Multi-Valued Logic Device Technology; Overview, Status, and Its Future for Peta-Scale Information Density

  • Received : 2020.06.10
  • Accepted : 2020.06.10
  • Published : 2020.06.30


Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology is now facing a power scaling limit to increase integration density. Since 1970s, multi-valued logic (MVL) has been considered as promising alternative to resolve power scaling challenge for increasing information density up to peta-scale level by reducing the system complexity. Over the past several decades, however, a power-scalable and mass-producible MVL technology has been absent so that MVL circuit and system implementation have been delayed. Recently, compact MVL device researches incorporating multiple-switching characteristics in a single device such as 2D heterojunction-based negative-differential resistance (NDR)/transconductance (NDT) devices and quantum-dot/superlattices-based constant intermediate current have been actively performed. Meanwhile, wafer-scale, energy-efficient and variation-tolerant ternary-CMOS (T-CMOS) technology has been demonstrated through commercial foundry. In this review paper, an overview for MVL development history including recent studies will be presented. Then, the status and its future research direction of MVL technology will be discussed focusing on the T-CMOS technology for peta-scale information processing in semiconductor chip.



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