• Title/Summary/Keyword: 검사점 도구

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The Effect of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teacher's Empathic ability on Teaching Ethics, Child Abuse Reporting Intention (예비유아교사의 공감능력이 교직윤리, 아동학대 신고의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ma, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the effect of pre service teacher's empathic ability on teaching ethics, and child abuse report intention. The subjects were 168 pre-service teachers attending a university located in a micropolitan city. Questionnaires, which required self-reporting by pre service teacher, were used to investigate teacher's empathic ability, teaching ethics and child abuse report intention. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, percent, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise-regression analysis. From the major study findings, first, pre-service teacher's empathic ability was positively correlated with teaching ethics and child abuse report intention. Pre-service teacher's "take perspective", "imagine" of the cognitive empathic ability's subfactor was positively correlated with teaching ethics. Especially, empathic interest was positively correlated with teaching ethics. Cognitive empathy ability showed the highest relationship with ethics for early child. Emotional empathy showed the highest relationship with ethics in society. Second, the pre-service teacher's teaching ethics were influenced by taking perspective, imagining, and empathic attention. These results demonstrate the need to incorporate perspectives in the development of programs to promote pre - service early childhood teacher ethics and child abuse reporting.

The Effect of Early Childhood Teacher's Styles for Conflict Management Type on Cooperative Organizational Culture (유아교사 갈등관리 유형이 협동적 조직문화에 미치는 영향)

  • Ma, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.495-501
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the effects of pre-service teacher's cooperative organizational culture on the conflict management type. The subjects were 138 preschool teachers. The data were obtained by self-reporting and used to investigate the teacher's conflict management type and cooperative organizational culture. The collected data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise regression analysis. The major findings in this study were as follows; First, there was a relationship between the cooperative organizational culture of early childhood teachers and the overall type of conflict management. The overall cooperative organizational culture had the strongest relationship, particularly with the integrated type of conflict management. The following appeared in the order of compromise, consideration, and domination. On the other hand, there was no relationship with the avoidance type. Second, regarding the sub-factor of conflict management type that affects the cooperative organizational culture of early childhood teachers, the integrated type has the strongest influence, followed by the caring type. In the sub-factor of cooperative organizational culture, the integrated type has the strongest influence on the cooperative leadership, followed by the caring type. The integrated type had the greatest influence on teacher cooperation, peer support, and learning companion.

Analysis of the Differences in Students' Content Interest related to Family Life in Home Economics during Middle-high School Transition (중·고등학교 학교급 전환기 '가족 및 가정생활' 내용에 대한 학생의 흥미도 차이 분석)

  • Sung, Miyoung;Kwon, Yoojin;Ryu, Gyera
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2021
  • Curriculum content interest has been studied in terms of teachers rather than students in ways that help revise curriculum and develop textbooks. In this study, 227 first-year high school students were interested in what they learned in middle school and what they learned in high school, focusing on meaningful assumptions and contents for middle school and high school students. We analyze this difference in interest by gender and achievement level. According to the research results, first-year high school students, who are in the middle and high school transition period, have relatively high interest in themselves, such as youth development, compared to family needs or interest in family life. There were no gender differences, but there were differences in content interest depending on the level of achievement. This means that the content interest should be interpreted by considering various variables such as the development of learners, the situation of learners in the school-level transition period, and the entrance examination of universities. The results of this study will provide implications for future curriculum revisions, textbook development, and curriculum considerations, and will need to be carefully analyzed and utilized based on a learner-centered perspective.

ENACT Project: Promoting Pre-Service Science Teachers' Views on the Social Responsibility of Scientists and Engineers (ENACT 프로젝트에 참여한 예비 과학교사들의 과학기술자의 사회적 책임에 대한 인식 변화 탐색)

  • Lee, Hyunju;Ko, Yeonjoo;Hong, Jiyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of the ENACT project on promoting pre-service science teachers (PSTs)' views on the social responsibility of scientists and engineers. The ENACT project was designed to cultivate the social responsibility by integrating the theoretical framework of socioscientific issues (SSIs) education with problem-based inquiry approaches for the resolution of the issues. Thirty-two PSTs voluntarily participated in the project and completed the five stages over three months. Data was collected through a questionnaire to measure PSTs' view of the social responsibility of scientists and engineers (VSRoSE) and focus-group interviews. Results indicate that the PSTs presented statistically significant changes in their views of the social responsibility after the ENACT project. The mean scores of the five sub-dimensions of VSRoSE significantly increased. The interviews also supported that the PSTs had opportunities to seriously consider the social responsibility of scientists and engineers through epistemological exploration of science and technology (Cycle I), and problem-solving and action-taking (Cycle II). In particular, they agreed more on such responsibilities as consideration of societal needs and demands, pursuit of the common good, civic engagement and services using their expertise, communications with the public regarding potential risks, and participation in policy decision-making related to science and technology advances. Educational implications for SSI education and teacher education were suggested.

The Effect of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Using Mobile Augmented Reality on Science Achievement, Science Learning Motivation, and Learning Flow in Chemical bond (화학 결합에서 모바일 증강현실을 이용한 과정기반 안내탐구학습이 과학 학업 성취도, 과학 학습 동기, 학습 몰입감에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Young-Eun;Ji, Joon-Yong;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we developed an augmented reality learning tool suitable for chemical bond learning and proposed a process-oriented guided inquiry learning using mobile augmented reality (POGIL-MAR) to find out how it affects science achievement, science learning motivation and learning flow. Participants were 139 10th-grade students from a coeducational high school in Gyeonggi-do, and they were randomly assigned to the control group (TL), the treatment group 1 (POGIL), and the treatment group 2 (POGIL-MAR). They learned the concept of the chemical bond from the Integrated Science subject for four class periods. Results of two-way ANCOVA revealed that the POGIL-MAR group scored significantly higher than the other groups in a science achievement test, science learning motivation test, and learning flow test, regardless of their prior science achievement. In addition, in the case of the low-level group, the POGIL-MAR group showed a statistically significant improvement in achievement compared to the TL and POGIL groups. The MANCOVA analysis for sub-factors of science learning motivation show that the POGIL-MAR group had significantly higher scores in intrinsic motivation, career motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, and grade motivation. In particular, the interaction effect between the teaching and learning method and the level of prior achievement was significant in the intrinsic motivation. Meanwhile, the MANCOVA analysis for sub-factors of learning flow show that the POGIL-MAR group had significantly higher scores in clear goals, unambiguous feedback, action-awareness merging, sense of control, and autotelic experience. Based on the results, educational implications for effective teaching and learning strategy using mobile augmented reality are discussed.

Effects of Self-esteem, Locus of Control to Military Life on Soldiers Adjusting: Mediating effect of Social Support and Stress Coping Strategies (자기존중감 및 통제소재가 병사의 군 적응에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처 방식의 매개 효과)

  • Joo Hee Lee ;Jung Kyu Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.299-315
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    • 2015
  • This study examines correlations among factors that reportedly affect adjustment to military life: self esteem, locus of control,, social support and stress coping strategies. The study also attempts to validate the structural model to enhance understanding of the process of adjusting to the military life. The subjects of the study were 447 listed soldiers from private to sergeant currently stationed and serving in an army post in Gangwon-Do, Korea. The following tools were used for this study. Based on self-inventory questionnaires, evaluations were made regarding self esteem, locus of control, social support, stress management, adaptation to military life. Reliability of each criterion was evaluated based on reliability examination, correlations among parameters were analyzed, and the structural equation model was validated to verify the research model. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, internal control and self esteem have significant positive influence on social support and stress coping. Second, internal control and self esteem affect adjusting to military life through social support and active coping, two factors mediated in this study to act as parameters between self-esteem and internal control and military adaption. This study emphasizes intervention such as establishment of a social support system and training for taking necessary actions as limitations of studies dealing with internal traits and military adaptation. Since the subjects of this study were chosen from an army based in a single location for convenience' sake, it may be difficult to generalize the results to analyze the entire military.

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A Study of the Giftedness Expression Mechanism of Young-sil Jang through Gagne's DMGT Model (Gagne의 DMGT 모형을 통한 장영실의 영재성 발현 기제 연구)

  • Ji-Young Choi;Dong-Hyun Chea
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.234-246
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    • 2023
  • This study uses Gagne's 'Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT)' to collect and extract major life events of Jang Young-sil, and to investigate how giftedness was formed and developed in his life history, and what factors enabled him to demonstrate his talent in the field of science and technology. In addition, based on the framework of Gagne's Differentiation Model for Giftedness and Talent(DMGT), we analyzed the mechanism of giftedness manifestation of Jang Young-sil and sought to explore the direction of gifted education based on this. To sum up the results of the study, first, in Giftedness(G), it was found that Jang Young-sil had excellent scientific and technological skills. Second, motivation, determination, self-management, and personality factors that constitute the inner catalyst(IC) of the individual have had an impact on the development of giftedness. Third, it influenced the social environment and peer giftedness in environmental catalysis(EC). Fourth, the catalyst of chance or chance(C) was the factor that had the greatest influence on Jang Young-sil's manifestation of giftedness. Fifth, informal learning and non-institutional formal learning in the developmental process(LP) influenced the manifestation of giftedness. In this way, the talent development factors of people such as Jang Young-sil provide implications for the need to understand the manifestation mechanism of giftedness in the future, develop examination tools that can detect giftedness, and develop customized programs that can develop giftedness.

Development of the Scale for Healthy aging (건강한 노후 척도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Dae Sun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was designed to develop an questionnaire for healthy aging. The subjects of this study were total 335 people who participated in regular exercise and went to welfare centers in Seoul. The validity and reliability were tested for verifying the developed questionnaire for healthy aging. The data were collected between June 12, 2006 and October 27, 2006. The mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, skewness, reliability, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor were analyzed for statistical purpose using by SPSS-Win 12.0 program. The results were as follows; First, to obtain content validity, the results of previous research and the value system responses were submitted to a judgement group. Second, the results of the factor analysis of the 20 items making up the questionnaire were classified into the following 3 factors; physiological health(6 items), cognitive-mental health(6 items), social-support health(8 items). Third, the reliability of the questionnaire for healthy aging was 0.891(Cronbach's alpha). In the factor analysis Cronbach's alpha correlations for the 4 factors ranged from 0.642 to 0.885. Fourth, the results of confirmatory factor analysis, all the index values(NFI, RFI, CFI, Delta 2 IFI) were close to 1. Thus, this questionnaire demonstrated good reliability and validity and therefore it was an appropriate measurement of healthy aging.

Pre-service Science Teachers' Efficacy for Inclusive Practices (예비 과학교사의 통합교육 실천에 대한 교사효능감)

  • Junhee Kim;Sungmin Im;Sojin Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2024
  • The demand for inclusive education in school settings has been constantly increasing. Yet, within the context of general subject teacher education, rather than special teacher education, preparation for this remains insufficient. This study aims to investigate and analyze the teacher efficacy for inclusive practices of pre-service science teachers with a focus on identifying differences based on respondent variables. In this research, teacher efficacy for inclusive practices is defined as self-belief in the ability to effectively teach students, including students with disabilities, in inclusive educational environments. It encompasses three sub-dimensions: efficacy in using inclusive instruction, efficacy in collaboration, and efficacy in dealing with disruptive behaviors. Utilizing data from 61 pre-service science teachers using 'Teacher' Efficacy for Inclusive Practices' survey tool, this study examines the distribution of teacher efficacy in inclusive practice across sub-dimensions and differences in distribution based on respondent background. The findings indicate that pre-service science teachers show a generally positive state across all three sub-dimensions, with efficacy to use inclusive instructions and efficacy in collaboration being the highest and efficacy in dealing with disruptive behaviors the lowest. he teachers' efficacy for inclusive practices of pre-service science teachers exhibited some tendencies of difference based on gender, experience with volunteering for individuals with disabilities, experience with inclusive education, and the extent of coursework in special education. However, none of these factors showed statistically significant differences.

Management of Critical Control Points to Improve Microbiological Quality of Potentially Hazardous Foods Prepared by Restaurant Operations (외식업체에서 제공하는 잠재적 위험 식품의 미생물적 품질향상을 위한 중점관리점 관리방안)

  • Chun, Hae-Yeon;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.774-784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to present management guidelines for critical control points by analyzing microbiological hazardous elements through screening Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) menus in an effort improve the microbiological quality of foods prepared by restaurant operations. Steamed spinach with seasoning left at room temperature presents a range of risk temperatures which microorganisms could flourish, and it exceeded all microbiological safety limits in our study. On the other hand, steamed spinach with seasoning stored in a refrigerator had Aerobic Plate Counts of $2.86{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$ and all other microbiological tests showed that their levels were below the limit. The standard plate counts of raw materials of lettuce and tomato were $4.66{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $3.08{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. Upon washing, the standard plate counts were $3.12{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $2.10{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively, but upon washing after chlorination, those were $2.23{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $0.72{\pm}0.7{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The standard plate counts of baby greens, radicchio and leek were $6.02{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.76{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $6.83{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 5 minutes of chlorination, the standard plate counts were $4.10{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.14{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $5.30{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 10 minutes of chlorination treatment, the standard plate counts were $2.58{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, $4.27{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, and $4.18{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The microbial levels decreased as the time of chlorination increased. This study showed that the microbiological quality of foods was improved with the proper practices of time-temperature control, sanitization control, seasoning control, and personal and surface sanitization control. It also presents management guidelines for the control of potentially hazardous foods at the critical control points in the process of restaurant operations.