting workflow management systems as an essential technological solution for their workflow processes, However, we need some technological extensions and improvements on them in order to accommodate a new type of workflow processes, which is called cross-organizational global workflow processes that require a certain level of collaborations between the organizations engaged in the global workflow processes, Fragment-driven workflow modeling methodology is a Bottom-Up methodology composing a global workflow by defining each organization's own activities, which is called a fragment through a realtime cooperative system. The approach is able to not only simplify the modeling work but also keep each organization's independence in modeling a global workflow, In this paper, we describe the fragment-driven workflow modeling methodology and realize the methodology through the implementation of a cooperative swimlane workflow modeling system.

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Recommended Method for Radioisotope Red-Cell Survival Studies (방사성(放射性) 동위원소(同位元素)를 이용(利用)한 적혈구수명측정법(赤血球壽命測定法)(ICSH 추천))

  • Berlin, N.I.;Dudley, R.A.;Garby, L.;Heimpel, H.;Lee, M.;Lewis, S.M.;McIntyre, P.;Mollison, P.L.;Najean, Y.;Pettit, J.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1980
  • 혈액질환(血液疾患), 특히 용혈성빈혈(溶血性貧血)을 수반(隨伴)한 경우(境遇)에 적혈구(赤血球)의 생성(生成), 파괴과정(破壞過程)을 정확히 파악하는 것은 빈혈(貧血)의 발생기전(發生機轉) 및 병인(病因), 치료(治療), 예후(豫後) 결정(決定)에 매우 중요(重要)하다. 적혈수명측정법(赤血壽命測定法)은 최근(最近) 방사성(放射性)동위원소(同位元素)를 이용(利用)한 방법(方法)이 소개된 이래 널리 시행(施行)되어 왔다. 그러나 그 방법(方法) 및 결과(結果) 해석(解釋)에 표준화(標準化)가 되어 있지 않았던 중 1971년 ICSH (International Committee for Standardization in Hematology)에서 expert panel을 갖고 ICSH 추천 방법(方法)을 발표(發表)하였고, 본지(本誌)에서도 그 내용(內容)을 게재(揭載)한 바 있다. 1980년 ICSH는 전문기관 및 전문가의 협조(協調)를 얻어 다시 expert panal을 갖은 후 1971년에 추진한 적혈구수명측정법(赤血球壽命測定法)의 일부(一部)를 수정(修正)하여 ICSH의 표준방법(標準方法)으로 발표(發表)하였다. 개정(改正)된 표준방법(標準方法)과 1971년 ICSH추친 방법(方法)과의 차이(差異)는 다음과 같다. $^{51}Cr$표지방법중(標識方法中) 참고방법(參考方法)(Reference method)인 ACD법(法)에 수정(修正)을 가하여, ACD solution 구성성분(構成成分)이 차이(差異)가 있으며, 표지(標識)$^{51}Cr$의 양(量)을 체중당(體重當) $1.5{\mu}Ci$에서 $0.5{\mu}Ci$로 제한(制限)시켰다. 투여방법(投與方法)에 대한 언급 특히 투여하는 표지적혈구(標識赤血球)의 용적을 정확하게 측정 하기 위한 방법 4가지를 추가하였고, 검체준비(檢體準備) 과정중(過程中)의 pipet error를 방지(防止)하기위해 일정(一定)한 형태의 pipet을 사용(使用)하며, 1ml의 tuterculin syringe는 사용(使用)하지 않기로 하였다. 또한 결과분석시(結果分析時) 혈구용적(血球容積)의 항정성(恒定性)을 위해 Sodium pertectnetate($^{99m}Tc$)를 이용(利用)해 혈구용적(血球容積)을 반복(反復)해 측정(測定)하도록 하였으며 이때 사용(使用)하는 방사성동위원소(放射性同位元素)는 $^{32}P$ 대신 $^{99m}Tc$로 하였다. 결과해석시(結果解釋時) IgG 항체(抗體) 또는 IgM 항체(抗體)에 따른 차이점(差異點)에 대한 고려가 추가(追加)되었다. ICSH와 국제혈액학회(國際血液學會)에서 수정(修正)된 ICSH 표준방법(標準方法)에 의한 적혈수명측정법(赤血壽命測定法)을 널리 소개(紹介)하여 결과(結果)의 표준화(標準化)를 기하고자 연관잡지(聯관(關)雜誌)에 게재(揭載)할 것을 요청(要請)하였기에 전문(全文)을 본지(本誌)에 소개(紹介)하고자 한다.

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A Search of the Community between Eight Constitution Medicine and Disease Ecology: A Perspective from Medical Geography (8체질의학과 질병생태학의 공통성에 관한 연구: 의료지리학적 접근을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Changkeun;Ryu, Je-Hun;Kim, Younghoon;Park, Sookyung;Jang, YoungHun;Han, JungHoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.897-916
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    • 2014
  • There is a considerable community between Eight Constitution Medicine and disease ecology in that they examine the relationship between humans and environment in terms of genetic, environmental and cultural factors, in addition to the factor of germs. In this respect, the purpose of this research aims to investigate the community between Eight Constitution Medicine, a branch of Eastern Medicine and disease ecology in geography. The research method is to analyse the clinical results from 647 patients and the data from a field survey on the Yeonggwang-gun County, Jeollanam-do Province. The results are summarized as the following: First, geographical distribution of patients varies depending on the type of physical constitution; it is also divided into two types, an oceanic type and an inland type. Second, it is highly probable that there is a significant relation between a vulnerable disease in association with a type of physical constitution and patient's native place; there are diseases that are not associated with all the patients who have the same constitution; they might be incurred by the eating or life habits in association with the characteristics of geographical environment. Third, the case study of Yeonggwang-gun County, Jeollanam-do Province, with a focus on the mutual relationship among the three factors. shows that patients, who share in common the eating or life habits that coincide with their own personal types of constitution, maintain a good health condition; if not, they tend to be exposed to a various kinds of disease. Because the study on the community between Eight Constitution Medicine and disease ecology is now at the early stage, diverse types of approaches should be tried to be applied in the future.

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A New Generational Spirit?: A Study on Welfare Attitude of Korean Young Generations (새로운 세대정신?: 한국청년세대의 복지태도 지형연구)

  • Sin-Young Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2023
  • This study purports to explore the landscape of welfare attitudes of young generation of Korea in their 20s and 30s focusing upon potential differences from those of older generations. Korea has recently been in the significant debate on pension reform and the disadvantages of relatively young generations has been on of the most crucial issues during the reform. Survey data from 17th Korean Welfare Panel are analyzed and such variable as attitudes toward government expenditure on public pension, health care, old age support, poverty, family and child care and so on. In addition, welfare-related variables such as universalism vs selectivism, tax increase for welfare expenditure, and political orientation are to be analyzed. The results show several findings. First of all, correspondence analysis shows that young generation in Korea are strongly associated with higher education and full time employment compared to older generations. Secondly, the most interested welfare issues of young generations are housing and child support. Moreover, young generations' attitudes toward government expenditure increase differ from those of older generations on the issues of public pension, housing, and family and child support. Lastly, political orientation of those young generation tend to be progressive and they support universalism in welfare policy, but they do not support tax increase for welfare purpose, which, I would say, is inconsistent.

A practical analysis approach to the functional requirements standards for electronic records management system (기록관리시스템 기능요건 표준의 실무적 해석)

  • Yim, Jin-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.18
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    • pp.139-178
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    • 2008
  • The functional requirements standards for electronic records management systems which have been published recently describe the specifications very precisely including not only core functions of records management but also the function of system management and optional modules. The fact that these functional requirements standards seem to be similar to each other in terms of the content of functions described in the standards is linked to the global standardization trends in the practical area of electronic records. In addition, these functional requirements standards which have been built upon with collaboration of archivists from many national archives, IT specialists, consultants and records management applications vendors result in not only obtaining high quality but also establishing the condition that the standards could be the certificate criteria easily. Though there might be a lot of different ways and approaches to benchmark the functional requirements standards developed from advanced electronic records management practice, this paper is showing the possibility and meaningful business cases of gaining useful practical ideas learned from imaging electronic records management practices related to the functional requirements standards. The business cases are explored central functions of records management and the intellectual control of the records such as classification scheme or disposal schedules. The first example is related to the classification scheme. Should the records classification be fixed at same number of level? Should a record item be filed only at the last node of classification scheme? The second example addresses a precise disposition schedule which is able to impose the event-driven chronological retention period to records and which could be operated using a inheritance concept between the parent nodes and child nodes in classification scheme. The third example shows the usage of the function which holds or freeze and release the records required to keep as evidence to comply with compliance like e-Discovery or the risk management of organizations under the premise that the records management should be the basis for the legal compliance. The last case shows some cases for bulk batch operation required if the records manager can use the ERMS as their useful tool. It is needed that the records managers are able to understand and interpret the specifications of functional requirements standards for ERMS in the practical view point, and to review the standards and extract required specifications for upgrading their own ERMS. The National Archives of Korea should provide various stakeholders with a sound basis for them to implement effective and efficient electronic records management practices through expanding the usage scope of the functional requirements standard for ERMS and making the common understanding about its implications.

Epidemiologic and Clinical Features of Indigenous Vivax Malaria in Children in Kyonggi-do Province Area (경기지역 소아에서 발생된 삼일열 말라리아의 역학 및 임상적 특성)

  • Kim, Jong Ho;Lee, Yoon Kung;Kim, Jong Hyun;Hur, Je Kyun;Chang, Ki Young;Kang, Hye Rhyun;Kang, Jin Han
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : In Korea, vivax malaria has been reemerged since 1993 after being abscent for more than 10 years. There are several possibilities of casuality of recent epidemic, although it is still unclear. The epidemiologic studies including case analysis and entomological reseach have been undertaken for a successful control measure. But, unfortunately those studies have been rarely dealt with cases of children. Therefore, this study was designed to figure out the characteristics of epidemiolgic and clinical features in children with indigenous vivax malaria. Methods : The study 21 cases below 15 years of age, who were diagnosed as vivax malaria and resided in kyounggi-do province area during 1998. 9~1999. 8. We retrospectively analyzed epidemiologic data concernig with occurrence of vivax, and clinical manifestations, abnormal laboratory findings and outcomes including therapeutic responses. Results : All cases were inhabitants of the endemic areas for vivax malaria in northwestern part of Kyonggi-do or western Kangwon-do, and Paju-gun was the most prevalent. Indigenous malaria cases of this study were more prevalent in children above 10 years old age, and in male. Seasonally, vivax malaria in children occurred throughout the year except January, March and November, and the incidence was the highest in July. Clinical manifestations revealed that 48 hour cyclic fever pattern was the major fever pattern, and other symptoms such as headache, vomiting, poor appetites, chilling, abdominal pain and diarrhea were concomitantly developed. And splenomegaly revealed the main abnormal findings on physical examination, and anemia was the most frequent abnormal finding in laboratory examinations. Young trophozoite was frequently observed on peripheral blood smears. The therapeutic responses of chlorquine were very good in all cases, and no recurrence developed in follow up cases. Conclusion : Geographical and seasonal occurrence distributions of indigenous vivax malaria cases in children were very similar to those of adults as followings; Inhabitants of the endemic region, more prevalent in male, and more common during the summer season. Clinically, 48 hour cyclic fever pattern, splenomegaly and anemia were most frequent and important manifestations in children cases, and clinical courses were not serious. On blood smears, young trophozoite was most dominantly examined in children. Generally, the therapeutic outcomes were excellent, and recurrences were not observed.

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A Study on the Analysis of Driver Behavior in Traffic Accidents Using Driving Video Recorder (차량용 영상기록장치를 활용한 교통사고의 운전자 행태 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Yun-Chul;Yoon, Byoung-Jo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1321-1328
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    • 2015
  • The automobiles in Korea have approximately 60 years of history and this is relatively short compared to advanced countries. However, considering the traffic accident rate or severity related to automobiles, various efforts are required to reduce traffic accidents. Various problems caused by traffic accidents are not only related to individual damages but also have become social problems. In order to resolve this, it is important to analyze the cause of traffic accidents. This study aims to suggest methods to reduce traffic accidents by analyzing driving behavior, which is one of the reasons for a number of traffic accidents that were collected through traffic accident videos reported using DVRs (Driving Video Recorder) and were aired to the public via a SBS TV program for the past two years and four months. In particular, unlike other existing studies that aim at analyzing the causes of traffic accidents simply using data, this study constructed a database by analyzing every single DVR that stores the situation before and after the accident using relatively high-resolution video information to provide practical plans to reduce traffic accidents through statistical analysis.

Exploring life in a public welfare housing for older adults using Stake's case study methodology (Stake식 질적 사례연구 방법을 통해 살펴본 어느 공공 노인복지주택에서의 삶에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yujin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of older adults living in the public welfare housing for the elderly and to examine what kind of this housing is as the housing alternative. Through the Robert Stake's intrinsic case study, it explored how older residents experienced this place, and how the relationships between residents, office workers, and community had been in the process, and what kind of issues were there. Various kinds of data, such as resident surveys, participant observations, interviews with 76 elderly residents and 4 office workers, and related newspaper articles, were analyzed using the thematic analysis method and methods suggested by Stake(1995). The results are presented as follows. First, it looked at who lived here and explored what was happening in this place where people of various backgrounds were gathered. Second, four types of life could be seen centering on the social relationship and daily life of older adults. Third, this study examined how the various ways of life were related to the main reasons for moving in here, and summarized how the residents perceived this place. The fourth and the fifth examined the relationships and dynamics among older residents, with office workers, and with the community, focusing on the two issues most commonly mentioned by residents. The results of this study show that, as a living organism, the interaction between the systems affects not only the culture of the housing, but also the lives of older adults. In particular, it can be seen how the perceptions of the practitioners are affecting the lives of the elderly. Based on the results of the study, further considerations were discussed.

Structuralization of Elective Courses in High School Home Economics(Subject Group) in Preparation for the Next Curriculum (차기 교육과정을 대비한 고등학교 가정교과(군) 선택과목의 구조화)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Baek, Min Kyung;Ju, Sueun;Han, Ju;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2021
  • The purposes of this study were to examine the current status of the establishment of home economics-related departments in colleges and universities and the changes required in the home economics curriculum of secondary schools, and to structure the elective courses of home economics subject(group) that can be organized in the next high school curriculum. To achieve these purposes, related literature and data were analyzed, and a questionnaire survey and FGI were conducted by home economics experts. The research results are as follows. First, home economics was considered to be highly related not only to the human ecology but also to social sciences, education, engineering, and arts and physical education. The numbers of technical colleges and 4-year universities with departments related to home economics were 1,405 and 961 respectively in 2019. Therefore, it was confirmed that there is a sufficient basis for opening home economics subject(group) elective courses in high school. Second, in the secondary school home economics curriculum, the concepts of culture, relations, independence, and sustainability were emphasized based on the changing life patterns and values. It was proposed that the contents of the home economics course would be structured in a way that allows deep and high-level thinking and helps students to enjoy culture. This demand can be implemented by diversifying, specializing, and structuring the elective courses of the home economics subject(group). Third, a total of 18 elective subjects and subject outlines were structured in the fields of child/family, food/nutrition, clothing, housing, consumption/family management, and home economics integration. This study results will contribute to the establishment of the high school credit system by providing basic information for organizing the next home economics curriculum, and expanding the options for home economics subject(group) to high school students.