In surgery to remove pancreatic cancer, it is important to figure out the shape of a patient's pancreas. However, previous studies have a limit to detect a pancreas automatically in abdominal CT images, because the pancreas varies in shape, size and location by patient. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method of learning various shapes of pancreas according to the patients and adjacent slices using Faster R-CNN based on Inception V2, and automatically detecting the pancreas from abdominal CT images. Model training and testing were performed using the NIH Pancreas-CT Dataset, and intensity normalization was applied to all data to improve pancreatic detection accuracy. Additionally, according to the shape of the pancreas, the test dataset was classified into top, middle, and bottom slices to evaluate the model's performance on each data. The results show that the top data's mAP@.50IoU achieved 91.7% and the bottom data's mAP@.50IoU achieved 95.4%, and the highest performance was the middle data's mAP@.50IoU, 98.5%. Thus, we have confirmed that the model can accurately detect the pancreas in CT images.