• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교사 성장

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A Study on the Future Competency Education of Christian Alternative Schools Using Delphi Analysis Techniques (델파이 기법을 활용한 기독교대안학교의 미래 역량교육에 관한 연구)

  • Youngju Ham
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.135-157
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    • 2023
  • Competency means 'the ability to do something', and competency-based education means 'the process of education based on the concept of competency'. Competency-based education is generally implemented in general education. However, competency-based education has not yet been actively conducted in the field of Christian education. In particular, it has not been established academically on what competencies Christian alternative schools provide in common. Most of the previous studies related to competency-based education in Christian education are related to competency-based education conducted by Christian universities. Research related to competency in Christian alternative schools is mainly related to the professionalism of teachers or the ideology of Christian alternative schools. In other words, there are few specific studies on what kind of competency they provide to students attending Christian alternative schools. Therefore, this study aims to understand the reality of competency-based education conducted by Christian alternative schools using Delphi analysis techniques. Through this study, four goals and 20 competency elements of competency education pursued by Christian alternative schools were found. By categorizing the goals and elements of competency education, it can be divided into relationships with God, relationships with oneself, and relationships with others and the world. In conclusion, it was suggested that Christian alternative schools should provide education that pursues the universal purpose of Christian education based on specificity and reflect the goals and elements of competency education in the curriculum.

Examination of the Learning Motivational Process Models Based on Self-determination theory (자기결정이론을 토대로 한 학습동기 경로 모형 검증)

  • Min-hee Lee ;Taeyun Jung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine learning motivational process models, based on Self-Determination Theory(SDT) in academic settings. I examined if SDT's assumptions would fit for Korean adolescents, using a learning motivation scale(LMS), Basic Needs-autonomy, competence, and relatedness-Satisfaction Scale(BNSS), academic grades and life-quality scales, and also tried to search for the adequate motivational process models for Korean adolescents through regression analysis and structural equation model analysis. The results of this study are as follows. Basic needs satisfaction influences positively on the development of self-determinative motivation, which influences positively on academic achievement. But academic achievement and self-determinative motivation doesn't always influence on subjective well-being positively. And Korean adolescents who study autonomously or achieve good grades, are not better in a dimension of subjective well-being than others. Basic needs satisfaction while growing is more important than any other variables to improve adolescents' autonomous motivation, academic achievement and subjective life qualities.

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A Study on Eating Habits of Elementary School Students and the Perception on the Nutrition Education in Curriculum (초등학생의 식습관 실태 및 학교 교육과정에서의 영양교육에 대한 인식)

  • Lee Ji Eun;Jung In-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this was to present the efficient directions of nutrition education for elementary school children. We examined the problems of eating habits. nutrition knowledge, and perception and expectations on nutrition education of elementary school children in school. This study was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire and subjects were 562 elementary school children in Gyeonggi Province. All data in this research was analyzed through SAS program, and the frequency$(\%)$ and the $mean{\pm}S.D.$ on each question were calculated. Data for each group was analyzed according to sex and the difference among the groups were treated for significance by using chi-square test and Student t-test. About $87.6\%$ of the children have a meal over three times a day, and $76.7\%$ answered that they ate at a certain time regularly everyday. Only $69.6\%$ of subjects said that they ate breakfast everyday, showing very high levels of skipping breakfast. The most common frequency of eating snacks was 'once a day' in both sexes(male $52.2\%$, female $48.6\%$). In the perception on the eating habits, $69.3\%$ of children recognized problems on dieting habits, such as unbalanced diet. irregular eating time, and overeating. The perceived and correct knowledge of nutrition were $99.5\%$ and $86.9\%$, respectively. Most of the children$(99.1\%)$ acknowledged that nutrition education need to be carried out in school. And children want to deeply deal with 'cooking', 'growth and nutrition', 'good eating habits', 'nutrition and disease', These results indicated that elementary school children tended to have undesirable eating behaviors, but the rate of children who recognize the importance and the needs of nutrition education in school was high. Therefore, their parents and teachers need to perform continuous education through a curriculum and life instruction so that students have healthy habits by considering what the problems of nutrition habits are, as the elementary students considerably recognize problems of their own dietary habits and needs of nutrition education.

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A study on the operation realities of the teenager internet shopping malls and the entrepreneurship education (청소년들의 인터넷 쇼핑몰 운영 실태 및 창업교육에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Bo-Young;Oh, Kyung-Wha
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 2010
  • The object of this study is to compare the cognitive differences between teenagers who are operating the internet shopping mall and those who are not operating to analyze the effect of the enterprise experience on the career maturity of teenager. And we are to present the operation methods of teenager entrepreneurship education at school by identifying the difficulties of teenager internet shopping malls and investigating demands of teenagers for the entrepreneurship education. The results of this study are as following. First, the internet shopping malls established by teenagers were mostly operated with small scale and capital dealt with clothing and fashion accessories. It is difficult for most of teenagers to inform the shopping malls and understand the flow of fashion and demands of consumers. They acquired the informations on enterprise using internet or acquaintances. This is because there are no professional teenager entrepreneurship education. And they chose the confidence and spirit of challenge which are mostly needed for success of the internet shopping malls. Therefore, they can acquire the confidence and spirit of challenge by effective entrepreneurship education on resource management, team management, business plan and marketing. Second, teenagers who are operating the internet shopping malls got higher scores on career maturity and degree of need in the entrepreneurship education than those who are not. Thus the expansion of the systemed and diversified entrepreneurship education at school is needed to increase business practice and entrepreneurship. Third, most teenagers wanted the entrepreneurship education at school. They preferred external lectures who can teach them with professional experiences and practical knowledges using discretional activity classes or club activity classes. Dividend classes of creative experience activities including career, voluntary and club activities are increased in 2009 revised education curriculum. Using these classes, it requires to operate the entrepreneurship education which make students decide their career themselves through concrete education and experience. Consequently, the expansion of the systemed and diversified teenager entrepreneurship education at school is needed using development of practical entrepreneurship education program, professional teacher training and revitalization of entrepreneurship club activities.

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Contents Analyses of Housing Educational research in Home Economics of Secondary School (중등학교 주생활교육 관련연구 내용분석)

  • Park, Mi-Jin;Yu, In-Young;Lim, Il-Young;Lee, Jong-Hee;Cho, Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the contents of Housing Studies in Home Economics Education of Secondary School published in master's or doctorial theses and journals since 1985. The 24 research papers were analyzed by the type and time of publication, research subjects, data collecting methods, respondents & sample size, and statistical methods. The data were presented by tables with frequencies. The results showed that the most Housing educational research has been done as a type of theses and the number of published papers on Housing has been increased in somewhat. Over time there were two main theme of Housing educational research: general perception of housing and teaching - learning plans. Research methods, respondents and sample size, and statistical methods were obviously differed by the two research theme of Housing educational studies. This research suggested to broaden the research subjects as well as research methods beside to increase the number of studies on Housing area in Home Economics Education.

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초등학생 아침 안 거르기를 위한 보건소 건강증진프로그램 개발 및 효과에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Hae-Yeon;Moon, Hyun-Gyung;Cho, Sung-Eok;Lee, In-Young;Choi, Hye-Ryun;Jang, Young-Ju;Park, Young
    • Proceedings of the KSCN Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1058-1059
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    • 2003
  • 학동기(만 6-12세)에 좋은 영양 공급은 일생의 성장 발육의 기초를 조성하여 지적, 사회적, 정서적 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이에 초등학생의 영양문제와 식습관을 해결하는 방안의 하나로 최근 대두되고 있는 아침결식률을 낮추기 위한 ‘아침 안 거르기’ 사업을 학교와 연계 개발하여 프로그램을 진행하고 그 효과를 평가하였다. 이 연구는 서울시 강북구 관내에 위치한 4개 초등학교 5학년 학생 1026명(실험군 451명, 대조군 675명)을 대상으로 4∼9월까지 6개월간 5단계로 실시되었다. 프로그램의 효과평가를 위해 사전(실험군-학생 428명, 부모 416명, 대조군-학생 656명, 부모 589명), 사후(실험군-학생 427명, 부모 368명, 대조군-학생 608명, 부모 558명) 설문조사를 2회 실시하여 행동과 인식률 변화를 측정하였다. 프로그램은 매월 1회 담임교사가 진행하였고, 교육자료 및 홍보물은 아침먹기 캐릭터 가방걸이와 학부모의 참여를 높이고자 가정통신문과 교육내용을 함께 삽입하여 제작한 알림장, 아침먹기와 일찍자기를 실천할 실천스티커를 배포하였고 프로그램 종료 후 아침 먹기 실천달력을 제공하였다. 또 아동들 자신의 식생활을 바르게 꾸려 나갈 수 있도록 가공식품의 ‘영양표시’에 관한 교육을 함께 교육하였고, 설문조사를 통해 영양표시제에 관한 인식변화와 행동변화율을 측정하였다. 학생들의 아침식사 실천율은 매일 먹는 그룹이 실험군은 62.9%에서 69.6%로 7% 상승하였고, 전혀 먹지 않는 그룹은 11.2%에서 6.4%로 4.8% 감소하였다(p<0.001) 대조군의 경우 매일 먹는 그룹은 70.4%에서 70.2%로, 전혀 먹지 않는 그룹은 6.9%에서 6.5%로 나타났다(p<0.001). 아침식사가 건강에 미치는 영향에 대한 인식률 변화는 큰 영향이 있다고 답한 그룹이 실험군은 60.1%에서 64.8% (p<0.001)로, 대조군은 64.8%에서 57.2% (p<0.001)로 각각 변화하였다. 일찍 자기가 건강에 미치는 영향에 대한 인식률은 큰 영향이 있다고 답한 그룹이 실험군은 52.5%에서 70.7%(p<0.001), 대조군은 55.3%에서 60.2%로(p<0.001), 일찍 자기 실천에 대한 의지 변화는 11시 이전에 잘 계획이라는 그룹이 실험군은 31.9%에서 43.9%(p<0.001), 대조군은 35.5%에서 36.8%로 나타났다(p<0.001). 영양 표시에 관한 문항에서는 식품구매시 영양표시를 보고 구매한 경험이 없다는 군이 실험군에서는 58.2%에서 40.4%로 감소하였고(p<0.001), 대조군은 64%에서 53.6% (P<0.001)로 감소하였다. 영양소에 관한 지식 평가에서 짜지 않은 간식을 선택할 때 유의할 성분을 나트륨이라고 답한 그룹은 실험군은 31.7%에서 56.3%로, 대조군은 15.9%에서 23.0%로 나타나 그룹간 큰 차이를 보였다. 아침식사로 좋아하는 음식은 김치, 김치찌개, 밥, 피자, 고기, 빵, 된장찌개, 김, 햄, 계란후라이 순이었으며 싫어하는 아침음식은 피망, 고추, 양파, 김치, 시금치, 마늘, 콩, 파, 피자, 나물순으로 나타났다. 아침식사로 혼자서도 준비할 수 있는 음식은 밥, 라면, 계란후라이, 김치, 반찬, 볶음밥, 계란, 국, 햄, 씨리얼 순으로 나타났다. 부모의 인식률 변화는 가정내에 컴퓨터 설치장소로 적합하다고 생각되는 장소로 실험군의 경우 학생 방은 28.0%에서 21.6%로 6.4%감소하였고, 마루나 거실은 61.3%에서 66.0%로 5%증가하였다(p<0.001). 반면 대조군의 경우 학생 방은 28.8%에서 24.9%로 3.9% 감소, 마루나 거실은 63.4%에서 65.9%로 2.5%증가하여 실험군과 큰 차이를 보였다(p<0.001) 자녀의 늦은 취침시간과 아침식사에 관한 인식률 변화는 아침식사에 영향이 있다는 군은 실험군의 경우 78.1%에서 82.7%로 4.2% 증가하였고(p<0.05), 대조군의 경우 82.2%에서 80.5%로 감소하여 나타났다.(P<0.001) 연구결과 실험군의 경우 일주일 동안 아침을 전혀 먹지 않는 학생이 감소하고 매일 아침을 먹는 학생이 유의적으로 증가하여 아동의 아침식사 행동변화와 인식률 변화에 도움이 된 것으로 나타났다.

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A study on factors affecting high school students of school violence - Focusing on personality factors - (고등학생의 학교폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 인성요인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Duk;Chang, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.393-422
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    • 2015
  • The school is committed to the role of public education for the effective development of student academic achievement and intellectual ability. It is also a space to expand the range of care and understanding for others with as a member of the academic community as well. However, the reality of our country schooling has been pointed out that if a lot about the lack of character education related to the attitude of life care for others and feel a sense of responsibility. An individual is not necessarily emotional intelligence There are side out, as well as grow into adults, schools are obliged to teach a variety of methods associated with it. Nevertheless, education is not of the country beyond the formal excessive administrative work or other activities due to the process of character education to neglect, including the work of teachers. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. This study is based on an act of juvenile delinquency and criminology education was to refine the concept of toughness and validate the relationship between school violence through empirical research. Accordingly, from July 1, 2013 September 31, 2013 to 277 high schools across the country are attending the third year of the schools available for non-response and analysis of the students who participated in the admission and simulated typical presentation of K University in Gyeonggi-do not judge students in the final analysis, except for the data and data from a total of 1045 patients were utilized. As a result, many schools have experienced violence, male student work can be applied to a lot of rock school violence was experienced. Also, a lot of experience can be applied to a healthy student rock school violence, anger-control and empathy, this is considered a low student showed consciousness experienced school violence exerted.

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New Perspectives on Sunday School of Korean Church for Next Generation (다음 세대와 한국교회 주일학교의 새 전망)

  • Kim, Jeong Joon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.11-44
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    • 2021
  • In the early 21st century, the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has arisen during the development of the technological science of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has been a great challenge in all fields including politics, economy, industry, education and religion in Korean society. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Korean government announced 'social distancing guidelines,' focused on the 'prohibition of three conditions'(crowd, closeness, airtight) for safety reasons. These quarantine guidelines made it more difficult for Korean churches and Sunday schools to operate. In general, looking at the statistical data of the major denominations of the Korean Church in the second half of the 20th century, shows that the Church has entered a period of stagnant or declining growth. Data also show that the number of students attending Sunday School is decreasing. The researcher identified four causes of the crisis faced by the Korean church and Korean Sunday school entering the 21st century. These trends are influenced by the tendencies of postmodernism, the deconstruction of modern universalism, the certainty and objectivity of knowledge, and the grand narrative and worldview of diffusion. Moreover, it is a phenomenon in which the young population decreases in contrast to the increasing elderly population in the age of population cliff in Korean society. Sunday Schools are also facing a crisis, as the youth population, who will become the future heroes of the Korean church, is declining. Finally, constraints of Church and Sunday school education activities are due to COVID-19 Pandemic. As analysis shows the loss of the Church's educational vision and a decrease in the passion for education. Accordingly, the researcher suggests four new strategies for the next generation of Korean Sunday schools, whose ranges from 200 members or less; this range covers the majority of Sunday School program run by churches in Korea. First, in the age of postmodernism, a time of uncertainty and relativism, Christian Societies requires teachers who are certain of absolute Christian truth and faith. Second, in an era of declining population cliffs for younger generations, a shift to a home-friendly Sunday school paradigm is needed. Third, during the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities must appropriately utilize face-to-face and non-face-to-face communication. Finally, even in difficult times, Korean Sunday school should nevertheless remember the Lord's great commandment(Matthew 28:18-20) and restore the vision and passion of education to announce and teach the gospel. The researcher hopes that this study will provide small, positive steps in rebuilding Korean Sunday school educational activities for future generations in difficult times.

Exploring the Possibilities of Character Education in Various Interaction-based Mentor Program: Focusing on "Becoming a Science Teacher" Activity (다양한 상호작용 기반의 멘토멘티 프로그램에서 나타난 인성 교육 가능성 탐색 -"과학 선생님 되어보기" 활동을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sunhee;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.13-33
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the possibility of the character education and the concrete implementation process in the field of science education in accordance with the social demand for character education. Based on this purpose, the researchers tried to understand the specific character elements appearing in various science learning situations and to understand the qualities of each specific character elements that can be emphasized through science learning and the aspect of expression process in related learning situations. The researchers selected 11 students from the 7th and 8th graders in Seoul and developed and applied the 'Become a Science Teacher' mentor program in 2014 and 2015. Data collection was conducted through class recordings, mentor teachers' and assistant teacher's journal, artifacts, student journals, student portfolios, class listeners' essays for science class and analyzed qualitative data collected through constant comparison method. According to the result, we extracted 11 character elements and reorganized them into 16 specific character elements revealed in various learning situations based on the relationship between each character elements. The results of the study are eight specific character elements that can be emphasized through science learning and related learning situations. The eight specific character elements are 'responsibility for teaching behavior due to hierarchy of scientific knowledge structure, communication for forming scientific concept, empathic concern based on science learning experience, cooperation for promoting rationality of inquiry method, positive perception of scientific endeavor, respect for scientists' attitudes toward research, confidence in future scientific research, persistence in trial and error'. Based on the results of this study, we proposed the research methods of character in the field of science education in the future.

A Study on the Method of Christian Youth Education for the Improvement of Relationship (관계성 향상을 위한 기독 청년교육 방안 연구)

  • Park, Eunhye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.121-154
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    • 2022
  • This study is to summarize the relationship between youth in terms of developmental psychology, university education, faith, and spirituality in order to form and improve relationships, which are major developmental tasks of youth, and to suggest Christian youth education by the elements of education. Relationships are formed when you are connected to another person and community, feel interested in each other, feel a sense of bond and belonging, and maintain a stable and satisfactory relationship. This is not skill or technology, but is related to life attitude and value, and continuous learning and training are required. Various developmental tasks in youth have something in common with relationships. Relationships positively affect the lives of young people, such as satisfaction with college life in the early stages of youth, adaptation to college life, personality, and career decision. Relationships are also very important in faith because human existence and faith are defined and formed through relationships. The relationship between the community and others plays an important role in spiritual development for the meaning of life and inner growth. In the aspects of learners and educational environment, it was suggested to understand learners with desire for relationships, the generation they live in, and the educational environment in which the relationship between young people occurs. In terms of teachers, teachers have to try to change their roles such as facilitators, guides, managers, and mentors. For the educational purpose and content, it was suggested that relationships should be the ultimate purpose and the educational content for this was presented in three different types of relationships and each main contents to be dealt with. In terms of educational method, it was proposed to select a learner-centered group learning method that induces communication and active participation of learners to cause interaction by considering other elements of education according to the content of the relationship in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. In the aspects of educational results and evaluation, it was proposed to confirm that what was considered during the educational planning stage was effectively carried out in actual education, to evaluate various evaluation methods, various aspects, and to summarize the evaluation results for the specific application.