• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학태도

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The Effects of Science-Related and Scientific Attitudes in Small-Scale Science Experimental Learning on 3rd Grade Middle School Students (Small-Scale Science를 활용한 과학 실험수업이 중3 학생들의 과학에 관련된 태도와 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Jin-nyeo;Lee, Ji-Hwa;Moon, Seong-Bae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of science-related and scientific attitudes in Small-Scale Science (SSS) experimental learning on 3rd grade middle school students. Two classes were chosen from a middle school in Pohang and classified into two groups: the first group, the experimental group, composed of twenty-six students, undergoing SSS and the other group, comparison group, composed of twenty-five students who were taught experimental learning by the traditional teaching method. The major observations of this study are as follows: The SSS experimental learning significantly influenced the students' science-related and scientific attitudes within the experimental group. Also, there was a meaningful difference in the subcategory of science-related attitudes and scientific attitudes before and after the SSS experimental learning. Otherwise, there was no significant difference in comparison group. In conclusion, the class using the SSS was positively influenced in forming students' science-related and scientific attitudes. In particular, the effect on subcategories of science-related attitudes such as attitude towards science are more remarkable. The SSS experimental learning helps students to enhance the subcategorial factors of scientific attitude such as their curiosity, critical thinking, cooperation, self-participation, persistence and ingenuity. The SSS experimental learning, therefore, can improve learning attitudes.

The Effects of Experimental Learning Using the Small-Scale Chemistry on High School Students' Academic Achievement, Scientific Attitude and Science-related Attitude in Chemistry I (Small-Scale Chemistry를 활용한 실험수업이 고등학생들의 화학 I 교과 학업성취도와 과학적 태도 및 과학에 관련된 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Sook;Hwang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Se-Yeol;Kim, Dong-Jin;Park, Kuk-Tae
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of experimental learning using the small-scale chemistry (SSC) on high school students' academic achievement, scientific attitude and science-related attitude in high school chemistry I. For this study, two high school 2nd grade classes were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Experimental learning using the SSC in the experimental group, traditional experimental learning presented in the textbook in the control group were performed. The results showed that experimental learning using the SSC compared to traditional experimental learning was effective in improving academic achievement. The experimental learning also was effective in improving voluntary, patience, cooperativity in the scientific attitudes and social implications of science, attitude for science curriculum, attitude toward science in the science-related attitudes. Therefore, experimental learning using the SSC is necessary to actively utilize in high school chemistry curriculum.

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Relationships between Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science Teaching of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers and Their Attitude toward Science and Science Teaching Efficacy Belief (예비유아교사의 과학교수지식과 과학적 태도 및 과학교수 효능감 간의 관계)

  • Lee, Eun Jin
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching of pre-service early childhood teachers and their attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. A total of 294 pre-service early childhood teachers responded to a questionnaire that examined their pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching, attitude toward science, and science teaching efficacy belief. The results of this study were as follows: First, teachers had average pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching. The groups of 3rd and 4th grades were significantly higher than the 2nd grade group. Second, the teachers' recognition was below average in attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. The groups of 3rd and 4th grades were significantly higher than the 2nd grade group. Third, a meaningful statistical relationship was found between the pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching of pre-service early childhood teachers and their attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. As the score of pre-service early childhood teachers in pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching became higher, the score in attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief became higher.

Comparative Study on the Attitudes toward Science of Middle School, High School, and University Students (중.고등학생 및 대학생의 과학 관련 태도에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Shim, Kew-Cheol;Kim, Hyun-Sup;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.558-565
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of present study is to examine the science attitude level of middle school, high school and university students, and to provide the suggestions for science education. Instrument to invent science attitude consists of four domains as 'Scientific Inquiry', 'Importance of Contribution to Science', 'Normality of Scientist', and 'Social Value of Science'. Inventory instrument have 20 items(Likert scale of 1 to 5). Subjects are 70 middle school, 72 high school, and 95 university students. There is no significant difference among students by school, but the attitude level toward science of female students is lower than that of male students. 'Importance of Contribution to Science' among four domains has the highest score of attitude toward science, whereas 'Normality of Scientist' has the lowest attitude score toward science. To bring up scientific abilities of students, we conclude that it needs the educational plan to increase science attitude of students, through improving and developing curricular system and science curriculum for the secondary school and university.

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The Influence of Using the Concept Cartoons about Middle School Students' Science Attitudes in the Lessons on Water Cycle Unit (물의 순환에 대한 과학 수업에서 개념 만화 활용이 중학생들의 과학 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Wi, Su-Min;Jo, Hyeon-Jun;Mun, Eun-Yeong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of using the concept cartoons about middle school students' science attitude in the lessons on water cycle unit. For the purpose, they were developed to the learning program with concept cartoon and the instrument for the science attitude which has four categories; attitudes about science, attitudes about science subject, learning motives for science subject, and scientific attitudes. The research method was designed to quasi-experimental design. The concept cartoon was provided to the experimental group during nine lessons. Before and after the lessons in all two groups, the pre-post tests with the instrument were performed. The results from twice t-tests were shown that the domain of learning motives for science subject was only improved. From these, it were indicated that the concept cartoon was not effective all areas in science attitude, therefore the use in science lessons need to be restricted within narrow purpose.

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Scientifically Gifted Students' Science Related Attitudes and Its Relationships with Intelligence and Science Process Skills (과학영재의 과학 관련 태도와 지능 및 과학탐구능력과의 관계)

  • Yang, Tae-Youn;Bae, Mi-Ran;Han, Ki-Soon;Park, In-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.531-543
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to investigate that scientifically gifted students have distinctive science related attitudes in comparison with general students. In addition, this study examines the relationship among science related attitudes, intelligence, and science process skills. Two hundred sixty-six middle school students (169 boys, 97 girls) who enrolled at the Incheon Science Elite Program and 220(133 boys, 87 girls) students in a regular middle school participated in the present study. Research findings support that gifted students have more positive science related attitudes than general students as well as higher intelligence and science process skills. At last, low and non-significant correlation coefficients with attitudes and cognitive factors were found in gifted groups, whereas some significant correlations were found in general students.

The Effects of a Portfolio System on Elementary Students' Science Achievements, Inquiry Ability and Attitudes by Region and Gender (초등 과학 포트폴리오 체제의 적용이 지역이나, 성별에 따라 과학 성취도, 과학 탐구 능력 및 과학 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Seon-Hyung;Kim, Chan-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the applicability of portfolio assessment to ordinary elementary science classes, and the effects of a portrolio assessment on students' science achievement, inquiry ability, and science attiudes. Two schools were sampled from a metropolitan area, a city, and three schools from rural area in central Korea. Two fifth-grade classes were sampled from each school selected, and one class is assigned to experimental group and the other to control group, respectively. The total number of participants of the study are 475. Portfolio assessmest was administered to experimental group, and conventional teaching to control group for two and half month. Science achievement test, science inquiry ability test, and science attitudes test were administered as a pre- and post-test. Portfolio asseddment seems to be applecable to ordinary elementary science classroom. Statistically meaningful difference was not found in students' science achievemant by group, region, and sex. Students' inquiry ability and science attitudes showed statistically meaningful difference by region rather than group. Experimental group showed more positive scores on some sub-domains of science attitudes, such as perception on science education, and science career, interests in science activity, and criticism. In conclusion, portfolio assessment can be applicable to ordinary dldmentary science classrooms. The effects of portfolio assessment are at least the same as the traditional teaching on student science achievement, inquiry ability, and science attitudes.

The Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers' Analyses on the Components of Scientific Attitude by Learning Topics of Science Textbooks and the Educational Effects of the Analyzing Activity (초등 예비교사들의 과학 교과서 학습 주제별 과학적 태도 하위 요소 분석 및 분석 활동의 교육적 효과 - '지구와 우주' 영역 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Myeong-Deok
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.14-29
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the components of scientific attitude by some learning topics in the 3rd~6th grade science textbooks that the pre-service elementary school teachers judge to be teachable in class and the educational effects of this analysis activity for the pre-service teachers. The several results of this study are as follows: The pre-service teachers responded that, for all learning topics, they could teach diverse components of scientific attitude and the number of components expressed in their responses is more than the components specified in the teacher's guides. Among the components of scientific attitude, 'curiosity', 'open-mindedness', 'respect for evidence', and 'objectivity' showed relatively high possibility of teaching, while 'honesty', 'collaboration', 'positive acceptance of failure', 'critical mind' and 'suspension of judgment' showed relatively low possibility of teaching. The responses that pre-service teachers judged to be teachable also showed similar patterns in the number of components of scientific attitude and the rate of the components between the learning topics of the 3~4th grades and the learning topics of the 5~6th grades. In addition, this pre-service teachers' analysis activity on the components of scientific attitude by learning topics in science textbooks suggested educational effects such as 'the deep understanding of the components of scientific attitude', 'the understanding and applying the components of scientific attitude in the context of science class', and so on.

The Relation of Intelligence, Self-esteem, Mathematical Attitudes, and Scientific Attitudes of Gifted Students from Low-income Families (소외계층 영재의 지능과 자아존중감, 수학적 태도 및 과학적 태도의 관계)

  • Song, Kyung Ae
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1039-1051
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to measure intelligence (cognitive characteristics), self-esteem, mathematical attitudes, and scientific attitudes (affective characteristics) of gifted students from low-income families, and to identify the relationship among these variables. 147 students in the lower grades of elementary schools who were enrolled to university-based gifted education centers were participants of the study. The results showed that the percentile scores of each variable were 85% for intelligence, 75.6% for self-esteem, 73.3% for mathematical attitudes, and 71.3% for mathematical attitudes. There was no statistically significant relationship between intelligence and the affective characteristics (i.e., self-esteem, mathematical attitudes, and scientific attitudes), while statistically significant relationships were shown between self-esteem and mathematical attitudes (r=.448, p=.000), between self-esteem and scientific attitudes (r=.522, p=.000), and between mathematical attitudes and scientific attitudes (r=.448, p=.000). The results suggest that although the gifted students from low-income families show lower levels compared to other gifted student groups, their potential level of giftedness is considerably high, which calls for appropriate educational support systems designed for this population.

Effects of Science Club Activity on Science-Related Attitudes of Female Elementary School Students (과학반 활동이 초등학교 여학생들의 과학 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Ae-Kyung;Jang, Chi-Hoon;Hyun, Dong-Geol
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how extracurricular science club activities affect sciencerelated attitudes of female elementary school students. The experimental group was organised with thirty female elementary school students selected from a school in a small city and two schools in a town at Jeju special selfgoverning province. The students were encouraged to participate in a variety of scientific experiences and inquiry activities for ten months. The control group consisted of another thirty girl students chosen from the same schools. The pre-test and post-test on science-related attitudes were administered to both the experimental and control groups. The result of this study shows that meaningful changes have been observed in science-related attitudes of the experimental group, whereas the control group reveals no meaningful changes. Science-related attitudes have been analyzed in three categories such as cognition, interests, scientific attitude. The experimental group shows meaningful changes in all of the three categories, while the control group shows no change in any category. When the female students from small city and those from the town were separated, the result shows that the latter shows more positive changes in science-related attitudes through science club activities than the former.