• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업근로자

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건설.중소기업 관련 분야별 제도, 올해부터 이렇게 달라진다

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.258
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    • pp.74-77
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    • 2012
  • 올해부터, 국토해양부 장관이 고시하는 최저가낙찰제 대상공사에 대하여 포괄대금지급보증제도가 시행되며, 건설근로자 노무비 구분관리 및 지급 확인제가 추진된다. 또한 근로계약 체결시 근로조건 일반사항이 명시된 서면을 근로자에게 반드시 교부해야 하며, 장애인 고용부담이 강화된다. 본지는 올해부터 달라지는 건설 중소기업 관련 개편 시행되는 각종 제도를 소개한다.

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A Study on the Effects of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Disabled Workers in Social Enterprises (국내 사회적 기업 장애인 근로자의 직무만족과 직무성과의 영향요인 분석)

  • Oh, Dong-Rok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.314-324
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    • 2019
  • This study inspected 203 employees with disabilities who are working in social enterprises based in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do from March to June 2019 in order to find out the factors of self-efficacy, social support, wages and welfare, relationship with upper management and co-worker relationships which influence job Performance and job satisfaction of disabled workers. The implications of this research are as follows. First, the factors that positively affect work performance are self-efficacy and co-worker relationships. It was shown that trust and respect that disabled workers working in domestic social corporations perceive while diligently performing the work without any bias and getting from coworkers led to good work performance. Second, when the current wage was determined by the employee's perceived ability, skill and current workloads that fit to their ability, the workers expressed job satisfaction. Moreover, job satisfaction by the employees was followed by the perception of the possibility of living a more stable life with the current monthly income. Third, upper managements' care on personal issues, acknowledgment of autonomy and support through communication have led to job satisfaction among the employees. Lastly, considering the research result in which the social support that the disabled workers perceive does not show any positive effect on work performance or work satisfaction, it can be concluded that there is a need for a change in the social perception of disabled workers.

V+법률 업무상 산업재해 인정범위 - 업무상 산업재해 어디까지 인정해야 하나?

  • Hwang, Seon-Ik
    • Venture DIGEST
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    • no.2 s.127
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    • pp.58-59
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    • 2009
  • 산업재해라고 하면 으레 육중한 기계장비가 시끄럽게 돌아가는 공장이나 위험이 항상 도사리는 건설공사현장과 같이 육체노동을 주로 요하는 사업장엣 일어나는 사고를 떠올리곤 한다. 그러나 현대 산업사회에서는 오히려 업무와 관련한 스트레스나 과로, 정신적 노동으로 인한 질병 등에 의한 산업재해가 많은 비중을 차지하고 있고, 법원 역시 근로자인 원고 측에서 인관관계를 구체적이고 직접적으로 입증하지 못하더라도 어느 정보 개연성이 인정된다면 산업재해를 인정해 주는 추세에 있다. 근로자에게 예상치 못한 재해가 발생하면 피해자 개인에게도 매우 불행하고 힘든 일이지만, 회사 입장에서도 금전적 측면에서나 대외적 이미지 면에서 큰 손실이 아닐 수 없다. 그래서 산업재해를 당한 근로자에게 신속하게 보상이 이루어지도록 하고, 사업주(기업가)에게는 갑작스러운 경제적 부담을 덜어주기 위해 산재보험제도가 도입된 것이다. 회사를 위해 열심히 일하다 재해를 입은 직원의 조속한 업무복귀를 도모하고 기업의 사회적 책무를 다 하기 위해서라도 기업을 경영하는 사업주 역시 산업재해에 대해 기본적인 지식을 알아 둘 필요가 있다.

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A Study on the Difference between Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence (감성지능과 감정노동은 어떻게 다를까?)

  • Choi, Joung-Im
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.406-410
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    • 2012
  • 최근 기업들의 고객만족은 단발성 고객 유치를 넘어 고객의 기업 충성도를 높이기 위한 '고객 감동 서비스'를 강조하고 있다. 이러한 모토 하에서 많은 기업들은 직원들의 친절 매뉴얼을 만들어 CS(Consumer Service) 근로자들의 서비스 교육을 강화하고 있다. 고객센터에 근무하는 근로자 및 텔레마케터 등으로 대표되는 서비스직 종사자들은 무조건적인 고객을 향한 친절은 물론이고 고객만족을 이끌어 내고 고객을 유치하기 위해 기업들은 근로자들에게 강제적 감정 표현을 강요하기에 이르렀다. 예를 들어 근로자가 실제 느끼는 감정과는 별도로 그 어떤 '진상 고객'을 만나더라도 웃음을 잃지 않고 화를 내지 않기를 교육받는 것이다. 이를 통한 감정노동과 감정지능에 대한 연구가 최근 들어 활발해 지고 있다. 사실 감정노동이라는 것 자체는 서비스산업이 발달하면서 나타나는 불가피한 현상이기는 하다. 서비스산업 노동 자체가 고객과의 대면 상황을 전제로 하기 때문이다. 그러나 자연스러운 수준에서 일어나는 감정 관리, 다분히 인간적인 수준에서의 표정 관리 이상을 서비스산업 노동자들이 강요받고 있다는 것이다. 또한 최근에는 조직구성원의 감성이 조직생활에 영향을 미침을 인식하게 되면서 조직 내의 감성에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며 사람, 돈, 정보 등의 물리적 자원 등과 같은 조직을 구성하는 핵심요소와 함께 지식과 감성과 같은 비가시적인 자원 또한 조직을 구성하는 중요한 요소라는 주장이 제기되었다. 본 연구에서는 서비스 산업의 주된 감정노동과 조직 내에서 중요한 요소로 자리를 잡아가고 있는 감성지능에 대한 개념과 정의를 제시하고 감정노동과 감성지능에 대한 차이점 및 직무스트레스에 주는 영향에 대하여 연구하고자 한다.

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Worker-Driven Service Development Tool for Smart Factory

  • Lee, Jin-Heung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2020
  • Recently, many companies are interested in smart factory services. Because various smart factory services are provided by the combination of mobile devices, cloud computing, and IoT services. However, many workers turn away from these systems because most of them are not implemented from the worker's point of view. To solve this, we implemented a development tool that allows field workers to produce their own services so that workers can easily create smart factory services. Manufacturing data is collected in real time from sensors which are connected to manufacturing facilities and stored within smart factory platforms. Implemented development tools can produce services such as monitoring, processing, analysis, and control of manufacturing data in drag-and-drop. The implemented system is effective for small manufacturing companies because of their environment: making various services quickly according to the company's purpose. In addition, it is assumed that this also will help workers' improve operation skills on running smart factories and fostering smart factory capable personnel.

An Empirical Study on the Effects of SMEs Competition, ESG Management Activities and Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction : Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-efficacy (중소기업의 경쟁력, ESG 경영 활동 및 조직공정성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구 : 자기효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Jun, Se-hoon
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.41-62
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    • 2023
  • Given that SME workers are the driving force of national competitiveness and the basis and cornerstone of the industry, it is meaningful to study workers' job satisfaction and the factors that affect job satisfaction. In addition to variables related to corporate competitiveness and organizational justice, this study introduced variables such as environmental(E) activities, social(S) activities, and governance(G) activities, which th national government uses as major management evaluation indicators. Therefore, a literature study and empirical analysis were conducted on how self-efficacy affects job satisfaction when workers are faced with a changed work environment. To conduct this study, 300 copies of data were collected from workers in small and medium-sized enterprises and used for analysis. For data analysis, the SPSS statistical program (Ver. 25.0) was used. The study finds, first, that product or service quality and employee competency among corporate competitiveness had a significant positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Secondly, among ESG management activities, social(S) activities and governance(G) activities were found to have a significant positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Third, among organizational justice, distribution justice and procedural justice were found to have a positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Fourth, self-efficacy was found to mediate the effect of product or service quality, employee competency, social(S) and governance(G) activities among ESG management activities, and procedural justice among organizational justice on job satisfaction. The academic value of this study is that it empirically analyzed the factors that ESG management activities affect workers' jobs,. As a result, it was confirmed that workers were satisfied with their jobs by actively showing interest in social(S) activities and governance(G) activities among ESG management activities and participating in corporate management. In addition, workers sensitive to changes in the external environment can become satisfied with their jobs through self-efficacy when SMEs actively enhance corporate competitiveness, execute ESG management activities, and provide a fair organizational culture. Finally, this study suggests that there's a possibility of improving the competitiveness of SMEs through a virtuous cycle created by a change in perception of job conversion and a decrease in turnover.

A Study on the Effect of Participation in Work and Learning Dual System of Small Businesses on Employees' Job Competency Enhancement (중소기업의 자격부여형 일학습병행제 참여가 근로자의 직무능력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun Su;Lim, Sang Ho
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the effect of participation in work and learning ducal system of small businesses on employees' job competency enhancement. The study results showed that performance assessment significantly affected job competency enhancement(p<.001, ${\beta}=.514$). In conclusion, it is suggested that small businesses should consider performance assessment more important and actively include it in training program as generally utilizing off-the-job or on-the-job training method. This study provided implications for analyzing the effect of participation in work and learning ducal system of small businesses on employees' job competency enhancement, so it broadened the scope of the study about performance of work and learning ducal system and verified the effectiveness depend on the type of training.

The effect of career adaptability on turnover intention among older workers: the role of work engagement and perception on older workers (중고령 근로자의 경력적응력이 이직 의도에 미치는 영향: 업무몰입과 중고령 근로자에 대한 인식의 역할)

  • Kim, Young-Hyoung;Kim, Hye Kyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of older workers career adaptability on turnover intention and to examine the mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between career adaptability and turnover intention and to investigate the effect of perception on older workers on work engagement. A total of 458 cases were analyzed. The major findings were as follows: First, it was found that there was a negative relationship between career adaptability and turnover intention. Second, it was found that work engagement meditated the relationship between career adaptability and turnover intention. Third, the mediation effect of work engagement in the relationship between career adaptability and turnover intention did not differ according to perception on older workers. Based on the findings, practical implications about older workers' career adaptability and the way how to hold older workers.

Workplace learning experience for corporate workers under COVID-19 : Focusing on S Energy Company (코로나 19 상황의 기업근로자의 일터 학습경험: S에너지를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ju-Seok;Song, Seong-Suk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to do in-depth exploration of coroperate employees' learning experiences for workplace under COVID-19. We collected data through depth interviews from August 10th to November 30th, 2020 with five employees of S Energy company, and a qualitative case study was conducted using Ricci's 3-step analysis procedure. As a result, In the process of adapting from the landing of COVID-19, "The Story of a Distant Country," "No More Safe Zones," "Exploring effective responses created by a Sense of Crisis," and "Learning the changed way of work for adaptation." appeared. In addition, It has been found that the experience of learning in the work environment of the With Corona era includes "learning experience for survival from a sense of crisis", "learning experience for adapting to Untact culture", "learning experience through SNS communication", and "competitive learning experience for performance creation". In conclusion, employees have adapted to changes in the workplace environment through various learning experiences, which can enhance workers' ability to cope with crisis situations and can be used as basic data for an effective learning. In the future, we suggested follow-up researches of corporate employees in various fields.

Education and Training of Workers, Small Business men Impact on Job Satisfaction (중소기업 남성근로자의 교육훈련이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.654-659
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    • 2012
  • We target small businesses workers and identified a relationship of job satisfaction and verified that training is valid in the relationship of job satisfaction. So we have an object and it is basic data for provide improvinge workers' welfare policy. In this study, effectiveness, suitability, familiarity, clarity of training, and job satisfaction levels, organizational management and welfare, turnover attitude are of job satisfaction have a close correlation. So we can maximize the efficiency of business due to adjusting sub-variables of training adequately. This study has specific meaning that is uncovering the mediating effect of education and training for workers in small businesses. Now we can do policy implications and recommendations based job satisfaction factors, training factors, and the parameters of training scores.