- Issue 26
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- Pages.205-228
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- 2008
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- 1226-7627(pISSN)
A study on the unconscious desire and 'lack' in poems of Kim Jong-sam
김종삼 시에 나타난 ‘결여’와 무의식적 욕망 연구
- 장동석 (홍익대학교)
- Published : 20080000
Most of Kim Jong-sam’s poems have an aesthetic structure with unconscious desire revealed. This article lightens the essence of Kim Jong-sam’s poems with a psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. This article explains the feature of aspect of unconsciousness shown in Kim Jong-sam’s poems as "lack", "fantasy" and "repetition." The reason of going away in Kim Jong-sam’s poems can be found in "lack" remained as an empty place in the symbolic. Opened half but closed half at the same time, in other words, being lack let the persona of Kim Jong-sam's poems go into a journey of desire toward the real, "the world behind the door." However, ‘the world behind the door’ implemented in Kim Jong-sam’s poems were only possible in fantasy because it was impossible for the subject of the symbolic to meet the real directly. The fantasy is meaningful as replacement made by the desire toward the real of persona who can’t meet the real directly in Kim Jong-sam’s poems. In this, the fantasy assumes a part of lack. Thus the persona repeats its journey toward the world behind the door recognizing its lack when the world behind the door is implemented as fantasy. This journey is circulated repeatedly around the "lack," not as dialectical and causational journey. It is described with the word "again." Here, the persona of Kim Jong-sam’s poems is a man with sense of ‘ignorance’, not knowing the ways to solve the "lack." And the things derived from these features are the problems such as an incomplete structure of statement, fantasy and absence exposed in Kim Jong-sam’s poems.