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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 과충전

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Empirical Study for the Effects of Various Filler-Shapes on the Modulus of PP Composites (충전제 함량과 형태에 따른 PP복합체의 모듈러스 변화에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Min;Jeoung, Sun-Kyoung;Shim, Je-Hyeon;Hwang, Hyo-Yeon;Lee, Kee-Yoon
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.346-351
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    • 2010
  • The mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP) composites, especially the effects of the filler shapes on the modulus were studied. The experimental results were investigated and compared with the theoretical approaches proposed by Lee and Paul and based on Eshelby's principle, which three dimensional ellipsoids were filled as filler and analyzed in terms of aspect ratio, ρα=a1/a3 and ρβ=a1/a2. The shapes of fillers were observed by SEM and aspect ratios were statistically calculated. Young's moduli in the longitudinal and transverse directions for barium sulfate whose shape was sphere (ρα=ρβ=1) had the same values, as predicted values. The modulus in the x1 direction for a glass fibers increased as the filler content increased, while the modulus in the x3 direction was increased relatively small. Furthermore, mica was also used to investigate the effects of the primary and secondary aspect ratios on the mechanical properties.

Calculation and Comparison of Liquid Oxygen Filling System between the KSLV-I Flight Test Data and the Modeling of the KSLV-II Launch Complex (한국형발사체 발사대시스템 산화제공급계 충전 운용 설계의 검증을 위한 나로호 비행시험 실증 자료 분석)

  • Seo, Mansu;Lee, Jae Jun;Hong, Ilgu;Kang, Sunil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2018
  • Korea Space Launch Vehicle (KSLV)-I flight test data and the modified 1-dimensional steady state modeling data from the critical design results of the KSLV-II liquid oxygen filling system operation are compared to validate the reliability of critical design modeling. A comparison of major flow rates and pressure values between test data and calculation results are conducted. The relative errors relative to maximum total flow rate for each cooling, filling, and replenishment mode are determined within 6.7%. Calculated pressure values at the outlet of the pump and the inlet of flow control valves are within 5.1%. The pressure at the inlet of the launch vehicle for each operation mode are within the measured pressure range.

Comparison of WiFi Protocols for Safety Communication Between Hydrogen Refueling Station and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (수소충전소와 수소전기차간의 안전통신을 위한 WiFi 프로토콜 비교)

  • Ha-Jin Hwang;Dong-Geon So;Do-Ho Cha;Hye-Jin Chae;Seo-Hee Jung;Sung-Ho Hwang
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2023
  • SAE J2601 and SAE J2799, the communication protocols between a hydrogen refueling station and a fuel cell electric vehicle, only cover hydrogen charging. In this paper, we measure the hydrogen detection, current, and voltage of a fuel cell electric vehicle and transmit the sensor data to the hydrogen refueling station by changing the WiFi protocol. A small-scale laboratory model was built using Raspberry Pi for sensing, controlling, and transmitting sensor data of a fuel cell electric vehicle. The sensor data was stored in the database of the hydrogen refueling station, and a dashboard was configured using Grafana to analyze the stored data. When hydrogen is detected, the dispenser valve of the hydrogen refueling station is locked. Then, we measured the average transmission delay according to the WiFi protocol. The results showed that IEEE 802.11a is the most suitable WiFi protocol for transmitting sensor data between the hydrogen refueling station and the fuel cell electric vehicle.

Research on countermeasures against man-in-the-middle attacks through analysis and demonstration of V2G communication protocol security threats (V2G 통신 프로토콜 보안 위협 분석 및 실증을 통한 중간자 공격 대응 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yubin Kim;Donghyuk Shin;Ieckchae Euom
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2024
  • As electric vehicles (EVs) become more widespread, EV charging infrastructure has expanded accordingly. The introduction of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) communication, which enables interaction between EVs and chargers, has enhanced the functionality of this infrastructure but also increased potential attack vectors. While existing studies identify threats to V2G communication, they often lack demonstration and countermeasures. This study addresses these gaps by identifying and demonstrating vulnerabilities in a V2G communication simulator. Specifically, weaknesses in the SLAC (Signal Level Attenuation Characterization) and SDP (SECC Discovery Protocol) protocols, which establish sessions between EVs and chargers, are exploited by man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. These vulnerabilities stem from inadequate authentication, allowing attackers to intercept and modify user data. To mitigate this, we propose an authentication method using tokens to prevent untrusted connections, effectively countering MITM attacks.

Mineralogical Characteristics of Fracture-Filling Minerals from the Deep Borehole in the Yuseong Area for the Radioactive Waste Disposal Project (방사성폐기물처분연구를 위한 유성지역 화강암내 심부 시추공 단열충전광물의 광물학적 특성)

  • 김건영;고용권;배대석;김천수
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2004
  • Mineralogical characteristics of fracture-filling minerals from deep borehole in the Yuseong area were studied for the radioactive waste disposal project. There are many fracture zones in the deep drill holes of the Yuseong granite, which was locally affected by the hydrothermal alteration. According to the results of hole rock analysis of drill core samples, SiO2 contents are distinctly decreased, whereas Al2O3 and CaO contents and L.O.I. values are increased in the -90 m∼-130 m and -230 m∼-250 m zone, which is related to the formations of filling minerals. Fracture-filling minerals mainly consist of zeolite minerals (laumontite and heulandite), calcite, illite (2M1 and 1Md polytypes), chlorite, epidote and kaolinite. The relative frequency of occurrence among the fracture-filling minerals is calcite zeolite mineral > illite > epidote chlorite kaolinite. Judging from the SEM observation and EPMA analysis, there is no systematic change in the texture and chemical composition of the fracture-filling minerals with depth. In the study area, low temperature hydrothermal alteration was overlapped with water-rock interactions for a long geological time through the fracture zone developed in the granite body. Therefore the further study on the origin and paragenesis of the fracture-filling minerals are required.

Study on Application of Filling Material for Reinforcement of Soil Murals in Buddhist Temple (토벽화 균열부 보강에 사용되는 충전제 적용 연구)

  • Lee, Kyeong Min;Lee, Hwa Soo;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2013
  • The conservation of damaged object should be restored by the similar material with the original and they have to reversibility as possible as. The characteristics of Buddhist mural paintings composed of clay are with soft material. So far, there have been a number of researches done on filling material that reinforces cracks and exfoliation of mural painting. Based on the application of traditional materials, it was found that they are appropriate to various applications. However, only based on those research results, there are some constraints to the application in the field. In addition, there has been only a few researches done on physical characteristics of filling materials. A major issue is that there is not any standard established on various mixing ratio, which is required for treatment of mural painting. This study was carried out to understand the physical characteristics of filling materials on clay mural painting. The 1st test was conducted to analyze test specimen in twelve different conditions by varying soil mixing ratio and organic medium. The 2nd test was conducted to manufacture filling materials appropriate to the mural painting, based on the result of stable condition from the 1st test, and which was applied to treatment in field.

Study About Filling-Material for Clay Layer Restoration of Seated Amitabha Triad at Muwisa Temple (Treasure No. 1312) (보물 제1312호 무위사 아미타여래삼존좌상 소조층 보수 충전제에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su Yea
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • Seated Amitabha Triad at Muwisa Temple (Treasure No. 1312) had been known as wooden Buddha statue, but a precise safety inspection revealed that the statue is terracotta Buddha statue made with clay. The clay layer of Amitabha Triad was conserved due to its severe damage. In this study, experiments were conducted to produce the most appropriate filler for the conservation treatment of the seated Amitabha Triad. Mixed clay samples with various ratios were produced and surface hardening state, crack, color change, and shrinkage of the samples during dry process were measured. Loess, fine sand powder, and cotton were used to produce the mixed clay for the filler with six different ratios and then 12 different concentration glues made with glutinous rice glue, Pachymeniopsis Elliptica glue, and animal glue were added as adhesives. Total 72 types of samples were prepared and comparative study was conducted. As a result, when the mixed clay contains 2.5% cotton compared to the weight per cent of loess and fine sand powder and also loess and fine sand in the mixed clay have a 15:1 ratio, the mixed clay had the lowest shrinkage. Animal glue is considered as an appropriate glue since it had small color change, low physical property change and shringkage. Therefore, mixed clay (loess:fine sand=15:1) mixed with 15ml animal glue is likely to be a suitable filler for conservation treatment of the seated amitabha triad at the Muwisa Temple.

Analysis of Productivity in Rice Plant -IV. Sink-filling rate and sink-source relation (벼의 생산력 분석(分析) -IV. 수기(受器)의 충전속도(充塡速度)와 수기(受器)-급기(給器) 관계(關係))

  • Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 1973
  • Sink (grain)-filling rates of IR667 line (Suwon 213 and 214) and local leading varieties (Jinheung and Paldal) were investigated in relation to sink-source ratio, sink-source distance, forms of photosynthates, and weather factors. The results are as follows. 1. IR667 line have higher maximum filling rate (g. grain/day. ear) and shorter duration to reach maximum filling rate than local varieties. The curve pattern of sink-filling rate was high and steep type in IR667 line and low and broad type in local varieties. 2. Weather factors seem to give little effect on the curve pattern of sink-filling rate. 3. The functional sink-source distance (actual sink-source distance multiplied by the contribution rate of leaf for grain production) was shorter in upper leaves (flag and 2nd leaf) for IR667 line, the upper leaf-dependent type in grain production, and was longer in lower leaves (3rd and 4th) for local varieties, the lower leaf-dependent type. Specially short first internode from top may contribute to the upper leaf depencency of IR667 line. 4. According to free sugar-starch ratio (sugar/starch) in the culm and leaf sheath IR667 line could be classified as the high sugar type and the local varieties as the high starch type. The ratio of transportable form (sugar) to non transportable photosynthate (starch) seems to relate with sink-filling rate. And high sugar type is expected to have higher efficiency for grain production in view of energy balance. 5. A hypothesis that the higher in the uniformity within the series of productive structure the more efficient in grain production is proposed and discussed in relation to productivity. 6. According to the pattern of percent nutrient retention of each leaf blade IR667 showed the central retention type and Jinheung showed the apical retention type and each retention type appears to be a cause of each canopy conservation pattern. 7. From the content and percent distribution of nutrient in various organ IR667 could be classified as the leaf sheath dominant type and Jinheung as the leaf blade dominant type. 8. The fact that the greater the percent translocation of nutrient into grain the greater the percent nutrient retention in leaf blade was held between nitrogen and phosphorus within a variety and between varieties within a nutrient (N, P or K).

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사용 환경에 따른 배터리 화재 위험성에 관한 연구

  • Sim, Sang-Bo;Kim, Si-Guk;Lee, Chun-Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.95-96
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문은 사용 환경에 따른 배터리 위험성을 측정하기 위해 리튬배터리의 과충전에 의한 위험성 측정과 고온 환경에서의 배터리 폭발 위험성에 대하여 연구하였다.

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