• Title/Summary/Keyword: 거주자평가

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A Study on Sensibility Image of Necktie according to Width and Color Combination of Checked Pattern (체크패턴의 폭과 색채조합에 따른 넥타이의 감성이미지 연구)

  • Choi, Su-Koung;Jung, Su-Jin;Sung, Nam-Suk
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensibility image of necktie according to width and color combination of checked pattern. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response scales. The stimuli were 18 color pictures, in which the width(small: 0.2cm, medium: 1cm, large: 2cm), tone combination(similar, contrast), and hue combination(WR: white+red, WB: white+blue, WG: white+gray) were manipulated. The 7-point scale was used for evaluation of sensibility image. The subjects of this research were 216 female college students living in Gyeongnam. The investigation was carried out at September 2009. The data were analyzed by using SPSS program. Analysis methods were ANOVA and Duncan-test. The results of this study were as follows.; The analyses of sensibility for necktie according to width and color combination of checked pattern revealed that the concerned factors are five characteristic dimensions of attractiveness, youth, appeal, elegance, and warmness. Width showed an independent effect on appeal. Tone combination showed an independent effect on attractiveness, appeal, elegance, and warmness. Interaction effects of width and tone combination on attractiveness were found. Hue combination showed an independent effect on all dimensions. In addition, significant interaction effects of width and hue combination on attractiveness, youth, appeal, and elegance were found. Significant interaction effects of tone combination and hue combination on attractiveness, youth, and appeal were found.

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Regional Cooperation by the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit and Water Network (아시아.태평양 물정상회의를 통한 지역 협력과 수자원 네트워크)

  • Park, Ji-Seon;Hong, Il-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.1565-1569
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    • 2008
  • 지난 수십 년 동안, 아시아 태평양 지역 각국은 수자원 접근성 및 인프라의 확충을 포함한 물관리의 다양한 측면에서 현저히 발전하였다고 평가되고 있다. 그러나 급속한 인구 증가 및 경제 성장, 도시화, 기존 수자원의 고갈 등은 아태 지역의 물 수요가 여전히 충족시키지 못하는 원인이다. 또한 기후변화로 인한 환경적 변화를 고려하여 모든 수자원정책의 입안 및 계획이 이루어져야 한다. 경제적 성장률은 전반적으로 높았지만 빈곤 문제는 역시 도시나 농촌을 구분할 것 없이 만성적인 문제로 남아 있으며, 아태 지역 개도국 인구의 16%가 영양실조 상태이며, 2015년까지 그 수를 반감하자는 밀레니엄 개발목표(Millenium Development Goals, MDGs) 달성은 아직 갈 길이 멀다. 또한 아태 지역은 물 관련 재해에 대해 전 세계에서 가장 취약한 지역이며 그로 인한 지속가능한 발전이 지체되고 있다. 1960년부터 2006년까지 물 관련 재해로 인한 전 세계 사상자의 80%에 달하는 60만 명의 사상이 아태 지역에서 발생하였으며, 80억 달러의 경제적 손실이 있었다. 홍수, 가뭄, 쓰나미, 폭풍, 해일 등으로 인한 사회경제적 피해는 최근 들어 더욱 확산되고 있다. 지난 10년간의 급속한 인구 증가로 많은 인구가 범람지대 및 기타 재해 취약 지역에 거주하게 되었으며, 이는 물 인프라 확충을 위한 많은 투자를 요하고 있다. 2006년 3월 멕시코에서 개최된 제4차 세계물포럼의 지역별 추진과정에서 아태 지역은 생태계, 인구, 정치적 제도 및 사회경제적 환경 등 각국의 다양성이 이와 같은 공통된 물문제 해결에 기반이 될 수 있는 요소임에 공감하고 지속적인 수자원 확보와 올바른 수자원관리에 공동의 노력을 기울여 효율적인 메커니즘을 구성을 통해 아태 지역의 사회경제적 발전을 촉구하기로 하였다. 이에 아시아 태평양 물포럼(Asia-Pacific Water Forum)이라는 새로운 이니셔티브가 구성되었고 물 관련 재원 조달 및 인프라 확보를 통해 국경을 초월하는 협력을 증진하고 재해 관리와 조화로운 수자원 개발과 생태 보호등을 위한 일관된 수자원정책 수립과 프로그램 개발 등을 목표로 설정하여 활동을 시작하였다. 아시아 태평양 물정상회의(이하 아태 물정상회의, Asia-Pacific Water Summit(APWS))는 이러한 목표 달성을 구체화하기 위해 각국의 지도자 및 정책입안자에 밀레니엄 개발목표(MDGs) 달성을 위해 물 문제가 얼마나 중요한지 부각시키고 실질적인 정책 결정에 기여하기 위해 제안되었다. 제1차 아태 물정상회의가 2007년 12월 3-4일 양일에 걸쳐 일본 벳부에서 개최되었고, 2008년 G8 정상회담이나 2009년 제5차 세계물포럼에 직접적으로 연계되어 지역 협력을 주도한 가운데 아태 지역 뿐 아니라 전 지구적으로 인류 및 사회 발전을 위한 이정표로 새로운 수자원 네트워크 발돋움의 계기가 되었다.

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Dental Caries Status of 14-16 Year Old Adolescents in Yangsan Area (양산시 거주 14-16세 청소년의 치아우식증 상태에 대한 조사연구)

  • Kwon, Bomin;Bae, Ikhyun;Kim, Shin;Kim, Jiyeon;Jeong, Taesung
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2014
  • Although adolescents usually show peculiar aspects in oral health status, there have been not so many studies about it, while there have been innumerable studies for children. This study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of dental caries of adolescents in Yangsan in Republic of Korea, detecting its contributing factors, and distinguishing the high-risk group by epidemiological mass survey. Besides, the significance including early caries lesion in diagnosis criteria was assessed with minimal invasive concept. This survey was performed on 1,371 adolescents aged 14 to 16 in Yangsan as subject examinees by a single trained examiner. The dental caries status was checked by oral examination at schools and questionnaire survey was accompanied for some relevant risk factors. The data were analyzed to yield the results as follows: Regarding the caries experience, the DMFT score by WHO criteria with ECL including or not was 4.79 and 3.97 respectively. In both the criteria, female showed higher values and that of high-risk group was almost twice compared with whole examinees by Sic Index. About pit & fissure sealed rate, it revealed the tendency that the more sealed teeth, the lower DMFT values. Among the studied risk factors, only the habit of brushing before going to bed showed positive relationship (p < 0.05).

Related Factors with Medication Task Ability in Rural Elderly (일부 농촌 노인에서의 약물복용 수행능력과 관련된 요인)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 1999
  • Medication non-compliance among the elderly results in medical problems and substantial cost to the health care system. This study investigate predicted variable related to the medication task ability among elderly. This study was done in the selected 4 villages in Kimchun County of Kyungbuk Province from July to August, 1996. The subject was the resident that 202 adults above 60 years of age. The questionnaire of interview included medication task ability, socio-demographic data, COOP/WONCA chart, family ABGAR score. BDI(Beck depression inventory), ADL(activities of daily living), IADL(instrumental activities of daily living), and MMSE-K(minimental state examination-Korean version). The results were as followed : 1. Approximately 49% of study population was taking drug medication currently. We found that 93% of study population was successful at the medication task all alone, 6% was failure at the medication task all alone, so need help partly or completely. 2. Significant variables between group of medication task ability were age, educational attainment, IADL, and MMSE-K in univariate analysis. And significant correlated variables with medication task ability were ADL, IADL, MMSE-K, and BDI in correlation analysis. 3. Major predictors to medication task ability on multiple logistic regression were IADL and sex finally. Findings suggest that IADL is related to medication task ability than other test battery of health status, so IADL could be used to necessary for medication management and add information to conventional methods of assessing mental status.

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Effects of Retirement Planning on Quality of Life and Satisfaction -with Moderating Effects on the Social and Psychological Sense of Crisis- (은퇴예정자의 은퇴설계가 개인의 삶의 질과 만족도에 미치는 영향 -사회심리적 위기감의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sun-Hwa;Lim, Wang-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.570-586
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of middle-aged retirement planning on individual's quality of life and overall satisfaction, and moderating effects of social and psychological sense of crisis, and the differences of measured variables in the demographic characteristics. Retirement planning that may be the most important factor in the country's social costs is aimed to provide a basis for fixing the interest in advance of retirement planning training and retirement. The subjects are workers who live in the Seoul metropolitan area and Gyonggi-do. Total sample size is 350, then 335 samples were collected on the data. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, house ownership and education level among demographic variables affects satisfaction of their life. People who do not own a house shows higher satisfaction, and higher education level affects satisfaction positively. Second, satisfaction is affected by transition to rest negatively, on the other hand, it is affected by expect of new beginning positively. Besides, No moderating effect of social and psychological crisis showed that negative life evaluation role to the independent variables. Third, cognitive information is affected by transition to rest and imposed disruption positively. Besides, job dissatisfaction adjusts between them. Fourth, improvement of life quality is not affected by expect of the retirement planning. On the other hand, there is not moderating effects of social and psychological sense of crisis.

Psychosocial Stress Levels and Related Factors in some Rural Residents (일부 농촌지역 주민에서 사회심리적 스트레스 수준과 관련요인)

  • Han, Mi-Ah;Kim, Ki-Soon;Park, Jong;Ryu, So-Yeon;Kang, Myung-Geun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the levels of psychosocial stres and to identify its Methods: The study subjects were 1,806 adults aged 40-70 years living in Naju City, Jeollanamdo. Sociodemographic characteristics, health-related behavior, social suport and personality were collected for statistical analysis. The measurement instrument of psychosocial stress was psychosocial well-being index. The regression analysis. Results: The results showed that 16.6% of subjects were categorized as high stress, 63.4% as moderate, and 20.0% as normal. Overall, the mean value of PWI was 17.29.8 and significantly diferent by socioeconomic characteristics, health-related behavior, social suport and personality. In the case of men, the income, decreased positive social suport, increased negative social suport, type A behavior pattern, decrease of internal locus of control or poorer self-esteem. In the case of women, the PWI was significantly deteriorated in the subjects with no job, no spouse, decreased positive social suport, increased negative social support, type A behavior pattern, decrease of internal locus of control or poorer self-esteem.Conclusions: The psychosocial stres for rural residents was related with social suport and personality. Thus, these results should be considered to reduce stres levels in rural adults.

A Study on the Judicial Precedent regarding a Right to a View (조망권에 관한 판례연구)

  • Koo, Jae-Koon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.63-88
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    • 2008
  • In this treatise I have advanced a theory to regulate legal problems rationally arising from a right to a view and I have checked some precedents dealing with the temporary injunction, compensation for damage and the demolition of a house(mainly apartment) owing to an infringement of a right to a view. Relating to an infringement of a right to a view, there are more lawsuits which are instituted together with an infringement of a right to enjoy sunshine than lawsuits related only to the right to a view. In the cases of an infringement of a right to a view connects with educational or religious environment, the court made it a decision that the construction is prohibited from constructing more than a certain-story building to protect a right to a view. Plaintiffs won a case their suit in the original judgement regarding a claim for damages owing to an infringement of a right to a view, but the Supreme Court reversed the decision of a lower court. The right to a sky view should not be infringed in case of a dwelling house which is not built for the purpose of business or a view.

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A Study on Anxiety in College Students (불안척도에 의한 대학생의 정신건강 평가)

  • Park, Byung-Tak;Lee, Jong-Bum;Cheung, Sung-Douk;Chung, Jong-Hak
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 1985
  • The authors studied anxiety, using Zung's Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), in the subjects of 3,893 male and 1,976 female college students of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of SAS during the periods from October to November, 1984, and applied ANOVA and t-test on the anxiety scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors, and sexes. The results could be summarized as follows: There was significant difference in the mean averages of total anxiety score's between male and female students ; male students scored $36.92{\pm}7.07$, female students scored $39.63{\pm}7.51$, p<0.001. The anxiety scores relating to the items of sweating, apprehension, restlessness, insommia, dyspnea were relatively higher in both groups. The anxiety scores in the items of paresthesias, mental disintegration, tremors, faintness, dizziness were lower in both groups. Two hundred and one male students (5.2%) showed seriously high anxiety scores of 50 or higher, while 201 female students (10.2%) showed the same scores. So the authors inferred that the features of anxiety symptoms were much the same in our country, but females showed more various symptoms and higher level of anxiety than males. In a comparison between male students in different school grades, freshmen showed the highest level of anxiety scores and as the grades of the students became higher, the levels of anxiety scores were lower. The female students who resided in dormitory or other residences, and whose educational fees were paid by brothers or sisters, showed higher level of anxiety scores. There was a strong tendency toward higher anxiety scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their colleges or departments, and who had pessimistic views of self image in the past, present, or future, in both groups.

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The Sensibility Image and Interaction Effect of Necktie according to Same-Tone Coordination - Focusing on 1:2:3 Area-Ratio Variation of Striped Pattern - (동일색조 코디네이션에 따른 넥타이의 감성이미지와 상호작용효과 - 스트라이프 패턴의 1:2:3 면적비 변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Nam-Suk;Choi, Su-Koung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to characterize the sensibility image and interaction effect of striped necktie according to same-tone coordination and 1:2:3 area-ratio variation on the gender. The experimental materials developed for this study are a set of stimuli and response scales. The stimuli consist of 56 color pictures manipulated with every combination of 4 different colors, 2 different tones and 7 different area-ratio. The 7-point scale designed for visual evaluation of sensibility image included 26 bipolar adjectives. The subjects were 1344 undergraduate students in Gyeongnam, Seoul, Busan, and Daegu areas. The results of this study were as follows. The analyses of sensibility images in terms of same-tone coordination and 1:2:3 area-ratio variation of stripe necktie reveal that the concerned factors are of five characteristic dimensions of attractiveness, youth-activity, appeal, ability, and warmness. In the 5 factors of sensibility image, color combination and tone showed independent effect. In addition, significant interaction effects of area-ratio and tone on appeal and ability were found. Interaction effects of gender and area-ratio on youth-activity were found. Interaction effects of gender and tone on warmness were found. Interaction effects of color combination and tone on appeal and warmness were found. The study results are highly expected to be used as useful sources in developing men's coordination.

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The Role of Independent and Interdependent Self-Construals in Marital Satisfaction among Men and Women (기혼남녀의 자기관과 결혼만족의 관계 - 독립 및 상호의존적 자기관을 중심으로-)

  • Hyun, Kyoung-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.239-268
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the role of self-construals in marital satisfaction among men and women, and explored how independent and interdependent self-construals contribute to or undermine marital satisfaction. Data were drawn from a self-administered questionnaire study in which 489 married people(aged 25-75) residing in Seoul participated. Path analyses were conducted using Structural Equation Modeling Program, and a goodness of fit of the proposed path model was evaluated. As expected, the positive impact of independent self-construal on marital satisfaction was mediated by self-esteem and clarity of communication, and that of interdependent self-construal on marital satisfaction was mediated by psychological stability and a sense of relational well-being. The direct effects of these two types of self-construal on marital satisfaction were opposite. As predicted, independent self-construal decreased marital satisfaction, whereas interdependent self-construal increased it. All of the direct and indirect effects of independent and interdependent self-construals on marital satisfaction were statistically significant, except the indirect effect of interdependent self-construal as mediated by psychological stability. The goodness of fit indexes of the path model indicated that the model was acceptable. However, the results of separate path analyses for men and women showed that some of the effects of self-construals on marital satisfaction differed by gender. Based on these results, implications for clinical social work practice were discussed.

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