• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기복비

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Comparison of Multi-angle TerraSAR-X Staring Mode Image Registration Method through Coarse to Fine Step (Coarse to Fine 단계를 통한 TerraSAR-X Staring Mode 다중 관측각 영상 정합기법 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Dongjun;Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.475-491
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    • 2021
  • With the recent increase in available high-resolution (< ~1 m) satellite SAR images, the demand for precise registration of SAR images is increasing in various fields including change detection. The registration between high-resolution SAR images acquired in different look angle is difficult due to speckle noise and geometric distortion caused by the characteristics of SAR images. In this study, registration is performed in two stages, coarse and fine, using the x-band SAR data imaged at staring spotlight mode of TerraSAR-X. For the coarse registration, a method combining the adaptive sampling method and SAR-SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) is applied, and three rigid methods (NCC: Normalized Cross Correlation, Phase Congruency-NCC, MI: Mutual Information) and one non-rigid (Gefolki: Geoscience extended Flow Optical Flow Lucas-Kanade Iterative), for the fine registration stage, was performed for performance comparison. The results were compared by using RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and FSIM (Feature Similarity) index, and all rigid models showed poor results in all image combinations. It is confirmed that the rigid models have a large registration error in the rugged terrain area. As a result of applying the Gefolki algorithm, it was confirmed that the RMSE of Gefolki showed the best result as a 1~3 pixels, and the FSIM index also obtained a higher value than 0.02~0.03 compared to other rigid methods. It was confirmed that the mis-registration due to terrain effect could be sufficiently reduced by the Gefolki algorithm.

Comprehensive Comparisons among LIDAR Fitering Algorithms for the Classification of Ground and Non-ground Points (지면.비지면점 분류를 위한 라이다 필터링 알고리즘의 종합적인 비교)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Cho, Du-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2012
  • Filtering process that separates ground and non-ground points from LIDAR data is important in order to create the digital elevation model (DEM) or extract objects on the ground. The purpose of this research is to select the most effective filtering algorithm through qualitative and quantitative analysis for the existing filtering method used to extract ground points from LIDAR data. For this, four filtering methods including Adaptive TIN(ATIN), Perspective Center-based filtering method(PC), Elevation Threshold with Expand Window(ETEW) and Progressive Morphology(PM) were applied to mountain area, urban area and the area where building and mountains exist together. Then the characteristics for each method were analyzed. For the qualitative comparison of four filtering methods used for the research, visual method was applied after creating shaded relief image. For the quantitative comparison, an absolute comparison was conducted by using control points observed by GPS and a relative comparison was conducted by the digital elevation model of the National Geographic Information Institute. Through the filtering experiment of the LIDAR data, the Adaptive TIN algorithm extracted the ground points in mountain area and urban area most effectively. In the area where buildings and mountains coexist, progressive morphology algorithm generated the best result. In addition, as a result of qualitative and quantitative comparisons, the applicable filtering algorithm regardless of topographic characteristics appeared to be ATIN algorithm.

Image Quality Evaluation in Computed Tomography Using Super-resolution Convolutional Neural Network (Super-resolution Convolutional Neural Network를 이용한 전산화단층상의 화질 평가)

  • Nam, Kibok;Cho, Jeonghyo;Lee, Seungwan;Kim, Burnyoung;Yim, Dobin;Lee, Dahye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2020
  • High-quality computed tomography (CT) images enable precise lesion detection and accurate diagnosis. A lot of studies have been performed to improve CT image quality while reducing radiation dose. Recently, deep learning-based techniques for improving CT image quality have been developed and show superior performance compared to conventional techniques. In this study, a super-resolution convolutional neural network (SRCNN) model was used to improve the spatial resolution of CT images, and image quality according to the hyperparameters, which determine the performance of the SRCNN model, was evaluated in order to verify the effect of hyperparameters on the SRCNN model. Profile, structural similarity (SSIM), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) were measured to evaluate the performance of the SRCNN model. The results showed that the performance of the SRCNN model was improved with an increase of the numbers of epochs and training sets, and the learning rate needed to be optimized for obtaining acceptable image quality. Therefore, the SRCNN model with optimal hyperparameters is able to improve CT image quality.

Laparoscopy-assisted Total Gastrectomy with Pancreas-preserving Splenectomy for Early Gastric Cancer: A Case Report (조기위암에서 복강경보조 위전절제술 및 췌장보존식 비전절제술 1예)

  • Park, Jong-Min;Kim, Do-Yoon;Lee, Jae-Man;Leem, Chai-Sun;Jin, Sung-Ho;Cho, Yong-Kwan;Han, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 2007
  • We report our experience with a case of performing laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy along with pancreas-preserving splenectomy for treating early gastric cancer. laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy was planned for a 62-year-old male patient with a double early gastric cancer located in the upper and lower third of the stomach. Five trocars were placed and we used a harmonic scalpel to dissect the greater curvature. Enlarged splenic hilar lymph node was encountered and they were proved to be metastasis by frozen section biopsy. We then performed total gastrectomy with pancreas-preserving splenectomy for the purpose of completely dissecting the lymph nodes along the splenic artery and splenic hilum. We created a 4 cm sized longitudinal mini-laparotomy below the xiphoid process to remove the specimen, and anastomosis was done via the Roux-en-Y method. The patient was discharged on the 9th postoperative days after an uneventful recovery. Our experience shows that laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy with pancreas-preserving splenectomy is a relatively safe procedure for treating upper third early gastric cancer with metastatic splenic hilar lymph nodes.

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Analysis of Acoustic Reflectors for SAW Temperature Sensor and Wireless Measurement of Temperature (SAW 온도센서용 음향 반사판 분석 및 무선 온도 측정)

  • Kim, Ki-Bok;Kim, Seong-Hoon;Jeong, Jae-Kee;Shin, Beom-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a wireless and non-power SAW (surface acoustic wave) temperature sensor was developed. The single inter-digital transducer (IDT) of SAW temperature sensor of which resonance frequency is 434 MHz was fabricated on $128^{\circ}$ rot-X $LiNbO_3$ piezoelectric substrate by semiconductor processing technology. To find optimal acoustic reflector for SAW temperature sensor, various kinds of acoustic reflectors were fabricated and their reflection characteristics were analyzed. The IDT type acoustic reflector showed better reflection characteristic than other reflectors. The wireless temperature sensing system consisting of SAW temperature sensor with dipole antenna and a microprocessor based control circuit with dipole antenna for transmitting signal to activate the SAW temperature sensor and receiving the signal from SAW temperature sensor was developed. The result with wireless SAW temperature sensing system showed that the frequency of SAW temperature sensor was linearly decreased with the increase of temperature in the range of 40 to $80^{\circ}C$ and the developed wireless SAW temperature sensing system showed the excellent performance with the coefficient of determination of 0.99.

Modelling Gas Production Induced Seismicity Using 2D Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Particle Flow Code: Case Study of Seismicity in the Natural Gas Field in Groningen Netherlands (2차원 수리-역학적 연계 입자유동코드를 사용한 가스생산 유발지진 모델링: 네덜란드 그로닝엔 천연가스전에서의 지진 사례 연구)

  • Jeoung Seok Yoon;Anne Strader;Jian Zhou;Onno Dijkstra;Ramon Secanell;Ki-Bok Min
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we simulated induced seismicity in the Groningen natural gas reservoir using 2D hydro-mechanical coupled discrete element modelling (DEM). The code used is PFC2D (Particle Flow Code 2D), a commercial software developed by Itasca, and in order to apply to this study we further developed 1)initialization of inhomogeneous reservoir pressure distribution, 2)a non-linear pressure-time history boundary condition, 3)local stress field monitoring logic. We generated a 2D reservoir model with a size of 40 × 50 km2 and a complex fault system, and simulated years of pressure depletion with a time range between 1960 and 2020. We simulated fault system failure induced by pressure depletion and reproduced the spatiotemporal distribution of induced seismicity and assessed its failure mechanism. Also, we estimated the ground subsidence distribution and confirmed its similarity to the field measurements in the Groningen region. Through this study, we confirm the feasibility of the presented 2D hydro-mechanical coupled DEM in simulating the deformation of a complex fault system by hydro-mechanical coupled processes.

MT Response of a Small Island Model with Deep Sea and Topography (깊은 바다와 지형을 고려한 소규모 섬 모델의 MT 반응 연구)

  • Kiyeon Kim;Seong Kon Lee;Seokhoon Oh;Chang Woo Kwon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2024
  • The magnetotelluric (MT) survey can be affected by external environmental factors. In particular, when acquiring MT data in islands, it is essential to consider the combined effect of topography and sea to understand the results and make accurate interpretations. To analyze the MT response (apparent resistivity, phase) with consideration of the effect of topography and sea, a small cone-shaped island model surrounded by deep sea was created. Two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) forward modeling were performed on the terrain model considering topography and the island model considering both topography and sea. The 2-D MT response did not reflect the topographic and sea effect of the direction orthogonal to the 2-D profile. The 3-D MT response included topographic and sea effects in all directions. The XY and YX components of the apparent resistivity were separated on undulating topography, such as a hill. A conductor at 1 km below sea level could be distinguished from topographic and sea effects in the MT response, and low resistivity anomaly was attenuated at greater depths. This study will facilitate understanding of field data measured on small islands.

Assessment of Topographic Normalization in Jeju Island with Landsat 7 ETM+ and ASTER GDEM Data (Landsat 7 ETM+ 영상과 ASTER GDEM 자료를 이용한 제주도 지역의 지형보정 효과 분석)

  • Hyun, Chang-Uk;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.393-407
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    • 2012
  • This study focuses on the correction of topographic effects caused by a combination of solar elevation and azimuth, and topographic relief in single optical remote sensing imagery, and by a combination of changes in position of the sun and topographic relief in comparative analysis of multi-temporal imageries. For the Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, where Mt. Halla and various cinder cones are located, a Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery and ASTER GDEM data were used to normalize the topographic effects on the imagery, using two topographic normalization methods: cosine correction assuming a Lambertian condition and assuming a non-Lambertian c-correction, with kernel sizes of $3{\times}3$, $5{\times}5$, $7{\times}7$, and $9{\times}9$ pixels. The effects of each correction method and kernel size were then evaluated. The c-correction with a kernel size of $7{\times}7$ produced the best result in the case of a land area with various land-cover types. For a land-cover type of forest extracted from an unsupervised classification result using the ISODATA method, the c-correction with a kernel size of $9{\times}9$ produced the best result, and this topographic normalization for a single land cover type yielded better compensation for topographic effects than in the case of an area with various land-cover types. In applying the relative radiometric normalization to topographically normalized three multi-temporal imageries, more invariant spectral reflectance was obtained for infrared bands and the spectral reflectance patterns were preserved in visible bands, compared with un-normalized imageries. The results show that c-correction considering the remaining reflectance energy from adjacent topography or imperfect atmospheric correction yielded superior normalization results than cosine correction. The normalization results were also improved by increasing the kernel size to compensate for vertical and horizontal errors, and for displacement between satellite imagery and ASTER GDEM.

An Ecological Aesthetics and Symbolism of the Seonghyelsa Nahanjeon Floral Lattice with Patterns of Lotus Pond Scenery (연지(蓮池)로 본 성혈사 나한전 꽃살문양의 생태미학과 상징성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Da-Young;Choi, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.160-171
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to find an original form of temple flower decoration patterns, considering floral lattice pattern as a view element composing temple landscape. To that end, we analyzed and interpreted the form and symbol expressed in the floral lattice pattern at Nahanjeon of Seonghyel Temple at Yeongju, Gyeongsangbukdo. The front side of Nahanjeon windows shows a sculpture with 176 pure patterns in a form where two squares are in sequence. The basic concept of main front door (the inner gate of Nahanjeon) frames is considered the design language of lotus pond that symbolizes "square land" in traditional gardens. The four leaf clover and arrowhead are water plants discovered in areas nearby ponds, which are a realistic expression conforming to the water ecology of lotus pond. The lotus, which is the most important plant at the main front door, indicates purity, a non-stained state, and the world of the lotus sanctuary, which is the land of blissful happiness in Buddhism. The lotus expressed in the floral lattice pattern is spread in a diverse form, containing the features of creation and destruction, showing the landscape character of the "One Body of Buddha and Lotus". The expression of flying birds such as kingfishers and egrets is an ecologically aesthetic idea to infuse dynamism and vitality into a seemingly static aquatic ecosystem. The floral lattice pattern contains lotus pond scenery showing symbiosis of animals(i.e., dragons, frogs, crabs, fishes, egrets, wild geese, and kingfishers) and plants(i.e., four leaf clovers and arrowheads), which are symbols of relief faith for longevity, wealth, preciousness, and many sons. The pattern is not just an ecological aesthetic expression but a holistic harmony of ecological components such as growth and disappearance of lotus and its leaves, fitting habitats, symbiosis, and food chain.

A Comparative Analysis of Forest Landscape Structures Between Famous and General Korean Forests Using Landscape Indices (경관지수를 이용한 산림청 지정 명산(名山)과 일반 산의 산림경관구조 비교분석)

  • Han, Hee;Song, Jung-Eun;Seol, A-Ra;Park, Jin-Han;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the landscape structures of the National and Provincial Forest Parks in the list of "100 Famous Forests of Korea" designated by Korea Forest Service by comparing them with those of the non-designated forests. Among the designated and the non-designated, 34 mountain forests were chosen respectively over all provinces of Korea. The spatial characteristics of forest landscapes were quantified as the landscape indices independently using FRAGSTATS and the two sets of results of analyses were compared each other. According to the results of the comparative study, the designated forests were found on the higher elevation with the higher average slope and the more complicated relief conditions rather than those of the non-designated. In terms of landscape structure, the designated forests show the larger average patch size, the lower edge density and the higher diversity of landscape components. These results indicate that the more hilly mountain forests with the more complicated spatial distribution patterns of patches are the characteristics of the designated forests. The indices of the forest landscape structure would be useful in understanding the perception of forest landscape.