According to living environment, the number of deaths due to thyroid diseases increased. In this paper, we proposed an algorithm for recognizing a thyroid detection using texture analysis based on shape, gray level co-occurrence matrix and gray level run length matrix. First of all, we segmented the region of interest (ROI) using active contour model algorithm. Then, we applied a total of 18 features (5 first order descriptors, 10 Gray level co-occurrence matrix features(GLCM), 2 Gray level run length matrix features and shape feature) to each thyroid region of interest. The extracted features are used as statistical analysis. Our results show that first order statistics (Skewness, Entropy, Energy, Smoothness), GLCM (Correlation, Contrast, Energy, Entropy, Difference variance, Difference Entropy, Homogeneity, Maximum Probability, Sum average, Sum entropy), GLRLM features and shape feature helped to distinguish thyroid benign and malignant. This algorithm will be helpful to diagnose of thyroid nodule on ultrasound images.