• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 형태

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A Study on Application Standard of At-grade Intersection Considering Both Delay and Accident (지체와 사고를 고려한 평면교차로 적용기준에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Je Jin;Jung, Hyung Mo;Ha, Tae Jun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.295-306
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    • 2008
  • The Intersection is inner traffic facilities and the space where the roads are intersected and connected. And also, the Intersection is the decision-making section for drivers to select the route according to the geometric structure and operation method. However decision-making section cause to raise car accidents rate because it imposes a heavy burden on drivers. In that reason, many countries such as Europe use the Roundabouts to reduce the numbers of decision making and collision. In Korea, the kinds of method are just introduced and it is using now but there are no exact standards. Hence, this study suggests the process to evaluate and determine the types of Intersection which are based on the traffic flow (congestion) and traffic safety (accidents). Firstly, this study presents the number of accident at each Intersection which is depended on the traffic volume. Secondly, this study calculates and analysis the accident at signalized Intersection, non-signalized Intersection and Roundabout by TSIS-NETSIM program. Thirdly, this study concludes the best suitable Intersection type through the materials which are mentioned before.

Application of New Measurement Method for Improvement of Rock Joint Roughness Underestimation (암석 절리면 거칠기 과소평가의 개선을 위한 새로운 측정방법의 적용)

  • Hong, Eun-Soo;Lee, Joo-Gong;Lee, Jong-Sub;Lee, In-Mo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.2C
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2006
  • Many methods have been tried to more correctly measure rock joint roughness. However, true roughness may be distorted and underestimated due to the sampling interval and measurement method. Thus, currently used measurement methods produce a dead zone and distort roughness profiles. The purpose of this study is to suggest new roughness measurement method by a camera-type 3D scanner as an alternative of currently used methods. First, the underestimation of artificial roughness is analyzed by using the current measurement method such as laser profilometry. Second, we replicate eight specimens from two rock joint surfaces, and digitize by a 3D scanner. Then, the roughness coefficient values obtained from eight numbers of 3D surface data and from three hundred twenty numbers of 2D profiles data are analyzed by using current and new measurement methods. The artificial simulation confirms that the sampling interval is one of main factors for the distortion of roughness and shows that inclination of waviness may not be considered any current methods. The experimental results show that the camera-type 3D scanner produces 10% larger roughness values than current methods. As the proposed new method is a fast, high precision and more accurate method for the roughness measurement, it should be a promising technique in this area.

Ch'anggŭk Imagination and Coloniality of Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe in the 1930s (1930년대 조선성악연구회(朝鮮聲樂硏究會)의 창극적 상상력과 식민성)

  • Kim, Hyang
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.357-392
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    • 2019
  • This paper reexamines the formation process of Ch'anggŭk, Korea's musical drama based on p'ansori in the 1930s, focusing on the Ch'anggŭk gramophone records and the repertoire of the Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe(Korean Vocal Music Association). The paper discussed the achievements and limitations of the Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe which was at the center of the formation of Ch'anggŭk by examining the activities of the Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe in the 1930s. The role of 'ipche-chang' and 'narrator' in the Ch'anggŭk gramophone records was seen as Ch'anggŭk imagination that was realized by the members of the Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe who recognized the 'dramatic space and stage', which is distinct from p'ansori, Korean traditional vocal and percussion music. In addition, the paper discussed the difference and meaning of the concept of 'Sin-Ch'anggŭk' between Seo Hang-Seok and Song Seok-Ha, which is derived from the Ch'anggŭk formation. The performance of stage Ch'anggŭk in the 1930s was a repetition of the discussion that it should reach a point of Kagŭk, music or song dramas. This paper discussed the process of replacing the term 'Ch'anggŭk' with 'Kagŭk' at the time, and examined the way Ch'anggŭk stage was established as a perfect form during the process. The formation of Ch'anggŭk by members of the Chosŏn Sŏngak Yŏn'guhoe could be an important achievement in the history of Ch'anggŭk, but there was no choice but to reveal the limitation in the formal aspect due to the 'refinement' and 'exclusion' according to the cultural policy of Japan. P'ansori musicality was enhanced, but it could not contain the spirit and diversity of the times, so it could be said that there was no choice but to stop as a rudimentary creative imagination of Ch'anggŭk. Ch'anggŭk is a genre that is inherently limited, but the limitation can be overcome over the times, which will be covered in a subsequent paper.

Measuring Benefits of Developing a Linear Park in the Gyeongin Expressway Downgrade Project by Applying CVM (CVM을 적용한 경인고속도로 일반화 및 선형공원 조성사업의 편익 측정)

  • Young Sook Eom;Sang Ke Kim
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.239-266
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    • 2023
  • This study applied the contingent valuation method (CVM) to measure the benefits from an urban liner park that will be created as part of the Gyeongin Expressway downgrade project by Inchon metropolitan city government. The Incheon city government plans to create a liner park (10.5 km) in the middle of the downgraded road to provide leisure and recreation services to residents, and plans to remove retaining walls and soundproof walls to improve the urban residential environment. Considering the characteristics of a liner park that spans several districts in Incheon city and the downgraded road that will be passed by residents of nearby cities as well as Incheon residents, the target population included residents of part of Seoul and several cities surrounding Incheon. In a CVM survey of 1,000 respondents conducted in April 2018, about 70% of the respondents perceived this project positively. About 50% of 757 respondents, excluding protest bids respondents, were willing to pay additional taxes for this project. The more the respondents favored the creation of a linear park and the more they thought that this project would improve the surrounding residential environment, the more positively they evaluated the additional tax payment. The average annual willingness to pay for this project was about 15,300 won for Incheon residents and 6,800 won for residents of Seoul metropolitan area. It is interesting to observe that residents of Seoul metropolitan area, who are not directly affected by this project, were willing to pay a considerable amount for this project.

Analysis of the Timber Harvesting Potential of the Garisan Leading Forest Management Complex in Hongcheon (홍천 가리산 선도산림경영단지의 목재생산 잠재량 분석)

  • Young-Hwan Kim;Dong-ho Lee;Min-jae Cho;Jin-Woo Park
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.4
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the potential for timber harvesting in the Hongchoen Garisan Leading Forest Management Complex in the national forests, and to suggest an optimal target yield for sustainable timber harvesting. The potential for timber harvesting was assessed by analyzing the area available for timber harvesting using GIS spatial analysis, but excluding areas with a slope of more than 40° (topographical constraints), areas within 30 m on both sides of streams (environmental constraints), and areas more than 300 m away from forest roads (technical constraints). The analysis identified 3,298 ha (49%) of the total complex area of 6,679 ha as available for timber harvesting, yielding a potential harvesting volume of 608,613 m3. In the case of coniferous plantations, the potential harvesting volume was 409,721 m3, which was a very high level that accounted for 67.3% of the total. We also conducted an optimization analysis to minimize the differences in area between age classes, while maintaining sustainable timber harvesting for the next 50 years. An annual average of 41.9 ha (7,988 m3) was determined to be the optimal timber yield, and in this case, it was possible to convert the age class structure to a more stable structure after 50 years.

A Study on Transfer Convenience Evaluation Indicators for Urban Railway Stations (도시철도 역사의 환승 편의성 평가지표 연구)

  • Kim, Hwang Bae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.793-799
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    • 2023
  • This study classifies the types of urban railway stations that reflect the location characteristics of urban railway stations, the structure and form of station taxes, and the number of users, and the level of inconvenience in the transfer movement line for users by station type, the number and connectivity of transfer information, and the level of transfer convenience facilities. The number of installations, conflicts between users, and transfer information signs were analyzed. As a result of data analysis, it was found that the factors that cause the most inconvenience to urban rail users when transferring are the length and curvature of the transfer line, pedestrian density and number of passengers in the transfer passage, presence or absence of transportation convenience facilities, and the size and height of transfer information letters. These transfer inconveniences were objectified, quantified, and presented as evaluation indicators that can measure the transfer convenience of urban railway stations. Additionally, an evaluation scale was developed to measure the service level for each evaluation indicator. The evaluation scale for each indicator presented six levels by applying linear interpolation based on the maximum and minimum values of data derived through field surveys. However, it is judged that a comprehensive evaluation of transfer convenience that combines the importance and weight of each convenience evaluation indicator should be established through future research.

Mapping Mammalian Species Richness Using a Machine Learning Algorithm (머신러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 포유류 종 풍부도 매핑 구축 연구)

  • Zhiying Jin;Dongkun Lee;Eunsub Kim;Jiyoung Choi;Yoonho Jeon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2024
  • Biodiversity holds significant importance within the framework of environmental impact assessment, being utilized in site selection for development, understanding the surrounding environment, and assessing the impact on species due to disturbances. The field of environmental impact assessment has seen substantial research exploring new technologies and models to evaluate and predict biodiversity more accurately. While current assessments rely on data from fieldwork and literature surveys to gauge species richness indices, limitations in spatial and temporal coverage underscore the need for high-resolution biodiversity assessments through species richness mapping. In this study, leveraging data from the 4th National Ecosystem Survey and environmental variables, we developed a species distribution model using Random Forest. This model yielded mapping results of 24 mammalian species' distribution, utilizing the species richness index to generate a 100-meter resolution map of species richness. The research findings exhibited a notably high predictive accuracy, with the species distribution model demonstrating an average AUC value of 0.82. In addition, the comparison with National Ecosystem Survey data reveals that the species richness distribution in the high-resolution species richness mapping results conforms to a normal distribution. Hence, it stands as highly reliable foundational data for environmental impact assessment. Such research and analytical outcomes could serve as pivotal new reference materials for future urban development projects, offering insights for biodiversity assessment and habitat preservation endeavors.

Implementation of a walking-aid light with machine vision-based pedestrian signal detection (머신비전 기반 보행신호등 검출 기능을 갖는 보행등 구현)

  • Jihun Koo;Juseong Lee;Hongrae Cho;Ho-Myoung An
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we propose a machine vision-based pedestrian signal detection algorithm that operates efficiently even in computing resource-constrained environments. This algorithm demonstrates high efficiency within limited resources and is designed to minimize the impact of ambient lighting by sequentially applying HSV color space-based image processing, binarization, morphological operations, labeling, and other steps to address issues such as light glare. Particularly, this algorithm is structured in a relatively simple form to ensure smooth operation within embedded system environments, considering the limitations of computing resources. Consequently, it possesses a structure that operates reliably even in environments with low computing resources. Moreover, the proposed pedestrian signal system not only includes pedestrian signal detection capabilities but also incorporates IoT functionality, allowing wireless integration with a web server. This integration enables users to conveniently monitor and control the status of the signal system through the web server. Additionally, successful implementation has been achieved for effectively controlling 50W LED pedestrian signals. This proposed system aims to provide a rapid and efficient pedestrian signal detection and control system within resource-constrained environments, contemplating its potential applicability in real-world road scenarios. Anticipated contributions include fostering the establishment of safer and more intelligent traffic systems.

Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Flow Using Arterial Spin Labeling in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (만성 콩팥병 환자들에서 동맥 스핀 표지 기법을 이용한 뇌 관류상태의 평가)

  • Se Won Oh;Samel Park;Nam-jun Cho;Hyo-Wook Gil;Eun Young Lee;Hyung Geun Oh;Sung-Tae Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.4
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    • pp.912-919
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    • 2020
  • Purpose This study aimed to compare the brain perfusion status of patients with chronic kidney disease to a normal control group to identify any significant differences. Materials and Methods The perfusion state of the brain was measured by MRI using the arterial spin labeling technique in 36 patients undergoing hemodialysis due to chronic kidney disease and 36 normal controls. Images were then analyzed in a voxel-wise manner to detect brain areas showing significant perfusion differences between the two groups. Results Patients with chronic kidney disease showed increased perfusion in the form of large clusters across the right fronto-parieto-temporal lobe and the left parieto-occipital lobe. In addition, perfusion increased in the bilateral thalami, midbrain, pons, and cerebellum (p < 0.01, familywise error corrected). Conclusion Brain perfusion appears to increase in patients with chronic kidney disease compared to normal controls. Uremic toxicity is thought to be the cause of this increase as it can cause damage to the microscopic blood vessels and their surrounding structures.

Analysis of Development Project Conditions and Potential Demand Characteristics in High-Speed Rail Station Areas (전국 고속철도 역세권의 개발 사업여건 및 잠재수요 특성 분석)

  • Bae, Seong-Ho;Ma, Kang-Rae;Kim, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2024
  • As the problem of lowering the efficiency of urban services in small and medium-sized cities in the non-metropolitan area intensifies, the necessity of developing a railway station area is being emphasized to form a compressed urban space through regional bases. Although major station areas in large cities are being developed in the form of complex, the analysis of the development location characteristics of the small and medium-sized city station areas is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of development project conditions and potential demand in the high-speed rail station areas across the country, identify the differences in locational characteristics according to the type of city, such as 'metropolitan city', 'large city in non-metropolitan city', 'medium and small city in non-metropolitan city', and find out the appropriate development method. As a result of the analysis, it was analyzed that the 'metropolitan area metropolitan area' has high potential demand and poor business conditions. On the other hand, in the case of the non-metropolitan area, it was analyzed that the 'small and medium-sized city station area' has good business conditions and low potential demand characteristics, and the 'large city station area' has intermediate characteristics. This suggests the need for different development methods in the development of metropolitan and small and medium-sized city station areas. The analysis results of this study show that it is desirable to encourage private participation in large-scale metropolitan station areas, which require large-scale input, to maximize potential demand, and to encourage private participation through public-led projects based on favorable business conditions or development based on regional characteristics.