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An Analysis of Subject Competencies Applied in the Activity Tasks of the 'Human Develop ment and Family' Area in High School Technology & Home Economics Textbook Based on the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 고등학교 기술·가정 교과서 '인간 발달과 가족' 영역 활동과제에 반영된 교과역량 분석)

  • Lim, Mo Seop;Choi, Seong Youn
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.21-45
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the curriculum competencies of relationship-forming ability and practical problem-solving ability reflected in the activity tasks corresponding to the content elements of 'Love and marriage', 'Preparation for parenthood', 'Pregnancy and childbirth', 'Child care', and 'Family culture and intergenerational relationship' in the 2015 revised high school technology & home economics textbooks. The data are 330 activity tasks from 12 kinds of high school technology & home economics textbooks. The sub-factors of the relationship-forming ability were selected as Respect for Diversity, Consideration and Care, Family Relationship and Community Spirit, Empathy Ability, Conflict Management, and Communication, and the sub-factors of practical problem-solving ability were selected as Practical Reasoning, Decision Making, Value Judgment, Critical Thinking, and Executive Power. Based on the analysis criteria, the results of the two analyses and the expert review are as follows. First, regarding both the core concepts 'Development' and 'Relationship', the share of relationship-forming ability was relatively higher than practical problem-solving ability, and conflict management and executive power were the least reflected. For the core concept 'Development', Family Relationship and Community Spirit and Critical Thinking were the most reflected sub-factors, and for the core concept 'Relationship', Consideration and Care and critical thinking were the most reflected sub-factors. Second, in the case of the relationship-forming ability, the examples of activity tasks across sub-factors of each subject competency were devised to understand diverse opinions and sentiments and to develop competencies to care for each other and maintain healthy family relationships. In the case of practical problem-solving ability, the tasks allowed students to objectively analyze the socio-cultural background underlying the real-life problem, explore alternatives, and apply in their own lives.

A Study on the Use of IoT in Infant Care (영아 돌봄에서 IoT 활용에 대한 일고찰)

  • Yee, YoungHwan;Hwang, Sheenhai
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2017
  • These days, IoT attached diaper are available in markets. It measures child's temperature, oxygen rate, or even humidity of diaper and send the result directly to parent's smartphone. This research emphasize the followings, due to the fact that use of IoT in context of infant care should ultimately be leaded to infant's wellbeing and healthy development. First, there can be many problems when you only focus on usability without careful consideration of the accuracy of the infant's health information produced by the IoT. Second, infant's needs and nature of child should be reflected when developing IoT which supports infant care. The use of the IoT should not take away the chance of physical contact such as eye-contact or patting and hugging between the caregiver and baby. IoT is very important, however in terms of infant development, connect with IoT cannot antecede contact with child.

Systematic Review of Educational Programs for Multicultural Families in South Korea (다문화가정 구성원 대상 교육프로그램 중재에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Lee, sang hun;Park, Kyung Min;Shon, Soonyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2021
  • This study was a systematic review that aimed to assess the effectiveness of educational programs for members of multicultural families. Therefore, 21 studies from domestic databases - RISS, KISS, NDSL, DBia, and nanet - were analyzed and the data were compiled and encoded by three researchers. Regarding the characteristics of the educational programs for multicultural families, 12 programs were developed for children, eight, for parents, and one, for both parents and children. While most intervention programs included topics on health, responsive care, and early education, none included topics on nutrition and safe space or targeted all members of multicultural families. This study identified the need for developing educational programs for all members of multicultural families and for developing and evaluating programs that can address, on a theoretical basis, the problems encountered by multicultural families.

A Study on the Development of the Goals and Contents System of Healthy Dietary Education Program for After-School Care in Lower Grade in Elementary School (초등 저학년 돌봄 교실 건강식생활 교육프로그램의 목표 및 내용체계 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Myoung Hee;Park, Okjin;Choi, Kyung Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The study purpose is to develop a content system for a healthy dietary education program for after-school care in lower grade in elementary school. Methods: The contents of healthy dietary education in the 2015 revised curriculum and textbooks and the major education programs related to dietary life that are currently used in elementary school education were analyzed. Focus group interviews were held with field experts related to lower grade in elementary care class. Accordingly, the structuring of the education area and the detailed education contents were systematized. Results: From the analysis results, the contents of curriculum, textbook, and administrative department were classified as hygiene safety, health, and culture. The goal of the educational content system was divided into three areas: nutritional dietary life, food hygiene and health, and food culture. The subjects consisted of dietary balance, healthy body weight, digestion and absorption, food hygiene, Korean agricultural products, traditional food, and table manners. The curriculum was composed of 12 content elements. Conclusions: In order to ensure that after-school care students can grow into healthy, growth-oriented and creative talents, the role of the caring guide is important, and associated guidelines are needed in the future.

A Study on the Current Status and Improvement of Online Classes for Students with Developmental Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic -in chungbuk- (코로나19 상황 속 발달 장애 학생의 온라인 학습 실태와 개선방안 -충북지역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.350-358
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of rights for online learning of students with developmental disabilities in the COVID-19 situation and suggest plans to promote the rights focusing on parents with children with disabilities. This research conducted the mixed method, which utilizes the survey of 200 parents with children in chungbuk, who have developmental disabilities, and FGI of six parents. The survey analysis shows that 50.5% of the respondents could not support their children due to telecommuting. The most urgent support system for learning assistance was identified as support for assistive personnel. As a result of the analysis of FGI, two categories of "status of online classes in the COVID-19," "improving non-contact learning environment considering the nurturing environment," "diversifying teaching methods such as video classes," "introducing of a contextual assessment," and "enhancing health support." Based on these findings, the study proposed to review legal grounds for online classes for disabled students, expand the dispatch of learning support personnel and prepare plans to promote the online learning environment.

COVID-19 and Korean Family Life on Social Media: A Topic Model Approach (소셜 빅데이터로 알아본 코로나19와 가족생활: 토픽모델 접근)

  • Park, Sunyoung;Lee, Jaerim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.282-300
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to explore what social media posts tell us about family life during the COVID-19 pandemic by examining the keywords and topics underlying posts on blogs and online forums. Our criteria for web crawling were (a) blog and forum posts on Naver and Daum, the top portal sites in Korea, (b) posts between February 23 and April 19, 2020, the period of the first heightened social distancing orders, and (c) inclusion of "COVID" and "family" or "COVID" and "home." We analyzed 351,734 posts using TF-IDF values and topic modeling based on latent Dirichlet allocation. We identified and named 22 topics including COVID-19 prevention, family infection, family health, dietary life and changes, religious life, stuck at home, postponed school year, family events, travel and vacations, concerns about family and friends, anxiety and stress, disaster and damage, COVID-19 warning text messages, family support policies, Shin-cheon-ji and Daegu. The results show that COVID-19 impacted various domains of family life including health, food, housing, religion, child care, education, rituals, and leisure as well as relationships and emotions.

The experience of Long term Care Hospital Workers on Sexual Behaviors of the Elderly (노인 요양병원 종사자들의 노인 성행동 경험)

  • Cho, Han A;Sung, Kyung Mi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2022
  • This study is an explorer study to investigate the experience of long term care hospital workers on the sexual behaviors of the elderly. The data were collected from August to October in 2019. The depth interview was implemented with using the semi structured questionnaires. The interview data collected from the participants were analyzed with using qualitative thematic analysis methods. The experience of long term care hospital workers regarding the elderly's sexual behaviors consisted of ten sub-categorized themes from the significant statements and was categorized into following four themes; 'Negative feelings related with elderlys' sexual behaviors', 'Difficulty of maintaining caring roles', 'Recognizing the absence of care for elderlys' sexual behavior', 'Accepting the therapeutic roles for elderlys' sexual behavior'. The findings could be the basic data for developing educational programs that help the long term care hospital workers understand the sexual behavior of the elderly.

A Study of father's care giving in infancy (아버지의 영아 돌봄에 관한 문헌연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 1998
  • These days social and economical changes have influence on the structure of family and the role of family members. Working mothers and widowers with children are increasing because of economical difficulties. Support from relatives are decreasing because of the conspicuous trend toward nuclear families. According to these reasons androgynous fathers are required. Today's fathers in Korea socially and culturally have learned about traditional parenting, but they are changing their fathering styles to meet the demands of the times. However they don't have their own fathering models. Therefore nurses who hold an advantageous position to teach and support from clinic have to encourage them to care their infants. The purposes of this study were to define father's care giving in infancy, understand influencing factors on fathering, and the differences between fathering and mothering, then contribute to nursing implementation for supporting fathers. This study was designed to review references about father's care giving. The results were follows: Six aspects of parent participation were direct care. indirect care, play, decision-making concerning the child, amount of time of sole responsibility for the child and overall availability to the child. Direct care involved feeding, bathing, going to child if child awakens. dressing, putting child to bed, taking child to doctor, nurse, or dentist, transporting child to and from sitter, day care, or school, washing child's hair. Indirect care involved cleaning up after child, preparing child's food, fixing child's broken playthings, washing child's clothes, arranging baby-sitting, shopping for child's toys and clothes, transporting baby-sitter to and from your home. Young fathers were gradually participating in direct care like feeding, taking child to doctor. Father's care giving stimulated mothering and promoted parent-infant relationship. Influencing factors of fathering would be divided into father characteristics, surrounding factors, infant attributes. Father characteristics were age, role perception, relationship with parent. Surrounding factors were the opportunity of early contact, support system, spouse's expectation, marital adjustment, feeding type, past experience of care giving. Infant attributes were temperament, behavior, age, sex. The differences between fathering and mothering were reviewed. Fathers were poor at care giving. but their caring was similar to mother's. This subtle difference positively worked upon infant's growth and development. On the basis of these theoretical data, nurses can empower fathers to cooperate with mothers in caring infants.

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A Comparison of Alcohol Secondhand Effects among Korean and U.S. College Students (한국과 미국 대학생의 간접음주피해 비교)

  • Chun, Sung-Soo;Sohn, Ae-Ree;Reid, Easton A.;Inot, Rubelyn;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Percoheles, Grace;Lee, Sang-Sook;Wechsler, Henry
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: To compare alcohol secondhand effects among US and Korean students. Methods: Nationally representative 4-year colleges of two countries were involved in this cross-national comparison study. Data from the 2001 U.S. College Alcohol Study and the 2003 Korean College Alcohol Study came from 120 colleges in 38 U.S. states and the District of Columbia and 60 colleges in Korea. Randomly selected 4-year college students from the U.S. (10,924) and Korea (2,385) participated in the study using self-reports of alcohol use and perceptions of drinking as assessed by College Alcohol Study questionnaires. Results: Korean students were tend to more likely to have being a victim of sexual assault or date rape, having to take care of drunken students and finding vomit in the hall or bathroom of residence, than US students, while US students were tend to more likely to have being insulted or humiliated, having a serious argument and quarrel, being pushed, hit, or assaulted, having study/sleep interrupted, and experiencing an unwanted sexual advance than Korean students. Conclusion: In general, US students were more likely to suffer interrelationship problems after drinking while Korean students were more likely to have physical and individual drinking related problems.

A Study on the Special Needs of the Hearing-Impaired Person for Disaster Response (청각장애인 재난대응 욕구에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soungwan;Kim, Hey Sung;Roh, Sungmin
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.63-88
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated the actual status of special needs of the hearing-impaired person for disaster response. The analysis revealed a significant level of unmet needs in disaster response for hearing-impaired person. The 5 special needs in disaster response include: 1) communication needs, which involve securing the means to make an emergency rescue request and communicating information during the rescue process; 2) transportation needs, which indicate the effective evacuation capacity and the level of training; 3) medical needs, which address the degree of preparedness for physical and mental emergency measures and the delivery of health information for rescue and first aid process; 4) maintaining functional independence needs, which refer to the level of self-preparedness to minimize damage in disaster situations, and; 5) supervision needs, which correspond to a personalized support system provided to disaster-vulnerable groups.