• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기재

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Petrology of the Volcanic Rocks in Geoje Island, South Korea (거제도 화산암의 암석학적 연구)

  • 윤성효;이준동;이상원;고정선;서윤지
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1997
  • Andesitic pyroclastics and lava flows are deposited as a part of composite volcanoes by Cretaceous volcanic activity in Geojae Island, off the coast of Korea. The andesitic pyroclastics are composed of tuff breccia and lapilli tuff minor intercalated tuff. Lava flows are divided into dense and porphyritic andesite containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, pyroxene, and/or hornblende. The andesitic rocks represent charactersitcs of carc-alkaline BAR association with basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, and dacite to rhyolite. Major element variations of the volcanic rocks show that $Al_2O_3$, total FeO, CaO, MgO and $TiO_2$ decrease with increasing $SiO_2$ but $K_2O$ and total alkalis increase, and represent differntiation trend of calc-alkaline rock series. In spider diagram, contents of Sr, K, Rb, Ba, and Th are relatively high, but contents of Nb, P, Ti and Cr are low. These petrochemcial characteristics are similar to those of rocks from island arc or continental margein related to plate subduction. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of volcanic rocks are paralle to subparallel, with LREE enriched than HREE, and show gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly from basalt to dacite and rhyolite, suggesting comagmatic fractional crystallization with minor effects of assimilation and magma mixing. Andesitic rocks are assumed medium-K orogenic andesites that formed in the tectomagmatic environment of subduction zone under normal continental margin arc.

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Petrology of the Basalt of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (하와이 킬라우에아 화산 현무암에 대한 암석학적 연구)

  • Park, Byeong-Jun;Jang, Yun-Deuk
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2 s.48
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2007
  • Kilauea volcano located in the southern part of Hawaii island chains has been formed by continuous and sporadic eruption activities from 16 century to September of 1982. Kilauea volcano was investigated from collecting the samples of basalt to identify the geochemical characteristics of the lavas. Olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and opaque minerals with glass groundmass are observed. Clinopyroxene formed glomerophopyritic texture with plagioclase and zoning texture was observed in some of plagioclase phenocrysts. Major elements such as $K_2O$, $P_2O_5$, $TiO_2$ increased with respect to MgO. $Al_2O_3$ and CaO show the kink on Marker diagram due to the crystal fractionation of plagioclase and clinopyroxene with plagioclase respectively. Olivine has a wide range of Fo% ranging from 60 to 90, and MnO and FeO in the olivine are decreased with increasing Fo% oppositely increased $SiO_2$, MgO, and NiO. Ni in the whole rock is controlled not only by the mode of olivine but also by the Ni abondance in the olivine.

Introduction process of 'Corn' and its interrelation with 'Chinese millet' and 'Indian millet' (옥수수(옥촉서(玉蜀黍))의 도입과정과 기장(태(泰)), 수수(촉서(蜀黍))와의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Jong-dug;Koh, Byung-hee;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 1998
  • In 1492 year, the corn originated in America continent had spread all over the world after spreading into Europe by Columbus. Since the Corn had a similar shape with adlai's one (Yulmoo(율무)), it had been written by the different name of adlai (Yulmoo) at the "訓蒙字會(Hun-mong-ja-hoe)(1527)". Therefore we should consider "Hun-mong-ja-hoe" is the first record of the corn and it is a significant historic record in the civilization exchange between the Orient and the Occident that this record has the only difference of around 30 years later after the spreading corn to Europe. However, this is on the assumption that it is correct for a scholar of Korean literature to persist in that '叡山本' of "Hun-mong-ja-hoe" could be considered as the first edition. The corn had been once classified as a same kind of the Chinese millet because the people had been recognized the corn as a similar group of the Chinese millet and the Indian millet. The Chinese millet contains a summer vigor and becomes as an ingredient of alcoholic drink. And we can find out that $C_4$ type plant (such as corn, Chinese millet, Indian millet, foxtail millet) mostly have a tendency to belong to the food for "Taeumin(太陰人)", because of its high energy efficiency, a flourishing absorption of fertilizing and a strong emission power. The fried corn with a strong summer vigor and a raised feature has a good effect to the treatment of the teethridge disease. And the tea of corn with an warm feature, thanks to its functions of making the stomach and intestines comfortably as well as urination, is a proper food for the 'Taeumin" who is apt to overeat themselves.

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Effects of sulfur on the chemical properties of soil and yield of safflower(Carthamus tinctorius L.) (유황시용(硫黃施用)이 토양화학성(土壤化學性) 및 홍화종실(紅花種實)의 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Park, Jun-Hong;Kim, Ki-Jae;Park, So-Deuk;Park, Man;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Choi, Choong-Lyeal;Choi, Jyung
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the sulfur effects on the yield of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and the chemical properties of soil after sulfur treatment. Sulfur application was conducted with two chemical forms of sulfur powder and potassium sulfate. Sulfur powder was applied to the soil with levels of 0, 10, 20, 40 kg/10a and potassium sulfate was applied to the soil with levels of 10, 20 kg/10a as sulfur content. After sulfur application in soils, pH and available $P_2O_5$ content of soils tend to decrease after experiment, whereas the contents of $SO_4^{2-}$ and active Fe increased in soils. By the application of sulfur, the yields of safflower seed were increased by about $6{\sim}17$ percent compared to the control. It is apparent that seed yield and plant growth of safflower were increased by the sulfur application.

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Mineralogical Characteristics of the Granitic Rocks in the Southeastern Gyeongsang Basin (경상분지 남동부에 분포하는 화강암질암의 광물학적 특징)

  • Hwang Byoung-Hoon;Lee Joon-Dong;Yang Kyounghee;Ock Soo-Seok
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.365-383
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    • 2004
  • Granitic rocks in the southeastern Gyeongsang Basin can be classified into three groups. The group I contains various mafic microgranular enclave (MME) and/or mafic clot which implies magma mixing or mingling. The group II show the feature of shallow depth emplacement at low pressure, and the group III is characterized by A-type granite implying extensional tectonic environment. Mineralogical characteristics of the granitic rocks have showed systematic variations in perthite exsolution temperatures and biotite compositions according to their rock facies, although they do not show any distinctively different trend in geography and textures or rock facies. Amphiboles from Group I are calcic-amphibole and they were formed at 0.4 ~ 2.8 kb in pressure based on the amphibole geobarometry. Amphiboles from group ill are riebeckite, whileas amphiboles were not observed in Group II. The chemical composition of biotite defined in clusters showing a continuous spectrum between group I to ferric-annite of group ill. The composition of plagioclase generally plotted in albite, oligoclase, and andesine area without any distinctive differences among their geography or rock facies. The exsolution temperatures by perthite geothermometry are calculated as $300~400^{\circ}C$ in Group I, and 500~$600^{\circ}C$ in equigranular granite of group II and alkali-feldspar granite of group III.

Teacher Efficacy of Home Economics Teachers (가정과 교사의 교사효능감 관련 요인)

  • Lee, Jae-Suk;Lee, Hyong-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2009
  • This study intended to examine the effects of each factor on teacher efficacy. A questionnaire survey was administered on 225 home economics teachers in middle school in Gyeonggi-do, and a total of 194 copies of the questionnaire excluding poorly filled-out 31 copies were used for the final analysis. A questionnaire in a self-administering design was used to collect data on individual characteristics, teacher efficacy, self-esteem, development of expertise, and educational environment of school perceived by the middle school home economics teachers. The findings of this study are summarized as follows; First, there were significant differences in teacher efficacy according to age, education and service years. Second, significant differences were found in teacher efficacy according to self-esteem, development of expertise and educational environment of school. That is, the more positive self-esteem, development of expertise, participation of parents, characteristics of students and other teachers, and teachers' perception about teaching-learning aids were, the higher home economics teachers' efficacy became. Third, the study revealed that teacher efficacy was influenced by development of expertise, educational environment of school and self-esteem. Considering these results, positive self-esteem of teachers, practical teacher training, expansion of self-development training opportunity, aids from educational authorities in terms of money and time are needed to improve teacher efficacy of home economics teachers. Efforts should be made to help teachers have positive attitudes toward parents, students, and other teachers.

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Cretaceous Pterosaur Tracks in Daegok-ri, Ulju-gun, Ulsan: Spatio-temporal Distribution of Pterosaur in the Korean Peninsula (울산 울주군 대곡리에서 산출된 백악기 익룡 발자국: 한반도 익룡의 시공간적 분포)

  • Ha, Sujin;Chae, Yong-Un;Lim, Jong Deock;Kim, Cheong-Bin;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Kim, Kyung Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.458-472
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    • 2018
  • Pterosaur tracks were discovered recently in the Daegok-ri dinosaur tracksite (Ulsan Metropolitan City Cultural Properties No. 13), Ulju-gun, Ulsan. Those tracks were reported as being the first in the Cretaceous deposits of Ulsan area. This tracksite is located relatively far from the Gyeongsangnam-do coastal area where pterosaur tracks were reported intensively, and there are stratigraphic differences. This study described the pterosaur tracks and trackway of the Daegok-ri tracksite and discussed the spatio-temporal distribution of the Cretaceous pterosaurs in the Korean Peninsula. The pterosaur footprints founded in Daegok-ri can be classified as Pteraichnus ichnosp., followed by the morphological characteristics. Based on the distribution of the pterosaur tracks on the Korean Peninsula including the Daegok-ri pterosaur tracks, it was estimated that the Cretaceous pterosaurs on the Korean Peninsula had survived approximately for 40 million years from 120 Ma (i.e., Early Cretaceous) to 80 Ma (i.e., Late Cretaceous) and inhabited in various sedimentary environments regardless of the basin size and the specific sedimentary environments. Furthermore, the occurrence of the sauropod, ornithopod, theropod, pterosaurs, birds, and crocodyliforms tracks/trackways in the Daegok-ri area represented that the Cretaceous vertebrate ichnodiversity was fairly high.

The Relationship between Quality of Life and Depression, Anxiety in Hemodialysis Patients (혈액투석 환자의 삶의 질과 우울, 불안과의 관계)

  • Jeon, Yeong Ae
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2018
  • This descriptive investigation aims to identify a relationship between QOL, depression, and anxiety in hemodialysis patients. I conducted this research on 130 subjects aged 19 or above who have received dialysis for at least one month in the hemodialysis unit at N hospital in the city of S. However, it came to 112 as I took out those who either quit, died, or filled out a questionnaire in the incorrect manner. In regards to average points of QOL on a 100-point scale, it is 57.77, demonstrating quite low QOL. Concerning average points of depression and anxiety, it is 12.25 and 10.52, respectively, showing quite a high figure. With regard to a correlation, there is a significant correlation between the three factors in hemodialysis patients: there is a negative correlation between QOL and depression (r=-.782, p<.001); a negative correlation between QOL and anxiety (r=-.719, p<.001); and a positive correlation between depression and anxiety (r=.873, p<.001). The outcome of multiple regression analysis on factors affecting QOL shows that depression is the element influencing QOL (β=-.585). Therefore, this study is significant in providing basic data for establishing intervention strategies aiming to reduce levels of depression which has the strongest impact on QOL in the patients and for developing a nursing intervention program intending to improve their QOL.

A Study for Education Policy Suggestions through the Survey of Baekdudaegan Awareness (백두대간 인지도 조사를 통한 전통적 지리체계인식 확산을 위한 교육정책제안 연구)

  • Kim, Cha-Kwon;Jung, Tae-Yeol;Kang, Kee-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2018
  • Baekdudaegan is Korea's traditional geographic system which incorporates the mountains and water to constitute an organism. In this system, the mountain ranges of the Korean peninsula is categorized into one Daegan, one Jeonggan and thirteen Jeongmaek: a classification that follows the principle that 'a mountain range separates watercourse (山自分水嶺).' Among them, the scope of this study encompasses one Daegan and nine Jeongmaek which fall in South Korea. As for the methodology, this study interviewed the visitors to Baekdudaegan in South Korea and analyzed 2,519 responses. Among the interviewee, a very low proportion of 5.1% answered that they 'know' the traditional geographic system and those who 'know' Baekdudaegan were merely 39%. Only 11.8% said they 'know' Jeongmaek. Meanwhile, more than 60% answered that the natural environment of Baekdudaegan was 'well conserved,' and this can lead to the judgment that the environment is well conserved. Many answered that it was desirable to include Baekdudaegan in the curriculum, most effectively from the primary school, for promoting the awareness of Baekdudaegan. Currently, the traditional geological system is not included in the promulgated curriculum of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, the lessons from this study lead to a suggestion that the curriculum by the Ministry of Education shall allot courses on this traditional geological system. This policy will inculcate the identity of the Korean nationality and the fundamental concept of conservation by stimulating the affection to our territory and environment.

Activation plans of the Cultural Exchanges between Korea' and the Czech Republic's Animation (한국과 체코의 애니메이션 교류를 통한 문화교류 활성화 연구)

  • Park, Ki Bok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.619-641
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    • 2014
  • Animation is an important tool to establish the identity of mutually related countries, as cultural contents with the economic value. That is, it is necessary that the Korean animation should extend the previous boundary of exchange, for the status of representative cultural industry in the 21st century global market. Especially, to overcome the regionally prejudiced and unbalanced cultural exchange, the possibility of extension with Czech animation, which has not had an active exchange with Korea, will be considered and the efficient method will be proposed. The Czech Republic is geopolitically located in the center of Europe and its infrastructure like industrial construction, investment environment, human resources is outstanding among Visegrad Group. The Czech Republic has a remarkable cultural border-crossing phenomenon, and as a complex country of cultural and religious characteristics of eastern and western European, it is a powerful nation leading Central Europe. Therefore, the animation exchange of Czech and Korea is valuable in culture and economy of both nations. Through such an animation exchange of both nations, not only Korean animation secures the diversity of exchange but also insignificant cultural exchange after formal establishment of diplomatic relations in 1990, will be revitalized and international firm relationship of both nations will be established. Therefore, as an activation plan or cultural exchange of Korea and the Czech Republic, concrete plan like Stop Motion Animation Workshop is proposed.