• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기획 프로세스

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A Study on Sampling and Association Relation of Class to Express Game Software Characteristics (게임소프트웨어 특성을 표현하기 위한 클래스 추출과 연관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Yong-Sic;Cho Hyun-Hoon;Rhew Sung-Yul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.4 s.107
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    • pp.619-624
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    • 2006
  • Currently domestic game market rapidity is developmental but the game production process does not become systematization. Also it is bringing the failure of game that problem point of conversation between game planner and game developer.. The research which to conversation between game planner and game developer it sees does extracting a game element to expressed game characteristics from the product for game planning and it change extracted element into class and In order to express the relationship of element for it presents a relationship of class. Instance research it leads. It grasps a relationship among extracted classes and it supports systematic game planning.

Method and Case Study of Decision Tree for Content Design Education (콘텐츠 디자인교육을 위한 의사 결정 트리 활용 방법과 사례연구)

  • Kim, Sungkon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2019
  • In order to overcome the students' lack of information and experience, we developed a content planning tree that utilizes a decision tree. The content planning tree consists of a tree trunk creation step in which students select a theme and a story to develop, a parent branch generation step for selecting a category that can be developed based on the story, a child branch generation step for selecting the interesting "effect" method of producing the content effectively, a leaf generation step for selecting a multimedia expression 'element' to be visualized. The educational model was applied to game planning design and information visualization lectures, and provides examples of the categories, effects, and elements used in each lecture. The model was used for 145 team projects and the efficiency was confirmed by a step-by-step learning process.

A Study on the Convergence Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development (융·복합 창업교육 교과과정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Su
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2015
  • Creative economy has been characterized by ideas popularized commercialization. The commercialization of the idea is to develop a creative economy virtuous circle tool, entrepreneurship and start-ups for this serves as a key driver of the creative economy. Convergence, complex thinking and creative planning ability is always a lot from the 20s came a young man. So young age of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education, and is easily capable of founding a new culture is created by the right products and services they lead the more outstanding talent in the way of entrepreneurship creates even young and energetic national economy. Such a wide range of system implementation and curriculum development to complete the creative economy with ecology is also a very critical situation. The development of a systematic entrepreneurship curriculum that promote creative thinking and planning ability for creative convergence of economic times is a top priority. The present study considered that the early stages of convergence entrepreneurship program presents a convergence process of entrepreneurship education through a process-oriented research based on statistics.

Planning of Oral History of Korean Astronomy (한국천문학 구술사연구 기획론)

  • Choi, Youngsil;Kim, Sang Hyuk;Mihn, Byeong-Hee;Seo, Yoon Kyung;Ahn, Young Sook;Yang, Hong-Jin;Choi, Go-Eun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.66.2-66.2
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    • 2019
  • 구술채록은 특정 주제의 연구사 기록화 작업에 있어 후대에 생생한 역사체험을 전승할 수 있는 최적의 연구사업이다. 특히 국내 천문우주과학 분야의 원로들이 대부분 연로하다는 점에서 한국천문학 발전사에 대한 구술채록은 시급성이 더욱 요구되고 있다. 이에 한국천문연구원 고천문연구센터는 그간 기관에서 자체적으로 수행해 온 사료분류체계 수립작업과 단발적인 구술채록 경험을 기반으로 본격적인 구술채록 연구사업을 수행할 계획이다. 이 연구는 한국천문학 발전사 구술채록 사업의 절차적 방법에 대한 기획론이다. 크게 (1)구술채록 로드맵 수립, (2) 구술기록 생산 프로세스, (3) 산출물 관리 및 활용으로 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 구술채록 로드맵 수립에 있어서는 현대 한국천문학 발전의 태동기 1950년대 중반을 기점으로 역사연구 및 주제분류를 중심으로 천문학 구술기록 특성화를 기한다. 이를 기반으로 구술대상자를 선정하고 큰 맥락의 역사와 개인 생애사를 교차하는 분석 틀을 중심으로 인터뷰 질문지를 추출한다. 이 과정에서 구술대상자의 소장 사료를 도출하여 미리 잠재적 사료 수집을 도모하도록 한다. 둘째, 본격적 구술기록 생산 프로세스에서는 전 단계에서 이행한 수집정보를 바탕으로 구술 산출물을 제작한다. 면담일지, 상세녹취록, 요약본, 이용동의서 등 기타 필요한 구술 제반 서식을 바탕으로 구술 동영상을 산출하고 라벨링한다. 이 산출물에 대한 사실관계 검증 후 최종 산출물 완성 및 기타 행정 처리로 제작은 종료된다. 마지막으로 산출물 관리 및 활용에 있어서는 사료 수집 전략의 기반 자료와 다양한 지식정보콘텐츠의 활용체계를 수립한다. 더 나아가 향후 이 연구사업은 구술DB화와 서비스 체계화를 위하여 구술아카이브 시스템을 설계하는 데 성과물을 활용한다. 이 연구기획론은 한국천문학이라는 특정 주제에 대한 것이므로 큰 틀에서의 방법은 기록학적 전개방식을 차용하지만, 역사연구와 기록의 특성화에 있어서는 한국천문학 연구사에 대한 깊은 이해가 동반되어야 한다. 따라서 광범위한 한국천문학 네트워크에 해당하는 다양한 학회, 교육기관, 연구기관 및 각종 사단법인 등의 역사와도 긴밀히 연결되어야 성과물은 비로소 가치 있고 풍부할 것이다. 이 연구를 시발점으로 향후 한국천문학 발전사 구술채록 사업에 대한 다양한 관학연구의 인식 공감대가 마련되기를 기대한다.

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A Proposal of Practical Management Process for Product Design (제품디자인을 위한 실무적 관리프로세스 제안)

  • 류승호
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2003
  • A recent trend for product development requires that product design firms participate in every process in cooperations with clients. So, this study proposed an advanced practical management process for product design according to the new trend Because existing processes explain summary steps just including market research, design, engineering, manufacturing., to support the recent trend, an extended process which explains every steps should be prepared. Design development precesses include initial meeting, contact, kick-off meeting, market research, idea sketch, rendering, design drawing, design mock-up, design manual, engineering drawing, ES mock up, mold, manufacturing, and patent. To manage these whole design processes, designers should have abundant knowledge about them. This process has three merits: 1) understanding the whole processes, 2)the unity between design and manufactures, 3)collecting accurate information by market research, 4)elevating design quality. So, designers are able to manage whole product development processes. This practical management process proposes an advanced structure for product design development, and can be accepted for various product design development environments.

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Game Planning and Development IDE based on Script (스크립트 기반의 게임 기획 및 개발을 위한 통합 개발 환경)

  • Lee Don-Yang;Park Wee-Joon;Choi Han-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2005
  • It is important matter to develop game that language should consider improving game development environment. It is hardly any language that is designed to develop a game. Most developer used general purpose programming language in these situations, and directly modeling with engine. For this reasons, developers cannot easily develop games and must programming on engine level. It is hard to develop a game in this environment that was not able to understand an engine well. Moreover, developer and planner want to use an abstracted high-level language on planner phase and are going to easily develop a game. It was not have communication tool between developer and planner. Therefore, we defined a script language for modeling based on abstract engine level. In addition, we did build IDE to develop game using abstracted high-level language. It was able to develop a game on high-speed development environment. Therefore, developer does not must develop with engine phase but can develop a game with planners. In addition, game planner and developer can use a communication tool because it is able to develop skeleton game.

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A Systems Perspective on Performance Engineering in HRD (성과 촉진자로서의 HRD 시스템적 관점)

  • Heo, Kap-Soo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.241-258
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    • 2013
  • HRD professionals should be able to contribute to performance improvement by focusing on strategic business partner activities such as planning, organizational development, and organizational design. Taking a systems view is important in the development of strategy because simply offering specific interventions neither changes nor improves the fundamental systems of an organization. In order to guide the management of organizations as systems, HRD professionals need to not only deal with resistance to change in solution implementation but also identify quantifiable measures to judge the effectiveness of implemented solutions with partnerships with relevant stakeholders. HRD professionals are particularly required to play a critical role in aligning process goals, process design, and process management to improve performance. Adjusting human performance policies and practices to local cultural differences is also among the urgent tasks for HRD professionals.

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A Study on Application of CPLM using Process Model of the Pre-design stage (건축 기획단계 프로세스 모델의 CPLM 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Do-Young;Jun, Yeong-Jin;Moon, Sung-Kon;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.205-208
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to apply the process model of the pre-design stage to CPLM(Construction Project Life-cycle Management). Life-cycle consists of 4 stage; Pre-design, Design, Construction, Maintenance. Each stage has organic relations between front and rear stage. Therefore it is important to manage and use the information data of each stage. But these data are not carried to the next stage smoothly, especially at the pre-design stage. It is even vague to define the process of the pre-design stage. To carry and share the information well, this study defines Pre-design stage process and CPLM at first, VA-Cityplanner which is the development system of the pre-design process model is applied to CPLM for the smooth current of the data between participants.

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The correlation between the study of fusion and Game Development (학문의 융합과 게임개발간의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.651-657
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    • 2015
  • The game engineering is a fusion study that combines exquisite variety of fusion science and engineering. We presents the relationship between multi-disciplinary fusion and game development with the game developer's perspective when developing games. Humanities and sociological knowledge and experience with the developers has significant os impacts to refine the ideas on the game. This paper would present the process of the game design, story making based on the planned operation and the communication as between the team members for efficient operation through the process of creating the actual game, it will show the final version of the game. At the same time, it will research for the relationship between a number of studies for each process.

A Study on the Development of the Broadcast Content Creators' Information Behavior Model through Analysis of the Planning Process (방송기획과정 분석을 통한 방송콘텐츠 창작자의 정보활동모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Yeoun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2009
  • This study is aimed at developing a broadcast content creators' information behavior model through analysis of the process of information use including an integrated perspective such as cognitive, emotional and environmental aspects. Broadcast content creators have a common cognitive process and pools of information exchange and integration. In order to have emotional empathy with the general public they search and use the news and human and everyday life information seeking (ELIS). The most important thing is the context of social norms and culture in the broadcasting community and information about judgment is subjective and empirical.