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The Effect of Coffee Consumption Motivation on the Future Coffee Consumption Intentions (커피의 소비동기와 향후 소비의도에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Ja Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2013
  • The consumption of coffee has been drastically increased last two decades. Now almost all the Korean adult people enjoy the coffee and diverse cultures related coffee have been spread widely in Korea. Therefore new marketing strategies are necessary to satisfy consumers according to ages, attitudes, and other characters. It has been continuously discussed whether the coffee gives negative impacts to health. Regardless of the discussions of the effects to health, now coffee became a part of modern daily lives. In this study the motivations of coffee consumption were classified to five; wellbeing motivation, refreshment motivation, social motivation, habitual motivation, and emotional motivation. Future intention of coffee consumption were also classified to five factors: sound mental intention, addictive intention, side-effect recovery intention, economic intention, and psychological intention. The survey was conducted in Seoul City and Kyeongki Province from January 3 to February 2, 2013. Total 500 questionaries were distributed and 450 were collected and 428 samples were used for the analysis of this study. The data were analyzed by SPSS Win 18 Version. The methods used in this study were factors analysis test, reliability test, validity test, t-testy, One-Way ANOVA, and regression analysis. The hypnosis in this study were as follows. First, The motivations of coffee consumption would influence to the intention of coffee consumption. Second, there would be statistical differences to the intention of coffee consumption according to the demographic characteristics. According to the result of the study, the motivation of coffee partially affected to the intention of coffee consumption. And there were statistical differences according to age, occupations, educational levels, and monthly incomes. The implications of this study were the factors related health and emotional feeling were considered more important than tastes and characters of coffee-shop that people thought more important before.

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A Study on the Effect of Donors' Utility on Their Intention for Donation Continuity Focusing on Private Contribution to Social Welfare Organizations (사회복지기관 개인기부자들의 기부효용감이 기부지속의도에 미치는 영향 -기관신뢰감과 자기수용감의 매개효과와 경제수준의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Wonjune
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.333-361
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    • 2014
  • By viewing donors for social welfare organization as both givers and beneficiaries, this study aims to address the correlations between the continuity of donors' contributions and enhanced sense of satisfaction as a consequence of participating in donation activities. The predominant concern of this study centers on: (1) the direct effects of individuals' emotional utility, demonstrable utility, trust toward donee organization, self acceptance on the continuation of their donation; (2) the direct effects of individuals' emotional utility, demonstrable utility, trust toward donee organizations on individuals' self-acceptance; (3) the direct effects of individuals' emotional utility, demonstrable utility on their trust toward a donee organization; (4) the indirect effects of individuals' self acceptance on two paths i.e. emotional utilitytrustself acceptance, and demonstrable utilitytrustself acceptance; (5) the indirect effects of individuals' individuals' trust toward donee organization on self acceptance on four paths i.e. emotional utilitytrustcontinuity of donation; demonstrable utilitytrustcontinuity of donation; emotional utilitytrustself-acceptance, and demonstrable utilitytrustself-acceptance; (6) the moderating effects of 'financial status' on the causal relationships in the prescribed structural equation model(SEM). In order to verify the moderating effect of 'financial status', multi-group analysis between each of the two groups were conducted. Research is based on a survey among 1116 donors who had made charitable, monetary contributions to social welfare organizations in Daegu and Kyungpook province. Data was collected from 29 organizations. In order to address the research questions, structural equation were employed. A variety of tests are conducted(metric invariance, critical ratio for difference, structural invariance, multi-group analysis, bias-corrected boot-strapping, latent mean analysis including Cohen's effect test).

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Analysis of Language Message Expression in Beauty Magazine's Cosmetic Ads : Focusing on "Hyang-jang", AMOREPACIFIC's from 1958 to 2018 (화장품광고에 나타난 언어메시지 표현분석 : 1958년~2018년의 아모레퍼시픽 뷰티매거진<향장>을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun-Sob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2019
  • This study confirmed the followings based on analysis of language messages in 718 advertisement in , AMOREPACIFIC's beauty magazine, published from 1958 to 2018 by product categories, era, in terms of purchase information, persuasive expression, word type. First, the number of pieces among 1980s to 1990s advertisement were the largest and, in terms of product categories, there were the greatest number of pieces in skincare, makeup and mens products. Second, headline and bodycopy had a different aspect in persuasive expression. "focused on image-making" was mainly used for head lines. Specifically, "situational image" was generally dominant. While the "user image" was higher before 1990's, "brand image" was as recent times. "Informal" was mostly applied for bodycopies, especially, "general information" and "differentiated information" was used the most. It is important to know what kind of information the brand established in each brand should be embodied rather than simply dividing the appeal method into "rational appeal" and "emotional appeal."Third, persuasive expression has different aspects in headlines and body copies. "focused on image-making" was mainly used as headlines. Specifically, "situational image" is dominant. Also, "user image" was high before 1990s but "brand image" got higher in recent times. "Informal" was mostly used as body copies, especially "general information" and "differentiated information" were the most frequently selected. Therefore, it is important to apprehend which information to specify established images by brands, rather than to divide "rational appeals" and "emotional appeals". Lastly, categorizing word type into brand names and headlines, foreign language was the most dominant in brand names and Chinese characters in headline. Remarkably, brand names in native language temporarily high in 70's and 80's, which could be interpreted to be resulted from the government policy promoting native language brands in those times. In addition, foreign language was frequently used in cosmetics and Chinese characters in men's product. It could be explained that colors or seasons in cosmetic products were expressed in foreign language in most case. On the other hand, the inclination of men's product consumers, where they pursue prestige or confidence in Chinese character, was actively reflected to language messages.

Study on Operating Strategy for Recreation Forests through Comparing the Level of User Satisfaction according to Clusters (군집별 만족도 비교를 통한 자연휴양림의 효율적 운영 방안 연구)

  • Gang, Kee-Rae;Lee, Kee-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2010
  • Recreation forests are in the spotlight as the place for personality development, mind and body comfort, companionship, and environment education in forests and valleys. Visitors to recreation forests have been on the increase along with booming in recreation forest building since 1988. Recreation forests are being categorized according to some features such as regional and environmental condition. Recreation forests, however, have not met the expectations of some visitors who want to take a rest with calmness due to the influence of the 5-day-work-week system, increasing interest in rest, leisure, and well-being, and users converge during weekends, summer, and the tourist season. In order to improve visitors' satisfaction efficiently, this study surveyed the level of satisfaction in each cluster based on the precedent study which had classified 85 national or public recreation forests in Korea into clusters. Questionnaires were distributed properly to each cluster and, of the 1,132 questionnaires collected, 1,015 were valid and used for analysis. Reliability of questionnaires and statistical validity of the model were verified. As a result, there are meaningful differences in the ranking of independent variables which affect the level of satisfaction according to clusters. Variables in rest and fatigue recovery have the strongest influence on the level of satisfaction in the clusters of potential factor, internal activation factor, and mixed potential capacity factor. In the use performance and visiting condition factor cluster, appropriateness of visit cost is most influential and, in the education cluster, connectivity with tourist attractions around it is most affective. These results can provide priority in services and maintenance of recreation forests for improving the level of satisfaction and differentiate the distribution of resources according to clusters.

A Study on the Effect of SMEs' Organizational Culture and Self-Efficacy on Job Crafting and Job Satisfaction (소기업의 조직문화와 자기효능감이 잡 크래프팅과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Keun Soo;Heo, Ghul Moo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to verify the causal relationship that SMEs' organizational culture and self-efficacy would affect job crafting and job satisfaction. Unlike previous domestic studies that have been studied for organizational culture at the organizational level and self-efficacy at the individual level, this study tried to verify the interaction between job crafting and job satisfaction using different mechanisms as antecedent factors. In order to verify the research model of this study, questionnaires of 144 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) workers located in Seoul and metropolitan areas were analyzed. Factor analysis and correlation analysis were performed to verify the reliability and validity of the research model on the relationship between variables, and empirical analysis was performed using regression analysis and mediation effect analysis to verify the hypothesis. The results of the study were first, that organizational culture and self-efficacy had a positive (+) effect on job crafting. On the other hand, relationship-oriented culture and hierarchical-oriented culture, which are sub-factors of organizational culture, were found to be insignificant. Second, organizational culture and self-efficacy were found to have a positive (+) effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that market-oriented culture and hierarchical-oriented culture, which are sub-factors of organizational culture, were not significant. Third, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that the sub-factors of job crafting, disruptive job demands and social job resources, were not significant. This means that organizational culture partially affects job crafting and job satisfaction of SMEs, and job crafting also partially affects job satisfaction. The implications of this study are first, suggesting the meaning of SME organizational culture for stable and efficient human resource management for SMEs suffering from low productivity and high turnover rate. Second, it was meaningful to understand the possibility of introducing job crafting as an effective job management plan for SMEs. Third, in the current situation where there are few cases of practical introduction of job crafting, research on understanding job crafting for SMEs and improving job satisfaction is thought to be helpful in improving the productivity of SMEs.

Influencing Factors Analysis for the Number of Participants in Public Contracts Using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 공공계약의 입찰참가자수 영향요인 분석)

  • Choi, Tae-Hong;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Wan-Sup
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2018
  • This study analyze the factors affecting the number of bidders in public contracts by collecting contract data such as purchase of goods, service and facility construction through KONEPS among various forms of public contracts. The reason why the number of bidders is important in public contracts is that it can be a minimum criterion for judging whether to enter into a rational contract through fair competition and is closely related to the budget reduction of the ordering organization or the profitability of the bidders. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that determine the participation of bidders in public contracts and to present the problems and policy implications of bidders' participation in public contracts. This research distinguishes the existing sampling based research by analyzing and analyzing many contracts such as purchasing, service and facility construction of 4.35 million items in which 50,000 public institutions have been placed as national markets and 300,000 individual companies and corporations participated. As a research model, the number of announcement days, budget amount, contract method and winning bid is used as independent variables and the number of bidders is used as a dependent variable. Big data and multidimensional analysis techniques are used for survey analysis. The conclusions are as follows: First, the larger the budget amount of public works projects, the smaller the number of participants. Second, in the contract method, restricted competition has more participants than general competition. Third, the duration of bidding notice did not significantly affect the number of bidders. Fourth, in the winning bid method, the qualification examination bidding system has more bidders than the lowest bidding system.

The Content Analysis of the Earliest Memories and Dreams of Psychiatric Disorders (정신질환자(精神疾患者)의 최초기억(最初記憶)과 꿈의 내용분석(內容分析))

  • Park, Byung-Tak
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 1984
  • The earliest memories and dreams have been investigated in many aspects; biological, psychological, statistical, and psychotherapeutic, in psychiatric field. The approach methods to these psychic contents are innumerable according to the schools, the collector's attitudes to these materials, the collecting methods and the variable factors of the reporter. In this study the author attempted to compare the distribution of the aggression and dependency themes in these psychic contents among groups of different sexes and clinical diagnoses. In this purpose the author devised new scales, the Aggression and the Dependency Scales for the earliest memories and dreams which are composed of 12-theme classes, according to 3 aspects of the ego attitudes and 4 degrees of the intensity of drives. The scales were tested on a series of the earliest memories and dreams from 100 male medical students by two raters. The interrater reliabilities, measured by kappa method, were all significant at better than the .001 level. The author collected the reports of the earliest memories and dreams from 293 schizophrenics (161 males and 132 females) and 301 neurotics (164 males and 137 females) who were either outpatients or inpatients of 5 general hospitals and 2 private neurospychiatric clinics and from 310 controls (169 males and 141 females) who were either students, housewives or employees in Taegu area during the periods from March to August, 1980 and from April to August, 1983. The author compared the contents of the earliest memories and dreams from these 3 clinical groups on the newly devised scales and the results could be summarized as follows: In general, the contents of the earliest memories showed more differences among diagnostically different groups, while the contents of dreams showed more differences among sexually different groups. The dependency themes were more frequent than the aggression thems in all groups. The aggression themes were more frequent in dreams than in the earliest memories. Of the earliest memory themes, the distribution of the aggression themes was different among clinical groups, i.e., most frequent in schizophrenics, next in neurotics, and least in controls. The distribution of the dependency themes was in reverse order. Attitudes of being attacked were more frequent in schizophrenics. Observing attitudes of dependency need were more frequent in neurotics while gratifying attitudes were more frequent in controls. Highest degrees of aggression and delpendency were more frequent in neurotics. In the distribution of the dream themes, there were some differences among male and female schizophrenics. Aggression themes, especially active and the highest degree of aggression, were more frequent in male sclizophrenics, while dependency themes, especially frustrated themes, were more frequent in female schizophrenics. Among 3 clinical groups, observing attitudes of dependency need were more frequent in female groups, while gratifying attitudes were more frequent in male groups.

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Development of a simplified malnutrition screening tool for hospitalized patients and evaluation of its inter-methods reliability (입원환자의 초기영양평가를 위한 단순영양검색도구 개발 및 도구 간 신뢰도 검증)

  • Yun, Oak Hee;Lee, Gyuhwi;Park, Yoon Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.124-133
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The current study was designed for development of a simplified malnutrition screening tool (SMST) for hospitalized patients using readily available laboratory and patient information and for evaluation of its reliability compared to well-established tools, such as PGSGA and NRS-2002. Methods: Anthropometric and biochemical measurements, as well as a few subjective assessments, of 903 patients who were preclassified by their nutritional status according to PGSGA were analyzed. Among them, a combination of factors, including age, BMI, albumin, cholesterol, total protein, hematocrit, and changes in body weight and food intake, were statistically selected as variables for SMST. Results: According to SMST, 620 patients (68.7%) were classified as the normal group and 283 patients (31.3%) were classified as the malnutrition group. Significant differences in age, albumin, TLC, BMI, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein, cholesterol, and length of stay were observed between the two groups. For inter-methods reliability, the screening results by SMST were compared with those by PGSGA and NRS-2002. The comparison with PGSGA and NRS-2002 showed 'Substantial agreement' (sensitivity 94.4%, specificity 88.4%, κ = 0.747) and 'Moderate agreement' (sensitivity 96.1%, specificity 79.5%, κ = 0.505), respectively, indicating that SMST held high inter-methods reliability. Conclusion: In conclusion, SMST, based on readily available laboratory and patient information and simple subjective assessments on changes in food intake and body weight, may be a useful alternative tool with a simple but reliable risk index, especially in resource-limited domestic hospitals.

An Empirical Study on Successful Factor of Local Mobile App One-Person Creating Company : The Moderating Effects of Social Capital (지역 모바일 앱 1인 창조기업의 성공요인에 관한 실증분석 : 사회적 자본의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Cheon, Phyeong Uk;Chung, Dong Seop;Ock, Young Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2014
  • The Republic of Korea in the real economy to a knowledge economy, and a center of creativity and imagination in the creative economy is changing the paradigm. As the core of creating economic, creative industries with the technology and information play an important role in the industry individuals. In order to solve the problem of the polarization of the economy and high youth unemployment rate of Korea, to recognize the role of the creative industries, as objection part, dimensions pan-national and one creative companies in industries of Mobile Apps various policies that support has been promoted. Support these policies to be able to contribute to the establishment of the success of mobile apps one-person creating company, we performed this study targeting one-person company that creates mobile apps area, we conducted a demonstration study of success factors, and thus more effective and efficient in an attempt to seek out support measures. In this study, we derive a research 4 hypothesis about the success factors of one creative enterprise through literature discussion, a study was made on the basis of empirical data of one-person company that creates mobile apps. The results of the analysis, first, if the development rate of the mobile application technology is fast and a new competition associated product is appeared, it was possible to find a tendency to be higher at the performance quantitative companies. Second, if the founder is a founding for the benefit and rewarding work and come to terms with the risk, it was possible to discover tends to be higher achievement quantitative. Third, if one-person company select a target market with capture intensively, it was possible to find a tendency for higher qualitative results. Fourth, it could be found that the reliability of the contact frequency of the network related performance business environment these characteristics enterprise management strategy and act as a significant modulatory effect. Provision of information relating to management and entrepreneurship education to be one creative enterprise is required, these results suggest that there is a provision continuing need for the opportunity to be able to meet and network and reliable variety have. In this study, to take advantage to promote the elimination measures that can increase the likelihood of success of the company of institutions to support one company that creates knowledge-based, such as in the field of mobile application.

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Comparative Study on the Actual Conditions about Hypertension and Diabetes Case Management of the Elderly at the Hall for the Aged and the D Senior's College (D 노인대학과 경로당 노인들의 건강행태 및 고혈압당뇨병 관리실태 비교조사)

  • Yoon, Young-Suk;Kwon, Yang-Ok;Jung, Young-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for effective intervention of oral health behaviors strategy and to compare the actual conditions about hypertension and diabetes case management of the elderly at the hall for the aged and the D senior's college. The research method was a questionnaire including hypertension and diabetes case management of the elderly and the subjects were 174 of the elderly(65 age over) at the hall for the aged(100) and the senior's college(74). The results of this study were as follows; 1. Hypertension 1)The incidence of hypertension of elderly at the hall for the aged and the senior's college were 32.2%. 2)83.9% of the hypertension cases were initially diagnosed during hospital examination(p < 0.05). 3)Regular blood pressure checks were performed more than one time monthly on 76.8% of the cases(p < 0.05). 4)Blood pressure control was well controlled on 75%(p < 0.05). 5)85.7% of the elderly at the hall for the aged took hypertension drugs daily and 42.9% of the elderly at the senior's college took no drug alternatively(p < 0.05). 2. Diabetes 1)The incidence of the diabetes of elderly at the hall for the aged and the senior's college were 14.4%. 2)80.0% of the diabetes cases were initially diagnosed during hospital examination(p < 0.05). 3)64.0% of the cases did not have blood sugar measuring instrument(p < 0.05). 4. In the quality of life, the thinking of no difficulty in walking and no anxiety/depression was more presented on the elderly at the senior's college than those at the hall for the aged(p < 0.05). 5. The subjective health condition scores were higher on the elderly at the senior's college than those at the hall for the aged(p < 0.05).