• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경계공간

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Automatic Word Spacing of the Korean Sentences by Using End-to-End Deep Neural Network (종단 간 심층 신경망을 이용한 한국어 문장 자동 띄어쓰기)

  • Lee, Hyun Young;Kang, Seung Shik
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2019
  • Previous researches on automatic spacing of Korean sentences has been researched to correct spacing errors by using n-gram based statistical techniques or morpheme analyzer to insert blanks in the word boundary. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end automatic word spacing by using deep neural network. Automatic word spacing problem could be defined as a tag classification problem in unit of syllable other than word. For contextual representation between syllables, Bi-LSTM encodes the dependency relationship between syllables into a fixed-length vector of continuous vector space using forward and backward LSTM cell. In order to conduct automatic word spacing of Korean sentences, after a fixed-length contextual vector by Bi-LSTM is classified into auto-spacing tag(B or I), the blank is inserted in the front of B tag. For tag classification method, we compose three types of classification neural networks. One is feedforward neural network, another is neural network language model and the other is linear-chain CRF. To compare our models, we measure the performance of automatic word spacing depending on the three of classification networks. linear-chain CRF of them used as classification neural network shows better performance than other models. We used KCC150 corpus as a training and testing data.

Explication and Rational Conceptualization of Metaverse (메타버스 해석과 합리적 개념화)

  • Song, Stephen W.;Chung, Dong-Hun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2021
  • This article reviews previous literature on the metaverse and attempts to provide a refined definition for this phenomenon. Metaverse has recently been in the spotlight among discussions by the industry and the media while a consensus on the exact definition of metaverse is yet to be determined. Since Neal Stephenson first coined the term metaverse in his novel "Snow Crash" in 1992, the Acceleration Studies Foundation (ASF) was the first to analyze the concept of metaverse in 2007. While ASF's effort did not receive much spotlight it may have deserved, metaverse gained much attention in the fall of 2020 when NVIDIA announced its real-time simulation and collaboration platform for 3D production named "Omniverse" as a next-generation alternative for the Internet along with Roblox defining its service as metaverse during its IPO. Since then, metaverse has been commonly recognized as a world where we can cross over reality and virtuality. Based on the two axes and four scenarios proposed by the ASF, we review the literature across four realms as follows - virtual reality, mirror world, augmented reality, and lifelogging. Then, we examine the issues with the existing definition of metaverse and propose an alternative explanation by focusing on human behavior and user experience. Finally, we reassess the concept of metaverse and incorporate human communication, reality-based and virtual-based activities, and eXtended reality as elements to properly define metaverse.

A Study on the Resolution Analysis of Digital X-ray Images with increasing Thickness of PMMA (조직 등가물질 두께 증가에 따른 디지털 엑스선 영상의 해상도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Junwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2021
  • Scattered x-ray generated by digital radiography systems also have the advantage of increasing signals, but ultimately detectability is reduced by decreasing resolution and increasing noise of x-ray images transmitted objects. An indirect method of measuring scattered x-ray in a modulation-transfer function (MTF) for evaluating resolution in a spatial-frequency domain can be considered as a drop in the MTF value corresponding to zero-frequency. In this study, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was used as a patient tissue equivalent, and MTFs were obtained for various thicknesses to quantify the effect of scattered x-ray on resolution. X-ray image signals were observed to decrease by 35 ~ 83% with PMMA thickness increasing, which is determined by the absorption or scattering of x-rays in PMMA, resulting in reduced MTF and increased scatter fraction. The method to compensate for MTF degradation by PMMA resulted in the MTF inflation without considering the optical spreading generated by the indirect-conversion type detector. Data fitting or zero-padding are needed to compensate for MTF more reasonably on edge-spread function or line-spread function.

Development of a Dynamic Downscaling Method using a General Circulation Model (CCSM3) of the Regional Climate Model (MM5) (전지구 모델(CCSM3)을 이용한 지역기후 모델(MM5)의 역학적 상세화 기법 개발)

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Song, Chang-Geun;Lee, Jae-Bum;Hong, Sung-Chul;Bang, Cheol-Han
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2011
  • In order to study interactions between climate change and air quality, a modeling system including the downscaling scheme has been developed in the integrated manner. This research focuses on the development of a downscaling method to utilize CCSM3 outputs as the initial and boundary conditions for the regional climate model, MM5. Horizontal/vertical interpolation was performed to convert from the latitude/longitude and hybrid-vertical coordinate for the CCSM3 model to the Lambert-Conformal Arakawa-B and sigma-vertical coordinate for the MM5 model. A variable diagnosis was made to link between different variables and their units of CCSM and MM5. To evaluate the dynamic downscaling performance of this study, spatial distributions were compared between outputs of CCSM/MM5 and NRA/MM5 and statistic analysis was conducted. Temperature and precipitation patterns of CCSM/MM5 in summer and winter showed a similar pattern with those of observation data in East Asia and the Korean Peninsula. In addition, statistical analysis presented that the agreement index (AI) is more than 0.9 and correlation coefficient about 0.9. Those results indicate that the dynamic downscaling system built in this study can be used for the research of interaction between climate change and air quality.

Numerical Modelling of One Dimensional Gas Injection Experiment using Mechanical Damage Model: DECOVALEX-2019 Task A Stage 1A (역학손상모델을 이용한 1차원 기체 주입 시험 모델링: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2019 Task A Stage 1A)

  • Lee, Jaewon;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Geon Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.262-279
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    • 2019
  • In the engineering barriers of high-level radioactive waste disposal, gases could be generated through a number of processes. If the gas production rate exceeds the gas diffusion rate, the pressure of the gas increases and gases could migrate through the bentonite buffer. Because people and the environment can be exposed to radioactivity, it is very important to clarify gas migration in terms of long-term integrity of the engineered barrier system. In particular, it is necessary to identify the hydro-mechanical mechanism for the dilation flow, which is a very important gas flow phenomenon only in medium containing large amounts of clay materials such as bentonite buffer, and to develop and validate new numerical approach for the quantitative evaluation of the gas migration phenomenon. Therefore, in this study, we developed a two-phase flow model considering the mechanical damage model in order to simulate the gas migration in the engineered barrier system, and validated with 1D gas flow modelling through saturated bentonite under constant volume boundary conditions. As a result of numerical analysis, the rapid increase in pore water pressure, stress, and gas outflow could be simulated when the dilation flow was occurred.

Heat-Wave Data Analysis based on the Zero-Inflated Regression Models (영-과잉 회귀모형을 활용한 폭염자료분석)

  • Kim, Seong Tae;Park, Man Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.2829-2840
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    • 2018
  • The random variable with an arbitrary value or more is called semi-continuous variable or zero-inflated one in case that its boundary value is more frequently observed than expected. This means the boundary value is likely to be practically observed more than it should be theoretically under certain probability distribution. When the distribution considered is continuous, the variable is defined as semi-continuous and when one of discrete distribution is assumed for the variable, we regard it as zero-inflated. In this study, we introduce the two-part model, which consists of one part for modelling the binary response and the other part for modelling the variable greater than the boundary value. Especially, the zero-inflated regression models are explained by using Poisson distribution and negative binomial distribution. In real data analysis, we employ the zero-inflated regression models to estimate the number of days under extreme heat-wave circumstances during the last 10 years in South Korea. Based on the estimation results, we create prediction maps for the estimated number of days under heat-wave advisory and heat-wave warning by using the universal kriging, which is one of the spatial prediction methods.

Grain-Based Distinct Element Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of a Single Fracture Embedded in Rock: DECOVALEX-2023 Task G (Benchmark Simulation) (입자기반 개별요소모델을 통한 결정질 암석 내 균열의 역학적 거동 모델링: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2023 Task G(Benchmark Simulation))

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Park, Chan-Hee;Yoon, Jeoung Seok;Lee, Changsoo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.573-590
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    • 2020
  • This study presents the current status of DECOVALEX-2023 project Task G and our research results so far. Task G, named 'Safety ImplicAtions of Fluid Flow, Shear, Thermal and Reaction Processes within Crystalline Rock Fracture NETworks (SAFENET)' aims at developing a numerical method to simulate the fracture creation and propagation, and the coupled thermohydro-mechanical processes in fracture in crystalline rocks. The first research step of Task G is a benchmark simulation, which is designed for research teams to make their modelling codes more robust and verify whether the models can represent an analytical solution for displacements of a single rock fracture. We reproduced the mechanical behavior of rock and embedded single fracture using a three-dimensional grain-based distinct element model for the simulations. In this method, the structure of the rock was represented by an assembly of rigid tetrahedral grains moving independently of each other, and the mechanical interactions at the grains and their contacts were calculated using 3DEC. The simulation results revealed that the stresses induced along the embedded fracture in the model were relatively low compared to those calculated by stress analysis due to stress redistribution and constrained fracture displacements. The fracture normal and shear displacements of the numerical model showed good agreement with the analytical solutions. The numerical model will be enhanced by continuing collaboration and interaction with other research teams of DECOVALEX-2023 Task G and validated using various experiments in a further study.

A Study on the Morphological Analysis of Identity in the Local Government of Gyeonggi Province - A Study of 31 Local Governments in Gyeonggi Province - (경기도 지자체 도시 아이덴티티의 형태론적 상징유형분석 연구 - 경기도 31개 지자체 심볼마크를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Do-eun;Kim, Myoun
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • v.65
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    • pp.170-181
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    • 2018
  • Currently, urban identity is a corporate management strategy of the past, and it includes the unique history and cultural heritage of the region, and it is expected to enhance competitiveness and locality. In response, the city's identity design of 31 municipalities in Gyeonggi Province is moving away from the past, building a futuristic, concise and modern image, and building differentiated identity using geometric artificial motifs. However, despite the presence of urban identity in the past, Symbolmark's boundaries and benchmarks are becoming increasingly ambiguous as it replaces CI or acts as CI and BI by developing new BIs instead of renewals. Moreover, there are cases where the slogan containing vision is used as BI, which requires professional CIP management by presenting the status analysis and direction of municipal governments in Gyeonggi Province. Thus, in this study, the theoretical background analysis and academic study of 31 municipalities in Gyeonggi Province were conducted, and the final analysis space was analyzed by schematizing how the essential meaning of symbolism is expressed and interpreted.

East-Asiatic thoughts on Symbiotic Multiculturalism (다문화적 공생 사유의 동아시아적 전개 - 장자의 사물 인식과 최한기의 운화론을 중심으로 -)

  • Rhee, Myung-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.41
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    • pp.247-270
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    • 2014
  • Multiculturalism may be deeply connected with the diversities of cultures and enlightenment discussed in the context that we live together with the specification of cultures derived from any spatial conditions overtly and covertly. People live on their own customs compatible with their space and the time, and they make their boundaries of races, nations, and national memories. In such a way each of them treats each other exclusively and is inclined not to recognize being of the others. Also people are apt to recognize the others unessentially and overlook the others's value and way of life. As a result they might destroy the foundation of symbiotic livings conditions on their own. On the other hand they pretend to search for the cultural diversities of the others and include them under their own universalities, resulting in conflicts. Hence it is required that we should make an efforts to prepare the fields for living together through getting over the problem of the recognition of matters and affairs before us. From the above-told critical mind this thesis seeks the multicultural relativities and more arrives at the relationalities discussed by East-Asiatic philosophers of Chuang Tzu and Ch'oe Han-gi. Especially by gazing at the idea of the interconnectedness which means activities, changeabilities and mobilities, appeared on the idea of Ch'oe Han-Gi's revolving transformation, it is stressed that the communications of the local with each other in the various aspects of, e.g. materials, regions and cultures should be achieved.

Considerations and Alternative Approaches to the Estimation of Local Abundance of Legally Protected Species, the Fiddler Crab, Austruca lactea (법정보호종, 흰발농게(Austruca lactea) 서식 개체수 추정에 대한 검토와 대안)

  • Yoo, Jae-Won;Kim, Chang-Soo;Park, Mi-Ra;Jeong, Su-Young;Lee, Chae-Lin;Kim, Sungtae;Ahn, Dong-Sik;Lee, Chang-Gun;Han, Donguk;Back, Yonghae;Park, Young Cheol
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.122-132
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    • 2021
  • We reviewed the methods employed in Korean tidal flat surveys to measure the local abundance of the endangered wildlife and marine protected species, the fiddler crab, Austruca lactea. A complete census for infinite population is impossible even in a limited habitat within a tidal flat, and density estimates from samples strongly vary due to diverse biological and ecological factors. The habitat boundaries and areas shift with periodicities or rhythmic activities of organisms as well as measurement errors. Hence the local abundance calculated from density and habitat areas should be regarded as transient. This conjecture was valid based on the spatio-temporal variations of the density averages, standard error ranges, and spatial distribution of the crab, A. lactea observed for 3 years (2015-2017) in Songdo tidal flat in Incheon. We proposed the potential habitat areas using the occurrence probability of 50% from logistic regression model, reflecting the importance of habitat conservation value as an alternative to local abundance. The spatial shape of potential habitat predicted from a generalized model would remain constant over time unless the species' critical environmental conditions change rapidly. The species-specific model is expected to be used for the introduction of desired species in future habitat restoration/creation projects.