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한국농촌의 식품금기에 관한 연구

  • 모수미
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 1966
  • A 371 agricultural households from 26 different communities in South Korea was subjected on a study of food taboos in January of 1966. To the pregnant women, those to whom a high protein diet is particurally important, as many as 14 different kinds of foods, mostly portein rich foods, were avoided to eat. It is believed that if duck is eaten while pregnant her baby may walk like a duck in later life. Some mother have a strong aversion to the rabbit meat that her unborn baby must be a harelip. It is feared to eat chicken, shark or carp by the pregnant mother for her baby may get a gooseflesh appearance, or fish scale-like skin in later life. It is thought that if mother eats soup made of meat borns, especially chicken bones, a disfigured baby may be born. Some area informed that if mother eats crab meat her future baby will always bubble. To the child-bearing mothers 13 different kinds of foods were avoided to eat. Some believe that if raddish kimchi, soybean curd, squash are eaten while dilivery that mother may get dental decay or to lose all her teeth. Other think that highly spiced raddish kimchi cause delivery difficult. To the lactating mothers 7 different items of foods were not recommended to eat. It is a common belief that eating green vegetables, especially fresh lettuce, are restricted that her baby may stool greenish. It is said that eating ginsen-chicken soup, or ginsen tea during lactating reduces breast milk secretion. To the weaning babies 7 different kinds of foods were prohibited to fee. Eggs are not eaten because mothers think her babies will start to talk very late. Eight different items of foods in cases of gastro-intestinal diseases, 5 items for liver disease, 7 items for high blood pressure as well as for paralysis were respectively restricted. It is said that meats including pork, beef, and chicken are neither desirable for the patients of high blood pressure nor those of paralysis. To the measles children 10 varieties of foods were restricted. Especially soybean products and meats were not encouraged to use for avoiding asecond attack of measles. For the common cold 8 different kinds of foods were aversed and men think that eating of soup of undria delays a recovery. For the tuberculosis 4 kinds of foods were prohibited to eat. It is said that wine, red pepper and ginsen will stimulate lung bleeding. Many mothers had a strong aversion to fermented shrimp and fish in case of style. and 5 different items of foods were restricted. In case of menstration not so many foods were restricted as other cases, but meat soup is not eaten in this condition in some areas. Majority of food taboos in Korean villages are neither based on tribal nor religious factors. But no one knows how, since what ages, from where, these food taboos have been transmitted and spread over the country. This survey found a great variety of food taboos, aversions, traditional beliefs and prohibitions latent unknown reseasons, or non-scientific conceptions, or completely different ideas from the modern medical aspect, or somewhat fallacious and superstitious beliefs. For the vascular disease contrasting approach were found between modern the oritical therapy and popular remedy among the rural populations who largely depend on the eastern medication. Further scientific study on either side should be done to lead the patient proper way. Many restricted foods such as rabbit, duck, chicken and fish are best resources of protein rich foods which are available in the village. Emphasis should be laid upon breaking down fallacious and supersititious food taboos through the extended nutrition education activities in order to improve food habit and good eating pattern for healthier and stronger generations of Korea.

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A study on the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture in Korea since 1945 (해방 이후 우리나라 면작농업 소멸의 지역적 전개과정)

  • ;Kim, Kihyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.318-339
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    • 1994
  • U.S. had given large amount of cotton to Korea as food aid program since 1945. This cotton aid had negative impact on cotton culture in Korean agriculture. Korean government used counterparts funds (sale proceeds of food aid) not for investment to agriculture sector, but for military budgets. And food aid on program type had influenced general economic policies, which neglected agricultural sector too. Anti-agricultural policy which was helped by U.S. food aid, had caused cotton cultivator an economic loss. So this economic loss had made many farmers abandon cotton culture. But in our times, cotton is cultivated for the purpose of domestic consumption in a few rural villages. The purposes of this study are 1) to analyze the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture since 1945 in regional contexts in Korea, and 2) to identify the function and meaning of cotton culture which does not pay off in agricultural region. Materials for acreage of cotton culture are acquired through the agricultural statistical year book(1952-1989) and census. To clarify the meanings of cotton culture, field survey are conducted in a rural village which is identified as only one where cotton was cultivated in 1993. In these contexts, this study has come to the following conclusions. In the period of under the rule of Japanese Imperialism (1910-1945), G. arboreum, species of cotton which was traditionally cultivated since 1364, had been driven out. And G. hirustun species, which is suitable for the production of highly qualified textile, has been hierarchically diffused by policy. In these period, regional structure of Korean agriculture was reorganized for the provision with food to Japan. Crops leading this dependent spatial structure were rice and cotton. So agricultural region, specialized with cotton, were distributed in the hinterland of the area which is specialized with rice. U.S. cotton aid to Korea began in 1947. U.S. took an interest in agricultural export because of her domestic surplus of cotton. Cotton aid is one mechanism by which U.S government developed agricultural market in recipient countries, Specially in the exchange rates, up-valuation of won to the U.S. dollars made domestic cotton more expensive than cotton imported, Production cost of domestic cotton is higher than Government's purchasing price of cotton which was also more expensive than price of cotton imported. Korean farmer could not help abandoning the cultivation of cotton, and this gave rise to spatial reduction of cotton culture. Spatially, cotton culture was abandoned in early stage of reduction in regions where stand at a disadvantage climatically, and in next stage in regions where other up-land crops which paid off in urban market, eg, fruits, could be cultivated. In the stage of extinction, cotton was cultivated only in area where G. hirustun species was originated in Korean peninsula. This region is not only suitable climatically for cotton culture, but is far away from urban market. Use of cotton produced is not for spinning, but for fillings of comforter. The main purpose of cotton culture in rural village is not for cotton yields, but for increase of production of seasame, which is grown together with cotton as mixed crops. Cotton product are used for domestic consumption and sold out to gin house. Though cotton culture is not paid off, farmer wanted to cultivate continuously for the cultural purpose, and they wanted the cotton culture promotion policy with the goverment subsidy.

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An Ethnography of Child-Rearing Experiences of Korean Mothers Living on Koje Island (우리나라 어머니의 자녀 양육의 의미 - 거제지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Soo-Yeon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.518-535
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    • 2001
  • Nursing practices should be based on the understanding of human beings. In order to understand human beings, it is important to study the lifestyles and thoughts of people in their natural environment. In this sense, the cultural aspects of a society need to be studied for a culture-bound nursing service. Child care, which is an important element of nursing, is also strongly influenced by the culture of a society. Therefore, a cultural study is necessary to understand the child-rearing practices of any society. The major purpose of this dissertation is to provide basic foundations for developing a culture-based theory for nursing intervention through studying traditional cultural elements of child care in Korean society. The study examined child-rearing practices in a small village on Koje Island in the southern part of Korea. It utilized ethnographic methodologies including participatory observations and in-depth interviews. The study participants were 9 Korean mothers living on Koje Island. The average age was 52. The data were collected between July in 1998 and December in 1999. The average number of interviews per person was 7-8, and the duration of each interview was approximately 2 hours. The data were analyzed using the Spradley Analytical Method. The following 9 major child-rearing aspects of mothers on Koje Island were discovered as a result of the study: 1. Firstly, mothers on Koje Island were mostly concerned about the "Old Birth Goddess' Curse", especially during their child's early years. This concern was evidenced by their careful behavior when their child was very young and by their praying to the Old Birth Goddess not to be jealous of their babies. 2. Secondly, they wished their children to live a different and better life than themselves. It was represented by their strong motivation toward their children's education as well as their expectation for their children's success. In traditional Korean culture, Korean people think that the rise and fall of the household depend on their offsprings. Therefore, Korean mothers wish their children attain to a higher level of social status through education. 3. Third, mothers are concerned about their children's righteousness. Mothers on Koje island expect their children to live with discretion, justice, strength, respect, harmony, and to do their best in life. 4. Next was an 'anticipation of their children's happy marriage'. The attributes of this category were an 'anxiety about their children's married life', and 'an expectation of a good spouse for their children'. Because Korean people believe that only a son can continue the bloodline of a family, especially Korean mothers have a great concern of the possibility of their daughters not having a son after marriage. Also they have different expectations toward their daughter-in-laws than son-in-laws. 5. Korean mothers also derived their satisfaction from their son. It was characterized by 'excessive affection toward their son', 'dependency on their son', and 'being afraid of their married daughter having a girl like themselves'. Korean society has been a patriarchy. Therefore, a son is beloved as someone who will take care of his old parents, be in charge of ancestral rites, and provide a daughter-in-law who can conceive a son. 6. The sixth category concerned 'the differences in their expectations for their children'. The attributes in this category were 'different expectations depending on their children's gender', 'different expectations depending on their children's ability', and a 'great sympathy toward children with low abilities'. Korean mothers expect their son to become better than their daughter. 7. The seventh category was related to their 'roles in child-caring practices'. Traditionally a child was raised in an extended family system in Korea So it was not the sole duty of a mother to bring up the child. Korean mothers used to receive much help rasing children from their in-laws, and family members. On the other hand, many children grew up by themselves, because their mothers were very busy taking care of housework. Furthermore, many children also grew up in poverty. 8. Mothers also had issues related to 'conflicts in child rearing'. They were characterized by 'lack of understanding', 'rudeness of children', and 'giving vent to one's anger'. 9. Finally, mothers regretted not doing their best in child-rearing practices. It was characterized by a 'bitter feeling of repentance', 'feeling irritated', and 'feeling of unsatisfaction'.

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Treatment Outcomes and Acoustic Rhinometric Results in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery of Adult Chronic Paranasal Sinusitis (성인 말성 부비동염에서 내시경적 부비동 수술 전.후의 증상 호전도와 음향비강통기도 검사 결과)

  • Kim, Yong-Dae;Kim, Jae-Yeul;Chang, Keun-Young;Lee, Hyung-Joong;Song, Si-Youn;Yoon, Seok-Keun
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2002
  • Background: Chronic paranasal sinusitis is one of the most common disease in the otorhinolaryngologic field. Endoscopic sinus surgery is treatment of choice in chronic paranasal sinusitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate objective and subjective treatment outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgery in adult chronic paranasal sinusitis with or without polyp. Materials and Methods: We reviewed 84 adult patients underwent endoscopic sinus surgery by one surgeon from June 1999 to June 2000, prospectively. We analyzed preoperative and postoperative subjective symptom scores and acoustic rhinometric results. Results: Fifty cases were male and thirty four cases female. The average age was of 33 year-old (range: 17 to 66 years). There was significantly improvement of symptom scores in postoperative 3 months and 6 months compared with preoperative symptom scores. There was significantly increased postoperative total volume of nasal cavity. When we compared high score group with low score group, there was statistically significant improvement of symptom scores between preoperative stage and postoperative 3 months in radiologic grading group. Conclusions: Endoscopic sinus surgery is considered to be effective for the treatment of chronic paranasal sinusitis. It seems to be helpful to employ subjective symptom score system and objective total volume change of nasal cavity through acoustic rhinometric test to analyze effectiveness of endoscopic sinus surgery. In this study, the most important preoperative factor of sinus surgery outcomes is radiologic grading system.

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Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) Using $^{99m}Tc$-DTPA Renal Scan and the Parameters for Renal Function ($^{99m}Tc$-DTPA를 이용한 신장스캔에서 사구체 여과율의 측정방법과 영상분석에서 구한 지표들에 의한 신장기능의 평가)

  • Cho, Ihn-Ho;Yoon, Hyun-Dae;Won, Kyu-Chang;Lee, Chan-Woo;Lee, Hyoung-Woo;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 1994
  • Many previously described nuclear medicine procedures to assess glomerular filtration rate have some problems because numerous blood sample is to be taken and they don't measure each separate renal function. Gates described isotopic method for the measurement of global and unilateral GFR based on the fractional renal uptake of $^{99m}Tc$-DTPA 2 to 3 minutes after its intravenous injection. We evaluated GFR using $^{99m}Tc$-DTPA in 57 people according to Gates method and compared with creatinine clearance. A good correlation was observed between creatinine clearance and GFR calculated by Gates' formula with an r value of 0.9(P<0.05). And also the relationship between parameters of $^{99m}Tc$-DTPA renal scan images and GFR was taken. They were significantly correlated with GFR calculated by Gates' formula : r value 0.66 between relative intensity of peak renal to peak aortic activity(pK/pA) and GFR, -0.42 between time between aortic and kidney peak(A-K) and GFR and -0.48 between parenchymal renal activity at 25 min compared to peak kidney activity(25K/pK) and GFR. In conclusion, the determination of GFR according to the Gates' formula shows good and reproducible of GFR with rapidity and simplicity. And the parameters from the renal scan images can use to estimate the renal function.

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Prediction of Transpiration Rate of Lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) in Plant Factory by Penman-Monteith Model (Penman-Monteith 모델에 의한 식물공장 내 상추(Lactuca sativa L.)의 증산량 예측)

  • Lee, June Woo;Eom, Jung Nam;Kang, Woo Hyun;Shin, Jong Hwa;Son, Jung Eek
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2013
  • In closed plant production system like plant factory, changes in environmental factors should be identified for conducting efficient environmental control as well as predicting energy consumption. Since high relative humidity (RH) is essential for crop production in the plant factory, transpiration is closely related with RH and should be quantified. In this study, four varieties of lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) were grown in a plant factory, and the leaf areas and transpiration rates of the plants according to DAT (day after transplanting) were measured. The coefficients of the simplified Penman-Monteith equation were calibrated in order to calculate the transpiration rate in the plant factory and the total amount of transpiration during cultivation period was predicted by simulation. The following model was used: $E_d=a*(1-e^{-k*LAI})*RAD_{in}+b*LAI*VPD_d$ (at daytime) and $E_n=b*LAI*VPD_n$ (at nighttime) for estimating transpiration of the lettuce in the plant factory. Leaf area and transpiration rate increased with DAT as exponential growth. Proportional relationship was obtained between leaf area and transpiration rate. Total amounts of transpiration of lettuces grown in plant factory could be obtained by the models with high $r^2$ values. The results indicated the simplified Penman-Monteith equation could be used to predict water requirements as well as heating and cooling loads required in plant factory system.

Which types of the strategies diffused to the public through company's announcement do contribute to the long-term performance? (공시된 경영전략의 유형별 장기실적 기여도 분석)

  • Kang, Won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2009
  • This article investigates which types of the strategies announced by the listed firms contribute to enhancing the long-term performance of the companies. Since 2002, Korean Exchange adopted the "faire disclosure policy" which mandates that all publicly traded companies must disclose material information to all investors at the same time. Thanks to the policy, Korean investors can, now, easily access the board's decision on management strategies on the same day the decision is made. If the companies trustfully carry out their announced strategies, we can decide which types of strategies actually enhance or deteriorate the long-term performance, simply by comparing the announced strategies and the firm's performance. The sample companies are confined to 60 firms that became listed in the KOSDAQ market through back-door listing from 2003 to 2005. Using only the newly listed companies, we can avoid the interference on the long-term performance of the strategies pursued before the event date. This often holds true, for many companies radically modify their strategies after the listing. Furthermore, the back-door listing companies serve our purpose better than IPO companies do, because the former tend to have a variety of announcement within a given period of time beginning the listing date. Using these sample companies, this article analyzes the effect on one year buy-and-hold returns and abnormal buy-and-hold returns after the listing of the various types of strategies announced during the same period of time. The results show that those evidences of restructuring such as 'reduction of capital' and 'resignation of incumbent board members', actually contribute to the increase in adjusted long-term stock returns. Those strategies which can be view as evidence of new investment such as 'increase in tangible assets', 'acquisition of other companies', do also helps the stockholders better off. On the contrary, 'increase in bank loans', 'changes of CEO' and 'merger' deteriorate the equity value. The last findings let us to presume that the back-door listing companies appear to use the bank loans for value-reducing activities; the change in CEO is not a sign of restructuring, but rather a sign of failure of the restructuring; another merger carried out after back-door listing itself is also value-reducing activity. This article's findings on reduction of capital, merger and bank loans oppose the results of the former empirical studies which analyze only the short-term effect on stock price. Therefore, more long-term performance studies on public disclosures are in order.

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A Study on the Improvement of the Existing Technology Valuation Solutions;focused on high technology based start-up company (현행 기술가치 평가모형의 개선 방안에 관한 연구;신기술 창업기업의 경우를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Tai-Shik;Min, Kyung-Se
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.93-120
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    • 2007
  • To promote the commercialization of high technology based start-up company, it is essential to activate technology trading for the Innovative Small & Medium companies which eager to acquire technology competitiveness through technology trading and facilitate financial system which provide Small & Medium companies with technology commercialization money. This study focus on enhancing credibility of technology valuation solutions through the improvement of the existing technology valuation solutions. The existing technology valuation solutions in practice have deficiency in reasonable valuation because of subjective technology factor's calculation. And the commercialization risk of high technology based start-up companies cannot be fully reflected in the existing valuation solutions. The high risk of technology commercialization acts as a hurdle in the facilitation of providing money for the start-up companies. The improved new model will have more acceptable objectivity and reasonably reflect the commercialization risk of start-up companies. The new model has two distinctive features compared to existing solutions. The new model newly adopts commercialization success factor which reflects the risk of high technology based start-up company. And the new model excludes technology factor which is controversial among interested parties. The exclusion of technology factor will improve the objectivity of technology valuation and the adoption of commercialization success factor will solicit investor and capitalist who concern the high risk of technology based start-up companies. In conclusion, the improved new model is expected to activate technology trading and facilitate the money market through which high technology based start-up companies raise commercialization money.

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The Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Performance, and the Moderating Effect of CEO's Transformational Leadership in Entrepreneurs' Cooperative (협동조합 조합원의 사내기업가정신이 재무적 성과와 사회적 성과에 미치는 효과 및 변혁적 리더십의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Seung-Il;Ahn, Kwan-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to review the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance, and the moderating effect of CEO's transformational leadership in entrepreneurs'cooperative. In order to verify and achieve the purposes mentioned above, questionnaire data were gathered and analysed from 215 employees of entrepreneurs'cooperative in Metropolitan and kangwon-do vicinity. Multiple regression and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were applied to test the proposed hypotheses: 1) the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship(innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness) and performance(sales volume, profit, employment), 2) the moderating effect of CEO's transformational leadership(charisma, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation) on the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance. Empirical survey's findings are as follows; First, risk-taking appeared to be positively related with sales volume, profit, and employment. Proactiveness appeared to be positively related with sales volume and profit. But innovativeness appeared not to be significantly related with sales volume, profit, and employment. Second, CEO's transformational leadership appeared to be related with financial performance(sales volume and profit), but not to be related with employment. Charisma and individual consideration moderated positively the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and financial performance(sales volume and profit). Intellectual stimulation moderated positively only the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and profit.

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Impact of Youth Entrepreneurial Competency on the Success and Satisfaction of Start-ups through Entrepreneurial Self-Efficiency (청년창업가역량이 창업자기효능감을 매개로 창업성공과 창업만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Su Heyong;Kang, Hee kyung;Lee, Dae Shik
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2020
  • The development of technology and the advent of a non-face-to-face society are expected to have a direct impact on job problems. In line with this phenomenon, the government and education and training institutions are coping with job problems through the start-up support policy while at the same time inducing the creation of innovative companies. In particular, youth start-up support can be expected not only to compensate for market failures, but also to promote high-growth start-ups. Based on this background of research, this study examined the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, their entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and their impact on success and satisfaction of start-ups. Based on the theoretical research, the research theory and research model were derived by setting entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a mediating variable after reviewing the relation between the main elements of start-up competency of young start-up entrepreneurs and start-up performance. The Youth Entrepreneurship Competency was divided into four categories: Entrepreneurial Competencies, Technical Competencies, Management Competencies, and Creative Competencies, and the hypothesis was that each had a significant impact on the start-up performance through the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. A survey was conducted on young entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s in Korea for empirical research, and the analysis results were as follows. First of all, the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses affects the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. There are differences in the competencies, and both technical and management competencies can be seen through the entrepreneurial self-efficacy to enhance the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. Entrepreneurial competency was fully mediated to start-up success and partially mediated to start-up satisfaction. In the case of creative competency, there were only direct effects on successful start-ups, and the satisfaction of start-ups showed partial mediating effects. Thus, seven of the eight detailed hypotheses were supported and one was rejected. Based on the above findings, the implications were presented.