• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교육후 생활변화

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The Effect of Make-up Education on Elderly Women's Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction (화장교육이 노인여성의 자긍심과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung-Si;Min, Kyung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.659-662
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 노인복지관을 방문하는 60세 이상의 노인여성을 대상으로 8주간의 화장교육을 실시하여 화장교육이 노인여성의 자긍심과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 조사 대상자는 전체 80명 중 연령과 화장관심도를 근거로 실험군 40명, 대조군 40명으로 나누고 사전 조사 후, 실험군에게 8주간 화장교육을 실시하고, 효과 검증을 위한 사후 검사를 실시하여 실험군과 대조군의 자긍심과 생활만족도를 비교하였다. 교육 후 노인여성들의 화장교육에 대한 평가는 대체로 만족도가 높았으며 연구결과, 화장교육을 받은 실험군의 생활만족도는 유의하게 향상되었고(p<0.05), 자긍심은 교육 후 대조군이 낮아진 것에 비해 실험군은 변화가 거의 없는 것으로 나타나 교육의 효과로 인한 결과로 생각되며, 화장교육이 노인여성의 자긍심과 생활만족도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다.

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Characteristics of the Education Participation Motivation and It's Impact on the Educational Satisfaction and a Positive Change in Life in Married Immigrant Women (농촌여성결혼이민자들의 교육참여동자유형별 특성 및 교육만족도.교육 후 생활변화에 미치는 효과 분석)

  • Yang, Soon-Mi;Lee, Eun-Jeong;Yang, Jeom-Nam
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.215-237
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and the impact of it on the education satisfaction a positive change in life after the education according to education participation motive types in married immigrant women. By the regression, education participation motive types(${\beta}$=.16) affected on the women's the education satisfaction significantly but it's effect(${\beta}$=.16) on the a positive change in life through the education affected insignificantly. By the ANOVA analysis, the activity-oriented among the education participation motive types were highest in the level of education satisfaction, self-esteem, marital satisfaction, the length of residence in Korea, and age. By the logistic regression, only the length of residence in Korea affected on the activity-oriented significantly.

Changes of Housing in the FCS Curricular from the 1st to 2009 Revised of Secondary School (중등학교 가정과 교육과정의 주생활 영역 내용 변화 - 1차 교육과정부터 2009 개정 교육과정을 대상으로 -)

  • Heo, YoungSun;Kim, NamEun;Choi, MinJi;Baek, MinKyung;Gwak, SeonJeong;Cho, JaeSoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of housing related to characters, objectives, and contents of FCS curricular from the 1st to 2009 revised curriculum of secondary school. The data were downloaded from the NCIC homepage(http://www.ncic.re.kr/2012. 04. 08) from the 1st(1955. 08) to 2009 revised curriculum(2012. 03) of secondary school. After examining the characters and objectives of each curriculum, contents of housing was analyzed by units and context elements of middle and high school separately. The titles of the subject, the objectives, the instructions, the leaning spheres, weekly hours, grade and gender of candidates, the emphasis of the instruction, etc. have been changed through the curriculum revision. The 6th curriculum was the main period to open to both genders, the $7^{th}$ was the period to combine with technology, the 2007 version was to change the structure of contents of home economics, and the 2009 version switched technology home economics from mandatory to optional in high school. The character of the courses was presented at the 1st curriculum, but it was left out from the $2^{nd}$ to $5^{th}$ curriculum. From the $6^{th}$ curriculum, the characters were separately given to middle and high school. The character of housing area started to appear only in high school home economics from the $7^{th}$ curriculum. The course objectives were described in all curriculum of both middle and high school. This applies to housing area as well. The course objectives have been modified in order to reflect value changes due to social issues. During each curriculum, contents of housing continued to change in context, course load, and candidates. Reflection of housing trends and social needs were the main causes of the change. 2009 version emphasizes on eco-life and sense of community.

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Analysis of the Contents of Clothing and Textiles Education of Practical Arts and Home Economics Education between before and after the Revision of the 7th Curriculum (2007 교육과정 개정 전과 후의 실과 및 가정과 의생활 교육내용 분석)

  • Park, Soon-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.37-60
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    • 2007
  • This study has been historically reviewed the clothing and textiles education through references. The clothing and textiles education had been informally offered as a part of household skill, skill of daily life and home skill before the law of school education was established. Therefore, we have reviewed the changes in the clothing and textiles education by separating the prior period between the end of the old Korea and the liberation in 1945, from the later period from the liberation up to now. And also contents of clothing and textiles education between before and after the revision of the 7th curriculum were compared and analyzed. The clothing and textiles education had put emphasis on sewing, handicraft and household during the prior period from the end of the old Korea to the liberation, but after liberation, it became involved in Home Economics Education. The number of classes and the contents of clothing and textiles education had been increased and deepened from the 1st term to the 5th term of curriculum. In particular, the 4th and 5th term of curriculum became a turning point where home life section was intensified. Even though the number of classes was reduced during the 6th term of curriculum, with increase in target school grades for this education, and Home Economics in the middle school remained an independent subject matter. However, during the 7th term of curriculum, Technology-Home Economics Education in the middle school courses led to losing independent subject name and shrinking its contents. Through the revision in the 7th curriculum, the clothing and textiles education achieved great improvement and progress by gaining balance in distribution of contents among school grades and balance between theory and practice. However it still remains as an issue to be more studied and resolved how well the contents are matched with the interests and attention of students. We need to consider and reflect request of students under learner-centered curriculum. Considering enormous changes in the environment surrounding the clothing and textiles education, it is crystal clear that the gap between existing contents of education and teaching methods and our real life will be widened. Because students' perceptions of value have been diversified, it is our task to develop better contents and learning system in order to help students have interests, attention and desire in clothing and textiles life in line with social needs for desirable clothing and textiles education.

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The Effect of STEAM Program Based on the 'Home Life' Area of the Practical Arts Education on Attitudes Toward Practical Arts and Learning Flow (실과 가정생활 영역을 활용한 융합인재교육프로그램이 초등학생의 실과에 대한 태도와 학습몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Keum, Ji-Heon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the STEAM program based on the 'home life' area of the practical arts Education for elementary school students, futhermore this study evaluated changes of elementary school students' attitudes toward practical arts and learning flow. The STEAM program was consisted of 7 teaching-learning plan for teachers and worksheets for students. Twenty-one students at 5th grade of the elementary school were voluntary enrolled in this study. Before and after learning, their attitudes toward practical arts and learning flow were investigated. Based on the findings of the study, major conclusions were reached as follows: First, the STEAM program based on the 'home life' area of the practical arts education was developed and useful for elementary school teachers. Second, the STEAM program has an effect on students' attitudes toward practical arts, Third, the STEAM program has an effect on students' learning flow.

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A Study on the Relationship between Teachers' Information Need about Guidance and Perception regarding Educational Guidelines to Improve Teachers' Perception of Educational Instruction (교사들의 교육지침 인식 개선을 위한 생활지도 정보요구와 교육지침 변화에 대한 인식 간 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Jinmyung;Lee, Jee Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.131-157
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to present the relationship between the teachers' information needs regarding guidance and the perception of educational guidelines issued by the Office of Education. The research design was conducted based on the reviewing theoretical background studies, and questionnaires were found in in-depth semi-structured interviews in a pilot study. Gyeonggi Province is divided into four regions, which is the target of the survey. Teachers of three schools in each region were surveyed, and eventually 217 copies of the survey were used for the final analysis. The result shows that the role of school libraries in caring for teachers' information needs ultimately influences the improvement of teachers' guidance. Based on this result, the study suggests ways to improve information services provided by school libraries. In particular, the study is meaningful in that it has presented a potential service plan that can be performed by school libraries to help address teachers' information needs about guidance in schools.

The Effect of Gender Equality Instruction in Home Economic class on the High School Students Consciousness of Gender Equality - focused on the Unit of Design of Home Life - (가정과에 적용한 양성평등 수업이 고등학생의 남녀평등의식에 미치는 효과)

  • Bae Eun-Ju;Lee Song-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.1 s.35
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • This study was a quasi-experimental study conducted in ${\ulcorner}$Design of Home Life${\lrcorner}$ unit of high school Home Economics. The purposes of this study was to analyze the effects of gender equity instruction on gender equity consciousness of high school students, and to raise gender equity consciousness of students. The summarized results of this study were as follows; 1. After experiment. gender equality consciousness of experimental group was higher than that of comparison group in all four areas, that is, home life, school life, vocational life and socio-cultural life. So there was statistically significant differences in gender equity consciousness between two groups. 2. The gender equity consciousness of the experimental group was higher In post-test than pre-test, so there was statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the comparison group. 3. After experiment, the change-rate of the gender equality consciousness In the experimental group was higher than that of in the comparison group, so there was statistically significant differences between two groups in the change-rate. As results of this study, in the ${\ulcorner}$Design of Home Life${\lrcorner}$ unit of high school Home Economics, it was proved that the gender equity class was effective on raising the gender equality consciousness of high school students in all four areas of home life, school life, vocational life and socio-cultural life.

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Trajectories of the elderly's life satisfaction after their retirement: A longitudinal Growth Curve Model (은퇴 후 생활만족도의 종단적 변화와 예측요인 : 잠재성장모형을 이용하여)

  • Kim, Dong bae;Yoo, Byung sun;Jeong, Yo han;Oh, Young kwang
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.169-199
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    • 2013
  • This study has a purpose to analyze trajectories of life satisfaction of the elderly after their retirement and how the characteristics of individual, retirement and family relationship have an effect on the life satisfaction. This study has investigated the Korean elderly, who had been retired, using the data from three waves(1st wave(2005)~3rd wave(2009) of the Korean Retirement and Income Panel(KReIS). Data analysis has been used to identify the predictors of the intercept and slope related to the life satisfaction after retirement, focusing the trajectories of the life satisfaction after retirement and individual characteristics, retirement characteristics and family relationship with application of the growth curve model by Amos 20.0. First, the intercept of the life satisfaction after retirement was somewhat below average. Life satisfaction averagely increased little by little from 1st wave to 3rd wave. Second, by conducting the conditional growth curve model, the study revealed that the intercept of the life satisfaction after retirement is high on individual characteristics(sex, educational level, income, health status) and in retirement characteristics(voluntary retirement) and satisfaction with family relationship and married life). Furthermore, health status, voluntary retirement, and satisfaction with family relationship asserted the meaningful variables in the slope of life satisfaction after retirement.

A Study on the Oral Health Status and Oral Health Awareness of Pregnant Women (임산부의 구강건강상태 및 구강보건인식 실태)

  • Lee, Sook-Jeong;Choi, Gui-Yil
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.128-130
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문은 임신의 시기가 내분비계의 변화로 인한 프로게스테론의 과잉분비가 발생하여 혈관의 투과성을 항진시켜 구강내의 잇몸 부종, 잇몸 출혈 등을 유발하고, 입덧으로 인한 메쓰꺼움, 몸의 무거움과 나른함, 음식 기호변화, 간식횟수의 증가 등을 겪게 되어 신체뿐 아니라 구강 환경 또한 변화하게 된다는 여러 관련 자료들을 근거로 임산부의 구강 건강상태와 구강보건인식을 파악하고자 2008년 12월 15일 ~ 2009년 1월 30일까지 180명의 임산부를 대상으로 구강건강상태와 구강보건인식에 대한 조사를 실시하였다. 설문의 결과 임산부의 생활수준, 분만경험, 임신시기에 따라 생활수준이 좋을수록, 분만경험이 없는 경우에서, 4-6개월 임신시기 시 구강건강상태에 대하여 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 건강한 구강건강을 위한 우선 행위인 잇솔질에서의 교육 수준별, 생활 수준별, 임신 시기별로 식사 후 3회 정도의 잇솔질의 횟수가 유의미한 차이의 결과를 나타내었으며, 잇솔질시 오심과 구토로 잇솔질이 어려운 임산부들의 구강상태 청결을 위해 사용되어지는 보조구강위생용품으로는 치실, 구강 양치액, 혀 클리너, 치간 칫솔이 사용된다는 결과가 나타났다. 이러한 결과의 자료들은 임신 시기 중 가장 고민된다고 답하여준 구강건강 부분에서의 입덧으로 인한 잇솔질의 어려움, 잇몸출혈, 충치, 치석제거, 구강질환 치료의 적정시기, 구취 등의 부분을 임산부 대상의 구강보건교육 시 기존의 자료에 조금 더 중점적으로 다루어져야 하는 부분임을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Study of Verification of Effect on the Environment Education Program for Children (유아 환경교육 프로그램이 생활태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Hyesook;Gang, Seonghyeon;Kim, HyunRan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.5995-6003
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to determine the recognition change and the effect of the experiential environment education on children and to obtain basic data for establishing an environmental education program appropriate for children based on the results. The subjects of this study were 200 kindergarten students and 200 mothers in Gu-mi,Gungbuk. The environment education program was applied to the kindergarten students, and their mothers observed the changes in the environmental living attitude and responded to the research tools. As a result, the environment education program improved the children's environmental living attitude. On the other hand, the effect cannot be observed in a short period. Continuous efforts will be needed and experiential environment education is very useful. In the sub-domain, the effect was high in the order of recycling, saving and prevention of environmental pollution. The effect on girls was higher than on boys, and the effect on six-year-children was higher than that of four-year-children. This study is significant in that it verifies how environmental education programs and activities have a positive influence on the establishment of children's behavioral, cognitive characteristics and their perception of the appropriate environmental knowledge.